Archive for the ‘Sitely’ Category


Thursday, April 26th, 2007

Things may look a little strange for a while, I’m creating individual template pages for my categories. I’ve already got two done, I figured it’s only fair to remove the PPP links from entries that aren’t related to PPP. Hopefully I can find a hack that won’t display them on the main page, but I guess that doesn’t matter much by the time I’ve completed everything.

I’ll have an actual life update soon, I know I’ve been sponsored-posting all day long today. It’ll pay off in the end, I know for sure.

Ticked Off.

Tuesday, April 24th, 2007

I don’t really understand why but MySQL is messing up more than usual lately. It seems like every other time I load my site, the Localhost is down. I’m really considering moving my personal site to another company, this is getting beyond absurd. I’m spending over $100 a month with this company and my site is constantly going down.

I don’t like going outside of my comfort zone (current servers) but I’m looking for outside help at this point. I need a fairly cheap reseller account (need hosting on about 6 domains, would be using the most bandwidth), not looking to spend more than $15 a month…any recommendations?

Bloggers Choice Awards

Monday, April 23rd, 2007

Bloggers Choice Awards Some of you may or may not be aware of the bloggers choice awards. I’m listed for: Best Blog Design, Best Geek Blog, Best Gossip Blog and Most Obnoxious Blogger. Anyone who’s known me for a while knows that I pretty much fit into at least one of those categories, based on how you know me I’m sure you can make that choice for yourself. If you’re at all interested in helping me to win, register for and vote for me.

BCAAfter doing a sweep of the design nominees, I have to say that I’m a bit….ehh….about it. At least 80% of the websites listed in the Best Blog Design category have either pre-made templates or default templates that can easily be found by the initial activation of WordPress or even a account. There are very few templates in there that are actually MADE by the owners of the websites so if you want to keep real designers on top, make it a point to vote in this section. I’d prefer if you voted for me but if you happen to come across a better weblog template then I won’t be TOO offended.

So if you’re interested in voting, sign up today. It’s free, and no this isn’t a sponsored post…I just like winning things 🙂

Beautiful Day!

Wednesday, March 28th, 2007

Baby and I enjoyed our time at the beach. We got there around 4 when the tide was rolling in. There were a lot more people there than I would have thought for a Tuesday afternoon. Everyone was walking the boardwalk with their dogs, couples were slowly cruising the boardwalk barefoot and holding hands, the kind of romantic shit that will make anyone who isn’t in a relationship want to hurl.

We spent some time on the sand but with how my hip has been feeling lately, it wasn’t easy for me to walk. We moved to the boardwalk and just hung around for a few hours. We had a hot dog, shared a soda, watched the waves and just talked for a while. All-in-all it was a damn nice day.

I’ve been working my ass off for the last few hours on getting all of my billing up to date. There’s about $600 owed to me and in some cases I have no idea where it’s even coming from. I lost all of my early 2006 billing when my computer crashed last June so I have no idea where anything is. I’ve had to cross check all of the dates in my control panel with all of the dates in Paypal and then go through paperwork in order to even figure out the non-internet based payments. It’s such a bitch and I’m happy it’s over.

I’m very close to finishing my April theme. It took me quite some time to tweak everything correctly. Things would work great in Mozilla, Safari and IE6 but then loading them in IE7 a whole list of problems showed up. I’ve been able to correct them all and now I’m working on getting the content up and running. Hopefully I’ll have all of that done over the course of the next couple of days. The only big issue with the template, at this point, is the fact that my coloring looks great on my laptop but it looks like complete shit on baby’s desktop.

So this is when I ask you, the loverly guest of mine, to take a look at the color swatch above. Does it show up as a peachy color to you, or does it show up as a muted neon yellow. Comment and let me know, at this point it’s more than extremely important. The hex for the color is #FFFDB3, it shoud look like a pale peach…unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be working that way for everyone…your input would be greatly appreciated. I’ll give you a cookie!

I’m off to get some more stuff done.


Monday, March 19th, 2007

I don’t normally get excited when it comes to working on new themes for I guess it’s because I’m up before the sun today, who knows, but after doing some surfing on the ‘net, as well as some bidding on projects for some much needed cash…I found myself drooling over about 6 different templates for my April theme. If I merge them all just right it’s safe to say that it’ll be the kick-ass one I’ve been waiting on. Too bad my brain couldn’t come up with it sooner.

