Archive for the ‘Randomage’ Category

The Tuesday Twosome

Tuesday, June 19th, 2007

Time for the Tuesday Twosome

1. When was the last time you went on vacation and where did you go? My last vacation was back in May, we went to Atlantic City for the weekend. I love free rooms 🙂

2. Do you prefer vacations with family or friends? I prefer it with family, honestly. We don’t really get to see much of each other now that I’m moved away from home.

3. What are your two ideal vacation spots? Atlantic City is great, but anything by the beach is good enough for me.

4. When is your next vacation and who are you going with? Not quite sure, but Sean wants to go to Ohio to visit his brother. I’d personally like to go to Disney World but that would cost a lot more money than a drive to Ohio at this point…heh.

5. Do you think vacations are necessary? Explain. Yes, but it depends on whether or not you actually deserve the vacation. Many people grew up with money so working a week and being on vacation for a week seems normal to them. I personally think if you’ve worked your ass off and then are going to take a vacation to reward yourself for your hard work than you’re more deserving of it.

Are you that stupid?

Monday, June 18th, 2007

Last night Sean surprised me with a trip to the beach, something we haven’t done in a long time. Since the tourist season has officially started, there were a lot of cops and security guards floating along the boardwalk. Since school is out for many colleges, a lot of stupid college teens are floating around. They go from bar to bar, eatery to eatery so naturally when they wonder towards the boardwalk, cops take notice.

So we’re sitting on the bench talking and listening to the waves (helps inspire us) and noticed that a few rather stupid children were making their way towards the sand. With two cops standing there he leaped over the boundary and right onto the dune – it’s illegal to be on the dunes. It’s also illegal after 12am to even be on the beach. The cop looked at his partner and rather loudly said “is he that stupid?” me being nosy and well…from New York naturally I quickly responded with “He’s a teenager, would you expect any less?” He hopped on his bike and then repeated the “Are you that stupid?” statement to the child. The kid attempted to take off but speedy decided to run right over. He looked rather bulked up in his tight cop shorts, I seriously thought that was something you could only see on Reno 911.

So they give the kids a good talking to, make their way onto the beach to do some more clearing out and then come back up to see another set of stupid children running onto the beach and I kid you not he literally said “He’s taking a piss, ain’t he?” I guess his night-eyes adjusted and he saw both kids, dick out, taking a piss on the dunes. Oh so interesting. I pulled one lady aside and asked her if it was wrong that I wanted to film these guys running around. She said they actually just filmed a show called Beach Petrol so I can only imagine what this is going to look like. They haven’t filmed in Rehoboth but I’m sure there are other area’s that are just as amusing.

Monday Madness

Monday, June 18th, 2007

I decided that I don’t do enough meme’s anymore, so today I’ve decided to do Monday Madness.

1. In your opinion, what is the perfect summer daytime temperature? I personally hate the heat so naturally anything in the 65-70 degree range is more than suitable for me.

2. What is the perfect nighttime temperature? I love when it drops down into the 50’s at night. I prefer the cold and know that mosquitoes aren’t going to eat me alive.

3. Do you plant many flowers around your yard? I attempted to this year, but unfortunately the soil just wasn’t the right consistency and they never grew.

4. How much lawn do you have to mow? Do you enjoy mowing lawn? The landscapers in the complex take of the law mowing but we still have to go out there and do the trim work and weeding ourselves. Dumb Mexicans don’t know what they’re doing.

5. Of the summer months, which is your favorite? I rather like July but that’s more than likely based on the fact that it’s my anniversary.

6. Do you take a long vacation each summer? I’d love to take a vacation, I just don’t have the funding.

7. Is summer your favorite season? If so, why? If not, why not? I prefer the Winter, I don’t like the heat, I love the cold. It really just makes me feel better. Some people find the winter to be depressing, I find it invigorating.

Monday’s a BITCH!

Monday, June 18th, 2007

Time for Monday’s a Bitch!.

1. Do you remember Eiffel 65? What did you think they were saying in the “da ba dee” part of the chorus? I haven’t listened to them in YEARS. I think they were actually saying “If I were green I would die”.

2. Cookie Monster VS Grover in a death match. Who wins? Cookie Monster, he’s got stronger teeth for chewing. DUH?

3. What’s your favorite sea creature? Hrm…I think mermaids are pretty – wait, they haven’t proved that those were real yet…have they?

