Archive for the ‘Sitely’ Category

Been a few days…

Sunday, July 29th, 2007

With the amount of time I’ve spent online for the last few days I wanted to at least get around to posting something here instead of dealing with things every where else. I’m catching up on email, I completed a few things for other domains and clients and now I’m waiting patiently for Sean to get out of the shower so we can head out for the evening.

August 2007 Someone asked me about the color scheme for August, I figured I’d paste it up to share. Note that once the template is replaced for September’s, it’ll be setup under my the free wordpress templates, naturally there’s going to be a few alterations but I’m sure it’ll work out just fine as a free template anyway. Who doesn’t love Gray and Pink?

PS: Still working on returning comments, I have three domains worth to get through!

Things are finally starting to move!

Wednesday, July 25th, 2007

I’m not sure if anyone else heard about this yesterday but some drunken loony out in Cali decided to destroy a couple servers at a major data center that houses big-name sites/companies like Technorati, Six Apart, Netflix and CraigsList. This was before the huge power outage that they suffered as well so the last I heard there were a mob of people standing outside the building being very pissed off about the ‘breach of contract’ going on with the down time, guess they didn’t notice there wasn’t any power either – hm? I found the actual story itself on slashdot, a direct link to the article can be found here. I’m sure you’ll find some aspects of it both amusing and quite annoying – I know I did.

There were notifications up on a few of the sites that were experiencing downtime. I believe that Alexa (while it may not have been in this particular building) is also based out of SF and I know for a fact that they experienced some down time as well. This is why my site has been lagging for the last few days. And to think, I thought it was blogrolling being mean to me again (hrm…maybe they’re hosted on a server there too?).

My August theme is about 80% completed, I absolutely hate this blue monstrosity that I’ve got sitting up here and I made it a point to sit down and work on it this evening. It’s about 9am and I’m still awake. The template didn’t keep me up though, my eyes are crossing too much to even continue to move forward with it, it’s the fact that dinner was started at 5am (sauce needs to brew all day) and now I just have to give some things a quick stir before my head can hit the pillow.

I have a lot of work to do today, quite a few emails to get back to, and I need to make a phonecall to a dealership up in Jersey because we misplaced the ID number for our Sirius Satellite radio and now since I’m going to reactivate it for both car AND home use – obviously I’m going to need that number.

Long day, not enough hours – I’ll tell ya!

Way behind.

Friday, July 20th, 2007

I want to apologize to anyone who’s commented in the last few weeks. I know I haven’t returned the favor and that’s mainly because of how busy I’ve been. It’s my goal to get around to doing that this weekend, I have it written on my to-do list. I have about six pages to go through so I’ll be sure to get that taken care of as soon as possible.

I’m also behind on approving members for fanlistings/hatelistings PLUS there are over 200 pending sites for AGn Listings, I’ve also got that marked down on my list as well. I have some other more important things to take care of before I start approving members, this is why it’s fairly low on the weekend list. The commenters, however, are in the #2 spot so expect to hear something from me soon. Again, very sorry about it!

This has only come up because of a recent, rather nasty, email from someone who commented on my site a few times in the last week and went on to mention that I’m a ‘jack ass’ for not even bothering to go to hers. So, by default she won’t be visited but everyone else will. 🙂

Where does it all come from?

Tuesday, July 17th, 2007

A few people have asked me how I manage to maintain three blogs and never run out of anything to say. The real trick is that one, I have a creative streak going that never seems to end and two, I use not only my own resources (old entries to work off of, book topics, book ideas, music, etc) but I read other peoples blogs as well. I run a business and technology based blog on With all of the hype surrounding new technology these days it’s hard to run out of things to say there. I run my weight-loss blog over on, I’m spending every single day working on my diet from portion control to exercise so naturally I’m going to have a constant flow of topics there. Then there’s, it’s kind of my all-in-one blog. I blog about business, life, dieting, relationships and more.