My reason for being up so early is because in about two hours I’m heading to Lewes, DE so the three of us (Baby and his mom) can hop on the ferry and head up to New Jersey for the day. His mom is buying a car and we’re kind of tagging along, should be a fun day. I don’t know how Bella is going to do being locked in a bed room for 12 hours but I’m sure she’ll manage. As long as she has some food and fresh water, plus a bone or two to chew on, I have no doubt in my mind that she’ll be able to handle it.

In any event, I need to get my ass in gear. Ive got that “just woke up frumpy” feeling that I need to kick. I really need to get some kind of work coming in so I can head over to like K-Mart or Wal-Mart or something and get some PJ’s, I’m getting kind of sick of wearing jeans to bed. Maybe I should go to NY to pick up my clothes…too much effort though – lol.

Enjoy your day all!

Happy March!

Sunday, March 4th, 2007

I haven’t done anything in a ‘timely manor’ for the last couple of days so putting up the March theme on the 4th just doesn’t seem like such a big deal to me. I’ve been busy doing other things.

My foot is healing, but as a trade off I still can’t put it flat on the floor and I’m getting frequent migraines with my period (never happened before), so I’m basically falling apart.

I’m dreading going back to NY, I told my father I’d be home next weekend. I seriously don’t want to go back at all but if I’m going to move down here (completely) I’m going to have to go home to pick up my shit anyway. I just don’t want to be up there for more than a week, honestly. I’m done with the state and about 90% of the people in it. The important ones that are worthy of my keeping in touch with, family, close friends, etc obviously aren’t of much concern. There’s just a lot of bad memories and shitty people in my life that I’d like gone, so – this is my step in doing that.

According to my father, my diploma showed up on Tuesday so I’m officially done with Stratford and can now continue to move forward with other studies. I’m happy about it, and I guess that’s all that matters.

I’m still waiting on a few clients to pay me, I love how people disapear when the bill has been sent. Gotta love business these days.

Baby surprised me last night. We went to Wal-Mart to buy a BBQ because it’s getting warmer and anyone living in a beach community would know the importance of a gas grill. After we picked up a heafty grill and threw it into the cart, he decided to take his usual detour in the electronics department. He originally was looking for a game I saw on G4 the other day called “Bullet Witch”, It’s an XBox360 game and while I’m not a gamer, I’m getting used to the controller playing Hexic (for a few hours a day lately) so he was going to buy it for me (complete surprise!). They didn’t have it though, which is fine because I wasn’t dead set on getting it, I figured I’d buy it for myself a few weeks down the road. He then looked at the DS games and said “Pick One”, my eye went straight to Super Mario Brothers, but it was like $35 so I said, “Nope”. I then saw “Big Brain Academy” for $19, obviously this is the one I chose. I didn’t expect him to buy it for me, let alone BOTH of them. So my DS now has four games. I owe him big, just not sure how to go about it.

In any event, I have to finish email checks and send out some more bills.

I don’t know when I’ll be around again. The 7th is coming up pretty quickly and I’ve been kind of out of it. This year has gone by so fast. My entire life has literally done a complete 180?Ǭ? and I think my body is finally catching up to it so things have been really…blah…lately, if you know what I mean.


Monday, February 26th, 2007

Comments are fixed, I don’t have to reinstall like I thought I was…thank god.


Monday, February 26th, 2007

For some reason, literally overnight, my comments table in the database is majorly fucked up. I’m in the process of working on this so hopefully things will be back to normal sometime in the next 24-48 hours. If I happen to have to reinstall WordPress I’ve already backed up the database. I could seriously care less about the comments being saved. The most important thing to me is the entries, considering everything in the last year about Joe is really important to me.

I’m sure I’ll have an update sooner or later.


Wednesday, January 24th, 2007

It took me a little while but I’ve got myself setup with WordPress 2.1 now. I originally had WordPress installed manually so I had to install WP2.1 via Fantastico and then move the database over. It took about a half hour to get everything straight but now I’m content with where it all is now. If any of you reading this are on my server, Fantastico now has version 2.1 for WordPress…Tony upgraded this morning for me.

It’s been a busy day. Baby made me breakfast and while I was cleaning up the mess he made in the kitchen…he finally got around to hanging up all his clothes. In about an hour I’ll head into his office and make him clean the rest of his room so we can hang up his pictures and what not. I have to pack tonight because I’m going home tomorrow, it’ll be a LONG drive. I’ll be back here in two weeks. I think I’m going to wind up leaving some shit here…it makes for lighter packing the next trip down.

