Archive for the ‘Randomage’ Category

Holiday Madness!

Wednesday, December 20th, 2006

I’ve been home since late Saturday night but I’ve been unable to really sit down and relax long enough to update the blog.

I had a very, very, very nice trip to Atlantic City. I went down with $350 wondering how I’d manage to stretch it for three days and after being there for two hours, I had that completely figured out. On one slot machine, after two plays, I hit for $1500. Four hours later I hit for $5200, so I guess you can say that Krissy is a very happy, happy girl.

I was a little under the weather all weekend though. By Sunday, I guess since all of the excitement kind of died down, I was in bed all day sleeping with a really bad cold. I still can’t breath through my nose but at least I’m not hacking up a lung anymore either…you know? But, I guess there’s a price to pay for any happiness – eh?

I know exactly how I got sick though. There was some little brat kid in Wal-mart on Tuesday night that couldn’t cover her mouth when she was coughing all over the place. It’s not like she had the kind of mother who would say ‘cover your mouth’ either, she was the kind of mother that left the child in the middle of the store while she went to another isle to pick something up. I swear, some people never freaking learn. If her kid was picked up by someone I can guarantee that the mother would blame Wal-mart and try to sue. That’s just the stupid world we live in I guess.

Anyway…in the last two days I think I’ve spent about $1200. This is ok though because I’ve covered the Christmas Bases as I like to call them. The boyfriend is almost taken care of, my father is basically done, my aunt there’s a few things left, same goes for my uncle. I did get some small things for Alicia and the boyfriends aunt so I’m sure if either one of them is reading this, they’ll know that they’re also getting something out of me for Christmas.

Side Note: Alicia, call my cell when you get the chance…k?

Anyway, I’m going out with my Dad tonight to do some shopping for my sister, aunt and uncle so I should be able to square them away with no problems tonight. I did get some stuff for my sister yesterday but she was with me so she already knows what she got. In order to avoid any no-present syndrome for her she’s not allowed to have anything until Christmas Morning anyway. I got her two pairs of sneakers from Lady Footlocker, a few shirts from Wal-Mart and then since she was actually being NICE for a change, I bought her a quick $20 refill card for her Boost Mobile.

Once all the Christmas shit has died down, I’ll be treating myself of course. I’m enrolling in school, getting a new desktop and then I’ll be getting myself a new cell phone because our family plan is up for renewal in two weeks and thanks to my sister running the bills up, excessively, for the last two years, Dad has decided that he’s just going to remove both of us (even though I gave him the $30 a month for my phone anyway). I guess it doesn’t matter though, with the amount of time I use the phone during the month anyway…I can live on a prepaid…trust me. The only reason my bill was $30 a month was because that’s basically the cost of having the phone on the plan. I’ve only gone over my minutes ONCE and that was the fault of my sister.

The family plan only had 500 anytime minutes, unlimited nights and weekends (starting at 9pm). She managed to use up over 8000 minutes for the November10-December10 billing cycle. She had over 1500 BILLABLE minutes. The bulk of the other minutes were all night based, I believe she had about 6500 nights/weekends. She used all 500 on the plan, this plan covers ALL THREE PHONES. So because of her…the 60 minutes that I used were billable because there weren’t any minutes left. Those 60 minutes were the phone calls I made home during the few weeks I was with the boyfriend so I could update Daddy on my medical status. Thanks a lot sis…

So yea, I’m getting myself a new phone. Considering a Razr because I’ve wanted one for a really long time and I know a few people who mod phones so I’m going to get some funky stuff for it. Maybe some case mods there are like 200 colors you can get for cellphone covers, I’m not stupid enough to cover my phone with crystals because that honestly just looks stupid. I’ll go to T-Mobile prepaid though, I really dislike Verizon’s prepaid services. I also have a Nextel from Alicia that she says she doesn’t want back, I might get a boost sim card so I can at least be in free contact with my sister, mom and even Alicia so I guess we’ll see what happens there.

In any event, I have to move some laundry around and do a quick email check before I get out of here for the night.

Good luck finalizing your shopping and be careful!