If you just have one topic in your head then you can flow with it in so many different directions it’s unreal. I’m not the type of person that when something happens my first instict is to blog about it. While it may seem like it, I really don’t sit at my computer all day long, I just type very fast so it’s easy for me to get everything from my head to wordpress without wasting much time at all.

I’m still working on getting up and running, Sean has been slacking on programming the administration panel for me but he’s also working on his own stuff at the moment. I can’t interrupt his job just for a project site – you know? But the site is going to have everything from topic ideas to blog templates and even tips and tricks that have brought me to earn over $20,000 from my blog in the last year.

It’s not a spider, it’s unique!

Wednesday, July 11th, 2007

Quite a few people have told me that my unique hits throughout the day are nothing more than crawlers and spiders. I can honestly tell you that this is truly not the case at all. I have quite a few stat based programs setup on my domain and each program calculates the true statistics (ip address, referrals, etc) of every visitor that my domain receives. Only 8% of my daily visitors are crawler based. This means that 92% of my daily hits are, in fact, human. For every 100 visitors, 8 of them are bots; this goes on to mean that for every 1,000 visitors to my site (which is about half of my daily average) only 80 of them are bots.

So please, would you care to explain how advertisers and fellow bloggers alike can claim that true unique hits are nothing more than bots?

WordPress Plugin for Paid Blogging

Thursday, July 5th, 2007

Sean created a new plug-in that will more than likely help out many people looking to make the most out of paid posting, or just blogging in general. Most paid posting requires you to meet a minimum number of words before you can submit your post. Up until recently, however, the only Word Count hack available with WP 2.0+ only showed you the post count in the administration panel after you hit ‘submit’ or saved the draft and then went back to edit it later. This doesn’t help paid bloggers who have to work quickly, especially on PayPerPost, where offers are taken as quickly as they’re uploaded.

So he created a plug-in that’s WP 2.2 compliant called Leprakhauns Word Count which adds this real-time word count to your Write Post page in WordPress. It counts the true words in the entry, not the a href link attributes that can confuse most programs. You type your entry and hit “Calculate Words” and it doesn’t reload the page, it just shows up in the designated text area next to the button. I was using his original JavaScript one up until a few moments ago, now I’ve got the official plug-in itself tapped into there. I altered it a little bit for my own personal usage but that’s because I use a different administration panel theme for WordPress than the default that many people use.

Either way, if you’re an active paid poster and always having some trouble getting your numbers correct when submitting your post, this plug-in would more than likely be good for you.

Note: This hack will only work with WordPress 2.2. I’ve noticed when going back to edit a post that the calculate option doesn’t work but that could just be based on my own installation. Please report any problems with the script to Sean about that one.

Note #2: UPDATE! The hack has been fixed and should now work properly with all 2.2 installations. Entries may be a few words off depending on the fact if you’ve got hyphenated words in your entry. So right now figure I’m typing-up about ten words. Since the hyphen is between two words, it’s only listing it as 9. The script, at this moment, counts spaces between words. After that, however, it’s extremely accurate.

Do-Follow = GO AWAY!

Monday, July 2nd, 2007

While I still have absolutely no inspiration for anything, I’ve gone ahead and put the final touches on the July template. I wanted to just do a simple CSS template that wasn’t going to be much of a hassle and then I realized, my templates include about 15-20 template files based on all of the formatting I’ve done to specific pages. That’s all fine and dandy because for the most part, they’re already coded and I just have to change around some style tags here and there. I wasn’t, however, expecting the template itself to need 4 stylesheet files just so it wasn’t a 2,000 line long stylesheet. I don’t really like breaking things up like that but I guess my idea of simple is basically turning everything into complete and total chaos.

I still do have a lot of things to get done today but I would like to make a note to those whom are participants of this bull shit “Click & Comment Monday” crap. Please do not even bother to comment on my site unless you actually have something relevant to the entry to comment on. The bulk of you are coming from the do-follow blog roll and I have spoken to Tricia in the past and she does not appreciate those abusing the blogroll. I completely agree with her. The reason for the blog roll was so that do-follow bloggers can join together and read new and interesting sites. It doesn’t mean contribute a whole day to going down the list and posting the same bull shit comment on every site you visit just so you can gain hits to your site that basically has NOTHING interesting on it. I understand the point of PR, but don’t abuse it, you look like a fool.

