Archive for the ‘Randomage’ Category

Who would you chuck?

Sunday, May 6th, 2007

I don’t know where I find my links but I came across an interesting question of the day that I wanted to share (and hopefully get a response) with you.

You’re on a plane and strapped in tight with your parachute and you?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢ve been given 3 extra parachutes, but there are 4 other people who need them while the plane is crashing down. Who will you not give one to:
Tom Cruise, Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton, or Kevin Federline?

Considering I can’t stand any one of these people, I think the only one I’d actually like to throw out of a plane would be Tom Cruise. He’s gone off the deep end anyway and the fact that he’s involved himself in a religion that states whomever makes more money in the marriage gets the child in the divorce. I’m sorry but if Katie carried the kid for nine months, latched it to her tit for another 18 months or so and then raised the kid right (lord knows he can’t) she should be entitled to full parental authority over the damn kid.

So, anyway – back to the original question at hand. Which one of them would you throw out of a plane without a parachute?

Baby already gave me his answer though, he said he’d chuck them all out but leave Jessica considering she’s the hottest. Go figure, he chooses the only one with boobs.

Spoiled Rotten

Sunday, May 6th, 2007

It’s been a pretty busy night. I did a bit of cooking for the dogs. Only one of them actually eats dog food, Bella and Candy prefer something like meatloaf or chicken. The problem with this is, Candy was used to a simple meatloaf for many years. She had my meatballs once and now she absolutely refuses to eat any other kind, sauce included. It’s a trade off though, because thanks to Kay Bella now prefers to be hand-fed depending on what it is and she’ll only eat something with bottled sauce. She grew up on my home made sauce for the last 3 years. So basically Kay and I screwed each other on the deal…heh.

With the not-so-recent dog and cat food scare, knowing that Bella hasn’t eaten real wet dog food in quite some time I wasn’t too paniced when I heard about everything. She is a huge fan of Kibbles and Bits, but thankfully that wasn’t on the recall list. I came across a site not too long ago that was about 130 pages long and it had a full list of every single item of dog and cat food that was recalled. My heart went up in my chest while I was going through it because when I came across the cat food section I noticed a few familiar names, the same brands that pretty kitty had eaten for so many years. She was put down about two years ago but if she were still alive today I’d know for a fact that she wouldn’t have been for much longer. She was in the advanced stages of feline diabetes so she didn’t have much time left, as is. It sucked to put her down but she was also 16 years old so I guess there was really no choice in the matter. She had a happy life, lots of playing and plenty of lap-time with the ones she loved. She was never a run-and-hide kind of cat, she was a full-on lap cat which is why we loved her so much. I do still miss her but I know that over a period of time, you’ll lose everything you love, no matter what it may be.

Quest for May Flowers

Saturday, May 5th, 2007

I did a little shopping today. Kay needed some ink for her printer and while Baby was in Staples, I found myself in the supermarket going through meat and what not. I picked up a few hanging plants, both of which need to be transferred to other baskets because the containers don’t really match the rest of the house. While one of them IS white, just changing the brown one over wouldn’t look right because then the pots wouldn’t match. Since there are a few pots in the kitchen just waiting to be used outside (they’re also closed off on the bottom so they don’t leak) I figure it’ll be easier to just change them over. They’re pretty pink flowers, didn’t read the names of them but once the garden has grown a little bit I’m sure I’ll have some pictures up. I would go out there now and take one but the sky has opened up, and thankfully it happened only a few minutes before I was going to go outside and water the grass. Yay for making it an easy day. I don’t have to waste water now. :w00t:

7 Days!

Saturday, May 5th, 2007

Atlantic City is coming up a lot sooner than I’d thought. It’s already May 5th and we’re leaving on the 12th. I’m excited, I really can’t wait for it. It’ll be nice to spend quality time with the boyfriend but it’ll be even more nice to see my Dad. He’s got a few vacation days to cash in on and when I told him to meet me in Atlantic City (midway point) he jumped on the opportunity. I’m sure it’ll be a lot of fun, I’ve only ever been there with my aunt so it’ll be nice to see how he interacts in a larger environment. I’ve gone to Mohegan Sun with him, Atlantic City is MUCH larger though. Many casinos, lots of nice shopping and plenty of cool people to talk to while you’re floating around the slots. Kay also gets the chance to meet my dad so this should also be rather interesting…heh. Yea, I know; Baby and I are living together and our parents haven’t met – we’re also adults so it’s not that big of an “OH NO!” so :pfft:

