Archive for the ‘Randomage’ Category

Oh boy…

Wednesday, March 19th, 2008

Last night it finally hit me that there’s a stack of unpaid bills and recurring payments coming out of my bank account towards the loan and the credit cards.  I quickly got my butt in gear and sent off so many resumes I don’t even remember half of the companies I’d applied to.  The ones that I did remember, however, have already gotten back to me.  I have an interview at 9am on Friday with a Marina looking for a full time web developer and I also have a 1pm appointment at a build-a-bear kind of factory in town as well.

I’m thinking if I can actually handle it, doing full time with one company and part time with another would give me everything I need in order to get back on track with things.  I hope to not exceed 55 hours a week but we’ll see what happens.  I really wouldn’t mind doing weekdays as a web developer and spending my weekends with all the kids down by the beach, I think it will give me the relaxation that I need – that’s for sure.

I’ll keep my fingers crossed and see what sticks and what doesn’t.

Extra Work

Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

I’ve been working extra hard on getting my totals up for the month. I slacked off for about a week and now I’m so far behind I wonder if I’ll make enough to cover my taxes this year. There are a few big write-offs though, so that’ll certainly help me out. With everything factored in I owe about $1200 or-so to taxes. After that I have about $1500 worth of write-offs including two computers, monitors and other electronics that I needed in order to even work during 2007. So hopefully that will balance everything out.

I’m dealing with a flood-zone at the moment. It’s been raining pretty hard for the last five hours or so and while everyone north of DE is enjoying snowfall or some kind of mixture, I’m dealing with horrible drainage and the lack of ability to see the drive-way because it’s under water right now. I hope it lets up soon. While I do love a good rainy day, it’s bringing me down today and I just don’t like it.

Once I accomplish getting all of my work done today I’ll be in the kitchen for a while. It desperately needs to be cleaned because we’re having house-guests this weekend, and after I’m done with that I’m going to be making about 4 dozen valentines cupcakes. Two dozen are going to work with Karen and the other two are staying here as my treat to Sean. Tomorrow night I’m going nuts on dinner too, it’s just cheaper to have V-Day at home this year, so I’ll pull some chicken out and make all kinds of sides for it and the rest is history.

A book recommendation, followed by randomage.

Sunday, January 20th, 2008

Since there isn’t much going on these days, other than sending out resumes and hoping for the best, I’ve been doing a lot of reading to keep myself entertained. A few months ago I picked up a book at the grocery store. It caught my eye because the author, Erica Spindler, has been a favorite of mine for quite some time now. It’s one of her newer books, Copy Cat, and I have to say I highly recommend it to just about everyone in the mood for not only a romantic story, but a suspense thriller as well. Paperback cost me about $7 but you can find it on Amazon for as little as $1.

Erica Spindler - Copycat The Sleeping Angel Killer provides the chilling focus to Spindler’s 12th bloodcurdling romantic thriller (after Killer Takes All). Kitt Lundgren and Mary Catherine “M.C.” Riggio of the Rockford, Ill., VCB (Violent Crimes Bureau) vow to catch a serial killer who sets the suffocated bodies of 10-year-old girls in their own beds, dressed like angels in frilly white nightgowns, hair spread out on their pillows and pink lip gloss applied postmortem to their mouths. Spindler’s setting of a “meat-and-potatoes” Midwest town provides a fresh background for two believable and very cool investigators. Kitt, a recovering middle-aged alcoholic, tried and failed to catch the murderer five years earlier, during a 2001 killing spree, while her own child was dying of leukemia and her marriage was falling apart under the strain. Now, when eerily similar crimes recur, someone calls Kitt, identifying himself as the original killer and the new perp as just a copycat. M.C., an ambitious, distrustful newbie, is assigned to help Kitt with the investigation. The detectives must overcome their personal problems in order to catch the monsters, a task culminating in a breathless finale.

I’m not done with the book yet, I only started reading it before I went to sleep last night. After about an hour I was 150 pages in and found it damn near impossible to put it down. The only reason I did was based on the lack of ability to keep my eyes open. While I was enjoying the book, my head was still telling me to go to sleep and no amount of fighting it was going to keep me awake for much longer anyway.

