Shauna has tagged me to tell you six weird things you probably didn’t know about me. While I’m close to positive that it won’t be a great list, I’ll still give it a shot anyway.
#1 – I love the smell of gasoline.
I know this isn’t really a ‘weird’ thing because I’ve heard of many people who feel the same way. The thing is, I spent close to 20 years living next to a gas station. I never really got used to the smell until I was about 10 years old and now I can’t get enough of it.
#2 – I’m sound sensitive.
This is why I’m so easily agitated by noise around me. I can hear basically everything, even if it’s from across the room and when background noise gets to being too much for me, I typically wind up going crazy and wanting to rip my hair out. I’ll frequently ask the higher-powers to make me go deaf for a few days but they haven’t quite gotten around to it yet. Sometimes even the sound of the keys while typing can agitate me and I have full control over that. I’ve been through many pairs of head phones over the last few years trying to drown out the noise behind me, nothing’s changed.
#3 – I have more than perfect eye sight.
Everyone in my family from both sides has trouble seeing. They either wear glasses or contacts and if they don’t, they’re to the point where they need to but are too stubborn to admit to it. Even looking at a monitor for close to 15 hours a day I still have better than 20-20 vision. I can read liscence plates for up to 200 feet away and it freaks some people out when I’m driving with them because they’re lucky to even be able to SEE the car 200 feet away, let alone read the plate on it.
#4 – I have O.C.D.
I’ve had this problem for years. If I can’t do it with even numbers then I can’t do it at all. I wash my hands twice, I clean things twice, the volume number on the television has to be able to be divided by two or I go crazy. For quite some time I was washing my clothes twice but knowing how much water was being wasted I had to stop myself from doing it. I now, however, get my way still. I only pour half caps of detergent into the machine so I can do it twice to get one whole. I light cigarettes twice, I take two sips of everything I drink, I chew only with even numbers before swallowing…it’s just a whole series of things that build up.
#5 – Organizational Freak
I’m sure this falls under O.C.D. but this is another problem of mine. I live by the motto of “A place for every thing and every thing in it’s place.” I file paper work that most people wouldn’t even think of saving. I have everything labeled in a way that’s easy for even the dumbest of people to figure out. Kitchen cabinets need to be organized in a manor that makes sense when I’m cooking. Karen has things kind of all over the place because she doesn’t really cook so she doesn’t understand a chefs point of view on accessibility. Since it’s her kitchen, however, I can’t rearrange anything and I have to tell you – it’s driving me bananas.
#6 – I’m engaged.
While it’s not really a ‘weird’ thing, I haven’t been that open about it either. I’m in a very happy relationship and will more than likely be in this relationship for a very long time. We get along very well, know what each other is thinking and can battle it out like no tomorrow and still love each other five minutes later. It’s a great feeling. Now, if only I could get him to clean his shit up to cover my issues with number 4 and 5, and maybe this will be a match made in heaven…heh.
So yea, there’s my six. I’m going to tag: Ranee, Esther, Jenny and Sean for this one.