I’m alive

Thursday, November 30th, 2006

It’s been a pretty messed up couple of days for me. The drive down on Friday was nice. My tooth was a little sore but that was expected considering I chipped it recently. By Saturday I was basically drowning it in Ambesol, and by Saturday night I was in the emergency room because it looked as though I had a golf ball tucked in my cheek.

After Antibiotics, being shot with a pain killer and downing two Percocets – they sent me home. Supposedly I walked into a door and then passed out a few minutes after my head hit the bed. Before that, I guess I was amusing the boyfriend because he had quite a bit to laugh about the next morning.

He went to the store for me and picked up my prescriptions. I’m on 500 MG of Penicillin, which I have to take four times a day. I’m also on Hydrocodone/APAP at a 5MG/500MG dosage. I can only take one to two every 4-6 hours as needed. So far, thanks to the antibiotics, I haven’t really had to take the Hydrocodone, so at least I’m not fucked up on pain killers. Hydrocodone is the generic version of Vicodin. It?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s the same dosage but cheaper, as most generics usually are.

I spent most of Sunday being knocked out. I spent Monday with the boyfriends entire family but was a little woozy during it so by the time we got back to the house I was ready to knock out. I guess it takes prescription in order to get me to sleep for more than five hours a night. It’s strange waking up and feeling over-rested…if that’s even possible.

Today I was feeling a little bit better so I did some email checks (I’m still going through them) and then I did some cleaning. I figure if I’m going to be here for a while then the least I can do is straighten up around me so I can be comfortable. Things look pretty good in-house, I also raked some leaves and cleaned out the boyfriends car. Now I’m exhausted and figured I’d update the blog considering a few emails that I read today noted that they thought I was dead until they saw my comment on the previous entry.

I’m going to head back to work and get this client out of the way so I can handle all of the hosting based things. I know I’m very behind there, so much so that a few domain expired and I’ve got people screaming at me.

Heaven forbid I get sick…right?

Damn Dog!

Thursday, November 23rd, 2006

I think Bella realizes that I’m going to be leaving soon. I don’t know if it’s because I was chasing her out of my suitcases or if it’s because I keep cuddling up with her when I’m feeling bad about leaving…but she definitely knows what’s going on.

For the past couple of days she’s been a little terror. Normally she’s really good when it comes to going outside to do all of her business. She hasn’t really had an ‘accident’ in the house for quite some time. The one time that she did was because she was sick so she was only mildly scolded for it, so there’s no big deal there. Her new thing is she’s been going on the carpets which has me pulling out the stain remover every few hours. She’s also gone as far as doing some of her business on the couch, which has me more than pissed off.

I realize that this is a temperament issue but she doesn’t ever act like this so I believe my recent absence from the house has quite a bit to do with this. For the past few weeks I’ve been in and out and even for me it’s growing to be a hassle. At this point I’ve basically been gone a week, home two weeks, gone one week, home two weeks, gone one week (leaving tomorrow) and then on the 13th of December I’m going to be gone for three days. I’m not normally like this, I have my comfort zone in the house and never really go away. I hang out with Alicia from time to time and do some shopping here and there to keep myself sane but I’m not usually going from place to place for vacations…you know?

I guess before I leave tomorrow I should throw some stain remover on the carpet for one final cleaning and then let my sister deal with it over the week. Maybe she’ll actually grow out of it because I won’t be around for her to grab my attention in such a cruel way…I don’t know. I’m sure it’ll fix itself.

I believe I landed a big account that I was bidding on. It’s a quick $1600, so that’s something to look forward to. That should solve quite a few of my money issues right now. I told the client there’s a 5 day max work period so once I settle in I’ll be able to get myself setup computer-wise and get cracking. :crosses fingers:

Thanksgiving was ok. I went to my grandmothers house and kept my mouth shut for the bulk of the time because the baby, as usual, had all of the attention. It’s strange though…I’ve seen her go from a 3 day old baby to a now 5 year old chatter box. She’s a very tall kid who’s into like…everything. She’s a pisser though, that’s for sure. My grandmother pulled out a bag of candy for after dinner and my aunt (her mother) was like “What, are you crazy?” my grandmother is looking at her like “Why?” and the baby then said “What are you crazy? I’ll eat the whole bag!” So that turned into the running theme of the night (annoying as usual) but she’s quick with zingers so it’s obvious that she’s a member of this family…no question about that. Either way dinner was good, my other aunt doesn’t really know the concept of “little bit of gravy” because she emptied like two cups worth onto my food I could barely eat it. So I didn’t really get to enjoy it the way I usually would…but whatever.