Bella’s been extra obnoxious the last couple of days. Her new thing now is climbing into the book case and chilling out. She’s also grown acustomed to hopping up on the dinning room table and sitting there so she’s semi eye-level with everyone. Kind of absurd but that’s Bella…right?

I have some work to do so I’m going to head off. If any comments were lost in the last hour, I apologize. They may have written to the old database and not the new one. I was tempted to just remove WordPress all together and then start fresh but after the last year I really didn’t want to lose those archives of Joe…you know?

I’m off…later gators.

Happy October!

Sunday, October 1st, 2006

If you didn’t already notice, there’s a new theme up on The white swirley things at the top were based on a desktop I got off the rest was Photoshop. The ‘hill’ type layers were completely ripped off of Jackie but that’s because I envy her graphic work. I wanted to do a three column theme for a little while now, I just wasn’t sure how I was going to go about playing it out…I’m happy with it though, I guess that’s all that matters.

I had a fairly busy day. I took my AC out of the window, did a small rearrange with my room, organized my desk (again) and then cleaned up the rest of the house so that there wasn’t just one room that was uber clean. I typed up a scholarship essay that I hand-wrote over the week and sent that in and now I just finished up putting the final touches on this theme so yea, I guess I can say I did some shit heh.

For now I’m watching Law & Order: CI on USA and when this gets beyond boring I think I’m just going to call up the boyfriend and yap with him for a few hours.

I have some work coming my way so I’ll be able to reach my tuition goal a lot quicker. It’s my main goal to save up about $8,000 to get every purchase I want to make out of the way but for now the goal has dropped to $900 so that I can enroll in Penn Foster, that will cover the first semester so we’ll see how quick I can save that up.

My birthday is coming up in a few weeks, I’m going to take a week vacation with the boyfriend and then at the end of the month I’m going up to Mohegan Sun with Dad (and maybe my aunt) for a day. I’m only bringing like $300 up with me. Some people go crazy and save up like $1500-$2000 just to go to a casino. I’m sorry but I see no point in setting aside $1500 that you may not even come home with. Even if I had like $20,000 in the bank, $1,500 is still a big enough chunk for me to say “Nuh uh”. I figure $300-$350 is fine. It’s already saved up and put away so I guess that’s all that matters. I should be bringing in about $1400 profit this month and that’s always a good thing. That’s what…$350 a week? Not too bad considering I’ve changed my hours around. I’m only doing about 10 hours a day instead of my previous 18-20, I’ve been catching up on sleep lol.

In any event, if you can read this it’s officially 12AM here on Long Island and I’m most likely on the phone with the boyfriend.

Night all!


Thursday, August 3rd, 2006

So it’s about 6am and I’m still awake. For some reason, the last few hours have been spent working on a better theme here for I was busy with clients all day so having some time for myself to get some things done just felt right. I’m content with this theme, I truly hated the previous one. If you see any errors as far as the CSS goes, just comment or email me and let me know.

I’m beat beyond words but unable to fall asleep. I watched the sun rise this morning and I realized that I haven’t been up this late in a very long time. Lately I’ve found myself crashing around 3:30-4:00; which was reasonable considering I used to crash around 8:00. Maybe I’ll get lucky and actually begin to fall asleep before I’m done posting here.

I picked up 3 BIG jobs this afternoon that have me very content with things. I haven’t truly been this content with life in quite a long time. Things are finally running smoothly and it’s a great feeling. The only recent downside would be the heat wave hitting the area. I can’t wait until a big storm comes through and knocks the temperature down. We’re ‘scheduled’ to have one sometime later this afternoon. I really hope it’s powerful enough to just drench everything and cool things down.

Minus all the decent things going on, I’m still a little annoyed with the world around me. Lately it seems as though everyone knows what’s best for me, even though they have no idea about the situation itself. I’m not going to go too far into details because it’s truly no one’s business but mine. But all I can really say is that I wish people would just lay off. I know what’s going on in my life and would appreciate it if it could remain that way. I’m very annoyed with people who assume they know everything when in reality…they know absolutely nothing. I’m even more annoyed with those who are convinced it has something to do with them when it really has nothing to do with them. It’s one thing to stand up for a friend, it’s quite another to think that you’re doing something good when you’re only using my problems for your own agenda…and that’s all I’m going to say. This isn’t meant for any situation in specific…unfortunately I have like 3 of them going on right now and it just has me ticked off beyond all hell.

