Archive for the ‘Randomage’ Category

I don’t know…

Saturday, May 20th, 2006

I know it’s only been two days since I posted but for some reason it feels more like two weeks. It could have something to do with the constant string of storms or the fact that I’ve woken up at 7am for the last few days, only to fall asleep around 4am the following morning, I have no idea.

I’ve been very anxious the last few days; it’s kind of that weird feeling of everything coming together where I’m both excited, but sad about it too. I’m sure it makes no sense to you but that’s basically how it feels to me, and we all know I’ve never been one to make much sense anyway.

I’m extremely happy that my laptop will be here sometime in the next two weeks. I’m very happy my patio will be setup the way I’ve wanted it to be for the last three years. I’m very ticked off that people are on my case about things that don’t concern me, and I’m extremely upset that even with the good things, I don’t have Joe to share it with. I know it’s been two months, and there are few people who say “Get over it and move on.” because that’s just how my family works, but every day I wake up thinking about him and I can honestly say that time heals JACK SHIT.

I’m depressed and I don’t like being depressed. My guard is back up, to the point that I can literally say I trust absolutely no one and I’m sure that will offend some people but that’s just how I feel. I know the two people on earth/in spirit who I can trust whole heartedly but after that it’s kind of touch and go with me. Mixed signals have me confused, false senses of security have me ticked off, and nagging about stupid things makes me want to put my foot up someone?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s ass.

I’m purposely burying myself in my work so I can avoid speaking to certain people and thinking about Joe (which definitely isn’t working very well – at all). I don’t even really go on AIM anymore; I have no use for it. It’s nothing against anyone personally, I’m just not into it these days. My main focus is to make as much money as possible and put it into my savings account so it can grow faster and I can get the hell out of here or at least get me the means to do so.

That didn’t stop me tonight though. I went to Wal-Mart with my sister. It was my intent to get a nice new messenger bag for under $20 for my laptop. It had to be big enough to hold the laptop, mouse, router and other accessories. I found a really nice one, only mine is baby blue – not pink. It’s padded, it’s roomy, and it’s got so many hidden compartments that I almost pissed myself in excitement. By now, any regular visitor should know how easily amused I am; this bag was it. It wasn’t a bad deal either; $12.96 is a great deal on something like this. I was looking around for laptop bags/cases but they were all either too expensive or too gaudy. So, this works for me.

I still, however, managed to drop $100 in about a half hour. I know I shouldn’t have, but for the most part it was things that I needed. I made a mistake the last time I was there when I bought my shampoo, it wasn’t actually shampoo – I misread the label and got myself two $6 bottles of CONDITIONER so my going back to get the shampoo was important. I also treated myself to a box of cereal, for some reason I’ve been craving Kix and since they’re about $2 more in the super market, I figured Wal-Mart would have a good deal there, and they did :w00t:

I dropped about $50 on my sister, that’s the only reason why the bill came up as high as it did. She randomly threw shit into the cart and I never turned around to say “No” because I just don’t have the energy. I don’t have the energy to do ANYTHING these days, I’m just so warn out, you’d think I was coming down with a cold or something. It’s just my body finally giving up on me I guess. I’m still quick with zingers; I’m just having trouble saying “No” to people, which is why I’m so damn tired. I’m always working on something. For certain people I offer it, so I don’t mind. But the ones that don’t talk to me for six months at a time and then IM me one day with “Could you create a theme for me?” are just really getting on my nerves.

In other news, my table arrived in NJ around 2:30 this afternoon (based on UPS tracking at least) it should hopefully be here before Monday. I’m going to jump the gun and say it will show up tomorrow – but I also said I’d pick up the chairs today and I never did so who knows. It’ll get here whenever it gets here and I guess that’s all that matters. My local King Kullen Supermarket is having its Memorial Day Sale so the chairs are marked down to about $5.99 each. This means I don’t have to find a way out to East Meadow, I can just have daddy take the roof off the Jeep and we can go pick them up. I’m not getting the bench for a few weeks, its unimportant. The shades can wait too. I just want the chairs, that’s all. Besides, for the time being I can just throw the two extra chairs in the corner with my neighbors coffee table and it can easily take the place of the bench. Problem solved.

I know I’m rambling, and I’m sure I’m boring you so I’m just going to hit “Post” and shut down for the night.


Saturday, May 13th, 2006

My eyes are bothering the hell out of me today. I’ve been sitting here since 9am, with maybe 2-3 breaks, putting all of my effort into this account. I’d like to get it done as soon as possible because unfortunately I was stupid and like quadruple-booked myself. Once I’ve finished with this client I have another four to work on.

