Today was the one year anniversary of Joe’s passing. While today wasn’t easy on me, it wasn’t overly difficult either. Joe has his ways of…
I haven’t done anything in a ‘timely manor’ for the last couple of days so putting up the March theme on the 4th just doesn’t…
Comments are fixed, I don’t have to reinstall like I thought I was…thank god.
For some reason, literally overnight, my comments table in the database is majorly fucked up. I’m in the process of working on this so hopefully…
I’m not really that big on pictures but there are just some times when you have to give some kind of visual proof to what…
I told myself, and the boyfriend, that I’d be in bed by 4am so I needed to get my ass in gear on finalizing some…
I probably should have posted on the 1st when the template went up but I honestly just wasn’t in the mood. It’s been a pretty…
It took me a little while but I’ve got myself setup with WordPress 2.1 now. I originally had WordPress installed manually so I had to…
I’m not quite sure why but whenever I’m at the boyfriends house (and I’m supposed to be relaxing) I always find myself wanting to clean…
Things have been going pretty well for the last few days. The new computer arrived (in full) on Thursday. XP was installed and the ram…
I’ve been pretty busy for the last few days. I did want to update earlier but ehh…shit happens, right? I’m waiting (almost too patiently at…
We’re currently three days into the New Year and I’ve been more productive than I thought I would be. I’m balancing four fairly large accounts…
Had a root canal, broke the bank going Christmas shopping. Fun week.
I’m doing loads of Christmas Shopping and boy is it taking it’s toll on me!