In any event, it’s 5 to 6:00 and I think it’s time to lay down and crash. My AC is working properly so it’ll be nice to sleep in my own bed and not sweat my ass off.

Good night all.


Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006

I know it took me an extra day but I’ve been kind of busy. I put up the August theme. Now, I don’t like it but I was getting sick of the July theme so I figured I’d do something to fix that. So here’s my POS and maybe I’ll come up with something different when I have some free time.

I’ve been working a lot for the last few weeks. Quite a few clients have come in now that I’ve slashed 50% off my pricing. I’ve also won a few bids on GAF so that’s helping out quite a bit. Something to be happy about of course. Bills are basically paid and things are beginning to look up. I’ll bring in around $800 after bills this month. This should all be good for the next few weeks until school gets back in session – that’s when places around here will begin hiring again. Most of them are booked because of their “overstock of employee’s” as one manager said. Starting in September, the bulk of the kids will be going back to school so positions will open up and tootles to the ‘net for me. Yea, I’ll still do templates and the hosting but I just won’t have it full time anymore.

I’ve been thinking about it for a while so it was bound to happen at some point. My life offline has changed drastically over the last 5 months and it’s just time to start picking up and moving on. So far it’s working, it can only get better from here so I guess that’s all that matters.

My desktop is basically dead, and since I haven’t been using it anyway…I gave it away and just took out the hard drive. It’s basically being scrapped for parts right now, and that’s honestly all it’s worth at this point. There’s an external hard drive enclosure that I can buy for like $30 at Microcenter. I plug my internal hard drive into it, and hook it up to the laptop via USB and I can regain access to all of my files. I have a few databases on there for clients and I have other things on there that I need to get my hands on because of work and what not, so it’s definitely worth the $30 investment considering it’s a business expense. It’s cheaper than going out and buying a new desktop. And this way I can basically just have EVERYTHING with me no matter where I go, so that’s all that matters.

The heat wave hitting the Northeast right now has really had me in a bad mood – all day long. Temperatures soared around the 110° (43°C) mark when humidity and everything else was factored in. Tomorrow it’s going to basically be the same way. My air conditioner has been acting up so I spent the last few days in the living room. I wound up sleeping out here last night because I just couldn’t take it anymore. I have no intent of buying a new AC though. It does the job, just not to the degree that I’d prefer.

I’m in love with cold weather. Anything under 35°F (1°C) makes me a happy girl. I basically wear shorts during the winter. Thing is, as long as my feet are warm, I’m fine. So in the summer when we get into the high marks it really bothers the shit out of me. My AC usually runs the room around 65°-70°F (18°-21°C) which makes me very happy. I can just curl up in bed and I’m completely comfortable. Right now the AC isn’t even getting me under the 90° (32°C) mark in my room so it’s driving me crazy, I’ve basically moved into the living room just to have some ounce of comfort. Which is probably why I’ve been so short with people lately. Then again, thanks to a recent idiot talking shit about things that don’t concern him – I’m obviously agitated for a reason.

I’m going to head off though. I have to get my pillow so I can lay down and crash. I’ve been looking at this screen for 12 hours and if I sit here any longer my eyes are going to pop out of my head.

Later gators.

Move complete.

Monday, July 10th, 2006

If you are currently reading this then you’ll be happy to know that is moved successfully to its new server. In moving around accounts, I decided to move off main AGn-Solutions server (venus) and setup a reseller account on another server. Everything is still based, it’s just moved around a bit.

I’m still sick and running on practically no sleep. I’m at my aunts house right now and I’m not really enjoying myself. The Air Conditioner is broken and it’s like 90* outside. I had the AC in my uncles room on but now he’s got the door closed so there’s no air moving through the house at all. The one in the living room is on it’s last leg. It sounds like a car that’s out of gas. It keeps cranking and cranking and cranking but won’t turn over. It’s either out of Freeon or it’s just going to die in general. It’s 20 years old so you could expect for that to happen I guess. Either way it’s making me miserable.