For now, I’m going to head off. I’m waiting on my laundry to finish drying and the boyfriend is behind me on his laptop working on his own shit. I guess it’s safe to say I’m done with the ‘net for the night considering I have nothing to really do right now…heh.

Extremely Annoyed

Tuesday, November 21st, 2006

A few weeks ago I accidentally dropped my clip board onto my laptop screen. Because of this, I have a scratch in the monitor. Now, when I purchased my laptop I thought that with my warranty I’d be covered for all screen issues. I could care less that there’s a small scratch on my laptop keyboard because #1 – That was my fault, #2 it’s not noticeable to anyone unless you really look.

I called up HP a few moments ago and after dealing with one of those useless yes/no phone bots, I was finally connected to a representative that doesn’t speak a word of English but insists her name is “Donna”. After straining to understand her I was finally giving her my serial number, product number and phone number so she could bring up my account.

I told her that there is a scratch on the screen. It has not effected anything mechanically, I can still see everything behind it. It’s just the protective layer. I figured this would be an easy fix…but I was wrong.

It took her three times of repeating herself for me to understand the cost for this fix. A whopping $290. I blinked and said “Pardon? I thought this was under the warranty.” She went on to say “No, you have no accidental damage coverage.”

So I sat there for a second and went on to say that about 5 months ago my laptop was shipped back to HP (with no problems) when there was a bug floating around my screen. The lady went on to tell me that a bug in the screen isn’t really accidental damage. So I’m confused. It’s not like I intentionally put the bug in my screen. And it’s not like I intentionally dropped my clipboard on the monitor either.

She went on to tell me that it’s $290 and I’ll have to pay that in order for the laptop to even be returned to me. So this means when it shows up there they’ll fix it and hold it captive until I pay up. Sorry, that’s not going to happen. I’m not even going to bother sending it in now.

I’ve gotten used to the scratch, so it isn’t effecting me as much as one with huge line in their monitor would think. I can still see everything I need to see and there are no ‘dead zones’ on the monitor anyway. I want to assume that if there are dead pixels on the monitor that would be covered under the warranty, I have about 6 of them now. I figure if I can get myself up to 10 of them than I can just send it back to HP and it will resolve the scratch as well.

See…there’s always ways to get around things.

I am a bit disappointed in HP though. For a company that’s held in such high regard by many computer savvy nerds, they sure do cut cost by out sourcing all of their support to another country. If they could be smart and just move the support during normal business hours back to the states, I think it would work out better for everyone. It would be nice, for a damn change, to speak to someone who knows more English than what’s put onto a post-it note on the monitor in front of them.

It was my goal to send out my laptop this week because I’m leaving on Friday to spend a week (maybe more) with the boyfriend. Because of this, I have no real need for my laptop to be with me. He has a few computers and he’s nice enough to let me use one of them whenever I need it. I figured that while he’s doing his own thing on one computer during the day, I can just do some quick email based shit on the other and go from there. I wasn’t expecting to have my laptop with me full time next week so I guess I’ll just have to set myself up and leave it there while I work.

I’m finally on top of all of my emails. I’m in the process of emailing the final person now. It’s hard to get ahead when I keep going away for weeks at a time and have limited ‘net access or computer access in general. There’s also my issue of getting lazy, to be honest. If I’m sitting in the living room at my aunts house it’s hard to stay awake. While the couch is broken and very uncomfortable…you’re basically stuck in a hole that you can easily drift off to sleep in. When you’ve got that going on, plus Figgie sitting on top of you falling asleep himself…it’s just not easy to get anything done.

My new luggage is here, I’m slowly packing things up. I figure since I’m leaving on Friday I can easily pack up a few clothes and other items here and there. All of my hair care and other are usually in one place anyway so I just threw them into the bag and when it comes to my hair I’m basically living out of a suitcase LOL.

It’s about 5:40 and I guess I should go start dinner. Not sure what I’m in the mood to make but I’m sure I’ll be able to find something somewhere.

Later gators.

Have You Ever Loved?