I know, “boo hoo for you, you have to work” but seriously, it’s ALL PHP, ALL DAY LONG. I’m to a point now where I’m seeing if-then statements when I close my eyes. It’s like…slot machines. “IF…THEN…FALSE”. Then when it’s like “IF…THEN….TRUE” bells go off?¢‚Ǩ¬¶SERIOUSLY!

Yea…I haven’t slept very much in the last few days, can’t you tell?

Last night was worth it though. The big storm that was SUPPOSED to come through here came through with FULL FORCE. At 3:30 this morning, I was hanging my head out the window watching the lightening shoot off like fireworks. If my camera wasn’t such a piece of shit with battery life at the moment, I would have probably snapped some ‘live-action’ shots. Don’t mind me…I love storms. I always have for some reason. Bella hid under the bed for an hour while it was rumbling outside, then she popped her head out when everything died down a bit. She spent the rest of the night sleeping under my pillows…I guess she felt safe there…who knows.

The fog right now is so thick you can slice it with a knife, which is weird considering its fairly breezy outside. I personally never thought that was possible. I thought fog was dense air due to lack of wind?¢‚Ǩ¬¶so this is all confusing to me. I’m also an idiot so who knows?

In any event, it’s almost 1:30 and I have another two hours to put in before I can get some sleep. I would pull an all nighter but my ass fell asleep hours ago so now I’m just uncomfortable…heh.

You’re shittng me…right?

Monday, May 8th, 2006

I’m a bit annoyed right now; well not ANNOYED per say, but a happy frustration I guess I could label it.

Refrral Crap
I woke up this morning to find that my final offer went through for the Free Digital Camera (thanks Alicia) and now instead of just going in and claiming my free gift, they have a totally new setup that I really, truly dislike.

You have to SNAIL MAIL a color printed .PDF file with all of your information filled in. It takes 4-6 weeks for them to process this form. Then you have to log in to your account (regularly) to check on its status. Once approved you can go through the entire order process through the website


Am I the only person who finds this to be completely absurd? It’s just an extra headache. They updated the look of their site, which is fine because they’re millionaires and can do that. But when you totally update how the site is operated, there’s quite a bit of confusion there. When I got my iPod and my TV it was just a quick “Click here to redeem your gift” icon. It didn’t require a stamp and using the rest of the little ink I had in my printer.

I know it seems childish and I’m just getting the damn camera for free so I should buck up and deal with it.

Work Shit.
I’m more annoyed with my client right now. There’s nothing wrong with him per say, it’s just that when I email a question it takes 2-4 hours for him to respond. His response, however, it’s a “change-this-change-that” kind of an email. Considering the amount of money he’s paying me, I know that it has to be perfect but he stated in the beginning that he wanted to be in total contact with me at all times during the process. Wouldn’t that mean checking your email a little more than once a day considering you sit in front of a computer all day anyway?

Patio Woe’s
I drove around with my sister yesterday in hopes to find a patio set. We hit up Big Lots, Kmart, Sears, Home Depot and Wal-Mart. My father wasn’t too keen on the fact that I wanted to drop $125 on a picnic table that didn’t come with chairs. The table is like 96’x38′, it’s fairly large considering the price. He doesn’t seem to realize that I just have to drop $5 on each typical white plastic chair (that matches the table anyway). So I can get six of those for like $30 and it would still be about $50-$100 cheaper than some of the sets that Kmart, Wal-Mart and Home Depot had to offer. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me but that would be a better idea, wouldn’t it?

I don’t know, it’s just a bad Monday, I’ll take it as that.

I’ll get around to returning comments later; I have some work to get done. I guess I just needed to vent a little bit.

Rollin, Rollin, Rollin…

Thursday, May 4th, 2006

I know it’s only been about four days since my last blog, but it’s actually been an eventful week and few things are actually worthy of being written down.

Shopping Fever
I did some shopping on Tuesday, I probably shouldn’t have but it was everything I needed. I poked around Maces with the intent of pricing a few things that I’ll be purchasing in upcoming weeks. The new table that I want to get for the porch will run me about $120; it doesn’t have ANY chairs though, so that was annoying. I honestly thought there would be a better selection. I did found a few nice sets that I’m interested in, but then I’d have to DOUBLE my spending budget for them and I don’t personally see that as something of importance. I think for now I’ll just use the table cloths that I bought off Ebay a few months ago. I’ll do some searching through Wal-Mart, Target and K-Mart before I make my final choice at Maces.

