Archive for the ‘Randomage’ Category

Antibiotics and strange dreams…

Friday, August 24th, 2007

I’ve been kind of out of it for the last couple of days. I’m not sure what’s going on with my mouth but I managed to chip a tooth somehow and it’s flared up a little. I’m taking antibiotics and popping aspirin as though it’s candy but the pain is growing to be nothing short of completely annoying. Based on knowing this kind of pain, I’m almost certain that one of the nerves are exposed OR it’s an infection considering I’ve had some pretty nasty headaches for a few days prior to this even blowing up the way it did.

And the antibiotics? Forget it, I’m having the strangest dreams that are beginning to freak me out. For some reason, one of my dreams was of Princess. She was walking up-right and actually holding a conversation with everyone in the room. Being as she’s a dachshund, she couldn’t see over the lower-counter in the kitchen but this didn’t stop her. I’m not even sure if I remember the other ones, I just woke up with a really strange feeling taking over me that I certainly didn’t appreciate.

I just hope that by the time this really starts getting to me, I’ll be off the meds and won’t have to worry about it. I’ve also noticed another abcess coming back which makes no sense to me considering the root canal I had on it not too long ago. I’m just going to need to find a dentist down here that doesn’t over-charge with a lack of insurance. The guy I was going to back in NY has been a family doctor for many years, actually I think it started with his Father so it may be even longer than I think. I know my aunts been going to the same place since she was a child. But for a full root canal and temp filling he only charged me $120. Even with insurance that would have easily cost me a few hundred so I was certainly very pleased, and pain free at that. Now the filling is acting up, as a temp filling would of course. I think I’m going to have to head back to NY and see if I can get two teeth taken care of at the same time.

I’m to a point now where I just want to rip them all out considering how much trouble I’ve had with most of them. The thing is, it’s a family trait (dad’s side). We all have very soft teeth that are easily damaged but biting into a burger or something. We never understood why, we just know it costs a lot of money to keep them from all chipping in half and eventually falling out of our mouths completely. But for months I wasn’t have any trouble, I chipped this one a few nights ago on a piece of broccoli and it’s been bothering the crap out of me ever since.

I’m just getting around to comments now, Shauna I’ll email you within the next half hour. I’ll return everyone else’s when I get the chance, which more than likely won’t be until after my face stops throbbing.

Still in pain, Still needing a better bed…

Monday, August 6th, 2007

I’m still in quite a bit of pain from playing the Wii for as long as I did last night. My shoulder is starting to unlock but my back is completely out of whack, part of me thinks the horrible sleeping conditions play a big role in it.

Sean and I, for the last few months now, have told eachother time and time again that we have to put enough money aside to purchase a new bed ASAP. Unfortunately neither one of us has followed up on this because of easily distracted we are when shiny technology makes it’s way in front of our eyes. I’m sure if we didn’t buy the Wii and I didn’t make a few purchases here and there for the DS then we’d have more than enough to at least upgrade the bed, let alone buy a complete set. When I say upgrade, I mean purchase two box springs so we’re at least off the floor with the mattresses. At the same time, however, the one’s we’re on aren’t really meant for long-term use. They came with a pull out bed but it’s two twin mattresses and combined it’s the king that we needed in order to be comfortable at night.

No, it’s not a fat thing either. It’s the fact that both of us spread out while we’re asleep and throw in a dog who likes to spread out just as much as we do, naturally there were going to be some problems with the full-size bed we were recently sleeping on. My back did improve for a while but now it’s just back to it’s horrible ‘ol self again.

We were in Sears a few weeks ago and I almost pulled out the Amex on a $1600 Seely Pillow top Posturepedic that was 50% off. The second both of us even sat down on this bed, our backs felt so much better. Sean is easy to please, he just wants something that doesn’t bother his back. And while I completely adore sleeping on a softer mattress, my back personally prefers a firm one. I think just having one that isn’t 3 inches thick (like we’re on now) would be an instant improvement either way, honestly.

Listen Up!

Tuesday, July 31st, 2007

I just want to clarify that my previous post about a client was not in relation to Ranee, it was someone completely different. Her account was not suspended by me, it was suspended by the server master due to TOS violations. So you can stop filling up her inbox now, ok?