If you’re a Click & Comment Monday visitor – don’t even bother clicking ‘Post a Response’, I’m banning every name, ip address, email address and website from here on in that comments having nothing to do with the entry itself.

Some of you may be wondering why this is such a big deal it’s ‘comments on your site‘, that’s not the case here. All comments are moderated due to idiots that just don’t seem to go away. So I have to moderate through 100+ comments every Monday from people going down the blogrolls. If I removed the moderation option than I would literally be plugging the people who know nothing more than the obnoxious and extremely rude way of getting back links. It’s not just the do-follow roll, it’s also the PPP Postie roll as well – and I’m not holding the owners of either one of these blog rolls responsible because they did not create the blog roll with the intent of having users be bombarded with spam comments.

Keeping myself busy … without much to do.

Monday, June 25th, 2007

I’ve been keeping myself busy by playing around with a few new templates for I’m waiting, rather patiently at this point, for Sean to get started on the back end so I can launch the site. It’s been over a month, it’s basically completed and I absolutely hate being delayed!

I was considering setting up WordPressMU on the site and offering blogs to users looking to get their hands on something different. However, I doubt that would take off to where I’d like it to go. With WordPress powering their own off spring of, and Typekey running both Movable Type and LifeJournal – there’s really no room for a smaller site coming up for more blogs to be thrown on. The problem really is that everyone and their mother has a blog and some people like to sign up on free blog sites just to hold onto the username. I think that sucks, honestly. I’d setup rules where if you don’t post at least 3 entries within the first month – you’re booted and lose the name. I know personal issues can get in the way of some people actually using their sites but there are usernames on Livejournal that I’ve been interested in for YEARS and the owners haven’t touched their account since as early as 2001, it’s kind of unfair to the rest of the community – you know?

I also threw up a new template on, I know it’s my third one in like two weeks but I got sick of all the blue that I’m surrounded by these days. It’s bad enough I’m stuck on blue sheets until I can buy a new set for the bedroom. I don’t need it all over my websites as well. I changed it to a pink/gray format and while it looks like complete crap and will more than likely be scrapped for one of the freebie templates, at least the blue is gone. I just like using completely CSS based templates as well. Imageless is always the simplest way to go.

Finally getting shit done…

Monday, June 4th, 2007

Ever since I started using the desktop I absolutely dreaded logging into WordPress because of how the fonts look with my shitty graphics card (that’ll be updated soon enough) but for the time being I went ahead and edited the entire CSS source of my WordPress administration panel. The only fonts that seem to work well on my computer (when it comes to site based stuff of course) are Arial, Verdana, Times New Roman, and Tahoma. I went ahead and altered the admin panel to only read with Times New Roman and Verdana – I couldn’t be happier.

There’s something funky going on with the network, making it difficult for me to check my email instantly. I’m in the process of working on Dick’s site and I’m waiting on a response from him before I can go any further with the work. Half of the list is done, the other half just needs to be clarified for me.

I have a few hosting accounts to setup in the mean time, I guess I’ll work on knocking those out.

Important Notice

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2007

I’m not sure where exactly it’s coming from but I’m fully aware of the pop up that’s showing up whenever my site is loaded. I’m going through all of my source code for any kind of external link that could be causing this. Part of me believes it’s Adbrite but I won’t know that for certain until I start moving things around. I’m also finding it a bit strange that the pop up is showing up in MSIE when I’m loading everything in Firefox, it’s a bit confusing. I’ll continue working on getting this issue resolved.

I’m just surprised that I’ve gotten emails about this and it’s only shown up recently. While I do appreciate the emails notifying me of this issue – I do not appreciate the one claiming that I’m a ‘sell out with banner ads’, stupidity amuses me – remember?