The book has a day-to-day theme going on with it and oddly enough the story was set in the February/March time frame of 2006. A few things caught my eye, mainly because March 2006 was such a difficult month for me. I noticed that chapter 7 is the only notice of the ex-husband (thus far) and this fell on the date of March 7, 2006. The reason this caught my eye was based on the fact that the very first line of the chapter read “Hello Joe”. I found it pretty freaky, this character is talking to her ex-husband the same day I lost Joe. I know that it’s purely a coincidence but it stood out for me, and probably had a lot to do with why I sat here for so long reading as much as I could before I dozed off.

I had some pretty strange dreams last night, not sure why but all family members that have passed on came to me and started yapping about something important, what the message was – I have no idea. I just think it’s strange that I haven’t dreamt of my Grandmother since I was 8 years old and there she was standing in front of my desk with some kind of a message that I just didn’t understand. I didn’t hear her, I knew she was talking to me, you can always see someone talking to you in your dreams. I’m just unsure of what was actually being said, I just remember screaming “Speak English” because it sounded like “Womp, Womp, Womp” whenever she opened her mouth.

Another interesting dream happened just as I’d dozed off to sleep. I’m unsure of whether or not it was based on the book or not but I was walking up my stairs (the one’s in NY, not DE) and at the top of the stairs was Tony Soprano’s mother (now deceased). I could literally see right through her, she looked at me with this evil grin on her face and then her eyes rolled up in the back of her head. I went to run inside but I couldn’t get my keys out of my pocket and I stood there screaming “Wake me up!”. When I finally did wake up it had only been about 20 minutes since I’d gone to bed. It was just one of those freaky dreams that chills you to the bone and sticks with you all freaking day.

And speaking of bone chilling, according to my weather monitor it’s supposed to get down to about 3¬?F tonight. A quick snow shower came through this evening but I haven’t been outside since about 1am to see what kind of “damage” was done. Down here you don’t get much, we’re too close to the ocean and everything tends to melt within an hour because of the salt in the air. I hear NY is getting some pretty decent snow, I kind of wish I could be up there right now to enjoy it but I have to accept the fact that Delaware will never be New York and I need to move on. It sucks, but nothing I can do about it.

More than a simple upgrade.

Sunday, January 6th, 2008

The WordPress upgrade issue should hopefully be resolved with the release of Fantastico 3, unfortunately I have no idea when that’s actually going to be but at this point in time it’s not overly important.¬† I’m sure when it’s a mandatory upgrade everything will be processed accordingly.

An issue I’m having at the moment is with my laptop.¬† I’ve said before that I’m looking to get a new one and since then mine has been on the fritz.¬† I’m unsure of if it’s something Sean’s done (since he’s been using it for the last week) or if my computer is slowly crashing but when it comes to the brightness on the screen, something just isn’t right.¬† I have “Brightview” and that only works when I have my AC plugged in.¬† This evening it’s showing me a brighter screen when I’m running just on the battery.¬† I was able to fix it while holding down Fn and pressing f7 but the changes being made in the first place without my immediate knowledge is a bit annoying.¬† Maybe Sean’s eyes started to hurt and he turned it down, who knows – that’s a small thing in comparison to the extreme lag I’m experiencing as well.

So what does this mean?¬† Over the course of the next few months I’ll be banking some extra money (probably just leaving it on my Paypal account) and saving up for a new laptop.¬† I don’t need to spend $1200 to get something extreme.¬† I’m looking more along the lines of a $750 max budget.¬† I use my laptop primarily when I travel, or when I just don’t feel like being in the office.¬† I never use it for graphics anymore because I have the iMac now, I do think using it just for code is more than acceptable.¬† So I’m more than likely going to get something with the same statistics I have on this one, I just know I’ll save a little money considering this particular model is almost 2 years old.

I’ve narrowed my choices down to Acer or HP.¬† Either one will suffice for me.¬† I’ve noticed a rise in Acer machines lately and the ones I’ve worked on have really held up the way you would expect a decent computer to do so.¬† Typically they’re less expensive than HP’s as well.¬† Then again, so is Gateway but there’s no way in hell I’d even consider owning a Gateway ANYTHING.¬† No moo-cow box for me, mmhmm.¬† If I really wanted to splurge I’d pick up a Macbook but I don’t really want to spend that kind of money when it’s good to have a Windows based machine at my fingertips for a much lower price tag.

Take the Upgrade?