After Maces, I strolled around the mall for a little while. As usual it was extremely uneventful and I was very happy to get in the car and go. I wound up at Wal-Mart, because lets face it, now that K-mart is gone I’ve had to find a new addiction. I got myself some shorts and t-shirts because I really needed them. I don’t have any ‘summer’ clothes. The only shorts I’ve owned up to this point were old pants that I chopped the legs off of. I used to DESTROY all of my old jeans by walking on them, so I’d just cut them at the knee and instant shorts. I’m not too keen on doing that now, so I improvised and got a few pairs of $8 shorts, and a couple $5 tees. I picked up a few toiletries and priced some other items for the patio as well. Their furniture selection kind of sucks, but accessories wise I think I found some good shit.

Living on the second floor is usually good for privacy. However, our patio is wide open. We used to have a huge tree right next to us but the town cut it down so you can basically see everything going on up here. In wanting to fix this, I began searching for ways to cover up the patio without it being a total eyesore. I’ve found some 6’x6′ blinds that are only about $10 each, so if I were to get two of them I could just block off the whole side and not have to worry about anything. I’ve spoken to my dad about it, and he seems interested so I think we’ll take a drive out there this weekend and maybe pick them up.

Referral woe’s
I’m waiting for my 10th referral to go through for the Camera offer, and very patiently at that. This girl has signed up for me TWICE and neither one has been credited. I figured I’d wait a few business days in case there’s some kind of a delay but I’m to a point now that I have no idea if they’re going to even go through at all and I only have until the 30th.

Gratis has updated their prizes though. Instead of an 8megapixel Olympus being their ‘best’ camera, they now have a 9 mega pixel Fuji. I know that considering I’d only be using the images on the web, that having anything more than a 6 mega pixel is unimportant but I’m a bit confused as to which one I’m going to get. I’m leaning towards the 9 mega pixel, not for the quality but because of all that comes with it. There’s only a 16mb flash card, but right now I could order a 1gb card from Microcenter for like $30.00. So I’ll just cross that bridge when I get there.…work
I’ve been ASS DEEP in code for the last three days. I swear I’m beginning to dream in PHP. It’s nothing but if-than statements circulating through my mind and it’s driving me bananas. I’ve got about 50% of the work completed, which is great considering I’m ahead of schedule (by 6 days at least). I hope to have everything completed a week earlier than my original due-date. A lot of it is template based, I completed the PHPSurveyor template in 6 hours, he was expecting something like 2 days. I’m slowly working on the Moodle template which I know will take me at least 3 days considering all of the template files that come with it. The client assumes it’s going to take me at least a week. I’m just hoping I’ll be able to exceed his expectations. If I do, this means A LOT of repeat business because I know he’s got about 5 more domains that he needs setup. With all the repeat business I know it’s going to be at least another 4g’s worth of work coming in through him, which is fine and dandy for me.

As far as Source-1 goes, outsourcing is still on hold because a client hasn’t paid up. Once he does pay, the boss told me that some jobs would be coming my way so I’ll have more to put into my car fund as time goes by. All I know is that May is still looking up to be quite a good month, so I’m definitely happy about this.

I got my final grades on those essays. I’m graduating with an 89% average, which is fine for me. I’m pissed about my grades though. My Auto-Biography only got a 70% because I didn’t give enough detail. My book report got an 80% because I gave too much detail. :blinks: I wish this damn school would just make up their minds. I can’t get my diploma unless I finish paying for the course. I can either send them a check for $350 or I can wait 10 months for it to be paid off in full. Either way doesn’t matter too much to me, at least I’m finished with it.

I’m bringing Bella to the groomer tomorrow morning. Her hair is too shaggy and she’s getting a little knotted. It’s also going to be rather hot this summer, considering that it’s only spring and today was a whopping 90°. I’m sure she’ll look like a little alien though. I’m getting her shaved completely. When I said that to the groomer on the phone she kind of stuttered a bit, but it’s my dog I can shave her if I want to. :humph: I’ll have a picture of it tomorrow afternoon when I pick her up.

[edit] – So here’s a few before/after pics. Not the best considering my cam isn’t cooperating much lately (damn batteries).

Bella Grooming 5-5-06


In any event….I’m on my dinner break so I think I’ll start returning some of the comments from the previous entry, thanks guys!

Son of a …. GRRR!!

Wednesday, April 12th, 2006

I’m so fucking annoyed right now it’s not even funny. I went grocery shopping with my sister because there’s like no food in the house. Dad gave me money (just in case) because he knew that business has been slow these past couple of weeks. I went to charge the groceries on my card so that I didn’t HAVE to use my dads money and for some god forsaken reason (yesterday) I was hit with an overdraft fee that left -$35 in my bank account. So I wound up having to use the money he gave me, which I’m very unhappy about. I have no money, and no patience. It’s starting to really tick me off.