In any event, I’ll continue getting this worked out and then move on from there.


Wednesday, May 9th, 2007

I knew I was a little tired before but for some reason, after being on the desktop all damn day, my eyes are officially beginning to give up on me. What sucks about this is the fact that I have some serious work to get done before I can even think of falling asleep. I also have to start returning some comments because I know there’s about 30 sites for me to get to tonight. I’m way behind on them, and I sincerely apologize about it if someone’s checking back to see what’s going on.

I guess I should get my ass in gear on…ANYTHING…before my head smacks into the desk.

Whoops, My Bad!

Wednesday, May 9th, 2007

While I’m not sure of his/her real name, The Raw & The Cooked left a comment on a previous entry listing their frustration with Google as well. Noting that the changes made to their website, just the title, is what also dropped their Google ranking. Doing some research into this, I realized that’s why I dropped as well. I changed “ – life.unscripted” to “ – life through the eyes of Krissy, uncut and unscripted”. So, I changed everything back to what it was before and now according to the future page rank generator I’ll be back up to a 5 within the next update. If things continue how they currently are, however, I’ll be pushed up to a 6 for sure.

9 Hours down, 15 to go.

Tuesday, May 1st, 2007

If you haven’t already noticed, I’m working on 24 hours of blogging. This plays in part with the fact that I’ve been waiting for the super special post to show up on PPP. For the entire month of April they were giving away $1,000 every Tuesday. It’s different this month and I’m itching to see what it’s going to be. I know for sure that I’m not the only one doing this, based on the PPP Blog a few members have also done the same thing.?Ǭ† I could just really use the money right now, I fully intend to get myself into school with it so I’ll cross my fingers and hope to see that special post show up sometime over the course of the next 15 hours.

I do have a lot to get done today, work wise, so the blogging may stop for a while but we’ll see what my inbox looks like. I may have something with one of the other 6 blog sites I’m with show up SOMEWHERE…heh.

Busy day.

Sunday, April 29th, 2007

I don’t typically like launching themes early but I’m going to be extremely busy tonight so I don’t really have the ability to do this later. I know this theme, by no means, trumps the April theme but I like it – so that’s that. Based on my inbox I have a shit load of posts to catch up on. I wasn’t expecting them all to show up in one day. I don’t think this post will be topped for very much longer. So yea, new layout, pimp my site if you wish.

Ranks Dropping

Friday, April 27th, 2007

I’m not sure what I’m doing differently but my ranks on Alexa and Technorati seem to be dropping quite a bit. About a month ago I was in the 3 million range on Alexa, now I’m in the 200,000 range. I was up in the 300,000 range on Technorati and now I’m down under 70k. I doubt it has to do with my posting more, I’m sure it’s based on the fact that hits seem to steadily be on the rise. I should probably comment back more on sites than I do. I do return the comment when I get the chance, I’m just going to keep on top of it more from now on.

Thanks for doing whatever you are if you’ve had any help in my ranks dropping, now if only Google would update their damn page ranks (they’re about 3 months overdue) I know my site will be in the PR6 or maybe even PR7 range on the next update…can’t wait for that, I can do higher paying posts – heh.


Thursday, April 26th, 2007

It took me a little longer than anticipated but I was finally able to get all of the category templates to work properly on both the index and numbered category templates. A big thank you to the members on the WordPress Support forums for their help in pointing me in the right direction. I couldn’t find the proper plugins anywhere, I’m happy I asked. Usually I like to do things myself without asking for help, I tend to pick up on things quickly so I figured I’d be able to handle it. Since that obviously wasn’t the case I took a different route and I’m glad I did. That rare rewarding feeling showed up, all so I could post – go figure.

Anyway, after a quick dinner I got some more work done. I’m taking a quick break now before I get back to it (hence the Category pages being setup. I just have a lot more template files to update for the May theme than originally planned. I think I’m going to wind up working on that a lot harder this weekend than I’d originally thought…heh.