Friday, January 4th, 2008

I signed into WordPress and saw that I’m supposed to do some kind of a manditory update on my WordPress installation.¬† Unfortunately I’m unable to get in touch with the server master for my reseller account so I can’t even get Fantastico updated.¬† Then again, I’m not even sure if there’s an update for it either.¬† I really do need to stay on top of things this year, maybe I should add that to my list of resolutions huh?

We’re staying here a bit longer than we’d originally planned.¬† I really do love being up here and I’m getting to spend time with family that I haven’t seen in quite some time.¬† Sean and I have decided to look outside of Delaware for either an apartment or a house and then go from there.¬† The half-way point for access to both families is in New Jersey so we may wind up looking up that route.¬† Hopefully we’ll figure everything out once money is good enough to make such a move.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Tuesday, December 25th, 2007

To all visitors, whether you love me or hate me – I wish you and your families a happy, safe and healthy Holiday as well as a Happy New Year.

Eventually I’ll plan for real.

Friday, December 14th, 2007

?While I’m not really searching for anything in particular, I just like to keep ideas fresh in my mind, and valuable sites bookmarked to use at a later date. I’m not planning my wedding because I’m unsure of when exactly I’d like to even have it. As of right now, we’re both aware of the fact that we’re going to be together for an extremely long time and that is good enough for us at this point in time. Sure, it would be nice to have a huge family wedding but I know that would instantly be a hassle because of the Catholic family traditions that I don’t personally agree with. A church wedding is more than likely not going to happen for me, while Sean went through some levels of Religion (he went to Catholic school) my father made it a point not to force us into it the way he was. He hated going and if we truly wished to go then it would be our choice, not his. My grandmother wasn’t really too happy with that being the strong follower that she was, but she accepted the fact that he’s entitled to raise his children whichever way he pleased. On my mothers side, they didn’t care too much. I know my mother never liked going, or at least I think that was the case. Either way not having that background has instantly cast me out of the whole Church wedding and at this late in the game I don’t feel going back for classes is even remotely important. Why force ourselves into an uncomfortable situation just to make everyone else happy about OUR relationship? I’ll be fine with a justice of the peace on a beach. Down here it’s not hard to find, we’re in a beach town and they’re preformed on numerous occasions considering it’s up the block from the court house anyway.

Anyway, I found a resource to bookmark – – they give you everything that you could possibly need. It’s a directory that connects brides with vendors in your area, it also provides tools and articles to help users through the “wedding planning journey”. If you live in the Buffalo area you can just look into Buffalo Weddings. Unfortunately I was only able to locate two places for Delaware (Dover and Wilmington) but I was unable to locate the kinds of resources (in those areas) that I was looking for. More and more this is looking to be a Long Island wedding. I know a lot of the resources available for Long Island weddings. Plus I have a huge family to help me out with the odds and ends. My mother has done the invitations for family and friends as far as the eye can see and has beautiful calligraph handwriting. My grandmother is the queen of party favors and with 7 grandchildren in the family, it’ll be a full wedding party – that’s for sure.

There’s a lot to do, I’m just unsure of when I’ll be ready to start.


Friday, December 14th, 2007

Things didn’t go too well in Atlantic City this weekend.¬† While we did have a lot of fun, all of the money that we went up there to gamble with, quickly left our pockets.¬† Now the Casino is the proud owner of one of my weekly paychecks.¬† It’s unfortunate but we did go up there just to have fun.¬† The room was comped, I did spend about $30 on coffee but having a Starbucks in the Casino really didn’t help me.¬† I met up with my father on Saturday after we arrived, he’d been there since Wednesday and wasn’t doing too well himself.¬† He stayed at Harrah’s the whole time, didn’t even leave the casino.¬† I did do well at Harrah’s, but since I was staying at Showboat I put more money into them then Harrah’s so even breaking even wasn’t an option.

I’m hoping to go back for Valentines Day, I’m sure I’ll have comps for something.¬† Hopefully we’ll have everything figured out before then though.¬† Instead of looking into a house we’re now looking into a rental, we just need to find something in our immediate price range.¬† :: crosses fingers ::

Ooh Pretty!

Thursday, December 6th, 2007

12/05/07 Snowfall

The snow stopped about Midnight and something told me to head outside and check things out. I looked across the street at the light and saw an absolutely gorgeous tree covered in a blanket of snow. Yesterday the tree was just finished losing it’s last red leaf. I’m unsure of the actual type of tree it is but I know it’s gorgeous for about 8 months out of the year, so that counts for something.