Friday, November 17th, 2006

So I got an email forward tonight from Lisa. She’s been in my dad’s side of the family for so long that I consider her another aunt. Her and my aunt (the one who just came back from Aruba) have been friends since they were like 2 years old.

I’m not normally into email forwards because I feel that for the most part they’re completely useless. This one, however, kind of stood out. I’m just going to list it here and see if anyone can get anything out of it. Trust me…I’m sure you will.

ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.

THREE. Don’t believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.

FOUR. ! When you say, “I love you,” mean it.

FIVE. When you say, “I’m sorry,” look the person in the eye.

SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.

SEVEN. Believe in love at first! sight.

EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone’s dreams. People who don’t have dreams don’t have much.

NINE. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it’s the only way to live life completely.

TEN. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.

ELEVEN. Don’t judge people by their relatives.

TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly.

THIRTEEN. When someone asks you a question you don’t want to answer, smile and ask, “Why do you want to know?”

FOURTEEN. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

FIFTEEN. Say “bless you” when you hear someone sneeze.

SIXTEEN. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson

SEVENTEEN. Remember the three R’s: Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.

EIGHTEEN. Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

NINETEEN. When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

TWENTY. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.

TWENTY-ONE. Spend some time alone.


Stupid Books!

Tuesday, November 14th, 2006

So I went to the library with the boyfriend today to do some in-house research into the wonderful world of Grants. I was having a really hard time finding good resources online, which is a shocker to me because I always find the best resources…so we packed up my laptop and headed on down.

I’m a bit upset with how things went though…fuck that – down right depressed. I found no new information, whatsoever. I still have no idea how to go about writing up a formal grant. I still have no idea on where to look to find a grant organization to submit to either. isn’t really of any use to me for the time being, because again – I DON’T HAVE ANY IDEA HOW TO WRITE ONE.

So basically it’s been a shitty day, financially. I’m behind on work, I’m gonna get that done tomorrow. I had a ‘personal’ weekend to take because of some shit going on around here so hopefully I’ll be back on track with everything soon. I need to send my laptop out to be fixed. It really is just the top layer that’s scratched because I can easily see letters (every clearly) behind the scratch. I hope it’s just a quick fix that won’t cost me anything. I would seriously run into a huge emotional spiral if I had to shell out money to fix something that’s under warrenty considering the system itself runs at 100%.

For now, Bella’s passed out (and snoring rather loudly) next time. I guess that’s a key sign that I need to get my ass to sleep. My eyes are about to pop out of my head anyway.

Night all…

Note: I’ve been getting A LOT of emails from people telling me that they ‘completed offers’ under one of my referrals. In order to have a completed offer you need to pull out a credit card and go through the process of signing up for one of the offers listed on the site. Creating an account and typing in an email address is NOT completing an offer. If that were the case, I’d have made like $540,000 from just considering I have over 300 sign-ups under my referral. So make sure you’ve used a credit card to purchase something under your offers panel before you email me. It’s just a waste of my time…and your’s if you aren’t going to do something the right way and just drag me along with you.

Boring Couple of Days

Tuesday, October 31st, 2006

It’s about a half hour to 10 which can only mean that Nip/Tuck will be on soon. It’s been a long day so it’ll be nice to curl up in bed with my hot chocolate and enjoy the only show I can say I’m in love with. Next to That 70’s Show of course.

I did quite a bit of cleaning today, and then I did some grocery shopping. My sister keeps bringing home junk food and I’m getting really sick of living off peanuts and bagels. So, I went out and loaded up on chicken, meat, pasta and veggies so I’ll have enough food in the house for the next couple of days to keep me sane.

I didn’t do so well at the casino this weekend. I went up with $130, and I lost it. My aunt handed me $100 for my birthday and I lost that as well. I made the last $20 stretch for about an hour and then it was time to go home. It wasn’t a TOTAL loss though. I had dinner at Big Bubba’s, which is excellent by the way. I spent quite a bit of time on the phone with the boyfriend while everyone was off doing their own thing. I was bouncing from machine to machine. I was around a few people that hit big jackpots and drooled in jealousy. Some older lady next to me won around $2,000 and then another girl behind me (on a machine I was on earlier by the way) won around $5,000 so yay for them…boo for me.