4. Have you ever had a blue collar job? Do any blue collar uniforms turn you on? No I haven’t, I’ve only gone as far as a cashier. Do they consider Firemen to be blue collar? :drools:

5. Where is your watering hole of choice? It used to be my grandmothers backyard until the frame collapsed, bye bye pool 🙁

Bye Bye Beach!

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

I get a little click happy with Firefox plugins, some of which I don’t even use but sometimes can find useful depending on what I’m doing. I like having the Weather one plugged in though, I’ve always had an interest in meteorology and oceanography especially so naturally I want to know what’s going on around me. At the moment there’s some thunder shooting offshore which is always fun, the kicker for me is the current warning surrounding the area.

There’s a coastal flood warning in the area until about 3PM on Thursday, there’s also been some documented instances of small tidal waves floating in around the shore as well. This is exactly why I’m going to bother Sean and convince him to bring me to the beach during high tide tonight :heh: I know there’s a lot of tourists floating around on the boardwalk but for the sake of enjoying the beach tonight, I absolutely need to be there. I love when the beach disappears, I know it sounds strange but until you’ve actually seen it for yourself, you probably won’t understand where I’m coming from. It’s all about how quickly mother nature can take things away. Sand castles, holes left by children who got dig happy and many other things. It’s just an amazing site…I’m bringing my camera tonight.

Tag! I’m it?

Saturday, June 9th, 2007

Shauna has tagged me to tell you six weird things you probably didn’t know about me. While I’m close to positive that it won’t be a great list, I’ll still give it a shot anyway.

#1 – I love the smell of gasoline.
I know this isn’t really a ‘weird’ thing because I’ve heard of many people who feel the same way. The thing is, I spent close to 20 years living next to a gas station. I never really got used to the smell until I was about 10 years old and now I can’t get enough of it.

#2 – I’m sound sensitive.
This is why I’m so easily agitated by noise around me. I can hear basically everything, even if it’s from across the room and when background noise gets to being too much for me, I typically wind up going crazy and wanting to rip my hair out. I’ll frequently ask the higher-powers to make me go deaf for a few days but they haven’t quite gotten around to it yet. Sometimes even the sound of the keys while typing can agitate me and I have full control over that. I’ve been through many pairs of head phones over the last few years trying to drown out the noise behind me, nothing’s changed.

#3 – I have more than perfect eye sight.
Everyone in my family from both sides has trouble seeing. They either wear glasses or contacts and if they don’t, they’re to the point where they need to but are too stubborn to admit to it. Even looking at a monitor for close to 15 hours a day I still have better than 20-20 vision. I can read liscence plates for up to 200 feet away and it freaks some people out when I’m driving with them because they’re lucky to even be able to SEE the car 200 feet away, let alone read the plate on it.

#4 – I have O.C.D.
I’ve had this problem for years. If I can’t do it with even numbers then I can’t do it at all. I wash my hands twice, I clean things twice, the volume number on the television has to be able to be divided by two or I go crazy. For quite some time I was washing my clothes twice but knowing how much water was being wasted I had to stop myself from doing it. I now, however, get my way still. I only pour half caps of detergent into the machine so I can do it twice to get one whole. I light cigarettes twice, I take two sips of everything I drink, I chew only with even numbers before swallowing…it’s just a whole series of things that build up.

#5 – Organizational Freak
I’m sure this falls under O.C.D. but this is another problem of mine. I live by the motto of “A place for every thing and every thing in it’s place.” I file paper work that most people wouldn’t even think of saving. I have everything labeled in a way that’s easy for even the dumbest of people to figure out. Kitchen cabinets need to be organized in a manor that makes sense when I’m cooking. Karen has things kind of all over the place because she doesn’t really cook so she doesn’t understand a chefs point of view on accessibility. Since it’s her kitchen, however, I can’t rearrange anything and I have to tell you – it’s driving me bananas.

#6 – I’m engaged.
While it’s not really a ‘weird’ thing, I haven’t been that open about it either. I’m in a very happy relationship and will more than likely be in this relationship for a very long time. We get along very well, know what each other is thinking and can battle it out like no tomorrow and still love each other five minutes later. It’s a great feeling. Now, if only I could get him to clean his shit up to cover my issues with number 4 and 5, and maybe this will be a match made in heaven…heh.

So yea, there’s my six. I’m going to tag: Ranee, Esther, Jenny and Sean for this one.

