Archive for the ‘Randomage’ Category


Wednesday, August 16th, 2006

There are clich?ɬ© statements like “When we kissed…I saw fireworks” or “My knees went weak”, but how many people can truly say they’ve felt this first hand? For the past few weeks I’ve had an ‘inside-clue’ in regards to how the universe works. There are always going to be two very important people in your life; your soul mate, and the person you’re supposed to spend the rest of your life with. In some cases you may find these two entities in one person. The rest of the time…you’ll have these two people. You may not realize it now, but if you sit back and look around – you may pick up on it.

There will always be that one person who you can have every feeling in the book for but know that it’s never going to work between you two on a relationship level. This person is your ‘soul mate’. This person will be there for you when you’re at your worst…and your best. They will make you feel as though you’re the most important person in the room and they’ll never let you down. If they ever do…they’ll make it up to you faster than you knew what hit you.

But say your soul mate meets his or her final step in life and passes away. Sure, you may have friends who care about you but you’ll never have that same connection ever again. You’ll spend months, years, and even decades comparing every person you meet to this soul mate. This soul mate is the person you felt was the true meaning of ‘perfection’ minus the relationship aspect. Even in death, this person will still be there for you. You will see them in your dreams, they will give you signs as to when they were around…a gust of wind, a shooting star, a butterfly, a cat, whatever you two had in common in life, he/she will make it known in death that your connection is still there. It’s almost guaranteed that when you die, this person will be waiting for you to help you get through that stage of ‘life’ until you can plant your feet.

Say that during your grieving for losing this soul mate, another person steps in. The person who from the get go you feel that you’re going to spend the rest of your life with. It goes to another clich?ɬ© statement of “trust your gut”. If, from the get-go, looking into this persons eyes makes you weak, kissing them you see fireworks, and you get along on levels you never dreamed of, then in some way shape or form…you’re meant to be with this person for the rest of your life.

This is the person who will fulfill all of your dreams, and visa versa. This is the person you will make a home with. This is the person you will depend on for support in the most difficult, or most ridiculous, of situations. They will always make you feel like the most important person in the room, they will go out of their way to make sure you’re taken care of, no matter what the cost. If you’re sick, they’ll be at your bed-side with soup and a magazine. If you’ve had a bad day and just want to sleep, they’ll lay down with you and rub your back until you’re comfortable enough to drift off and forget the world. This person will also be there when you wake up to make sure that the first thing you see is someone who loves you and will make all of your pain go away.

I’ve been through, and am still going through my grieving period. I have found the person I will be spending the rest of my life with. I consider myself blessed, as well as honored, to have these two people in my life, and in my after-life. I honestly don’t think I’d trade this for anything in the world.

I fall in love a little bit more every day. I see dreams being fulfilled before anything is physically set forth for these dreams to come true. I see the fireworks when we kiss and my knees are so weak that I’m surprised I can even walk. It’s unfortunate that I had to lose a soul mate in order to find a ‘true love’, because I do truly miss my soul mate more now than I ever have in the past, but I know he’s around; I see the shooting stars, I see the butterflies, I feel the breeze. The thing is, as much as I miss him – I know how much pain he was in when he was alive, and now he’s finally at peace; I would never take that away from him.

For once in my life, I’m with a good man. Not a little boy, not a wife beater, not a drug addict, not a ‘hardcore l33t gamer’…a man. A man who is working to not only improve his life, but is working to help improve mine. If you can find someone that is willing to make huge sacrifices (and visa versa) for your happiness, even if it only has 10% to do with you, that is the one true gift that you may never receive if you pass it by.

I see myself being happy for the rest of my life. I see myself having every dream fulfilled, no matter how large or small they are. I see myself being able to have the relationship that I’ve only ever heard of or an “As Seen on TV” situation. If all of this meant losing my soul-mate in the process…I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

Tuesday Two

Tuesday, August 8th, 2006

These questions are courtesy of the Tuesday Twosome.

When you were a kid…

1. What two things did you do when it rained? The rain never stopped me from going outside. We have a pretty big roof and I always played outside. I think the two things I did was watch the rain and hope for a heavy storm because I LOVE thunder storms.
2. What two things did you do when you had a rain/snow day and didn’t have to go to school? I would sleep in and watch The Golden Girls
3. What two subjects in school were your favorites? English and Photography
4. Who were two of your best friends? Mike and Melissa
5. What/who did you dream you would grow up to be? I honestly didn’t have any dreams, I guess I can’t answer this question.