I didn’t get to sleep until about 430 this morning then my uncle was walking around at 6:30AM and never picks up his damn feet when it walks so his slippers were making all kinds of noise. My aunts friend stayed here last night, she’s not as noisey as my uncle but people walking around in the same room when I’m trying to sleep just aggitates me. I was on the couch sweating my ass off. I woke up to take a shower, one of three. It kind of sucks but nothing I can really do about it. I don’t know how to fix an air conditioner.

My throat is acting up so I think I’m gonna lay down. I swear, I take air conditioning for granted. I usually have it blasting wherever I am. I’m about to curl up in my aunts room, even though her friend has kind of taken it over, but there IS air conditioning in there and I just see it as the only option at the moment – unfortunately.

Happy July!

Saturday, July 1st, 2006

As you can probably already tell, there’s a new theme here on I change them around once a month so this one will obviously be around until the end of July. Something about how the colors mixed well together gave me enough of an excuse to call it a summer theme. And, this is something I’m happy about. I put a quite a bit of work into it as far as coloring and everything else goes, so I’m happy with it. If you happen to run it through a style sheet, you’ll see that unlike those on the ‘net who swear their ‘elite’ I actually have valid CSS2 code to back it up. Jealous are we? I think so too.

Work related
Work has been kind of slow for the last few days. It’s mainly a wordpress theme here, validation there, nothing major. No big jobs have come in, as of yet. I’ve put in a bid for a few jobs that are in the $3k range, but who knows what will happen there. I spent today putting the final touches on this theme and plugging RSS feeds into Trillian. So now I basically don’t even have to go to websites anymore, I can just read the feed and decide whether or not I want to see the rest of the entry.

Feed me!
Someone brought Feedburner to my attention this week. They saw it on someone’s site and thought I’d be interested. I played around with it a little but no one subscribes to my feeds so it’s really not worth it. I know that Stacey does through her LiveJournal account, but that’s just about it, as far as I know. It’s no big deal though.

Dreams = Money
Mega million drawings are tonight, like every Tuesday and Friday evening. I spent $10 on tickets, nothing too extreme. The pot is up to $12mil. If I would have won on Tuesday, instead of someone in Ohio, it would have been $26mil. It got me to thinking though. At this point, living in NY with $12mil won’t get you very far. Sure, it’ll get you a decent sized house but taxes around here are beyond extreme and it’s just not worth wasting the money. So, I’m thinking about Maine. I’ve seen listings up there where you can get 8 acres of land for like $120k. On Long Island there isn’t 8 acres to spare, and if there is it’d run a couple million…at least. So in my little dream world, since I have nothing else to do. I’ve been thinking about everything I’ve always wanted when it comes to owning my own home.

A huge kitchen with lots of space, an indoor pool because in Maine the highest average for summer temperatures is like 79°, a big master bedroom, a ‘game room’ with pool table, dart board and of course…a bar. I’ve been looking around Google for pictures and what not and I’ve come across some really nice setups that I would absolutely LOVE to have, so I saved them to keep in my ‘dream’ folder in case something like this is actually a reality some day. The house itself wouldn’t have to be huge, I’m not looking for something like that. Everything I want can fit into something that’s like 2000-2500 sqft. Which may seem large, but when you break it down that the whole back end of the house is going to be a pool/jacuzzi and patio area, it really isn’t that large.

Back to reality…
I’m still waiting on Freepay to process my order for the digital camera. They said 7-10 business days so I’m sure by next Wednesday I’ll actually know what’s going on there. I’m excited either way, I can’t wait to go back to taking pictures again. Right now, since my digital doesn’t have a working flash, I’ve had to have pictures either taken outside during the day, or every light on in the room just to make sure it’s bright enough….which is very annoying so the change will be nice.

I thought my aunts trip was going to be longer than it actually is. I’ll only be at her house from Friday the 7th, to Tuesday the 11th. It’s still not too bad though, I get to relax in a nice quiet house for a few days without having to listen to all of the idiots who linger around on my block during the day. I can sit outside in the back yard and soak up the sun. I don’t have to worry about waking up to walk the dog so I can sit back and relax.

Purple isn?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢t pretty
I’ve been nursing a broken/sprained toe since Tuesday night. We have a block up in front of Dad’s door to keep the dog out of there. A baby gate you can call it (even though it’s just a folding chair). I went in his room on Tuesday night to turn his AC on so that when he got back from Atlantic City he wasn’t walking into a sauna. On my way out the door, I hooked my pinkie toe on the chair and I felt it pop. The chair itself then dropped on my foot in the process. Right now it’s a gorgeous shade of purple and walking is just not something I’m happy about.