[insert title here] ::blinks::

Saturday, June 9th, 2007

I’m not quite sure what it is but I seem to be losing my mind. Many of you saw this coming, I know, but for some reason lately it’s hard for me to finish the things that I start. Tonight, for example, I was in the mood to get some cleaning done, cleaning I’ve been putting off for quite some time. I started throwing the garbage away and got some other random things taken care of and I walk back into the kitchen to pick up a bag of garbage to then completely forget why I’m in there.

This isn’t the first time it’s happened to me either. When Sean and I were moving rooms around, I went to the living room to bring a box or something into the office and wound up staring at the floor wondering what I was even doing in there. I’m not sure why it’s happening but I can tell you this much – I don’t like it.

I’m 99% finished with Shauna‘s template, the only thing stopping me is Adobe being a butt head while I’m working on these finishing touches. That’s another thing though, I opened Adobe to create the fav icon and once it loaded I’d completely forgotten why I’d even opened the stupid program.¬† [edit] Make that 100% completed. Email me when you get the chance, Shauna! [/edit]

Maybe I should start popping some Ginkobaloba on a regular basis… :hrm:

Not done, but getting there…

Friday, June 8th, 2007

It took about a day longer than I’d originally wanted it to but I got all the cooking done tonight that I wanted to do last night. The problem is I ate too much and now my stomach is killing me. I’m no where near done for the night though, I do still have to clean the kitchen and the bathroom. The towels need to be washed, the office could use a little vacuuming and the bedroom needs to be straightened up a little because while I’m completely moved in, there’s still some things that are just out of place at the moment. I should probably put one of the blankets away in the linen closet because it’s just too heavy to have on the bed at night, even with the air conditioner blasting and the fan blowing directly on us. It’s a small room that’s hit with sun light all day long so naturally it’s like a heat box in there. It’s an easy fix though, just load up on some more fans that aren’t that hefty so they don’t aid in giving off a shit load of heat themselves.

Finally Unpacked!

Monday, June 4th, 2007

It took me a lot longer than originally anticipated but I’ve finally gotten the last box unpacked. My side of the office is a little stuffy now though, I think I’m going to have to do some cleaning out but at least all of my important items are back to where they need to be, this naturally makes me a very happy girl.

I’m getting some design work done, thumbing through code figuring out what’s messed up for a client (and where) and I’m also waiting on a response from a few people in regards to more work so I should be OK financially for birthdays and what not. Baby and I have our one year coming up in July so I also need to get some cash together for that. The problem is a month later is also his birthday. Birthdays are very spread out for me, but they all come in a cluster for some reason. No big deal though, I made about $80 blogging yesterday (not bad, eh?) so that’ll cover dinner with Kay and for her birthday on the 9th. We’re most likely going to the Roadhouse, she appreciates good steak heh.

Thrown another curve.

Monday, June 4th, 2007

In my anticipation for enrollment in Penn Foster soon, I poked around their website for a little while and realized that I only need to take one course, not two. Originally I wanted to get my degree in Web Programming AND Multimedia & Design. After looking over the course outline for both, I realized they’re literally the same courses. The only difference is in the third or fourth semester when you’re introduced to the basics of the courses you chose. At this point it’s more than likely going to be a complete and total waste of time but I’m unable to get myself into a school like the University of Pheonix or something close to that standard. I stand a better risk of getting a student loan or something like that considering that I’m basically living on my own. Just as things were beginning to look up, I’m thrown another curve. This sucks!


Monday, June 4th, 2007

Recently, just for fun, Baby and I had a sit down with a psychic who told me that my “aura” is pink, I’ve also been told that it alternates between pink and light shades of green. I never quite understood what any of it meant so I looked it up on Google and came up with the following:

Pink-bright and light: Loving, tender, sensitive, sensual, artistic, affection, purity, compassion; new or revieved romantic relationship. Can indicate clairaudience.

Green: Relates to heart and lungs. It is a very comfortable, healthy color of nature. When seen in the aura this usually represents growth and balance, and most of all, something that leads to change. Love of people, animals, nature; teacher; social.

Another resource told me that Green means healing. I assume it’s based on my year of mourning over Joe. Days are much easier on me now, I do still think about him a lot but I also know that he’s around me when I need him.

I had to do a little bit of research on the Pink Aura though, quite a few resources told me that pink indicates “clairaudience”. I had no idea what this meant either, but Wiki is great for things like this.