I’m still waiting VERY patiently for Freepay to fucking approve my account for my camera. It’s to a point now where I’m beyond ticked off at how long things are taking. I understand that the camera MAY be out of stock, but they state ON THE SITE that they make a mass order once a month. It’s been OVER a month so obviously this order has been made, so what the hell is the delay? When they first came out, they were really quick with everything. I got my iPod and my TV within maybe two weeks of ordering it. It’s to a point now of being ridiculous like all holy hell. I know it’s just a free item and I should be patient, but this company is no longer living up to their name AT ALL. It’s beyond being a headache.

They changed the way they do things. Originally there was no set time limit as to how long you had until you reached X amount of valid referrals. Then cash out time took no more than 10 business days (in total) Now, they mark it down to 90 days to find X amount of referrals. They then take over a month to process my form. Then I could finally submit my order, and it’s been processing for almost two months. The way this company is running things now is such a bad business ethic all together. I’m so happy that this is my last dealing with them. I have no intent on signing up for any of their bull shit ever again.

Offer Centric is where my focus is, as far as offers go. I do not understand why they no longer have Blockbuster/AOL referrals anymore. I got a few emails from people asking about these. The only thing I can recommend is that you ask to be upgraded to the ‘high end’ status. You’ll then have more options for the offers and then just request the downgrade later on so you only need to find 18 people instead of the 24. I don’t know, that’s just the only thing I see working right now.

I’ve been watching “Dog the Bounty Hunter” all night. I started watching at 9, thinking it was going to be the wedding episode. Now I’m sitting here at 10:30 and it’s sill going on. I don’t understand why they’re wasting so much damn time…just have the freaking wedding already for crying out loud.

Yea, bad day…I’m going to go have a cig, take a shot or two and chill out for the night. I know I have a lot of work to do but my concentration level is SHOT right now.


Sunday, August 6th, 2006

This post is courtesy of Unconscious Mutterings.

  1. Affair :: Bastard
  2. Package :: Condom
  3. Warner :: Brothers
  4. Drop :: Glass
  5. Balance :: Fall
  6. Shore :: Sunset
  7. Confirmation :: Approval
  8. Nose :: Itch
  9. Talking :: Snack
  10. Bend :: Over


I guess the only reason for that is because I honestly don’t have very much to say right now. I’m working my ass off, and have been for the last couple of days. Between work and just getting things done around the house, I haven’t had any real time to myself. It’s nice to sit back and relax now that I’m done with work for the day but that still doesn’t help the fact that I’m running on four hours of sleep at the moment.

I spent the entire day outside today. I did this because the heat wave is over and I was able to enjoy a nice breeze mixed with 80°F (26°C) weather. I usually dislike any weather over 75°F (23°C) but considering it was over 100°F (37°C) this past week, it’s a welcomed temperature, trust me. I got an email the other day, asking me why I include the °C mark with all of my posts. To answer this, a lot of my visitors come from other countries (other than the USA) where °C is the standard. So to avoid their confusion – I convert the degree for them, no big deal.

I used to visit frequently looking for blog topics. Unfortunately that domain has long since expired so now I’m kind of stuck for topics. If anyone happens to know of a site to get blog topics from, please let me know. I could always blog about daily life but that’s really nothing of interest to me these days. I have a lot going on that’s both good and bad, but I just don’t wish to discuss it here. So, I’m basically looking for something to fill in the space. So if anyone has any topic ideas, please let me know…ok?

I would just say send me some links to Meme’s but those really don’t fill the void for me. I’d like topic ideas that make me think. So even if you don’t know a site, ask a couple of questions in the comments and maybe I’ll write them down and actually come up with something creative, instead of boring you to death of course.

In any event, it’s getting close to midnight and I’m a little tired. I have to return some comments from the previous entry and then go lay down for the night.

Question: What would you like me to post about? Give me some ideas!


Thursday, August 3rd, 2006

So it’s about 6am and I’m still awake. For some reason, the last few hours have been spent working on a better theme here for I was busy with clients all day so having some time for myself to get some things done just felt right. I’m content with this theme, I truly hated the previous one. If you see any errors as far as the CSS goes, just comment or email me and let me know.