Baby hasn’t ever been to a casino, well…not until recently when we went up to Dover Downs and lost $60 in about a half hour. I’m sure that’s got him feeling pretty timid about going but he also knows how important it is for me to see my father so hopefully he’ll be able to enjoy himself.

It’s going to be a time crunch though, I need to be out of here by 8AM so we can drive up to Lewes and catch the 9AM ferry to Cape May, then it’s about a half hours drive north to get to A.C. I just need to check-in by noon or I’m at risk for being charged for my compt rooms. Usually I wouldn’t be so “ehh” about it, it’s just going to be a weekend so even with a reservation it’s good to get there early. There are people who show up last minute and bribe their way in. If there’s enough people doing it, they’d charge you to hold the room.

Early bird gets the worm, you know?

Lap of Luxury

Friday, May 4th, 2007

I like nice things, there’s nothing wrong with this. Every woman is entitled to something that makes her happy, no matter how big or small it may be. The thing I love the most is knock off designers. Yes, I know I’m not paying full price for Gucci, Prada, Fendi, Dior, or even Chanel (drools) – but I also know that most ‘replica’ or ‘knock off’ bags are actually the designers they claim. See, most designers hold their product in such high regard that any single imperfection causes it to be ‘void’ of any real value. I own legitimate Chanel, Prada and Louis Vuitton purses but since there is a small issue with each of them, their price tag dropped from $600+ to $20+. That’s a huge drop, but all of the serial numbers and certifications are in tact (yes, they’re real.) The one bag I am proud of, however, is my $1500 Louis Vuitton bag. I drool over it every chance I get. See, I get nice things too (it was a gift, one that I couldn’t help myself from accepting.)

I was lucky enough to grow up with aunts who saw the importance of designers. One of my aunts won’t wear anything unless it’s a designer and that’s because she makes enough money to do it. She can tell you where every designer is in New York City and then, even if she’s not in the market to purchase something, she’ll buy something that probably costs more than two months rent for the average person. This is the wrong kind of influence on someone like me, but I’m still walking around with a designer handbag and you’re raiding the rack at Walmart, figure that one out.

I like big bags though, the one thing I absolutely can’t stand are the small hand/clutch bags that make no real sense to the world. Women carry a lot around in their purses, especially mothers, so how they can cram everything they need into one tiny change purse is absolutely beyond me. I like to have a place for everything and a larger bag plays a big roll in it. I can always be found with a bottle of water, my cigs, and a rather large prada wallet (matches one of my purses) so it’s hard for me to even use a bag that’s smaller than that. Everything has a place and there’s a place for everything. When I go to A.C. I can guarantee that I’m bringing a larger bag with me for the chance that I do win some big-cash like I did before. I made the mistake of bringing one of my smaller bags and could barely fit anything in there. This time, I’m making room for it all.

It’s all about preparation.

9 Hours down, 15 to go.

Tuesday, May 1st, 2007

If you haven’t already noticed, I’m working on 24 hours of blogging. This plays in part with the fact that I’ve been waiting for the super special post to show up on PPP. For the entire month of April they were giving away $1,000 every Tuesday. It’s different this month and I’m itching to see what it’s going to be. I know for sure that I’m not the only one doing this, based on the PPP Blog a few members have also done the same thing.?Ǭ† I could just really use the money right now, I fully intend to get myself into school with it so I’ll cross my fingers and hope to see that special post show up sometime over the course of the next 15 hours.

I do have a lot to get done today, work wise, so the blogging may stop for a while but we’ll see what my inbox looks like. I may have something with one of the other 6 blog sites I’m with show up SOMEWHERE…heh.

