Archive for the ‘Daily’ Category

What happened?

Thursday, February 21st, 2013

Things slowed down dramatically for a little while, but out of no where things have picked up to the point that I have to remind myself to breath. The few sites that I’ve been working on for the past few months have finally completed, but in their place numerous other ones popped up.  Right now I’ve got three pending and I don’t know how that even happened.  To top that off I added remodeling to the list because there’s been an increase in advertising inquiries and the current format doesn’t really allow for anything extra on my sidebars. I thankfully have a few drafts sitting in folders but I do need to ultimately decide which route I’m looking to take and then going from there.  I want to brighten things up dramatically and really dive into the CSS3 formatting that I’ve been using on other sites. I’m sick of generating all of my borders with Photoshop slicing up the images for me so it will be nice to build a very CSS heavy template that isn’t image heavy at all.  On top of that, Adam was sweet enough to build a template for me on AGn Designs so I’m going to code that one in the near future as well. I need to add him to my list of pending projects as I’ll be coding his new portfolio template for WordPress for him as well.  I also repurchased to utilize as a fitness/wellness blog so that’s going to take up some of my time as well.

I think I need to hire a personal assistant who just wants to sit in Photoshop all day while I code things.  Anyone interested?

Needless to say, things are getting fricken crazy.

Valentines Day

Monday, February 11th, 2013

db5391406cb811e28eb922000a1fbc88_7Sean was super sweet this year and bought me a 17″ MacBook Pro.  As much as I absolutely love it, being as it’s everything I’ve ever wanted – I’m also upset.  See, work has blown up and I’m back to working on five different sites at once – trying to pace myself through them instead of rushing through them this way I don’t royally mess something up. With that, I’ve yet to be able to really be able to enjoy this new lil super gadget.  I’m also having one of hell of a time patching some programs, no serial numbers I come across are actually working the way they’re supposed to and it’s driving me nuts to go have to repeat the steps numerous times every time I boot a program.  I even pulled the numbers off of the iMac (which work fine) but can’t have the same result here.  I just wish there was a physical ‘patch’ file the way there is on Windows but I’m sure I’ll figure out a way to get around it in the future.  For now I’ll just deal with it, and usually it only happens when I need to open the programs so just getting past them once and leaving the program open should pretty much do the trick for the time being.

I was very surprised to even receive the gift, honestly.  Our goal for the year was to pay down and pay off as much of our credit card debt as possible so that we can start banking something into savings to be used towards a home purchase later on down the road (yea, we’re back at that step in our lives together). So you can imagine my surprise when I dozed off one night and he woke me up by hopping into bed and pulling the super cuteness of “Guess what I just bought you?” Then the “Maybe I shouldn’t tell you since it’s not V-day yet” conversation.  So I got it out of him, which is never hard cause he loves to blab a good secret and knows I’m not big on being surprised.  (I’ve got OCD and I’m anal retentive about doing things a certain way – bad combo if you want to surprise me LOL)  So he told me that he signed up for another credit card and was approved for financing on the Macbook, and there was still more than enough left over for him to be able to order an iPad for himself.  The company has six months deferred payment and I’m not sure on the deferred interest but we anticipate having everything banked to be able to pay it off in July anyway.  So of course I was surprised, and super happy and I’m still super happy because it’s everything I’d ever wanted and more.  They aren’t making them this large anymore and I don’t care what anyone says – no matter what resolution you put things on the overall size of the screen does make a huge difference.  I’m not just putzing around on Facebook on my Macbook to be trendy – I’m utilizing it for everything Adobe – and it will really come in handy for school in the future too considering all the work I’m anticipating for the next semester anyway.  Next on the docket there is all Flash related.  I’m so into jQuery right now that Flash is probably going to completely throw me off my game but at least I’ll be able to recreate some of the funky flash-based headers I’ve been seeing around the net to be used for future clients – the only upside but whatevs.

So the mac got here last Friday and it hasn’t really left my side.  I’ve spent quite a bit of time in bed with it because I’ve got my fancy tray table to keep it sturdy and give me an actual spot for the mouse pad that doesn’t require it sitting on top of the blanket (not sure if you’ve ever tried to draw a straight line in Photoshop while your mouse is on the blanket but it’s NOT easy).  Sean, a few years ago, bought me a tray table for like $20 from Walmart, and it’s been my buddy every single time I’ve been working from bed because of my various back problems.  In this case, however, working in bed is actually causing the back problems because I’m not properly supported and sitting up the way I would be in a regular office chair.  The issue with that is the fact that my office chair is leaning like a bitch and I might have to actually cash in the warranty and pick up a new one anyway.  So for now, I’m setup in the kitchen until I can knock out a substantial amount of work tonight.  Too much needs to get done for me to worry about how often I need to stand up and stretch before I can jump back into something. That’ll throw me off my game and I can’t afford that right now.