I’m going to be doing some cleaning tomorrow and on Thursday I’ll be doing some packing. I’m going to be at my aunts house for a week while she’s in Aruba. The boyfriend will be around so that’s always a good thing. After Thanksgiving I’m going on another week-long vacation, so I’m basically spending over a month out of the house at this point heh.

I’m ass deep in work, so I’m not overly concerned about the money I lost this weekend. I’ll basically have made it all back by tomorrow afternoon so there’s nothing to cry about there. I’m waiting very patiently for a client to get back to me considering he owes me around $500, hopefully that comes through.

I know it’s a few hours early but I doubt I’ll be on line long enough to do this at midnight so you’ll notice the November 2006 theme is up and running. I wanted to be as simple as possible and I think I succeeded. I’m done with all of the Ad-Brite stuff because it wasn’t really bringing in any money anyway, so there’s no point in it anymore. I have a few ideas that I’m playing with as far as template business goes. I’m sure I’ll continue to shoot those ideas around in my head until I either put them on paper or forget them completely. Either way (as usual) it works in my head and I guess that’s all that matters.

It’s about 20 minutes to 10:00 and I think I’m going to head off. I need to boil some water and straighten up quick before I sit down for an hour with some ‘me’ time for the first time today.

Later gators.


Sunday, October 22nd, 2006

To sound about as annoying and needy as possible:

Happy Birthday To Me!

Send me money – – kthnx haha.

Nursery Rhymes We Didn’t Have As Kids

Saturday, October 14th, 2006

Normally I don’t like the idea of email forwards. Although I’ve seen this one a few times before, something just felt write about pasting it today heh.

1. Mary had a little pig, she kept it fat and plastered; and when the price of pork went up, she shot the little bastard.

2. MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB Her father shot it dead. Now it goes to school with her, between two hunks of bread.

3. JACK AND JILL Went up the hill to have a little fun. Stupid Jill forgot the pill and now they have a son.

4. SIMPLE SIMON met a Pie man going to the fair. Said Simple Simon to the Pie man, “What have you got there?” Said the Pie man unto Simon “Pies, you Dumb Ass”

5. HUMPTY DUMPTY sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the kings’ horses, and all the kings’ men. Had scrambled eggs, for breakfast again.

6. HEY DIDDLE, DIDDLE the cat took a piddle, all over the bedside clock. The little dog laughed to see such fun. Then died of electric shock.

7. GEORGIE PORGY Pudding and Pie. Kissed the girls and made them cry. And when the boys came out to play, he kissed them too ’cause he was gay.

8. There was a little girl who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, she was very, very good. But when she was bad…….. She got a fur coat, jewels, a waterfront condo, and a sports car.

On the map!

Saturday, September 30th, 2006

Quoted from The Glen Cove Record Pilot – September 21 edition.

Law & Order: Locale Glen Cove
If you’re a fan of the television program Law & Order: Criminal Intent, you may be watching an episode in the next couple of weeks and see some very familiar sites. The popular TV series was filming in the City of Glen Cove recently, along with lights, cameras and actors including stars Vincent D’Onofrio and Kathryn Erbe, who play, respectively, Detectives Robert Goren and Alexandra Eames.

The shot was arranged by the City of Glen Cove in association with Debbie Regan Locations, a local company which has used many a site in our fair city to do commercials, films, TV, videos and print shoots.

After a morning of filming on West Island, the crew headed for Robert M. Finley Middle School, temporarily renamed Water Haven High School. This reporter was lucky enough to catch up with Mr. D’Onofrio and was given the screen name “Scoop” by the actor. He also suggested Scoop “get out her pad and pen” to take notes on the “inside scoop” of what the afternoon held. “First,” he said, “I’m going to change my clothes. Then we’re going to rehearse.” It’s a direct quote.

After all the real-life middle schoolers had gone home, the crew got down to work on a scene with a cast of high school-aged extras and regular cast members.

According to Alex Galvez, a location assistant for the program, the episode called Siren Call, will be the fifth episode of the 2006 season, the sixth season of the show, and is scheduled to air on Tuesday, October 3 although the date of airing may change. TV fans understand that.

So tune in on Tuesday nights to NBC Channel 4, at 9 p.m. starting October 3 to see Glen Cove ready for her close up. You’ll recognize her when you see her.