I’m beat beyond words but unable to fall asleep. I watched the sun rise this morning and I realized that I haven’t been up this late in a very long time. Lately I’ve found myself crashing around 3:30-4:00; which was reasonable considering I used to crash around 8:00. Maybe I’ll get lucky and actually begin to fall asleep before I’m done posting here.

I picked up 3 BIG jobs this afternoon that have me very content with things. I haven’t truly been this content with life in quite a long time. Things are finally running smoothly and it’s a great feeling. The only recent downside would be the heat wave hitting the area. I can’t wait until a big storm comes through and knocks the temperature down. We’re ‘scheduled’ to have one sometime later this afternoon. I really hope it’s powerful enough to just drench everything and cool things down.

Minus all the decent things going on, I’m still a little annoyed with the world around me. Lately it seems as though everyone knows what’s best for me, even though they have no idea about the situation itself. I’m not going to go too far into details because it’s truly no one’s business but mine. But all I can really say is that I wish people would just lay off. I know what’s going on in my life and would appreciate it if it could remain that way. I’m very annoyed with people who assume they know everything when in reality…they know absolutely nothing. I’m even more annoyed with those who are convinced it has something to do with them when it really has nothing to do with them. It’s one thing to stand up for a friend, it’s quite another to think that you’re doing something good when you’re only using my problems for your own agenda…and that’s all I’m going to say. This isn’t meant for any situation in specific…unfortunately I have like 3 of them going on right now and it just has me ticked off beyond all hell.

In any event, it’s 5 to 6:00 and I think it’s time to lay down and crash. My AC is working properly so it’ll be nice to sleep in my own bed and not sweat my ass off.

Good night all.

I’ve learned….

Wednesday, July 19th, 2006

I’ve learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in.

I’ve learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just assholes.

I’ve learned that it takes years to build up trust, and it only takes suspicion, not proof, to destroy it.

I’ve learned that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes. After that you’d better have a big willy or huge boobs.

I’ve learned that you shouldn’t compare yourself to others – they are more screwed up than you think.

I’ve learned that you can keep vomiting long after you think you’re finished.

I’ve learned that we are responsible for what we do, unless we are celebrities.

I’ve learned that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades, and there had better be a lot of money to take it’s place!

I’ve learned that 99% of the time when something isn’t working in your house, one of your kids did it.

I’ve learned that people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon and all the less important ones just never go the fuck away.

Move complete.

Monday, July 10th, 2006

If you are currently reading this then you’ll be happy to know that is moved successfully to its new server. In moving around accounts, I decided to move off main AGn-Solutions server (venus) and setup a reseller account on another server. Everything is still based, it’s just moved around a bit.

I’m still sick and running on practically no sleep. I’m at my aunts house right now and I’m not really enjoying myself. The Air Conditioner is broken and it’s like 90* outside. I had the AC in my uncles room on but now he’s got the door closed so there’s no air moving through the house at all. The one in the living room is on it’s last leg. It sounds like a car that’s out of gas. It keeps cranking and cranking and cranking but won’t turn over. It’s either out of Freeon or it’s just going to die in general. It’s 20 years old so you could expect for that to happen I guess. Either way it’s making me miserable.

I didn’t get to sleep until about 430 this morning then my uncle was walking around at 6:30AM and never picks up his damn feet when it walks so his slippers were making all kinds of noise. My aunts friend stayed here last night, she’s not as noisey as my uncle but people walking around in the same room when I’m trying to sleep just aggitates me. I was on the couch sweating my ass off. I woke up to take a shower, one of three. It kind of sucks but nothing I can really do about it. I don’t know how to fix an air conditioner.

My throat is acting up so I think I’m gonna lay down. I swear, I take air conditioning for granted. I usually have it blasting wherever I am. I’m about to curl up in my aunts room, even though her friend has kind of taken it over, but there IS air conditioning in there and I just see it as the only option at the moment – unfortunately.

Happy July!

Saturday, July 1st, 2006

As you can probably already tell, there’s a new theme here on I change them around once a month so this one will obviously be around until the end of July. Something about how the colors mixed well together gave me enough of an excuse to call it a summer theme. And, this is something I’m happy about. I put a quite a bit of work into it as far as coloring and everything else goes, so I’m happy with it. If you happen to run it through a style sheet, you’ll see that unlike those on the ‘net who swear their ‘elite’ I actually have valid CSS2 code to back it up. Jealous are we? I think so too.