I can’t do anything with Source-1 at the moment because out-sourcing is on hold until some stupid client actually PAYS for the site he’s HAD for the last month. So now I have to do any and everything I can to push AGn Solutions or head down to freaking CVS and wonder if they’d hire me again. According to my last manager there, he didn’t put me down as ‘Unhirable’ but of course the fucking bastard Allan didn’t like me and probably changed that anyway.

I don’t know what the hell to do. I really do need business to pick up though, so I’m gonna throw a few things out there:

$20 Deal – Webhosting, Domain Purchase, Website Template.
$30 Deal – Webhosting, Domain Purchase, Website Template, Lifetime Advertising in 468 rotation.
$40 Deal – Webhosting, Domain Purchase, Website Template, Lifetime Advertising in BOTH 468×60 & 200×40 rotations.

So I’m basically offering complete and total site designs plus advertising. The $20 is an 80% off kind of a thing, I’d like to think that’s fairly reasonable.

As you may, or may not know, I’ve redone my Advertising.

468×60 Rotation – $3 a month or $15 a year.
200×40 Rotation – $1 a month or $10 a year.

Right now I’m down to my last 6 people for the notebook offer. The faster I can get those knocked out, the faster I can get the $1800 and get out of this rut. If you have a credit card, and are willing to get AOL for a week, then please sign up and complete an offer. It will cost you absolutely no money at all and you’re still helping me get my last credits.

If you can’t sign up, would you be willing to put my link on your site? If so, please email me (or comment here) and let me know. Unfortunately only USA / Canada / UK residents can be involved in completing offers, which sucks because I know people from all over the world who want to help me out 🙁 – That’s the full referral link.

I really see no other options at the moment, I’m about to take a walk down to Petco and Eckerd and see what they’re doing. I’m so pissed off it’s not even funny. I don’t even have any money to get a pack of cigs and my nerves are totally on edge right now :grrr:

Yes, $20!

Thursday, April 6th, 2006

I’m currently TWO referrals away from my digital camera. I’m now offering $20 OR a free domain and hosting for these last two referrals.

I’m going to strongly recommend the offer, it’s $9.99 but you’re basically renting free movies on MY DOLLAR for the next month or even next couple of days and getting $10 on top of it. This particular offer is instant credit and I hope to be able to cash out by Monday. I’d just like to be completely said and done with this offer. There’s now a 90 day limit on referrals with Gratis and I can’t process anything without your help. I have until 5/30 to find these last two people. But I also have until 5/30 to find the last SIX people I need for the desktop offer, which is why I want to be said and done with this camera offer as soon as possible.

So, click here and sign up under my referral, complete one offer, email me when you’ve done so. Once I see your account as ‘valid’ you’ll receive $20 via paypal OR I’ll go ahead and register a domain for you (.net .com .org .info .biz ONLY).

I’m ALSO including LIFETIME advertising in the 468×60 rotation AND a blog template (based on the platform of your choice). So basically you’re getting $50+ worth of freebies in return as a thank you from me.

So please, take five minutes and sign up under my referral. You?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢re getting $20, 468×60 advertising, AND a blog template. You truly can not go wrong with that.

This is a legit company, I’ve received my iPod AND my TV from them, they’ll definitely come through.

So, I cooked today.

Tuesday, April 4th, 2006

I woke up today with a goal. A goal of actually getting back to normal. Now, the last time I made Mac&Cheese was the last time I saw Joe. He loved it, and I loved making it for him, so I always made it a point to make him happy – which would then make ME happy.

Since his death, I’ve had absolutely no drive to make it – just sad memories of sitting at the kitchen table watching him shovel it in as though it were his last meal. However, my love of cheese will not die with Joe, it will die with me!

So, onto a very, very image heavy post

It’s all coming together…

Monday, April 3rd, 2006

It took me a little longer than expected but I finally completed my last essay. I’ve got both essays in their cute little pre-paid envelopes and Dad will be dropping them off at the post office on his way to work tomorrow. I can’t WAIT to get the notifications that I’m officially done with the course.

AND – I’m actually doing REALLY WELL on referrals right now. Based on the emails I’ve received I have about 12 valid signups and considering I only needed 9 I’m very happy about it. I’m waiting for them all to clear and then I’ll go ahead and cash out my $1800. Business has also picked up a little bit so I won’t have to dip into the $1800 for a new monitor. Instead I can use that $200 on a nice setup for the porch.

The new table and chairs are only going to run me about $80, which is great considering the SIZE of the table. I’m then going to head over to Wal-Mart and load up on pots and soil because Roll ‘n Grow is A LOT cheaper then going out and buying a whole heap of plants that I’ll have to move around from their original casing to soil anyway. In this case I can just cut a few strips to the proper sized pots and then watch them spurt out in about a month or so. I’ll LOVE it haha. I’m excited too. All bills will be paid off, a few gifts will be given out and some money will go aside for my father’s birthday as well as my sisters. The rest is gravy.