In the field of parapsychology, clairaudience [from late 17th century French clair (clear) & audience (hearing)] is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person acquires information by paranormal auditory means. It is often considered to be a form of clairvoyance.[10] Clairaudience is essentially the ability to hear in a paranormal manner, as opposed to paranormal seeing (clairvoyance) and feeling (clairsentience). Clairaudient people have psi-mediated hearing. Clairaudience may refer not to actual perception of sound, but may instead indicate impressions of the “inner mental ear” similar to the way many people think words without having auditory impressions. But it may also refer to actual perception of sounds such as voices, tones, or noises which are not apparent to other humans or to recording equipment. For instance, a clairaudient person might claim to hear the voices or thoughts of the spirits of persons who are deceased. Clairaudience may be positively distinguished from the voices heard by the mentally ill when it reveals information unavailable to the clairaudient person by normal means (including cold reading or other magic tricks), and thus may be termed “psychic” or paranormal.

I personally found this to be a bit strange considering I don’t pay much attention to this kind of stuff but to some degree, strangely enough, it makes sense. I assume it means that I may possibly be right when I know that Joe is around. The wind, shooting stars, animals acting up, could all be signs of this. Maybe I’m just tapped into it in regards to “nature” which I guess would explain the green aura. Either way I think it’s fairly interesting information to know, even if I don’t quite believe it.

Gaming isn’t my cup of tea.

Monday, June 4th, 2007

So I decided to see what the big deal with Halo was. I’ve never really played any kind of video game other than Mario on my DS so having to maneuver this dude around proved to be rather difficult for me. I don’t see myself ever playing again, even though Baby insists that all I really need to do is get used to the controller. I know how to use the controller for Hexic and that’s all that it’s ever going to be used for.

My stomach is bothering me but that’s because I ate too much at dinner. I’m done with email checks, I only have to email two people back in regards to design work and then I’m done for the night. Considering it’s after 1am I doubt I’m going to be up for very long anyway.

She’s going to be fine.

Sunday, June 3rd, 2007

We got to the vet around midnight last night, sat in the waiting room for a little while and then Princess headed in to see the vet. She was in a lot of pain for the entire car ride and lord knows how long before we actually had gotten home considering she was home by herself all day. The vet said that it was just a urinary tract infection and that she just needed the antibiotics. Now she also had a fever so that was another source of her being clingy last night. Everytime Kay went to get up she insisted on being right there. Bella typically does the same thing when she’s not feeling very well either. In the end, she’s on medication and hopefully there will be some signs of improvement.

I woke up this morning to find out that she’s not even bothering to look for wee-wee pads, she’s just going right on the floor and I assume that since she’s not feeling well that’s the source behind it. She’s still got her apetite so I assume she isn’t in a great deal of pain at the moment. She had round one of her medication this morning, she’s taking two pills twice a day for the next 10 days and that should hopefully resolve everything. I’m going to make sure she actually completes her medication for the full 10 days.

Most people don’t realize that antibiotics have set dosages for a reason. Taking only half or just not finishing them doesn’t mean you’re saving medication for the next time something flares up. It means that whatever infection you have can now fight off the medication and mutate into something completely different. Considering how expensive pets can be when it comes to the vet, I’m going to make sure she doesn’t have to go back.

She needs to be on a diet, she also needs to be a bit more mobile than she actually is. She’s supposed to be a mini dachshund but she’s 26lbs and can barely walk because of back issues. She’s never really walked around outside and this is primarily based on the fact that she was wee-wee pad trained and now she’s paying the price for it. So when the rain goes away I’m going to start walking her around the house. She likes being in the grass. Kay thinks that it’s a bad idea because she doesn’t have any flea/tick medication for her, but considering it’s low grass and she’ll be out there for maybe 3 minutes at most, just to get some cardio in of course, then I think she’ll be fine. I’ll take full responsibility if something does come up though, at least she’ll be getting the exercise that she desperately needs. Feeding her low-carb food isn’t going to do the trick, she needs to do more than jump off the couch to eat…that’s all she ever does.

EEk! I’m late!

Saturday, June 2nd, 2007

I’ve only been up for about an hour and already my entire day is basically fucked. My alarm never went off so a knock at the door an hour after I was supposed to wake up put me in a rushed-funk as I like to call it. I had my coffee to kick that just woke up feeling, smoked my cig because that has to be done within the first half hour or it throws off my whole routine, took a shower and now with a little bit of time to spare I’m going through all of my email. I don’t like waking up early on a Saturday but the flea market is only open until about 5:00 and it’s noon now, it’s going to take us about an hour to get there too.

