It’s a little after 4:30 and I’m starting to wonder why I’m still awake. I’ve made the attempt at laying down and crashing for the night but there’s so much going on in my head that coming back to the office to figure it all out was just the only route to take. I wrote up my to-do list for the week, I’ve cleaned off my desk in anticipation for my new monitor, I even wound up heading into the kitchen and putting some dishes away just because they were in the sink and bothering the crap out of me.
On the top of my to-do list is accomplishing a September template, I may wind up just changing the color scheme of this one though. I actually like it too much to archive it so I’ll break my own ‘rules’ and leave it up for a while. When someone says “September” what colors pop out at you? And Di if you say “school bus yellow” I’ll head up to NY and smack you with a trout. I was thinking reds/oranges but that’s more of an October thing. I have no idea what the birthstone color is for September either, however I’m sure that can easily be found out through a quick Google search. I’m just too lazy to do it. Sapphire, that works out for me considering I was thinking blue anyway.
The meds are just kicking my ass, that’s really the only thing I can say that would explain the funk. Dreams are really messed up, my stomach is always bothering me because of whatever reaction the antibiotics are having on it, and to top that off I just don’t have the drive to do much of anything, even a well-written to-do list can’t keep me focused, usually that was the case.
I know I’m lacking creativity, on top of that I’m sure I just need a vacation because I haven’t really gone anywhere in quite some time. Sean and I have been unable to get down to the beach thanks to all of the Benny’s, and usually it’s the Ocean that sparks some kind of energy in me, and I’m not sure why either. I guess I’ll just have to wait until after Labor Day for things to get back to normal. It’s not like we could walk around on the beach anyway, his knee has been bothering him and my back isn’t doing to great at the moment either. I tried some more of that Freeze-It stuff, but it only works for like 10 minutes on me. I’ve also been in pain for years and even hefty muscle relaxers never did the trick…all I did was wind up sleeping too much.
It just sucks…I don’t know.