Crystal Light

Tuesday, May 1st, 2007

I’ve been drinking A LOT of water lately. I think I’ve gone through about 3 gallons in the last two days. I know they say to drink 8 glasses of water a day but wow, I think I’m pushing it…lol. I’ve randomly been mixing in different flavors of the crystal light to-go packs. I’m just getting low on them so until I can get back to the store, I’m going to be back to just drinking plain water. I’ve tried quite a bit of the packs, many different ones and the two I hate the most are fruit punch and peach. The rest of them are good. I’m really digging the mango green tea, but my favorites are strawberry kiwi and raspberry lemonade. I didn’t think I could get away with drinking stuff like this but when it’s all natural favoring and isn’t loaded with sugar, it makes me happy.

It’s strange.

Monday, April 30th, 2007

It’s been a few months since Anna Nicole past away. There are still people going on about her. The thing that pissed me off the most throughout all of this was how much of a circus everyone insisted upon continuing with. She lived for drama, she lived to be in the spotlight. Her morgue picture being in the paper really just killed it for me. Let the woman rest in peace.

Larry is the father, any idiot could see that the child looked nothing like Howard. He had the child in his hand for only a few hours and he’s already got pictures in People and probably any other magazine that he could cash a check through. Anna’s mother is already in the process of writing a book, her sister wrote a book about her, and the only one who hasn’t said anything about a book is Dani Lynn but hey – she can’t even read yet, let alone write something down.

Is there anyone that actually cares that this child isn’t going to grow up with a mother?

You can watch shows all day long, especially Maury, where fathers go out of their way to say they aren’t the father and the woman is just a “bitch who can’t keep her legs closed”. With the slight chance of any money being attached to Dani Lynn, five men just showed up and raised their hand. They just wanted to cash in on their potential millions. They figure if they can raise the child for 18 years, once the kid is old enough to access her trust fund – she’ll pay daddy (and daddy’s girlfriend/wife) for all of his effort for the last two decades.

I can’t wait to see how messed up this child is going to be over the years. I think we’re looking at a combination of celebutant/crack head – that’s all she has to look forward to.

You’re kidding me … right?

Friday, April 27th, 2007

So the ‘massive storm’ was nothing more than a dud. I really hope something hits around here soon or I’m going to go back up to New York where everything seems to be. I just saw something on the news a little while ago about the Long Island Expressway getting bombarded, that’s the kind of weather I love.

It’s mainly been raining on and off here, so a few sounds of thunder got me excited, that left as quickly as it came though. The lady next door, however, has no driveway. There’s no real drainage systems around here and her driveway kind of has a dip at the end of it that holds water in excess, she had to walk through a massive puddle (that started from the middle of the street and ended half way up her driveway) in order for her to get to her car. I swear I’m going to write a letter to the land owner to find out just where his $400,000 a year income (per community, he owns like 5) is being used because this is beyond absurd.

So instead of being outside today, I’m inside with the TV on in the background. Oprah pisses me off so I’m not even going to bother watching her. Judge Judy isn’t on yet, and I LOATH Dr. Phil so I’m not even gonna go there. Time to surf through channels to put something decent on in the background. Oprah’s doing some eligible bachelors thing on her show today, there’s like 60 guys or something on stage at the moment, none of which look even remotely appealing…go figure. Since when is her lesbian lover her new co-host?

Caught up with me.

Friday, April 27th, 2007

It’s a little after 4AM and I’m officially pooped for the night. I had a fairly productive day though.

I’ve done about 16 posts, 8 of which were paid. I’ve completed two clients bringing in about $250 for me. I’m working on a template for Ranee, and a surprise template for a friend that I’ll have to put on hold for a couple of days. I’m also working on a new project with Baby to keep track of things while we start on our new path.

It’s foggy outside, it’s been kind of ‘blah’ all day so I’ve been fairly uninterested in everything. Right now baby is looking down a list of over 100 Atkins recipes. He damn near skipped down the hall when he found out that he could have hot wings. He also seemed surprised that he could have fried foods on the diet as well. It’s just one possibility for us. I know someone who just lost like 60lbs on Weight Watchers so I’m also looking into that as well. My grandmother has been doing it for years so I know that she’d probably fax me over the information I need as far as that strange POINTS thing works out.