Now, minus the fact that I absolutely hate the chick who wrote this article because of how phony she is (went to school with the whore), the article is true. I have a few ‘behind the scenes’ pictures but my scanner isn’t hooked up at the moment. The cool thing is that a few of the extras for the show came right out of the drama class of the actual GC High School (which is located about a half mile up the road from the middle school).

I haven’t seen the middle school in a good 8 or so years so it’ll be interesting to see how a few of the hallways have changed. I know they’ve moved some things around for filming but I’m also positive that a few of the ‘key aspects’ of the school (that are usually the first thing to hit you in the face when you walk in the door) will still be there. I’m excited for more than one reason of course.

This isn’t the first time the Law & Order series has shown itself in town. A few years back an episode of SVU was filmed here. There was also mention of Glen Cove in Law & Order, SVU and CI in past episodes as well…nifty right?

I haven’t watched the newer episodes of CI in a while because my Tuesday nights are wrapped up in Nip/Tuck lately and I’d completely forgotten that CI is on at 9pm and not 10pm so I’ll be able to get all of my shows in without conflicting schedules. W00t!

There will be a new layout up within the next 8 hours, once it turns midnight here on the island the theme will change over automatically to my October theme.

For now, I’m going to head back to cleaning up my room. I’m going to be taking my AC out today so I need to take a few boxes out of my closet so that it can fit back in there…heh.


Wednesday, September 20th, 2006

So some asshole went out of their way to comment on my site letting me know that they were the one who ‘reported me to Google’. I’m also going to assume that they’ve gone out of their way to get my account cancelled as well. I’m anxiously waiting to see what kind of shit they pull with my adbrite account. It’s amusing that they even mentioned adbrite considering adbrite isn’t even listed ON, nor has it been for a good TWO WEEKS now. It’s good to know that you’ve made it your mission to get my accounts removed but I definitely have to say amused at the fact that you’ve also gone out of your way to avoid using a real name, let alone a real email address…chicken shit much?

It’s quite simple really. If you have a problem with me, take it up with me personally. The JOKE through all this is the fact that I never made any physical cash off of any of these sites, so your behavior hasn’t effected me at all. Sure, there was money in the accounts but I was no where near cash-out range anyway so I haven’t lost anything. Boohoo, I had to edit my template to remove links…I swear I’m crying over it.

Moving right along…

I’ve spent the last few days writing up essays for scholarships, I’m still working on grants and I’m going to change myself over from part time to full time, so I think agn is going to be put on the back burner for a little while. I’ll be around to setup everything that needs to be setup, design will be turned from full time to part time though. Business is slow anyway so it’s not like that’s really going to change.

I’ve been having a pretty shitty day, mainly agitation though. Bella isn’t cooperating with me, the wind was getting annoying and my cell phone is acting up. It’s a new battery so I’m not sure why it’s dying as frequently as it is, but it’s on the charger now, so I really couldn’t give a shit. I spent a good three hours on the phone with a client this afternoon and that’s just a headache in itself considering I hate being on the phone. They’re still undecided as to what they actually want so I was given ‘free range’ to do as I please as long as it’s a presentable two column layout. Should be easy enough considering it takes five minutes to code a two column layout , whether it be tables or CSS based…doesn’t matter too much.

I just sent my sister to the store for me, I haven’t done any grocery shopping out of the fact that I just didn’t feel like it. Considering, whether I go shopping or not, everyone else seems to find something to eat out of the house I figured I’d just have her pick up a few things for me for the rest of the week.

In other news, it’s Sean’s birthday tomorrow so go wish him a Happy Birthday. AGn Listings is slowly coming along, I just have a few more image codes to create, and I’m working on finishing up a template I started for AGn Solutions so that I can have that up and running by October. After that, there really isn’t anything going on.

Ever hear of TOO FAR!?

Tuesday, September 12th, 2006

There are a lot of people whom have blogged about Steve Irwin’s death last week. My only comment on it is that he died doing exactly what he loved and he has every right in the world to rest in peace because even though I never met the guy, he gave everything he had to wild life conservation and I don’t believe in any way shape or form that he would have wished to pass on any other way.