Work related
Work has been kind of slow for the last few days. It’s mainly a wordpress theme here, validation there, nothing major. No big jobs have come in, as of yet. I’ve put in a bid for a few jobs that are in the $3k range, but who knows what will happen there. I spent today putting the final touches on this theme and plugging RSS feeds into Trillian. So now I basically don’t even have to go to websites anymore, I can just read the feed and decide whether or not I want to see the rest of the entry.

Feed me!
Someone brought Feedburner to my attention this week. They saw it on someone’s site and thought I’d be interested. I played around with it a little but no one subscribes to my feeds so it’s really not worth it. I know that Stacey does through her LiveJournal account, but that’s just about it, as far as I know. It’s no big deal though.

Dreams = Money
Mega million drawings are tonight, like every Tuesday and Friday evening. I spent $10 on tickets, nothing too extreme. The pot is up to $12mil. If I would have won on Tuesday, instead of someone in Ohio, it would have been $26mil. It got me to thinking though. At this point, living in NY with $12mil won’t get you very far. Sure, it’ll get you a decent sized house but taxes around here are beyond extreme and it’s just not worth wasting the money. So, I’m thinking about Maine. I’ve seen listings up there where you can get 8 acres of land for like $120k. On Long Island there isn’t 8 acres to spare, and if there is it’d run a couple million…at least. So in my little dream world, since I have nothing else to do. I’ve been thinking about everything I’ve always wanted when it comes to owning my own home.

A huge kitchen with lots of space, an indoor pool because in Maine the highest average for summer temperatures is like 79°, a big master bedroom, a ‘game room’ with pool table, dart board and of course…a bar. I’ve been looking around Google for pictures and what not and I’ve come across some really nice setups that I would absolutely LOVE to have, so I saved them to keep in my ‘dream’ folder in case something like this is actually a reality some day. The house itself wouldn’t have to be huge, I’m not looking for something like that. Everything I want can fit into something that’s like 2000-2500 sqft. Which may seem large, but when you break it down that the whole back end of the house is going to be a pool/jacuzzi and patio area, it really isn’t that large.

Back to reality…
I’m still waiting on Freepay to process my order for the digital camera. They said 7-10 business days so I’m sure by next Wednesday I’ll actually know what’s going on there. I’m excited either way, I can’t wait to go back to taking pictures again. Right now, since my digital doesn’t have a working flash, I’ve had to have pictures either taken outside during the day, or every light on in the room just to make sure it’s bright enough….which is very annoying so the change will be nice.

I thought my aunts trip was going to be longer than it actually is. I’ll only be at her house from Friday the 7th, to Tuesday the 11th. It’s still not too bad though, I get to relax in a nice quiet house for a few days without having to listen to all of the idiots who linger around on my block during the day. I can sit outside in the back yard and soak up the sun. I don’t have to worry about waking up to walk the dog so I can sit back and relax.

Purple isn?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢t pretty
I’ve been nursing a broken/sprained toe since Tuesday night. We have a block up in front of Dad’s door to keep the dog out of there. A baby gate you can call it (even though it’s just a folding chair). I went in his room on Tuesday night to turn his AC on so that when he got back from Atlantic City he wasn’t walking into a sauna. On my way out the door, I hooked my pinkie toe on the chair and I felt it pop. The chair itself then dropped on my foot in the process. Right now it’s a gorgeous shade of purple and walking is just not something I’m happy about.

When I walk the dog in the morning, I usually just slip on the mules and head down stairs. The mistake I’ve made is when you’re wearing shoes that are slip-ons, you tend to grip with your toes to keep them on. I realized this after I was waddling half way down the stairs the following morning. Bella, as usual, wanted to take off and run but I couldn’t bounce like that, so she damn near hung her self because she took off like a shot while I was still taking my time getting down stairs. Needless to say, I’ve had everyone else walking the dog just so I don’t have to deal with the pain. I’m sure my foot will heal up at some point, but right now I just wish the pain would go away.