There’s just a lot of things to look into. I did a check tonight and I lost six pounds just walking the 2-4 miles a night that we’ve been doing, and that’s only for about a week now so maybe that’ll be the key thing for me. The boardwalk is nice and all but I know that you can do a lot more when you’re on the sand, you work out your legs better there than you do on a solid surface, it certainly helps.

In any event, I’m beat…I’m going to wrap up for the night and then get myself to bed.

HGTV Rules

Thursday, April 26th, 2007

Instead of killing myself in the dining room, I’ve kind of shifted to the couch in the living room. I don’t typically like working off my battery but that’s because I no longer have bright view when I’m not plugged in. Considering how bright it is in the room, I’m not overly concerned.

Once I sat on the couch, Princess decided that she was lonely on the other end and waddled her way over here. She’s now on my lap and the two of us are watching HGTV. There’s a show where they basically remodel a room for little to no money at all. I can’t think of the name, but I think it’s pretty cool. They look for items around your house to bring into the room so you can pull it all together. I can walk around the house right now and instantly come across ideas for how to make the living room it’s own ‘unique’ area, other than just two chairs and a couch facing the TV.

They just pulled a huge painting out of this womens attic that’s gorgeous. I wish I brought all of my paint supplies down here, I have a pretty nifty idea for art work in the bedroom after we get everything remodeled. He’s got some wizard on the wall, and Yoda, sorry but those don’t fly well with me – they can be moved to the office.. :heh:

New moms amuse me…

Thursday, April 26th, 2007

There’s a woman across the street who has a 4 year old and a 2 year old. The 4 year old was being fairly vicious this afternoon and bouncing the ball off her sisters head. While I don’t condone this, I have to admit that a child going out of her way to make a ball bounce high off a soft head kind of amuses me…to some twisted degree.

Her mom finally realized what was going on (she was busy on the phone or something) and told her daughter that if she didn’t stop by the time she counted to three, the ball would be taken away forever. So the girl gave her the typical snooty “Yea, ok mom” attitude and continued bouncing. Her mother than counted to three and the bouncing continued. Then, I don’t know how this happened, but the kid hopped off the deck and started running around screaming “Ha, can’t get me.”

Where did she go wrong? She didn’t smack the kid on the ass when she was standing right next to her. She went ACROSS THE DECK to count to three, giving the child plenty of room to take off. She then looked at her husband for help and he even said “Should have smacked her when you had the chance.” (Go dad!)

So he hopped off the deck, they caught up with her and he then cracked her on the butt. She stopped screaming, didn’t cry, just sat in the corner for her punishment while mom and dad continued playing with the 2 year old.

Lesson of the day, if your child is really ticking you off to the point that you have to COUNT. Punch yourself in the face for letting them get to that point.

Storms, Boyfriend, Vacations, etc.

Thursday, April 26th, 2007

A pretty nasty storm came through here last night. In the mid-west there were a series of tornadoes touching down and part of that storm made it’s way over to the east coast and basically flooded the community. There aren’t any real drainage systems and since all of the roads in this complex are fucked up, it just leaves massive puddles everywhere.

I went outside long enough to watch the drenching rain and the lightening shoot off like fireworks. It kept me entertained for a while and baby reassured me that since we’re right on the water, storms like this are frequent in the summer. Being as I’m a nut for any and everything STORM based, this made me very giddy and content with my choice to stay down here perminantly.

Our 10-month was on Saturday, we didn’t do anything special for it considering we’re saving up for our trip but that’s not too big of a deal considering we spend every single day together, to the point that we get on eachothers nerves if we don’t separate. I can’t wait until this vacation thing is over so I can go back to working outside of the house to getting bills paid. It’d be stupid to get an outside job when I’d already have to request for time off in two weeks, it’s not worth it. So I’ll do what I have to do after we get back from Atlantic City and then go from there.

