I’ve been home since late Saturday night but I’ve been unable to really sit down and relax long enough to update the blog.
I had a very, very, very nice trip to Atlantic City. I went down with $350 wondering how I’d manage to stretch it for three days and after being there for two hours, I had that completely figured out. On one slot machine, after two plays, I hit for $1500. Four hours later I hit for $5200, so I guess you can say that Krissy is a very happy, happy girl.
I was a little under the weather all weekend though. By Sunday, I guess since all of the excitement kind of died down, I was in bed all day sleeping with a really bad cold. I still can’t breath through my nose but at least I’m not hacking up a lung anymore either…you know? But, I guess there’s a price to pay for any happiness – eh?
I know exactly how I got sick though. There was some little brat kid in Wal-mart on Tuesday night that couldn’t cover her mouth when she was coughing all over the place. It’s not like she had the kind of mother who would say ‘cover your mouth’ either, she was the kind of mother that left the child in the middle of the store while she went to another isle to pick something up. I swear, some people never freaking learn. If her kid was picked up by someone I can guarantee that the mother would blame Wal-mart and try to sue. That’s just the stupid world we live in I guess.
Anyway…in the last two days I think I’ve spent about $1200. This is ok though because I’ve covered the Christmas Bases as I like to call them. The boyfriend is almost taken care of, my father is basically done, my aunt there’s a few things left, same goes for my uncle. I did get some small things for Alicia and the boyfriends aunt so I’m sure if either one of them is reading this, they’ll know that they’re also getting something out of me for Christmas.
Side Note: Alicia, call my cell when you get the chance…k?
Anyway, I’m going out with my Dad tonight to do some shopping for my sister, aunt and uncle so I should be able to square them away with no problems tonight. I did get some stuff for my sister yesterday but she was with me so she already knows what she got. In order to avoid any no-present syndrome for her she’s not allowed to have anything until Christmas Morning anyway. I got her two pairs of sneakers from Lady Footlocker, a few shirts from Wal-Mart and then since she was actually being NICE for a change, I bought her a quick $20 refill card for her Boost Mobile.
Once all the Christmas shit has died down, I’ll be treating myself of course. I’m enrolling in school, getting a new desktop and then I’ll be getting myself a new cell phone because our family plan is up for renewal in two weeks and thanks to my sister running the bills up, excessively, for the last two years, Dad has decided that he’s just going to remove both of us (even though I gave him the $30 a month for my phone anyway). I guess it doesn’t matter though, with the amount of time I use the phone during the month anyway…I can live on a prepaid…trust me. The only reason my bill was $30 a month was because that’s basically the cost of having the phone on the plan. I’ve only gone over my minutes ONCE and that was the fault of my sister.
The family plan only had 500 anytime minutes, unlimited nights and weekends (starting at 9pm). She managed to use up over 8000 minutes for the November10-December10 billing cycle. She had over 1500 BILLABLE minutes. The bulk of the other minutes were all night based, I believe she had about 6500 nights/weekends. She used all 500 on the plan, this plan covers ALL THREE PHONES. So because of her…the 60 minutes that I used were billable because there weren’t any minutes left. Those 60 minutes were the phone calls I made home during the few weeks I was with the boyfriend so I could update Daddy on my medical status. Thanks a lot sis…
So yea, I’m getting myself a new phone. Considering a Razr because I’ve wanted one for a really long time and I know a few people who mod phones so I’m going to get some funky stuff for it. Maybe some case mods there are like 200 colors you can get for cellphone covers, I’m not stupid enough to cover my phone with crystals because that honestly just looks stupid. I’ll go to T-Mobile prepaid though, I really dislike Verizon’s prepaid services. I also have a Nextel from Alicia that she says she doesn’t want back, I might get a boost sim card so I can at least be in free contact with my sister, mom and even Alicia so I guess we’ll see what happens there.
In any event, I have to move some laundry around and do a quick email check before I get out of here for the night.
Good luck finalizing your shopping and be careful!