I’ve cut back on smoking, quite a bit. I used to go to about a pack a day (20 cigs) and now I’m down to 5. Considering how much I smoke, this is a HUGE deal. It’s my goal to completely quit by the end of July. It’s not going to be pretty but I really just don’t want to smoke anymore. Quitting cold turkey is impossible for me, I’ve tried it before. I’ve found that the method that works is cutting back one cig each day. So, by the time July 20th rolls around, I should be good on just one cig a day. Then I’ll break it down to one cig every other day, and so on and so forth until they’re completely gone. This will mean an extra $30 in my pocket every week to use on more important things. Like…I don’t know….strippers and prostitutes lol.

In any event, I’m going to head off. I’m going to have my last cig for the day, curl up in bed and watch some TV.

Hiatus Update

Monday, June 12th, 2006

My desktop is officially dead. I’ve run all of the diganostics that I possibly could and after all of my work the only possible things wrong with it are either the video card or the mother board are some how corrupt. Instead of spending the money there, I’m just going to buy an external HD case and plug my hard drive into it so I can get my files. Then I’ll basically be scrapping my desktop for parts because eventually when I get the rest of the $1800 offers to go through, I’ll just buy myself a new desktop. I configured one at that’s only going to cost me about $550. I don’t need a monitor, or anything special I just need the desktop. Hell…I don’t even need the hard drive but unfortunately you have to get that too.

My desktop was basically a bastard since day one. Joe spent a lot of time and effort getting it to run properly and now I find it a bit weird that literally 3 months after his death the computer is dead. The only thing original on the desktop (from when I had it built 4 years ago) is the RAM and the DVD Player. Everything else on this thing was new. The mother board, the graphics card, the processor, the hard drive, and cd/rw, the case, there’s about 10 fans in there…it’s just unfortunate.

I’m positive the hard drive still works because not only is it only a year old but it’s also loading up as a slave drive to the computer in the living room. Unfortunately there’s not enough ram on this computer in order for me to actually do anything. That mixed with the fact that this is the first time I’ve been able to get online since Friday afternoon, thanks to no one being home breathing down my neck.

My laptop just reached the HP service center and the estimated return date is the 20th, which I doubt will actually be the case because it shouldn’t take that long to pop out the screen and then clean off the blot. So hopefully I’ll have it on Friday instead of the 20th, that’s really what I’m shooting for right now.

I’ve been bored out of my god forsaken mind for the last three days. It’s got nothing to do with my lack of ‘internet’ because I really could care less about that. It’s my lack of ability to do any WORK because when I’m not working I’m usually itching for things to do. I’ve read three books, watched a few DVD’s that I’ve seen a thousand times before and I’ve hand-written enough private journal entries to the point that my hands are cramped up like no tomorrow. It’s really annoying. I’m considering sleeping later than 7am but then when I do have my computer back I won’t be able to wake up in time to punch in, so there goes that idea.

Thanks to WordPress, I’ve basically pre-posted the next month’s worth of The Mobile Meme so that posted early this morning. I’m working on setting up a mailing list that’s connected to WordPress so that particpants are emailed (optional of course) whenever the new article is posted. So if you do happen to be a Mobile Meme member, head on over there and fill out this weeks meme.

In any event, people are starting to come home and I really don’t want to deal with any of them so I’m going to head back in my room. I will return any and all comments as soon as I can get out here for more than 10 minutes. I’m going to say sometime tomorrow because Dad and my sister will be at work and I’ll be able to sit here and concentrate.

Later gators.

Protected: !@#

Thursday, June 8th, 2006

This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below:


Wednesday, June 7th, 2006

So the WEIRDEST thing happened today. While I was getting some work done I noticed something crawling on the screen of my laptop. I figured I’ll just brush it off and kill it, no big deal. Little did I know, the fucker was IN the screen. I don’t know how it got there or where it came from but this little bug was just walking around the screen as though he owned it. It’s now a big red blot in my screen, which can be seen here. So now I’ve already got to send it back to HP to be serviced. I would have done it myself but I refuse to take the screen apart because then I’d have to deal with fucking up the warrenty, something I don’t want to do.

So FedEX will be dropping off a box for me to put my laptop in sometime over the next 48-hours and I’ll be shipping it back to HP soon after. It’s going to take about 7 days (in total) and then it’ll be back to me. I have to take my battery out and my hard drive too. It’s easy stuff so I’m not overly concerned about that. I’ll have to move myself back to my desktop for a little while but that’s ok because I have the same resources setup for both computers. It’s just the weirdest thing in the world that this actually happened. I’ve never once heard of a bug getting IN the SCREEN of a laptop. This is why I swear I’d enjoy being surrounded by cement for the rest of my life so it’s easy to kill the fuckers before they can get into anything.