For now, I guess I should get back to work so I actually have the money for the casino, eh? LOL

MmMmm Coffee…

Monday, April 23rd, 2007

Considering it’s after 10, that’s usually when things around the house are being wrapped up and prepared for tomorrow. Now, while I know for sure that I’ll be up pretty late tonight, the smell of tomorrow mornings coffee is effecting me already. I just threw some in the brewer, set the timer, and now the coffee grinds have sent this wonderful aroma around the house to the point that I’m drooling over it.

There’s a way around this though, don’t get me wrong. High tide is around 2AM this morning, I just informed baby of this because I’d like to go. We didn’t go out last night because I know he had a lot of work to do, yesterday morning we didn’t get home until around 10AM because we watched the sun rise and then spent some time on the beach and eventually having dinner at a mom and pop shop on the boardwalk, so it was a fairly productive morning – that’s for sure.

We’ve been doing A LOT of walking lately. My legs still hurt from three days ago but we still manage to get in at least two miles a night when we go to the beach (the boardwalk is exactly one mile, end to end). Last night we took about a mile and a half around the complex since Bella had to be brought out for her nightly walk anyway. All -in- All we’ve been keeping ourselves at a good pace and hopefully something good can come of it over time.

I’m sure we’ll burn off a bit more over the course of the next couple weeks. It’s getting so warm down here that you sweat just lifting your arms up. I have no doubt in my mind that just walking in the weather will really cut a lot down as well.

It’s pushing 10:30, I think I’m going to go bother him now. It’s been 20 minutes 🙂


Monday, April 23rd, 2007

So it’s a few hours after sun-down so it’s beginning to grow a bit cooler here in Delmarva. The wind has picked up a little bit so it’s actually a lot more livable now than it was this afternoon. Dinner turned out a tad-bit burnt but that’s OK because I understand why. Baby got distracted with other things and completely forgot about flipping the burgers. It was pretty interesting to have a half charcoal half pink burger, but I still love him. I enjoyed my hot dogs more anyway, to be honest.

The dishwasher is running and now I’m just sitting here going through some things. I spent some time surfing around the ‘net looking for new and interesting things to keep me entertained but I haven’t really come up with anything other than a new program and a headache from finding a very gaudy website that was obviously designed by someone who was color blind. I don’t mind if you’re using a yellow and red combination but it really depends on the TONE of the colors you’re using. A bright neon yellow background plus the typical #FF000 hex code really does NOTHING for anyone. Try looking less like a hot-dog cart and more like a website.. :ugh:

I have some comments to catch up on, I think I’ll get my butt in gear with those now.


Monday, April 23rd, 2007

It’s been a pretty busy couple of days, which of course would explain my absence. I just spent the last hour going through email, commenting back on sites and putting some final touches on my May template before I actually start coding it for WordPress. It’ll look a bit different than what I usually do. Visitors will notice the lack in banner ads because I shifted things around a bit. It’s not like you won’t be able to see them, but they won’t be so prominent on the page.

Right now I’m waiting for Baby to get back from the store, it reached about 90°F (32°C) today and since it was as warm as it was we decided a BBQ would probably be the best way to go. So the burgers are ready but I’m waiting on him to bring home some buns, cheese and hot dogs. I’m not a huge fan of burgers, I only really eat them when I’m in the mood for them. I don’t think tonight is going to be any different.

We’ve got the air conditioner on because there really was no other way to go about the rest of the day. It’s just too warm to even be comfortable sitting alone, let alone surrounded by heavy furniture that holds heat very well. Even now I’ve got my laptop propped up on the table so I don’t have to feel the fan on my legs, it’s pretty shitty but that’s going to change within the next few days. There’s supposed to be some big storm coming this way on Thursday so I guess we’ll find out just how much cooler it’s going to be. The weather report even says some shower activity tomorrow, but more lightening/thunder than anything – who knows.

For now I need to get back to what I was doing, I figured I’d update to get rid of that dumb A+ Certification post considering it’s been sitting up for so long.