I’ll keep about $200 aside for the BBQ this summer, which (if all goes well) I’ll definitely be having. I know Christie will be VERY happy about that too.

I can’t wait, I’m just antsy now. March was a really shitty month but April is definitely looking a lot better.


Monday, March 20th, 2006

Tulips The tulips bloomed this morning, I woke up and the whole vase looked like it grew about 6 inches over night. They’re a nice thing to wake up to considering the shittastic night I had. For some reason when I woke up this morning, something told me to go to Joe’s email accounts and log in. I’d never had the passwords before, so why I knew them today was beyond me. There was nothing really going on in them besides spam email from publishers clearing house and other shit like that. I’m confused though, I still don’t know how I know the passwords. I’m still trying to get onto his myspace account but for some reason every email address I’ve tried has been an invalid one; which I find weird considering I thought I knew them all. Maybe he’ll come to me in a dream and tell me…I don’t know.

Last night I had a very weird dream that him and I were driving along in some huge SUV. All I could think was “I’m sitting next to a driving ghost, how the fuck is this possible?” He didn’t speak, and was wearing the same suit he had on for the wake. I’m even more confused about things now, and I don’t quite understand why. We wound up at another wake, this time it was an old lady who I’d never seen before. I thought at first that it was Joe’s grandmother but she was sitting in the crowd of people crying over the woman in the casket. What really freaked me was the fact that the same old woman was hovering over her own casket looking herself up and down. It really made no sense to me. Joe never said a word, and never looked at me either he was just in the room. Wherever I looked, he was standing there facing to the right. He was stiff though, and his eyes were never open. It was like he was in a standing position without the casket, that’s exactly what he looked like. His arms were crossed to his front. It’s really hard to explain I guess…I just know that I woke up in tears, and I’ve been a basket case all day.

I haven’t been around much, and for good reason. I’m trying to avoid my computer at all costs. The minute I sit down in this chair my stomach begins to act up. All the work that he put into this computer is now eating away at me, I was fine for the last few weeks though…the butterflies are more like boulders bouncing around in my stomach; to the point of nausea. I’m so confused.

My priorities are all fucked up lately, and it’s my own fault. I care more about useless material things than I do about things that should be at the top of my list. I need to bring Bella to the vet for her yearly checkup and what not but I blew through all my money on tattoo’s, random shopping spree’s and preparing for a BBQ this summer that I don’t even think I want anymore. I wanted Joe to be there, I wanted everyone to personally meet the most important person in my life and now it’s just not possible.

I’m hearing different things, from different people. The majority state that Joe’s still with me in spirit and that knowing that should be of some comfort to me, but it’s not. A few have stated that there is no after life so looking forward to death is pointless; which just made me even more uncomfortable. I don’t know what to think, or who to believe. I’m so close to taking out a loan so I can just go talk to that John Edward dude, even though up to this point I’ve been convinced he was a phony.

I can’t get back into the swing of things for work. I tried, but failed miserably. I give up on it though. I no longer wish to freelance, and I no longer want to run AGn-Solutions. I’m thinking of just handing it all over to Tony and have him take care of it. I can’t concentrate anymore. I know for a fact that once I work all of the stuff going on in my head out that I’ll be going back to retail. I could do better than that, I know I could, I just prefer to take the easy route for a change. I don’t care about standing up at a register anymore, I really don’t. Design degrees, or not, it’s not the life I want anymore.

Or I can just void this whole entry and say that it’s just a bad day.

Slow & STUDY?

Monday, March 6th, 2006

I’m one module away from completing school and I can’t wait. I’m not overly happy with my Science grades, but I’ll get over it. The first two tests I got an 80%, which I guess isn’t too bad considering the fact that Science has never been my strong point. The third test, however, didn’t work out so well. My sister was itching to do something, so I let her do the last test. If she showed that much initiative to do homework in high school I think she would have graduated…but anyway.

She managed to get herself a 50%, something I wasn’t happy about. Now, you have the opportunity to take the test twice. The highest you can get on the second try is a 70%. So I told her to do it again, and do it right; If she could have only used her brain the same way the first time, because she got a 95% on the exam the second time. It only counts as 70% in the end though. That’s better than a 50% damn it. The next one to come in is English and that won’t be here until sometime around 3/13. That’s not bad though, considering I have a lot of work to do this week.

I’m very, very happy to report that I’m officially DONE with the Stein account. After a very rocky weekend, I get paid Monday. That money will instantly be moved to my savings account and remain untouched until April. It’s my goal to have an extra $2500 in savings by 4/01; which is complete possible considering all the business I’ve been doing lately. That’s going to go towards my laptop and other accessories.