[edit] I also posted this in comments on TGO’s website.

I don’t want to be involved with any of this but I will say that TGO did NOT report anything to me. Up until the report came in I had no knowledge of anything going on with Ranee or TGO.

The report was sent over my head to my server master who then forwarded it to his boss. They’re the ones who suspended the account and are the ones holding it from having the suspension reversed, something I’m working on fixing.

There were multiple reports in regards to this issue. The ticket with the most to say had an IP based in Canada and cross-checking Ranee’s stats with this IP, 15% of her monthly visitors are from Canada so I wouldn’t even know where to begin tracking it down. It was an anonymous email filled with links to comments and entries noting his full name, which according to those above me are a TOS violation based on the situation at hand.

Again, I’m working on getting her back up and running but at this point it’s out of my hands until further notice.

Not real purple!

Monday, July 23rd, 2007

I got an email from someone asking me why I’d even consider dying my hair purple. It’s not completely purple. For many years I did blue black to cover up the gray and give my hair an interesting kind of twist. One light was a navy blue the other was black – see. This one just happens to be a deep purple instead of blue. It turned out really nice and I actually look younger now that I don’t have all of the gray sitting on the top of my head.

Trust me, I’m content!

The Law of Attraction

Friday, July 20th, 2007

I’m the kind of person that believes you reap what you sew, you get what you deserve, and you bring it upon yourself. I know it may seem harsh but it’s also the law of attraction. Take ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends, for example, you tell yourself that you keep attracting losers and then in the end, you actually do because your aura signal calls to the losers before the good guys. This isn’t my topic though.

I’ve once witness a woman, under 100lbs, being beaten senseless by 3 people. When the girl was done with her the two boys began pouncing off of her chest. I knew this woman, but even watching this happen right in front of me, I froze and did nothing about it. It wasn’t the whole “Uhm, what just happened?” it was the three years of wishing someone would just smack this woman in the face to get her to change her ways. I don’t know if it was my wishes that brought this on, even though she’s the one who was running her mouth to even start the fight, but I don’t regret not helping her either.

Call me cruel, but if you actually met this woman you’d feel as though she’d deserved every single ounce of this beating. She’s cheated on her husband, left her children by themselves for days on end with no food in the house because she was too busy with her alcoholic boyfriend, being an alcoholic herself she was never able to take the blame for anything she did and she swore she could get away with murder. She talked her way out of tickets when it came to DWI but that’s because she was the little woman in the slutty clothing and managed to weasel her way out of it. The only documented tickets for anything DWI and DUI a like were based on women pulling her over who were smart enough to not care about the outfit but get the ass hole behind the wheel put in jail. She then used her ex-husband to keep her out of jail. Is it wrong that I feel she deserves to be there for at least a year? She’d be sober and after she’s beaten down a few more times from the long-timers, then maybe she’ll smarten up a bit.

What happened next is kind of strange though, this is continuing with the “you bring it upon yourself” stuff. I haven’t ever been effected by this in regards to karma, maybe I’m pending on the list – who knows. The people who beat her down, however, one was shot in the chest and killed almost instantly. The other was sent to jail on other charges, not even in relation to this one because the police claim that she was too drunk to know for sure that she was actually beaten up. The third killed for drug money. I just find it strange that (in my head at least) somehow managed to merge these four people together to the point of them officially getting what they all deserved in the end.

Does this make me a medium for karma or something? Or was it just plain luck?

Three drug bastards off the streets and a drunken whore completely out of my life. I’d say that worked in my favor.

Resources: The Cover Guy

Friday, July 20th, 2007

PPP When I buy my own house it’s important to me that the outside looks just as wonderful as the inside. Call it the interior designer in me but I do have many tricks up my sleeve, mixed with a budget, that will have me very happy with the way things turn out. One important thing for the outside of the house is landscaping, all aspects of it. The grass won’t be cut by the dorks who handle this community. I’ll gladly pay someone to come back once a week but I want to make sure that everything is done right. They leave approximately 4 inches of grass, meaning their blades don’t even touch the ground. That’s unacceptable to me so I’m going to pull out the white pages and ask around about the best people to go through.