It’s already 85¬?F (29¬?C) and it’s supposed to continue to rise throughout the day. It’s also a fairly high UV index AND it’s humid on top of that so within a half hour I’m not only going to be dehydrated, I’ll be burnt to a crisp. I can’t even wear shorts because I have a few large mosquito bites on my legs that’s stopping me from shaving them to the same closeness that I always do. On top of that I also haven’t gotten around to doing my toe nails either. I took the polish off two days ago before I showered and never quite got around to putting any back on. My toes feel naked without polish, I’m strange like that.

Baby just got in the shower a few moments ago. Once he’s done in the bathroom I should be able to get my hair done and hopefully we’ll all be out of here. I’m going to find something to eat before we go, I don’t need to get light headed at this thing too. We’re going to be walking for 4 straight hours so at least I’ll be able to get back on track with the exercise, considering it’ll be in 90¬?F (32¬?C) heat. Can’t forget my water bottles. I should probably bring the larger purse to hold all of this stuff – shouldn’t I? Time to down a couple 100 calorie packs to get my energy up. The coffee didn’t do such a hot job yet, then again – one cup typically doesn’t do anything for me.

Random Bellyaching

Saturday, June 2nd, 2007

I’m not sure when they implemented it into their system but PPP has finally edited their code to show you when an offer has already been taken. I know a few people who have walked away from their program because they were unable to find any opportunities to post on. Now they’ve labeled things for you so you know before you click if it’ll even be worth your time. Green means it’s a featured post, pink means that you’re not eligible, white means that you can take the offer and grey means that the offer has yet to expire but there are no longer posts available. Naturally I wonder why they even bothered with the grey considering no one can post there so more than likely no one is even going to bother reading it. The advertiser has already gotten their money’s worth so it makes no sense to me but I didn’t code their database so in the end that’s just the way things are.

I’m not quite done with all of my email checks but that’s because I keep getting side-tracked with things. It’s also a little hard to do anything at the moment considering how hot it is in the office right now. Baby seriously needs to invest in LCD monitors because the CRT’s are giving off so much heat it’s unreal. The television also plays a roll. I know the computers do as well, I just wish there was a way to work around it. We’re going to be investing in some fans this week. I think we were going to put one or two in here and we’re definitely going to be putting one in the bedroom because that room is like a heat-box at night with the two of us so close together in such a small bed. There’s got to be a way to increase your tolerance to eat. It’s not like I can roll around in ice before I go to bed and I sure as hell can’t take my skin off either. Hopefully the fans will resolve this issue.

At the moment we just have a full sized mattress on the floor. We’ll eventually be upgrading to a king sized bed that will actually have a box-spring and frame so we’re going to need a fan that sucks the air up from the ground and spews it back at us. I found a fan that sucks the air in on one vent and blows it out from another. So we could have the ‘suck-in’ side right next to the air conditioning vent and then the blow-out side angled straight to the bed. It sounds more complicated than it really is but I’ve had to do something similar in New York. Living in a brick building for 20 years, you learn a few tricks of the trade about how to get things to work with you in the summer. Brick naturally holds heat so the house was typically 10¬? hotter at night than it is outside. In the winter this was OK because it cut down on heating costs (if it was a sunny day) but in the summer it’s borderline obnoxious and fixing it with proper fan placement is obviously the way to go.

In any event, I’m going to start wrapping things up for the night so I can get to bed. I need to be up around 10:30am so we can get out of here early tomorrow.

My New Toys!

Saturday, June 2nd, 2007

New Computer Desk - June 2007 I snapped a quick picture of the new desk, I’m not really one to randomly throw up images but I just wanted to share I guess. The desk itself cost me $54.99 from the salvation army, the chair was only $40 and is rather comfortable considering the price, I got it from Staples. Both of them were a fairly great deal. The desk is 5′ x 2′, or somewhere around there. Baby can’t find the tape measure at the moment so who knows. Either way it’s larger than anything I’ve ever worked on before and that’s good enough for me. I looked around for the retail value and even the cheapest price runs in the $150 range. I spent $60 less and got myself a chair in the process. I love good deals, I really do. : w00t :

To the left of the desk is my old desk, we’re using it as a divider for the printer and scanner. It’s also a place to keep the remote and Xbox360 controller considering Baby’s desk is typically overloaded with crap and important items can very easily get lost, lol. I would snap a shot of his side of the room but he’s yet to organize everything on his desk. He’s been busy working and I’m sure that won’t be done for a while anyway, he’ll get around to it eventually I hope.