The build of the laptop is going to run me about $1700 (w/tax&shipping). The mouse and router will be another $120. I’m also going to get myself one of those As Seen On TV: Tables for those cozy nights in the living room, so that’s another $40 (w/tax&shipping). The rest is going to remain in savings until the beginning of May. That’s when Dad and I are going to borrow a truck and head over to Wal-Mart, Maces and Home Depot. I’m going to be doing some remodeling on the patio this spring so that I can enjoy my work environment. Right now, as you could tell from previous pictures taken outside, it’s very bare and in need of some serious work.

I’m going to get a new table and chairs, a bench, dad’s buying a new BBQ, and we’re going to get lots of plants and flowers to put some color up there as well. I’m also going to make it a point to let both neighbors know that their kids and them aren’t allowed anywhere near ANYTHING. I don’t want cigarette burns in my table, if I see a pot fall over it better be from the wind and not the little bastard in the end apartment who can’t keep his hands off anything; He’s broken TWO doors and walked away like he did nothing wrong EACH TIME! AND if I see one of those kids fucking carving the table I’ll kill them myself. The children up here are 8, 10 and 15. If they don’t know by now that they shouldn’t put their hands on something that doesn’t belong to them, then obviously their parents aren’t beating them frequently enough.

With the nice setup of everything I can easily invite Heather, Christie and John over for a nifty summer night BBQ. It’s my full intent to actually have one this year, being as I’m finally in the place where I can actually do it. Maybe I’ll even invite Sean if he’s on the island visiting his aunt :heh:

In any event, it’s almost 3am and I’m starting to yawn uncontrollably. Considering I have to wake up early I guess it’s time I get some sleep.

G’Night all.

Where’d it go?

Friday, March 3rd, 2006

I’ve noticed that I don’t pay much attention to time. Mainly because I have absolutely no idea where it’s gone. My friend Jay’s son is already two years old. I swear it was like he was born yesterday. I didn’t even realize it until I saw his birthdate written in Jay’s AIM profile. Heather’s son is going to be 2 in a few months and I remember when John showed me the very first pictures of a gorgeous mommy and her son.

As of March 1st, I’ve known Shaun for 7 years, 7 freaking years. How the hell did that happen? Bella’s already two, and I still remember everything I did the week I first got her, straight down to what clothes I wore the few days before and after I got her. So I don’t know if it’s an attention to time that I’m having an issue with, or the fact that I’ve got every little detail stored in my head so that time is automatically void, just to leave some room for other things.

I’ve supposed to have been keeping my to-do list in the proper order but I’ve still managed to bump Christina down a few notches for the work I’m doing on her site. I feel horrible about it but I’ve hardly got time to scratch my own ass these days. And when I finally DO – I completely forget to even look at my list. Not just for her site, but for things to do in general. This list of mine is about 4 pages long and is growing every single day. To the point that I had to pull out some index cards just so I could organize it.

Where the hell did all the time go? Why is everything around me moving so quickly but I’m at a stand still with the finish line so damn far away?

PS: Thank you to the two users whom completed offers on nb4f and the digital camera referrals

Listen up dipshit

Thursday, March 2nd, 2006

FYI – You’ve got more leaks than you know.

#1 – The sites I’m referring to are GRATIS based, not Offer Centric so try learning how to read before you shoot your mouth off.

#2 – The fact that you still think of me makes me feel all warm and tingly inside. Again I’ll say that I truly believe you’re in love with me.

#3 – The only reason you got ANY referrals was based on the fact that you promised $20 (and probably never gave it) or a domain/hosting on a server that’s down 90% of the time. Guess how many of YOUR old clients are now hosted by ME? Thanks for the business, btw.

#4 – I’m buying my laptop out right. Why? Because unlike you when I drop money on something I don’t have to worry about whether or not its important to cater to my child, and we all know which one YOU cater to first. (How’s that new groovy phone working out? Has the baby sat on it yet?) Unlike you when I actually do get my laptop, I won’t sit there and lie about the stats either. Something you do OH SO WELL. You give your visitors VISUAL PROOF to the oh-so-cool free laptop, then you go out of your way to butter up the stats in a “this is what it’s worth” message when you aren’t even honest about it. HOW SHAMEFUL!

I’m amused at how you’re constantly referring to yourself as the ‘bigger person’. I didn’t think you could be the ‘bigger person’ if you’ve had to keep reminding people of that fact. It was very nice of you to write a thank you note on your site for everyone who completed an offer for you so you could get that precious laptop of yours. Oh wait…that’s right….you didn’t. YET you’re the better person? I’m almost so amused I’m about to piss myself.