Recently, however, I came across an article that has me completely disgusted and has also fully supported my theory about people being useless assholes.

Backlash Against Stingrays Since Irwin’s Death

SYDNEY, Australia (Sept. 12) – At least 10 stingrays have been killed since “Crocodile Hunter” Steve Irwin was fatally injured by one of the fish, an official said Tuesday, prompting a spokesman for the late TV star’s animal charity to urge people not take revenge on the animals.

From what I’ve read about stingrays over the years, they are mellow animals whom keep to themselves most of the time. They are dangerous, I will not deny this but it’s danger that’s always caused by an outside source. You can swim with these animals, you can full on pet these animals. The dangerous part of them is their tail, and only their tail. They only react if they’re stepped on or frightened in any way shape or form.

So why is it that one (or more) people has the bright idea that mutilating and/or killing these animals is right? Am I wrong for thinking that if I ever saw someone doing this I would go out of my way to chop their ‘tails’ off?

Steve Irwin lived a life of ‘danger’ with the animals that he’s come in contact with over the years. He’d never once harm an animal even if he were harmed by it. So why is it all of a sudden okay to completely overlook all of the work he’s done just because you’re ‘shaken’ into thinking that you’ll at some point in time fill the ‘quota of revenge’ because of this.

I’ve lost all faith in humanity, not that I had much to begin with but I think this is exactly what just put it over the edge.

Available for Rent

Thursday, September 7th, 2006

I’m helping out family right now, so excuse the blatent advertising.

If you know anyone in the NY area that’s either going to college or looking for an apartment, please contact me for further information.

1 Bed Room
w/ Full kitchen
3/4 bath (no tub, just shower)
Heat, Gas, Electric & Water included

First come, first serve.

And if I like you…free wireless internet access.

I need space!

Monday, September 4th, 2006

I’ve owned my laptop for about four and a half months now and I’ve made the mistake of not up keeping it the way I did my desktop. I turned it on today and experienced a lag that I’ve never had before. So, for the last few hours, I’ve cleaned everything out and ran a defrag. It’s worked but not sure how long it’s going to last. Because of this lag, I wasn’t able to start on ANY work yet, but I will when I’m done posting.

My real problem is the fact that I’m slowly running out of disk space. The money isn’t coming in fast enough to reach my goal of buying a desktop but I do still have a spare 120gb hard drive so I’m going to need to swallow hard and dip into savings to get my external hard drive enclosure. It isn’t going to cost me much money at all, I just wanted to leave the money where it is until I can just get the desktop. I figure if I can move everything to the external drive, I’ll be able to regain about 30gb’s of space back on my laptop which will even things out.

I’ve decided to just use my laptop for the programs and then as far as files go, put everything onto the external drive (minus my daily based files of course). I figure it’ll work to my advantage and the $30 will be worth it in the end.

Dad caught me looking at laptop skins this past week and offered to buy one for me as a ‘graduation gift’ because my diploma will be coming soon. I don’t think I’m going to take him up on it though. The offer was really nice, don’t get me wrong, I just don’t wish for him to waste money on something like skinning a $1500 machine, you know? The skins are only like $20 but he’s been pulling double shifts for the last two weeks, I’m not going to sit here and accept something that’s a useless purchase. There are quite a few other purchases to be made that will honor everyone in the house and unlike my sister, I’m not going to be selfish about money that isn’t even mine. She’ll gladly accept whatever he throws her way, she usually demands it first anyway.

If I do ever get a skin, I’ll obviously be purchasing it myself. Right now I’m basically set on the one I’m going to buy though, this one is ‘retro’ and I’m downright digging the Lime green. For some reason I like the bright colored skins so I’m going to go with it. My second choice would be this one in the pink. Now, I normally don’t like pink but considering the green shade that’s being used I figure it’d be better to look at something else. I refuse to own a red laptop and there’s no point in black considering 90% of the laptop is black to begin with.

It’s about 3PM and I’ve been up since 12:30, I’m not sure why my cell phone went off at 12:30 but oh well. It’s been a nice quiet labor day. I plan on BBQ’ing later tonight but not sure if that’s actually going to happen. I have everything in the house, I just don’t really have the drive for it. I’m not in the mood to scrape down the grill, hope the charcoal that’s still in the bag from last year is still good and then have my pyro tendencies to kick in and wind up burning something down.