A big thing for me, outdoors, is a porch. I’ve been used to having a rather large deck for the bulk of my life. I enjoy having a lot of room that isn’t on the grass to just relax in. Yes, grass is great and all but the last thing I want to do is sit on grass that’s wet from morning dew just so I can tan. Sean and I have drawn up a few plans here and there about how we’d like things to look and one thing we agreed upon was a built in gas grill and a spa, naturally we’d have to invest in Hot Tub Covers to avoid waking up with animals or children floating around in there. A beautiful deck doesn’t mean you have to skimp on safety, you know? I did some surfing around the net and came across, they offer a five year warranty with their product and the covers can withstand harsh climates and it helps cut energy costs for running the spa because it keeps the heat in. They’re recognized as the number one hot tub cover or spa cover company in the industry and they deliver to all over the US and Canada.

They have some pretty nice looking covers too. They’re priced in the $300 range but that’s not half bad considering the spa would cost in the $3,000 range anyway. I’m not talking about purchasing some huge spa that can hold 10 people, granted it would be nice to have all of that room to relax in but I also do intend to have a pool if there’s enough room in the back yard for it. I’m just a picky person and know that I’m going to get everything I’m hoping for since I’m going to be working my butt off to get it. I’m not the type who’s going to sit back and spend my husbands money, I’m going to earn it myself, more than likely have a hand in building it and then going from there. But hey, that’s just me.

I need a clone…

Tuesday, July 10th, 2007

I still feel like complete crap but I did manage to start making a dent in all of my email. Hopefully I’ll be able to process some more of it before the meds kick in and I wind up falling back asleep. I do have some small jobs to accomplish but I highly doubt that I’ll be able to get them done today. I wish I could afford to have an assistant or something, I would just need one that doesn’t ask questions every twenty minutes and knows how to do things the same way I do. I think this is more or less the reason I’d clone myself.

I knew this was coming…

Sunday, July 8th, 2007

I was feeling like crap for the last couple of weeks but last night and this morning have sent me on an emotional roller coaster to the level of complete annoyance. Before I went to sleep last night I noticed I was having a little bit of chest pain, I naturally assumed it’s because I’ve been smoking more lately based on whatever is going on with me psychologically that I just can’t figure out. When I woke up this morning, however, the pain was much worse than it was the night before and after straining to get out of bed for a good half hour, I went into the office and had Sean walk Bella for me. There was no way in hell I’d be going outside today, no way in hell. The humidity is coming through the walls and my only relief from it is sitting in the air conditioning, but this is causing some problems as well. It’s now very dry in here and I’m almost predicting a nose bleed coming along in the near future.

I was doing a lot of coughing today and based on what came up, green mucus mixed with a bit of blood, I now believe I have bronchitis and while I should probably be at the hospital, all they can really do for me is give me an antibiotic and tell me to take it easy. Well, I have antibiotics and I AM taking it easy so there’s really nothing more that I can do. It’s been a rather emotional day for me as well, though. I don’t know why but I’ve been a walking basket case, little things have triggered me into a breakdown. I started my period today also, sure that has something to do with it, either way I’m not a happy camper right now.

Bella is snoring her little face off, if I do actually happen to have bronchitis the last thing I need is for her to be in here with me, but I am unsure of whether or not dogs can get what humans have. Sean’s been keeping me company for most of the day, even though he fell asleep for a little while, but he tried. I want to assume that he’ll be sick soon too. It’s just looking to be a pretty bad week for me.

Going through the morning rush…

Thursday, July 5th, 2007

I received a strange email before in regards to the price of gold coins, silver coins, and even bronze for that matter. Spam can be a rather strange thing, but I get bored enough to google things on the topic if it seems even remotely interesting to me. I’ve come across, a site I’ve used in the past, and found that while gold is great and all, there is a HUGE market for buying silver these days. I came across this quick web release about silver:

There may never be a better time for buying silver bullion than right now. World demand for silver now exceeds annual production, and has every year since 1990. Above ground stockpiles of silver bullion are low, shrinking rapidly and approaching zero. Since the end of WWII, for example, the U.S. government – once the largest stockpiler of silver on the planet – has dumped billions and billions of ounces of silver bars onto the world market, effectively depressing silver prices. Today, that government silver hoard is gone . . . and now the U.S. government is a silver buyer. For these reasons, silver bars represent an outstanding investment opportunity.