So go on, sit there and rant about Karma when you don’t even have your facts straight. Try listening to your fellow board member when she says that karma works both ways. I’d hate for something terribly wrong to happen to someone else in your family based soley on the fact that you’re an invalid. Go out and get yourself a life while you’re at it. kthnx.

Yep, I said it.

Monday, February 27th, 2006

Note #1
If you consider “The Truth About Diamonds” or “Confessions of an Heiress” to be literature, you obviously have no idea what a book is. Please shoot yourself. thnx

Try reading “The Life of a Sewer Rat” it’s filled with less useless garbage (oh look…a pun).

Note #2
Just because you put an XHTML valid link on your website, doesn’t mean you’re valid. Try running your site through the validator you claim to have followed; You might be surprised. It’s one thing to actually claim real validation but it’s quite another to fake it. There are some on the ‘net who work hard to make sure that their site remains valid, and for good reason. They know that cross browser compatibility is important, obviously you don’t. You’re making us look bad, then again your blog and that cam of yours don’t make you look too good either, but I digress. If your index page is valid, that doesn’t mean your content pages are. Try running those through as well. Yea…ALL OF ‘EM DIPSHIT.

Note #3
The new theme will go up on Wednesday. Come back for that, and a better blog update in general.

I’m alive.

Thursday, February 23rd, 2006

I’m alive (sucks doesn’t it?). I’ve just been so busy with work and school that I can’t think straight. I worked on two big accounts for WordPress themes through GAF. Plus the Stein account and then Focused Pro through Source-1; I’m just BEAT. If I have to look at one more line of code I think I’m going to shoot myself.

It’s taking me a little while but I’m working on moving all of my listings around. So far I’ve got all of the fanlistings moved over to their new addresses and changed over to Enthusiast, which is quite the nifty of programs. I’m slowly working on my hatelistings but that’s because I slacked off on them and have about 600 members to approve (in total) so that’s taking me a while, but I hope to have it done before March. Then I can get my cliques, portals and rings moved over and all will be well again.

The only reason for doing it is because I’m completely wiping out and starting fresh with my portfolio. Having all of those listings under one set program makes things easier, statistically at least, when I setup the collective section. For now, I’m taking it slow.

Olympus SP-350 Oddly enough I’m getting quite a few valid referrals for the Digital Camera offer even though I’ve been pushing the Notebook Offer. Either way it’s great, so thank you to everyone whom has completed an offer for me, it’s greatly appreciated. With the camera offer you don’t get the choice of money as a prize so I’m going to get the Olympus SP-350. It’s an 8 mega pixel digital camera, more then I’ll ever need but it’s free – so why not?

The stats are:

Olympus SP-350
   * Olympus SP-350 8.0 Mega pixel Digital Camera
   * 3x optical, 5x digital zoom
   * 2.5″ LCD display screen
   * 25MB XD memory card included

Not too shabby – right? I can’t wait to get it. I know for a fact that if anyone touches it I’ll rip their face off. I’ve had BAD LUCK with cameras in the past. I lent my webcam to someone – they broke it. I lent my digital cam to someone, now the flash doesn’t work. This one is going to be put in the safe until I need it. Hmph!

Now for non-internet related.

The weather this week has been horrible, well not horrible but uncomfortable. I like cold weather, but that’s because I know when it gets too cold I’m able to come inside and warm up. Well…our heat is broken so on those nights when it was -2° it was only 35° in the house. Usually I wouldn’t mind that, but when you’re trying to sleep it’s hell. Bella made her attempt at hogging the covers and even then wound up dragging a blanket under the bed with her. Which was probably only a little bit warmer considering the heat downstairs is working fine. It’s just OUR apartment though, it sounds as though the waters moving through the radiator, there’s just not enough pressure behind it for any good amount of heat to come through. It’s just my hope that it’s fixed eventually. I can only sleep with so many blankets before I feel like something?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s crushing me.

I’ve started with the room remodel. I did some poking around Home Depot the other night and picked up some color samples for the wall. I went through the carpet section to find a nice texture and so far I’m pretty happy with what I’ve chosen. I just need to get the money together and go pick it all up. I’ve already rearranged my room. I got sick of looking at the wall and really wanted to see the seasons change. It’s also nice to be able to look out the window without having to get up. I’m nosey like that. If all goes well everything should be complete within the next month or so. I’m pacing myself because although its something I really want to do, it’s not on the top of my priorities list because it’s not something that I NEED to do…you know?

In any event, it’s almost 2am and I have to be up at 8 so I’m going to head off…night everyone.

Luck be a lady.