So that’s the excitement for my night. I’m currently tuning into K-IRB listening to Radio X with John & Erica. The show just started so there isn’t much going on as of yet. I just hope it’s a fairly decent one because I’m having a sucky night.

: sigh :


Friday, June 2nd, 2006

So it’s been a good day. I got paid this morning so all birthday gifts are covered. I picked up some more work so that’s another $800 coming to me with in the next couple of weeks, which is also cool.

It’s been storming all day and I’m absolutely loving every minute of it. I spent quite a bit of time outside after I was done with work, soaking up the humidity. It’s brutal outside but all of the rain makes it more than worth it. It’s supposed to be raining all weekend, which I’m happy about because with all of the heat lately the little bit of grass I have is beyond dead. The water will definitely do it good.

According to my recent status update on the digital camera offer, they’re processing my approval form. So, hopefully sometime over the next couple of days I’ll be able to cash out on my camera. That beautiful Fuji film E-900 9 Mega pixel camera will be mine all mine!

I’m relaxing in the living room right now. I’m finally getting ready to pack up and leave all computer stuff in my room. I was able to spend the bulk of yesterday enjoying my TV time. I had a lot more of it today because no one was home. I didn’t totally get to enjoy it though. The phone was ringing off the hook all damn day.

See, my mother (before she remarried) put herself into quite a bit of debt so we get bill collectors up the wazoo calling for her. It’s usually a recorded message too so you can’t say “Stop calling, she doesn’t live here.” I finally searched on Google and found the phone number for this particular company and told them to stop calling here because she no longer lives here. I thinks she’s under the impression that since she no longer has the same last name that she’s unable to be found. I made it a point to give them her new phone number and last name because it’s to a point now of being complete and total fucking bull shit. My phone shouldn’t have to ring off the hook because she spends more than she makes. She can deal with that at her own damn house now. :humph:

In any event, I’m going to head off and watch my full night of “That 70’s Show” on FX. It keeps me giddy and quite entertained even though I’ve seen the episodes quite a few times already. My sister is bitching that there are two dishes in the sink and she wants to give Bella a bath. I think I’ll just shift and get even more comfortable because I cleaned the kitchen today, the dishes in the sink aren’t mine. I’m entitled to ignore her…no matter how crazy the thought of dishes in the sink is going to drive me.

Picture Time!

Monday, May 29th, 2006

Okay, so it took me a little longer than I would have wanted it to but I’ve finally got some pictures of the new laptop to show off. I never got around to unplugging the USB chord from the desktop until this afternoon so here they are.




Friday, May 26th, 2006

So I’m happy to announce that this is my first mobile blog. It’s so mobile to the point that I’m working security with Alicia tonight and there’s someone in the area who doesn’t know how to password protect their network. It’s not a strong connection but it’s enough to keep me entertained.

I have most of my programs installed, I still have a lot of files transfer over though. I forgot that you only have about 40 default windows fonts, I have to transfer the 5k or so from my computer when I get home later.

The router was a bitch to setup though, it would NOT read the network for the life of me. It’s all squared away now though. I spent the bulk of the afternoon outside rubbing it in that I was wireless and my neighbor wasn’t. Since there’s a new network in the house, her laptop went a little nutty trying to connect. I was amused, she was upset…that was good enough for me.

I’ve got excellent battery life on this thing too. I was outside for about three hours downloading and only used up about 10% of my battery so that worked out nicely. Right now I’ve still got about 85% left and this is after I installed all of my programs so that definitely works for me.

I have pictures, but the camera isn’t with me so I’ll have to upload them later. I tried getting a pic of the delivery guy because I was just so damn giddy but he wouldn’t, so that’s ok.

I didn’t pay much attention to Bella today, I was too busy playing with my new toy. I played with her all morning though. I knew that once FedEx showed up that I’d be preoccupied.

It was like Christmas today though. The laptop showed up and then a few hours later the table showed up. I didn’t even hear UPS pull up this time, he just dropped off the table and left. So I setup the table, threw the cloth on it and now my patio is about 80% complete. I’m just waiting on the Roll-n-Grow to show up and then I’ll pick up the flower boxes. I know it takes 4-6 weeks for them to kick in so we’ll see what happens there. I don’t even think I was charged for them yet because my credit statements aren’t reading anything. It was only $30 though so that’ll click in soon enough.