While this is basically a meaningless entry, I figured I’d share a pretty picture.

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Thursday, November 1st, 2007

I just dragged myself into the shower in the attempt at waking myself up a little.¬† I know it’s only midnight but I’ve been doing a lot of sleeping for the last few days based on the fact that I’m not feeling very well.¬† I don’t know if stress is catching up to me or if it just has to do with the fact that aunt flo is in town but everything combined is taking it’s toll on me.

I’m in dire need of a hair cut, mine is just getting too long to handle anymore.¬† I like having long hair but when it’s down past your ass and always up in some kind of a funky bun just to keep it out of the way – it’s time for some chopping.¬† I wanted to get it done when we were up in New York last week but Betty wasn’t around and there was no way that I was going to the super fabulous Steve Allen, freaking bastard charges $160 just to dye someones hair.¬† He won’t cut hair and he makes the clients blow out their own hair.¬† He deserves nothing more than a kick in the ass, but that’s the New York charm kicking in for me.

So I’m back to searching for a reasonable place down here.¬† Sean suggested super-cuts, I almost kicked him in the shin.¬† I’ve had professionals working on my hair for 23 years, no way in hell I’m going to beauty school drop outs that only trim your hair.¬† I want style again, and I definitely need a dye job.¬† The grey is shining through and starting to get annoying.¬† So Sean already knows that I’ll be taking about $150 out of the loan money just so I can get myself feeling all nice-nice again, the issue is actually FINDING someone to do it that doesn’t require me to travel all the way back up to New York or even Jersey for that matter.

Anyone in the Delmarva area have any suggestions?¬† I’ll take anything you’ve got at this point.

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Starting off…bad.

Thursday, October 18th, 2007

It’s been a pretty bad day so far.¬† Now, nothing has really personally effected me but there’s a lot going on around the world that has me concerned, annoyed, and heart-broken for someone else.

A Tornado has touched down in Florida, thousands of people are without power at the moment.¬† My reason for being concerned is not only are there homes a wreck, Sean’s brother is currently in the area but Sean (with his fabulous memory) has no idea where exactly his brother is at the moment.¬† So the logical thing to do would be to CALL his brothers cell but I guess that’s because I actually think about things, unlike my significant other at the moment.¬† I’m also a worry wort about things like this.

I received an email this morning from an old high school friend informing me that a mutual acquaintance of ours has passed away due to a drug overdose.¬† Now, I didn’t know this person very well, we only passed paths in the hallway or randomly at lunch depending on whether this person was sober or not to even realize where she was.¬† It’s unfortunate to hear that she’s passed away but based on how heavily she was into drugs in high school, it really was only a matter of time after school let out that someone would hear of this news.¬† My heart goes out to her family, I know how hard it was for her mother.¬† There are just some people in the world that you really can’t get through to.¬† No amount of therapy or detox did any good for this girl, and trust me – she was in a lot of it.

As for the annoyed, there’s just a series of things going on that are getting to me.¬† It’s nothing overly important, mainly work related, but the stress doesn’t help my stomach right now.¬† There aren’t enough tums in the world to calm it down.¬† I swear there’s an ulcer coming on.

I don’t get it.

Wednesday, October 17th, 2007

The universe really does have an interesting way of balancing itself.¬† For me, things are going pretty good minus a toothache that sprung up last night.¬† We’ll have the loan on Monday, we’re just waiting very patiently for Saturday to come around.¬† It’s only Wednesday so naturally I’m getting pretty antsy.¬† Minus the loan, financially things are good this month.¬† I’m a few hundred ahead of where I should be so that’s always a good thing, at least I know that I’ll have more than enough to get this house taken care of when we get out there.

The downside is that things aren’t doing so well for many people around me.¬† Friends family members are sick, someone I have a soft-spot in my heart for is having some trouble with her newborn.¬† And many other things that could effect someones daily life in such a horrible way.¬† My heart goes out to them, but I think that’s just about all I can do at this moment.