Sunday, February 12th, 2006

The snow started falling at 4:44 pm (yes, I just happened to be outside on the phone when the first few flurries touched down.) By 9pm, there was roughly two inches on the ground and by midnight there were about 4 inches. Now there’s full on blizzard conditions here in Glen Cove. We’re expected to get a total of 15 inches before the storm subsides tomorrow evening. It’s actually kind of funny, two weeks ago I was talking to my aunt and I said “Is it wrong to wish for a blizzard?” then wham – we get hit with one. I’m amused by it.

I’d like to think I had something to do with it, but so would a certain elementary school here on the Island. The students in this one class were so upset about the fact that they weren’t getting any snow days (due to the nasty spring like weather we had for the month of January) that instead of doing a ‘rain dance’ they did a ‘snow dance’ sort of thing. It was more singing then anything, but it was on the news and I found it to be rather cute; which is strange considering I don’t like children.

On an even brighter note (yes, this day keeps getting better and better). I got my Math module today and sat down right away to do it. On test number one (even though I guessed on five of the answers) I got 100%.

My luck is through the roof! :nocks wood:

I hope I can win the lottery now.

Welp?¢‚Ǩ¬¶there go my chances.

Can’t f*cking concentrate!

Friday, February 10th, 2006

I joined another ‘freebie’ site. This one gives you a high end computer or $700, so of course I’m going for the $700. If you’re interested, please click here and sign up let me know if you’ve completed an offer and I’ll give you a domain/hosting or $10. I also still need 7 valid referrals for the $1,140 / Notebook so sign up and get a free domain/hosting or $10 there too. Sign up for both and I’ll give you both a domain AND $10, not too shabby – right?

I’m supposed to be working, but for some reason I can’t concentrate. It’s a big account too so I really don’t know what’s keeping me from being motivated to do it properly. I don’t want to do a half-ass’d job either. It’s really very simple though, I just have to resize some images and update some sidebars. The job itself would take me maybe ten to fifteen minutes, tops; I just can’t do it.

I woke up not feeling very well, and I’m not sure why either. My headache has gotten worse, my nose has been bleeding on and off all day and the only cavity I have is really aching today. I have no insurance, or money to spend on a dentist so I’ve been eating aspirin like candy. I think once I do get work completed I’ll go a head and just go back to sleep. If I don’t wake up, oh well.

After weeks of it not feeling like winter, it?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s cold again. I’m rather happy about it actually. However, this weekend we’re expecting some massive blizzard to hit. New York is expected to get anywhere from six to twelve inches of snow. Which I guess isn’t too bad considering I have no where to go, but that doesn’t mean I’m happy about it. Being as I know for a fact that I’ll be the only one outside shoveling. Wind gusts are supposed to be up to forty miles per hour and that just makes shoveling a bitch because I know ten minutes after the deck is cleaned off it’ll all be put back. Can’t you just tell I’m anticipating this one?

I’m a horrible mother, even though in reality I’m not really a ‘legit’ mother. I was confusing dates for some reason and thought that Bella’s birthday was on February 12th. I checked her birth certificate and it turns out I was about ten days late. Her birthday is on February 2nd. I really don’t know why the 12th was sticking out in my mind. However, I do know that I feel horrible about it. I have spent every single day with her for the last two years and I still couldn’t remember her birthday. I’ve made it up to her though, I bought her a bone that’s a little bit bigger then her and she’s been chewing on it for the last couple of hours. Tomorrow I’ll let her bury herself in a snow bank (she LOVES the snow) and there’s my pay back for it.

I know you’re probably sitting there thinking “This chick is nuts!”, no I’m really not. Animal lovers do strange things for their pets. At least I’m not dropping 3g’s and renting out a place for her and her pup-friends to have a party like some stupid people do. I just drop $15 on a bone and boom – she’s taken care of.

I think my reason for thinking of the 12th was because of Alicia’s dog. I know they were born very close to the same time and there’s a chance that the 12th is Cuddelz’ birthday. We purchased both dogs the same day, from the same store. They aren’t the same breed, two completely different litters. Bella’s a Lhasa Apso, Cuddlez is a Shih Tzu. Although at some point in time they both stemmed from the same breed, they are two completely different dogs in the long run. Physically Lhasa’s tend to be smaller, have silky/soft hair and have more of a defined nose. Shih Tzu’s have flatter faces and in some cases coarse hair.

I know, I’m rambling and I’m kicking myself for having enough energy to post here but absolutely none to get any work done. I think I’m going to have a cig and then come in to turn everything off so I can sit down to concentrate on this damn account. I think after that I’m just going to kick back and relax for a little while. Tony’s doing rather well on keeping the servers maintained on a daily basis so I get a little bit of a break when he’s around. He’s on the clock until 5pm (PST) so I know that I have until 8pm (EST) to relax. YAY for Tony!

In any event, I?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢m off.

Enjoy your weekend everyone.