In any event, the signal is getting weak so I’m gonna head off.



Thursday, May 25th, 2006

[update] – As of May 26, 2006 @ 8:45 AM, my laptop is on FedEx vehicle for delivery — WEEE!!! Estimated Arrival Time: 10:30 AM [/update]

Okay, since I’m home now I figured I could actually go back to writing my original post. I was in the middle of typing it when I was in the car with Alicia but then the car died so that’s what happened there.

In reference to a previous comment – I don’t know if it’s Nextel dial up service, I just know it plugs into the side of the laptop and it gives you a Dial-up/DSL type of connection through a cell phone. It’s not actually plugged into the cell phone though, I don’t really know the name of the service I just know it’s through Sprint/Nextel and very bulky.

I already had an email telling me how dumb I was for posting the last entry. See, here’s the thing. I know jack shit about cars. Yes, my sitting there on the computer while we both looked at each other in total confusion was probably the wrong thing to do but she didn’t care. So when you send an email to me telling me how ‘stupid’ I am “Tina” I suggest you learn to think things through before you give your two cents.

Her cars running fine, she thinks it’s a computer issue. We weren’t doing ANYTHING and then for some reason the car just would not turn over. She fully shut the car down, got out of it, locked it and let it sit for a minute. She unlocked, got back in and then everything seemed to be working fine. The weird thing was that the clock reset itself, so tomorrow she’s bringing it to the shop to have it looked at.

I believe I’m going to be with her again tomorrow night as well. See, her fiancé usually does the security stuff but for the next 5 days or so he’s going to be working at a fair out east, so she’s covering his shift in Hicksville. She asked me to come along to keep her company, and I don’t mind because I don’t want her sitting by herself in an abandoned lot until midnight anyway so that’s fine with me.

On another note, my FedEx tracking updated and my laptop is currently departing from Anchorage, Alaska. The exact status is Departed FedEx location. I’m excited, its coming a lot quicker than I thought it would so maybe it will actually be here on Friday morning. I won’t mind that at all, this means I have a full weekend to relax in bed while I’m nursing myself back to health.

As I said a few entries ago, I was rather sick this weekend. To the point that not even water wanted to stay down and it was driving me insane. I felt fine for a little while. I had a drink at Alicia’s last night and it kind of made my stomach a little over active. Dinner tonight though, totally killed me.

We stopped at a pizza place down by the site and picked up some Manicotti. The first problem we had with it was the fact that two dinners, six mozzarella sticks and two 16oz soda’s cost freaking $38, which makes no sense to me considering it says $7.50 on the wall. So even then it should only be like $30 at most, so that was annoying. The food itself kind of sucked. My stomach is absolutely killing me right now too. So my bed is definitely calling my name.

There haven?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢t been any updates on my table yet. I’m a little concerned though. According to Kmart’s website the table weight is 30lbs, according to UPS tracking its telling me that it’s 70lbs. I also just received an email telling me that I was credited for $13.14; meanwhile I requested the refund on the FULL price of the table. So I’m going to have to call up Kmart tomorrow and raise a big stink. I know I ordered the new table but unless they’re voiding that second order and just transferring funds, I have no idea what’s going on. I would like this resolved as soon as possible because at this point I’ve spent over $100 for a table that cost $25.I was refunded for the shipping, it takes 10 days for them to reprocess the order to refund the rest. :whew:

In any event, I’m going to bed so I can wake up bright and early and bitch out some Kmart support members.

Goodnight all.


Wednesday, May 24th, 2006

So I’m working security with Alicia tonight and we’ve been sitting here for about 3 hours chatting away with basically nothing to do. I’m only online now because of the oh so nifty Nextel wireless internet thingie plugged into the side of her computer.

We went to make a break for it and the car won’t turn on. The lights and everything go on but it won’t turn over, which is something that makes absolutely no sense. She’s in the process of calling AAA so that we can get someone out here to figure out what’s going on. Her fiance is about an hour away working security at another site so its not like he can come out here and do anything for us either. It’s something neither of us understand.

It’s funny though, a few minutes ago she was telling me to write a post about how much she loves me and would fuck me like no tomorrow. Welp, I guess we have all the time in the world now, don’t we?