Either way I think an investment in anything isn’t a bad idea, I think that’s why people spend so much time on the stock market. They want to get everything they can for their money and there really isn’t anything wrong with that. I’m still peeved that my father didn’t invest in Google or Yahoo when I told him about them, he chose to stick with AT&T and I guess that’s fine now considering the iPhone is out, who knows what’ll happen with that stock. However, I hear there’s a lot of issues with the phone so I can only feel sorry for everyone having those shiny new two year contracts.

Travel Plans: London, England

Wednesday, July 4th, 2007

It’s officially the 4th of July and since I’m basically living in the middle of a huge tourist attraction, there are approximately 125,000 people here that aren’t typically around throughout the year. There are supposed to be some kind of fireworks going off at the beach but a recent view of the boardwalk thanks to the towns website has shown me that not only is the place completely packed but there isn’t even standing room at this point either. Times like these make me wish I was some place else, preferably Europe considering I’ve always wanted to go to London.

Naturally, if I ever did get to Europe I’d more than likely hit up Italy first considering that’s where my family comes from. I’d also spend a bit of time in Ireland as well. I’d personally, however, prefer to see something with a bit more history especially a place like London, England that houses close to half of all of the locations of my favorite British comedies, ones I still watch on a daily basis thanks to my local MPT station, Afternoon Tea = Best Stuff in The World! I can’t tell you how many questions I’ve answered just trying so hard to win the official Afternoon Tea mug that is just too cute for words, it would match all the rest of my coffee mugs so perfectly. It’s not like we don’t have an over abundance of mugs in the house though, it would just be nice to have one that I can say I won instead of one I spent $1.00 on at Dollar Tree.

A fellow blogger friend of mine happens to live in London and while she’s traveled throughout most of the world, she finds that home is where the heart is and she’s stated numerous times that she could not, nor would she ever, find herself living in another part of England, it’s just close to impossible and while I’ve never been there and have only seen images, movies and quick clips that are focused there, I have to say that I can completely agree with her.

So how’d you spend your July 4th? Are you in a heavily populated tourist area? How’d that work out for you?

I can tell you this though, I feel HORRIBLE for the residents in Ocean City right now. They’re even more packed than we are and there isn’t even standing room down on that boardwalk which is a mile long. Ocean City has a 5 mile long boardwalk that all overlooks the ocean where the fireworks are shooting off right now, those poor residents must be going through hell!


Saturday, June 30th, 2007

It’s been a pretty boring weekend so far. This past week I was unable to accomplish anything that I had to do, which explains my absence from posting over the last few days. Originally I started cleaning the house on Sunday to make sure everything was presentable by Tuesday evening considering I was expecting company on Wednesday. She never showed so that was somewhat of a waste, minus the fact that the house did still need some kind of a cleaning up anyway. I’m not sure what’s up with me lately but I’m in some kind of a funk where I have absolutely no energy to do anything. Getting out of bed seems like too much effort for me but even when I do finally get up with the state of mind screaming “something HAS to be accomplished today” nothing really happens from there.

Originally I thought I was just in a funk because my period was coming but I’m kind of working off others schedules at the moment, if that makes any sense. See, Karen works with a woman named Angie who is pretty easy to read when she’s got her period, she’s been working with her for so long that it seems like Karen gets her period whenever Angie does, since I’ve been living with Karen as long as I have, my schedule kind of shifted towards the end of the month. Last night she asked me if I was on the verge of getting mine since she was also cramping up, but I’m not. I know for sure I’m not pregnant, it’s just my schedule messing up again. I want to assume it’s stress related but that doesn’t really help me out. I keep seeing commercials for this birth control pill named YAS, it’s like the ‘powers that be’ are trying to send me a message through the television or something, but after doing some research into it I’m taken to information about a syndrome known as PMDD.

