Archive for the ‘Stressed’ Category

Losing creativity

Saturday, May 26th, 2007

I don’t like feeling stumped. I’m working on setting up a template for a client and there’s only so much I can do to avoid having the template look so – generic – I hate that feeling. I like to try to make things look different or unique but when you’re lacking creativity – it’s pretty hard to do that.

I’ve been surfing around the internet for template ideas, I’m also going through a few books to maybe come up with something different as well. I own a few ‘how-to scrapbook’ – ‘how-to design’ kind of books. It’s not all internet based, it’s more hobby kind of books but they house some very bold colors and interesting page layouts. I’m trying to think ‘out of the box’ and considering a majority of the templates online are squared, I just want to come up with something kind of different. Even with bold round layouts that’s kind of generic these days.

Maybe if I keep looking I’ll finally come up with something, who knows.

Can’t Concentrate for S#!*

Friday, May 25th, 2007

I didn’t really want to but I wound up falling asleep after I posted earlier this afternoon. The Midol took it’s toll on me and I wound up crashing for around 4 hours. Because of this, unfortunately, I’m certain I’ll be awake a lot longer than I planned tonight. Maybe I’ll get lucky and get in bed around 3AM but I’m still a few hours behind on work at the moment so I assume that’s not going to happen. I’m very out of it today, I feel almost like a zombie. I randomly just start staring into space and I’m beyond exhausted at the moment so I hope I’m able to kick these feelings soon because it’s more than likely going to screw up my weekend.

I still have some emails and what-not to go through. I guess I should get that taken care of, maybe I can get my concentration in order.


Thursday, May 24th, 2007

I woke up around 11 this morning after approximately 5 hours of sleep. Unfortunately Baby was having trouble breathing through his nose so it made it difficult for me to get any sleep with him honking away. My stomach is cramped up like no tomorrow and the only thing that the Midol is doing for me is putting me to sleep. This makes it very difficult for me to get any work done consider my eyes continue to close on me.

Bella is being extra clingy today for some reason and I honestly have no idea why. She won’t get off my lap and it’s making it difficult for me to getting things done as well. My arm is close to falling asleep because of the pressure she’s putting on it, part of me wonders if taking a nap would really be worth it. My entire body wants to go to sleep anyway, maybe I should listen to it?

I made lunch a little while ago, home made pizza. It turned out pretty good. I didn’t eat much of it because of how my stomach has been feeling but I enjoyed my portion. Food Lion has a 10 for $10 deal going on right now and I picked up some of those “Take & Bake” loafs of bread. You throw them in the oven at 400?Ǭ?F for about 12 minutes and they cook up almost as good as regular fresh baked French bread.

I haven’t gotten much work done today. I did get quite a bit of emails processed though it’s just the sake of actually working on the important things that’s got me on edge. I can’t keep my eyes open either so that certainly doesn’t help. There’s got to be something I can do that doesn’t require taking a nap.

Having a bit of trouble…

Thursday, May 24th, 2007

I’ve been looking at the screen for so long that now I’m to the point of having trouble seeing. I’m no where near where I need to be, so going to sleep seems like a downright bad idea. I just know that if I can get a few hours of rest maybe I can be more productive. I don’t know, it’s probably just me complaining for no reason.

Hopefully tomorrow I’ll have better luck with getting everything done. I did get a template out of the way for a client. I very quickly put the finishing touches on the June theme because I know for sure that I won’t have the time to do it when other projects start. There’s a little bit to do but it’s only about 15 minutes of work in total so I’m sure I can get that taken care of tomorrow morning after I wake up.

My stomach is still bothering me, only this time it’s not that something didn’t agree with me it’s the fact that I’m close to toppling over in pain from the cramps. Midol isn’t working, I’m tempted to take a vicodin but then I know for sure I’ll have to get some sleep and I’d rather not knock out for 12 hours. Hopefully 4-5 hours will be the ticket, it’s what I’ve basically been doing anyway.

Baby’s in the office playing Halo3, he’s been working his ass off for the last few days because his mother’s birthday is coming up and he wants to get her a somewhat pricey gift so he’s knocking projects out as quickly as possible just to get all of that taken care of. He’s also sick as a dog so that isn’t helping much either, poor thing can barely breath but he’s getting shit done and I guess that’s all that matters.

In any event, I think I’m going to write-up tomorrow’s To-Do list and sign off for the night so I can get some sleep. My eyes kind of just crossed on each other and I really, REALLY hate when that happens!

A little overwhelming…

Thursday, May 24th, 2007

I’m feeling a little overwhelmed with work at the moment. I brought it all on myself, in the end, but that doesn’t make it any less stressful. A few days ago I went on a bidding spree with a few freelance sites and I’m not quite sure how it happened but I’ve managed to win 12 out of 15 of the bids. Each user wants me to start immediately. : deep breath :

A lot of it is blog templates, some of which I already have created I just need to change some things around graphically, this should take no time at all but when you’re dealing with people who are set on a schedule and you’re factoring in that all of these accounts need to be done before the end of next week it can really put a damper on my weekend plans.

I have a blog template to knock out tonight before I go to bed. I’m going to have another four to work on sometime over the course of the next two days. I have to email back someone who needs a quote on a PHP script and someone emailed me asking about advertising space so I need to come up with a quote for that too. While I fully admit that my blog is for more monetary than personal reasons, I’m not sure if I’m willing to place large 100-200 word ads on the sidebar. I’ll have to really think about it, then come up with a quote and go from there.

In the end, however, even if I don’t do that advertising my monthly income will be double what it’s been in the past and this can only mean something bad is going to pop up sometime in the very near future because I’ll obviously need the money to take care of it. It’s typically how the universe balances itself out.

I guess I should get my ass in gear. I think I’m going to have to steal my dry erase board from baby so I can keep track of everything. Heh.