UT It turned on, that was FREAKISHLY WEIRD.

Gotta go!


Tuesday, May 23rd, 2006

My weekend was rather uneventful. I was sick for a big part of it, I still feel like crap now but at least it’s better than a few days ago.

My table was to arrive yesterday; it didn’t get here on Saturday so I assumed Monday considering it was waiting at the UPS warehouse in Uniondale. I was giddy when UPS pulled up; I knew that the porch would finally begin to take shape, when the trucker moved his way up the stairs I was instantly disappointed. Kmart fucked up my order and sent me an Adirondack chair. I refused the order, called Kmart and asked what went wrong. When the chair gets back to Kmart’s warehouse I’ll be refunded for my order. I ordered the table again though, this time it was about $7 less than the previous order (thanks to Memorial Day sales). The new table is currently in route to my house, the shipping status hasn’t updated so who knows when it will get here. The thing I hate about UPS is they don’t give you an estimated arrival time, you basically have to wait for the status to say “Out for delivery”. FedEx gives you an arrival date, as well as the begin shipping date.

And speaking of FedEx…My laptop is on its way. The estimated ship date was the 25th but I got lucky and they shipped it out this morning. It’s coming from China though, and according to FedEx it will be here on Friday (May 26) at about 10:30 AM. I’m a little confused though, I’ve never heard of 3 day shipping from China, unless its being sent priority mail, something I didn’t pay for.

So either way, I’m going to assume that on Friday the table and the laptop will be here. I’m giving that a ‘general’ assumption though because I know something?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s going to happen to make the wait longer.

I went to Wal-Mart yesterday and picked up six chairs for the patio. I also made a quick stop to Path Mark Supermarket and picked up chair cushions. I didn’t get the ones from Wal-Mart because they were like $6 each and very ugly. The ones at the supermarket were $2.50 and rather cute. They fit on the chairs nicely and I’ve basically spent the last day outside enjoying them. I just can’t wait until everything comes together.

Weather = SUCKS
The weather lately has been so extremely annoying it’s unreal. I enjoyed the week of rain, I really did. I dislike all of the left over wind though. I don’t mind a nice cool breeze but when it’s gusts of wind maxing out at 35-40 MPH then it’s just uncalled for. I can’t wait until it stops being so damn gusty. Again, a nice little breeze is fine but Bella being blown over while she’s trying to balance so she can pee – is just not kosher.

Cleanliness in Krissyville
I went on a total cleaning spree this morning. My room (although fairly clean) is more like an organized mess that was driving me crazy. I’ve cleaned off my desk, I re-cleaned my closet too. I know I cleaned it out last week but I haven’t done my laundry in a week (before this morning) so there’s a lot of clothes that need to go back in there. I also cleaned out the section near my air conditioner, this way it’s one clean shot to get it out of there in a few weeks when it gets warm enough to have to put it in. It’ll only be used at night because I can totally see myself being either outside or in the living room for quite some time. I’m sure I’ll relax in bed watching TV and getting some work done but that’s at night and that’s just easier to deal with. I vacuumed, I cleaned out the kitchen and I even did some sweeping on the porch, not that it mattered considering all the damn wind put most of it back :grrr:

I did some major cleaning out today. I got rid of about 10gigs of crap files off my computer. I burned all of my archived clients to CDs and I got rid of things I’ve been meaning to move for quite some time. I have two zip disks filled and ready to transfer over to the laptop as soon as I’m situated there. I’ve already setup the new router; it’s working like a charm. At least I think it is. The ports are fine, I’m just not sure about the wireless. The line is password protected so I don’t have to worry about someone tapping into my connection. I’ve opened up the “Shared” folders on this computer (with a password of course) so that I’m able to go back and forth and get the important files. It’s a hassle saving everything to a disk and then reloading, it’s called a NETWORK for a reason damn it.

In conclusion
I know I’m behind on all of my comment sites, but I’ve also placed myself on hiatus with them so I don’t have to deal with that right now. I don’t mind the sites but sometimes when I have to visit some teeny-bopper “Lyke…OMG!” blog it makes me want to put my fist through the screen. I’ll get around to the emails in my box when I get the energy to do it. I’ll also return the comments here when I get that energy as well. For now though, I’m going to find myself something to make for dinner and then relax in front of the TV for a little while.