It’s kind of strange though.¬† I was in a funk for a few weeks when we were rejected for the first loan.¬† Everyone around me was happy and went about their daily lives without any major issues.¬† Now that the rolls have reversed, I wonder why things happen this way.¬† I guess that’s my way of wondering why everyone just can’t be happy all the time no matter what the cost.¬† Everyone is entitled to a bad day, but when you’re going on bad weeks and months, why keep yourself in the situation?

Still not here

Thursday, October 11th, 2007

It’s yet another day and no word from HSBC. Tomorrow I’m going to have to call up the main office and see what’s going on. They said 7-10 business days, and when removing weekend and holiday dates from that equasion it should have been here on Wednesday. It’s now a few hours to Friday and there still isn’t anything here. Now I’m on the verge of looking into payday loans just so we can at least get the basics accomplished. It’s kind of putting the cart before the horse but either way a few thousand is going to have to be paid back within the first month so it really shouldn’t matter which route we take.

I’ve been looking into a cash advance site called You can get a loan from $100-$1500. The process can be done anonymously online and I don’t need to sell anything, or ask to borrow money from someone. I don’t think that asking to borrow money is an uncomfortable situation for me, as most cash advance and payday loan companies would claim but that’s based on the fact that I tend to pay back whatever I borrow so it’s really not such a big deal. It’s just the question of whether or not I want to borrow money with interest or not. Either way something is going to have to be done soon because now we’re just itching to get out to Ohio so we can get into this place and start turning it into our home.

Always in Excess

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

I know it may seem strange but I can tell that the season is about to change, even before the cold front comes through here.¬† I wash my hands about 20 times a day.¬† It’s based on how often I smoke and just my OCD in general.¬† During the summer I don’t really have that many problems in regards to dry hands. However, in the fall and winter months, my hands crack like no tomorrow due to the lack of humidity in the air and just the chilled air in general.¬† Today I noticed that my knuckle was bleeding.¬† Even with lotion on my hands I tend to have these problems on a yearly basis.¬† I probably should be using some kind of a prescription grade lotion but I figure the one I use has both Aloe and Intense Moisturizers so that would do the trick.¬† Something tells me I’m going to have to see a dermatologist sometime in the near future.¬† I know I could just cut back on washing my hands so often but when you’re cleaning up the house all day, picking up wee-wee pads and other lovely things that the dogs leave on the floor, you kind of need to remove the bacteria somehow.¬† Products like purelle hold too much alcohol so that’d really be worse for me.

I just know that my hands are killing me and I hate it.

I think I made my decision.

Thursday, October 4th, 2007

I’m still a little iffy on it but I narrowed it down to an iMac and a Mac Mini.¬† If I happen to choose the 20″ iMac then Sean is going to have a brand new second monitor, unless there’s more than enough space on my desk of course.¬† If I go with the Mac Mini then I’ll be using my second monitor as the main monitor for the new computer.

Price wise, the Mac Mini is the more financially sound route, but this doesn’t mean I’m discounting the $1200 price tag attached to the iMac.

Having another laptop would be great, but I honestly love mine too much to give it up.

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Quest for Bedding

Tuesday, September 4th, 2007

I’ve taken a break from the hosting search for a little while, now I’m in the mood to decorate. I’m looking around Walmart, Kmart, Target and Kohls for a bedding set. I typically do this whenever I get a new mattress, something about everything being NEW that makes me a happy girl, I don’t know.

I found a few interesting sets in Walmart (cheapest of the bunch) but none of them were appealing enough for me to actually go ahead and purchase them. Kmart absolutely sucks when it comes to bedding; I’ve always hated their products, and their pricing. Target is proving to be completely useless. Then again, I don’t think I’ve ever liked them. Their commercials are beginning to freak me out. I’m all for new and interesting ways of advertising but when you get a creepy feeling anytime you see a stores commercial, you aren’t really going to just walk into their store, you know? As far as Kohls is concerned, they’re the most expensive out of the bunch and I can’t seem to find anything there either.

I now understand why so many people mix and match things, it’s impossible to find a complete set that meets all of your personal requirements. We have a reversable black and grey comforter that I picked up from Walmart. I also loaded up on pillow cases because having everything match is a big thing for me. I guess my only option now is to purchase the fitted and flat sheet from Walmart as well, and then for the extra color just pick up some throw pillows. Or probably just an extra blanket to drape over the bottom of the bed. I naturally want to decorate, it’s just hard to maintain when you’re the only one making the bed in the morning.