When I walk the dog in the morning, I usually just slip on the mules and head down stairs. The mistake I’ve made is when you’re wearing shoes that are slip-ons, you tend to grip with your toes to keep them on. I realized this after I was waddling half way down the stairs the following morning. Bella, as usual, wanted to take off and run but I couldn’t bounce like that, so she damn near hung her self because she took off like a shot while I was still taking my time getting down stairs. Needless to say, I’ve had everyone else walking the dog just so I don’t have to deal with the pain. I’m sure my foot will heal up at some point, but right now I just wish the pain would go away.

I’ve cut back on smoking, quite a bit. I used to go to about a pack a day (20 cigs) and now I’m down to 5. Considering how much I smoke, this is a HUGE deal. It’s my goal to completely quit by the end of July. It’s not going to be pretty but I really just don’t want to smoke anymore. Quitting cold turkey is impossible for me, I’ve tried it before. I’ve found that the method that works is cutting back one cig each day. So, by the time July 20th rolls around, I should be good on just one cig a day. Then I’ll break it down to one cig every other day, and so on and so forth until they’re completely gone. This will mean an extra $30 in my pocket every week to use on more important things. Like…I don’t know….strippers and prostitutes lol.

In any event, I’m going to head off. I’m going to have my last cig for the day, curl up in bed and watch some TV.

Unfortunate Hiatus

Friday, June 9th, 2006

I sent my laptop into HP to get it fixed. I figured I’d just be able to move to my desktop to get some work done there. However, my desktop isn’t turning on. It won’t even load up to the BIOS so I’m going to be with out a computer for about 10 days. I’ll randomly check my email when I can get the chance to be on the living room computer but I will be unable to do any work until my laptop has come back, unless I can get my desktop actually working for me.

This is basically my official notice to clients because I’m unable to access my outlook express to get any email addresses. If you need me, email I should probably be checking that about once a day. After that, there’s nothing I can really do.

I didn’t want to go on a hiatus from things, but I guess 10 days of no work won’t be such a bad deal. I won’t have any money coming in but there’s nothing I can do there I guess.

I’ll talk to everyone soon.


Thursday, June 1st, 2006

I’m in total heaven right now. There’s a huge storm pulling in. The lightening has been flashing excessively for the last half hour and it’s booming like no tomorrow. Based on the weather reports it’s going to be pretty nasty for the next couple of hours. I’m pumped because I usually LOVE storms like this. I was outside in the rain for a little while. I’m seriously just a big kid at heart lol. I love looking over and seeing the sky light up. The cloud must be right over my house because it booms almost instantly.

I’m also happy because I’ve FINALLY gotten a new banner program up for the 468×60 rotation. I’m really not sure why but the old one wasn’t going through the links correctly. Thankfully this one is now. I had to use an iFrame though, because the javascript file wouldn’t load properly but I really don’t care at this point as long as it loads that’s all I care about. My site still validates so that’s all that matters. I got a few emails from advertisers wondering why their links weren’t showing up properly. I’ve emailed them all back though. I went through about 200 scripts before I could get Ledads to work properly. :whew: Third time is definitely a charm!

I’m totally abusing my wireless capabilities right now. The minute any small bit of a storm is rolling through I instantly shut down all computers in the house. My desktop is already fully unplugged from the wall and I skuttled in here quick to unplug the living room computer as well. I was hooked up to the ac-adapter all day so I can afford to be unplugged for a little while. We still have lights in the house but the surges are a pain in the ass because of the faulty wiring in the building so if anything I’ll lose my router in a little while. It doesn’t matter too much though because I’m almost done with this entry anyway.

I’ve got a big busy week ahead of me. I picked up a few clients so that’ll bring in a quick $400 for me by next week. That will go into savings and cover a few birthday gifts. My dad’s birthday is on the 26th, my sisters is on the 29th, so at the end of the month…cash will be tight. I’m not going all out like I usually do, I’m just not in the mood for that this year. I figure a $80 limit is more than resonable. My sister is turning 20 and Dad’s only going to be 57 so it’s not like it’s any ‘turn of the century’ kind of birthdays.

In any event, I’m gonna head off. Bella’s trying very hard to curl up in my lap because she’s scared of the storm and there’s a fairly interesting episode of Law & Order: CI on TV right now so I guess I’ll watch it.