Apparently there’s multiple forms of PMS, PMDD being one of them. The symptoms include Irritability, Moodiness, Feeling Anxious, Bloating and Increased Appetite. Now, I’m not one of those “OOH, I have that!” kind of people. I know what my symptoms are and they COULD be corrected to PMS, but based on what I know of PMS, it doesn’t effect your life the way PMDD does, which it seems to be doing. My ‘swings’ have been severe enough to effect my work, daily life and relationship – Sean and I are kind of at each others throat the last few days and while he can be a hard person to get a long with at times, I know for the most part that it’s me triggering things between us.

The site recommends that I keep some kind of a body diary, this way I can track the symptoms and then decide from there if this is the route I should take. The issue is I don’t even know if I could afford this damn pill. Part of me just wants to get the tubes ripped out so I can deal with menopause NOW and just live the rest of my life period free but Sean wants children (even though I’m not too keen on them at this moment in time) but who knows what’s going to happen 10 years down the road. I’ve just got a whole series of emotions bothering me right now, nothing seems to relax me anymore – not even smoking, that’s just turning into a complete nuisance for me as well.

I don’t know…I doubt anything is actually even wrong with me – I may just be bored of life or something.

What’s on your head?

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

Since I’ve been spending more time in the office, to void myself of feelings of rage towards the constant sniffling, sneezing and coughing that is allergy-ridden-Sean, I’ve been wearing my headphones quite a bit to keep the background noise at bay. Originally I’d given this pair to Sean and while they were in perfect condition that first day, they don’t seem to be that great now. Granted they could have been damaged during their time being shipped down here. I gave him my other headphones. He feels important having a microphone on his head but the head-phones themselves give off some fairly great sound quality so either way he wins.

The ones I’m using now, however, don’t really sit right on my head and although they’re padded, there are pressure points making them rather uncomfortable for long periods of time. In my quest to find a more comfortable pair, I went to my usual hot-spots. TigerDirect, Microcenter, CompUSA, Best Buy and eventually, little did I know, a surf through Google would target me to a pair on Amazon that’s close to perfect, for both me and Sean actually.

He claims it’s the wires wrapping themselves around things, minus the fact that he’s clutzy sometimes and doesn’t pay much attention to what’s going on around him. The pair I found are only about $55 and they’re wireless – which makes everyone happy. They come with a dock that recharges them while they aren’t in use and that to me means money-saved on batteries. The headphones themselves, found here, are given a 4 out of 5 rating by one user. He explained the pros and cons of them but based on the fact that they’ll basically be hooked in through my iPod, I don’t care too much about a light potential hiss. I’m just not sure how they’re going to work with the subwoofer and speakers that I gave to Sean. I’m not quite sure how you can plug this thing into a head-phone jack but I’m pretty sure that I’ll find that out when they get here.

I’m still shopping around but for now I guess these will go on my possibilities list. Has anyone got a pair of wireless headphones that they’d strongly recommend? I’d love to hear your reaction – I’m not looking to spend anything over $100 at this point but if you’re convincing enough…I just might.

10 Things I’ve Done You Probably Haven’t

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

I came across a meme that I thought was fairly interesting. I’m unsure if it’s an actual weekly article or if it’s something someone just pasted in their blog, but I came across an article on AOL Journals that was named 10 Things I’ve Done You Probably Haven’t. It was written by user johnmscalzi and I figured I’d give it a shot.

I have no doubt in my mind that somewhere down this list, you’ve done this too. I haven’t done many extravagant things in my life but maybe you can learn something new and interesting about me.

  1. I’ve driven through four states in one day.
  2. I’ve been hospitalized for a tablespoon of food that contained fish.
  3. I’ve broken and re broken both ankles countless times.
  4. I’m addicted to the smell of gasoline, I grew up living next to a gas station and if I could buy a house right next to one, I probably would. I’ve spent an entire day in a gas-station parking lot just taking in the smell.
  5. I’ve taken the skin off my hands from washing them so much, OCD will do that to you.
  6. I’ve never broken a promise, unless I felt I absolutely had to.
  7. Have you ever wanted to just squeeze something that was too cute for words? I have.
  8. I can not resist puppy-dog eyes, to the point that I’ve handed over an entire plate of food to a dog and went hungry for myself.
  9. I let Bella pee wherever she wants, I don’t care how nice the neighbors yard is.
  10. I’ve given bad hair cuts and continued to convince the person that they looked amazing.