I think I’m going to turn on USA and continue with my Law & Order : SVU marathon until about 7 when the That 70’s Show marathon kicks in on FX. Yep, I’m easy to please. On a big bright note, Nip/Tuck starts on Tuesday night and I absolutely can not wait for it. I’ve already let it known that I won’t be around from 10pm-11pm on Tuesday nights until further notice. I’m too big of a fan to just not drop everything and watch. It’s really the only series I look forward to considering there isn’t anything of interest on television anymore, for me at least.

Bite me.

Sunday, September 3rd, 2006

I don’t really have much going on to make this a ‘worth while’ update. I can say this though… I was paid by For those of you who tried to convince me that the company was a scam, you can kindly bend over and eat shit.

My past week has consisted of playing ‘mommy’, trying to balance 10 accounts (and failing), cleaning the house, taking extra care of Bella because she hasn’t been feeling well, stopping a potential ‘smack down’, meeting a friends new boyfriend and then just a whole series of shit that basically ads up to nothing; to be blunt of course.

“Ernesto” hit late last night and all day today. I have to say that I’m extremely disappointed. Everyone for the last few days has been up in arms about a severe storm hitting us, blah, blah, blah, meanwhile it was just some wind and hardly enough rain to really do any damage what so ever. My rating for this supposed ‘big storm’ on a scale of 1-5 would have to be a -2; yep it sucked that much.

It’s about 1am, I’m ass deep in emails so I guess it’s time to get going. I’ll return all comments when I get the chance, it’s not that I’m ‘too busy’ to do it. I’m just honestly not in the mood to read other blogs at the moment, don’t take it personal – I just don’t have the drive for it.

Night all.

Murder…too close to home.

Friday, August 18th, 2006

I woke up this morning and flipped on the television. Normally, when I wake up, I like to have the news on in the background to get a general idea of what’s going on in the world. For some strange reason today I turned on News12, which is the local station for Long Island. I woke up to this story:

Missing person case turns into murder probe in Glen Cove
(08/18/06) GLEN COVE – Police are investigating a homicide in Glen Cove that started out as a missing person case.

Nassau police were first called to a house on Willada Lane Thursday afternoon. Police say it was determined that the missing person was a victim of homicide. The name of the person has not been released.

A man who was spotted outside the gated community in a blue car with Florida plates was taken into police custody. Police are continuing their investigation.

Knowing how my town works, I figured nothing would really be said about it for a little while. Until I checked into it later to find the rest of the story.

Glen Cove Murdering Glen Cove man accused of murdering neighbor
(08/18/06) GLEN COVE – Nassau police arrested a Glen Cove man Friday in the murder of his neighbor.

Police say 30-year-old Evan Marshall killed retired school teacher Denice Fox in her home Thursday. According to homicide investigators, Fox?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s dismembered body was found in trash bins in Marshall?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s basement and in the trunk of his car. The case began as a missing person incident after Fox?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s daughter called police to say her mother was missing.

Marshall is expected to be arraigned Saturday on second-degree murder charges.

The key item that they failed to mention (and I have the inside scoop on thanks to my pull with the GCPD) is the fact that the decapitated head of this woman was in the front seat of his car.

Yes, this raging lunatic was driving around my town with a head in his front seat.

The deceased (Denice Fox) had just recently moved into town. She literally lived here for three weeks, the paperwork for the house was just recently filed. He sliced her up. There were pieces of her in the basement garbage cans, other cans around the street, and he had a foot in the trunk. Her head – (eyes WIDE OPEN) was in the front seat. He put it in a clear plastic bag after he drained it and strapped it in the passenger seat. She lived next door to his mother. He did all of this in the basement of his mothers house.

What could possibly bring a man to do this, I’ll never know. I won’t lie, a few handfuls of people have ‘shown up dead’ in town over the last 10 years and this is always on the back of my mind. I just never understood dismemberment…I don’t think I ever will.

Meanwhile…people wonder why I want to move out of Glen Cove so badly. Sure, this could happen anywhere. But considering the fact it’s happend more times than it should have – I’d prefer to be somewhere else.

Maine is looking SOOOOO much nicer every single day.