It seems like a really shitty list, but a post is a post.

I screwed up my dog!

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

Once a month I like to give Bella a trim. I trim around her face so you can see her eyes, and I get around her tail/booty so that she doesn’t have pee on herself. Tonight, in an attempt to help out the groomer, I started cutting out some of the matting that she had going on around her. I did fairly well, minus the fact that her ass is close to bald at this point. I’m not sure if I accidentally cut her skin or if she has a section on her that’s being pilled around her legs but she’s walking funny now. So instead of helping out the groomer, I may have potentially made it worse.

I’m giving them a call tomorrow where I’ll be begging and pleading for an early appointment so that she doesn’t have to go a week walking funny. Based on stats I’ve got money coming through from paid stuff so I assume I’ll be ok there. I’m not even concerned about her getting a bath, having her nails clipped or even worrying about her getting her anals squeezed. I really just want her shaved so that she’s no longer uncomfortable. I hope to God I didn’t nick something. I’m typically very careful at making sure not to get the scissors close to her skin. I just feel so bad right now. It’s like giving your child a bad hair cut – which I know MANY people do. I found out today that there are still people who put the bowl on their kids head and cuts around it. When he’s getting the crap kicked out of him in high school – don’t ask any questions.

Anyway, so I’m going to call up tomorrow and see how soon I can get an appointment, last time we called there was a week delay which ticks me off because I always was able to get her taken care of within the next 48 hours. So this waiting-a-week crap bothers the hell out of me. I’m going to push to see if I can get her in on Friday or Saturday, I consider it an emergency because she’s walking crooked and I can’t tell if it’s her legs that are crooked or if I just cut her lopsided. She does look as though she’s in a little bit of pain so naturally I want that resolved as soon as possible. I can’t bring her to the clinic because they don’t do any on-site-grooming unless it’s surgery based. I may ask them if I can borrow one of their back rooms and their buzzer if I really get that desperate. Maybe they can sedate her for me so she isn’t squirming while I’m doing this. I know that’s not going to happen, I guess I’ll know for sure tomorrow what route I’m going to need to take.

I feel so bad…I really do.

I just found out that I’m blog-of-the-day on PayPerPost. While I still feel horrible about the dog I have to say I’m happy that I was chosen for today. Maybe my luck is changing and I’ll be able to get into the groomer this weekend. :hrm:

Wednesday Mind Hump

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

Time for the Wednesday Mind Hump. These are last week’s questions, I’m sure this week’s will be uploaded soon but I’m impatient.

1. Have you ever cut or burned yourself while cooking? I burn myself all the time. It’s not really accidental though, I just have a tolerance towards hot plates from cooking all these years.

2. Have you ever put in a wrong ingredient in a dish (sugar instead of salt, for example)? Nope, I can’t say I have. I have a tendency to read through EVERYTHING quite a few times before actually doing something. It’s the measure twice, cut once technique.

3. Have you ever dropped, or otherwise ruined, a dish just before serving it? Bonus points if you had a large number of people waiting to eat it. Nope, but again I’ve been cooking since I was 8 years old, naturally I’m going to take great care with things. A chef can have a bad day but you’re never going to see them drop anything!

4. In case you aren’t a cook – Have you ever had a restaurant make a klutzy move that affected your meal? Tell us about it! A waitress one time wound up tripping on her own two feet and spilling soup and soda all over some unsuspecting customer. I love the funny lady’s at IHOP, I really do.

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Makes you think…don’t it?

Tuesday, June 19th, 2007

Recently I was asked: Over the course of your life, what have you probably spent more time pondering than anything else?

In agreement with someone else’s answers, it’s how words were assigned the way that they were. Why is it called banana and not horn. My favorite being “Why do we call it rain and not car?” it makes for some interesting round-the-table kind of topics, don’t you think? Who’s to say the sky is blue, maybe it’s really purple. Who came up with the name purple? It’s honestly just question after question that makes no real sense, does it?