The other upside to the month is a long-overdue client finally paid up and I was woken up yesterday to Sean sneaking around the room and opened my eyes to him saying “Are you super comfy sleeping in our bed?” Of course I was until he started talking to me (can’t function without coffee or a cig in the morning – don’t talk to me unless I’ve been outside for at least 10 minutes).  He went on to say that the client paid up and he just paid off the bed.  GE Credit must be super pissed at me because I’ve never paid an ounce of interest on my purchases before. LOL.  So yea, even though we bought it in November for about $1600, it’s completely paid off as of February and there was 6 months deferred interest on it so that wouldn’t have kicked in for a few months anyway. MWAHAHA!!

So yea, in a nutshell it’s been a pretty good year financially so far.  I’m not one of those people who chooses a ‘health kick’ as a new years resolution – I know my lack of a ‘drive’ and stick with the stuff that I know I can control. Since money makes the world go round, of course that would be the one to focus on anyway. So, our goal for this year was to pay off as much as humanly possible and so far we’ve paid off about $2,000 worth of credit cards since Jan 1st.  My only issue is there is still people who owe us a substantial amount of money and if they would get off their butts to pay us back we could continue to pay down our debt, but they’re pussy footing around and that’s just enough to be annoying for us.

It’s our ultimate goal to only have the car, insurance and the cellphone bill going out every month.  Hopefully by August that will be a possibility so we can start pushing all of the usual money that we shell out every month to bills straight into savings. The goal is to have about $25,000 in savings to put down on a house, and of course I’m super picky about how I want the house to look and the features it has because an in-law suite is mandatory for me.  It doesn’t necessarily need to be a separate dwelling, even the option to setup the basement as kind of an apartment for my dad is all that matters to me. I was looking in the general Rehoboth area, but I’ve found a few down in Selbyville and up in Dover that I fell head over heals for and now at least have a starting point.  The requirements are in-law type of a suite/dwelling – a pool (or room for one) – no HOA cause I think they’re assholes and a gourmet kitchen with plenty of room for huge family dinners because that’s what us guineas do.

Now it’s just the matter of coming up with the money for it, so I guess it’s time to get off of blogging and get back into Dreamweaver.

PS: For the last 6 months I’ve wanted to come up with a new them for, I may wind up just converting to the 2012 WP theme and slapping a header image in there – who knows. But one will be coming soon, I promise!

Blogging while Driving…

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013

OK, so I’m not actually the one driving but today was one of those days where I had no choice but to boot up my slowly dying laptop and bring it with me.  This morning we woke up to find out that Karen wasn’t going to her Chemo treatment today because of super high blood pressure and the lack of ability to breath.  We wound up going to the cancer center so she could have the IV removed from her arm (they leave it in cause she goes three days in a row and its a pain to have to redo the IV every time).  We both went home for a little while to get some food in our systems and now all three of us (Karen, Sean and myself) are heading up to Christiana Hospital up in Newark for a kind of “rushed” visit to her cardiologist.  She’s to a point where she’s no longer going to be doing the Chemo (based on her choice) due to the uncomfortable and concerning side effects.  She’s done 3.5 of 4 treatments, and that’s where things are going to end I guess.  She’s a grown woman who can make her own choices, and she has.

So why am I even online?  Welp, I’m trying to complete a site by the Wednesday AM deadline but still have about 8 hours work to complete, knowing that we’re going to be out of the house for at least another six hours, I had no choice in the matter.  Thankfully my cellphone gives me the ability to “hotspot” myself so it’s been pretty easy to keep the pace of coding and uploading without worrying about anything. Thank god for 4G.

It’s all coming to an end…

Wednesday, December 26th, 2012

With the Holiday’s winding down, I’m finally able to wind down long enough to actually knock out a post. I’ve pretty much been running around like a chicken with my head cut off since Thanksgiving. Work, as I noted previously, is coming in waves, but at the same time the tide hasn’t really gone out. It’s not the luxury of “Ok, I can take some time on this and then bounce back to this.” it’s been “Do it now, and faster!”

@AGnDesigns - Instagram @AGnDesigns - InstagramWhile that can get a little annoying, it also worked to our benefit this year.  All family members were well taken care of for Christmas, Sean and I did spend quite a bit of money on ourselves but it was on things that we both wanted (for a while) and desperately needed.  We know the difference between Wants and Needs – unlike anyone under the age of 16 these days.  We both were in desperate need of new desks.  I had my Mac sitting on a Rubbermaid folding table and being as the 27-inch iMac (2011) weighs about 40 pounds, it was starting to sink down in the middle. To avoid it completely caving in, we went out and got me a new desk.  It’s a super nice one, with plenty of storage and it’s even a little bigger than the previous folding table so I actually got the chance to organize things where I can still completely function without any issues at all. Obviously after Sean spent 7 hours putting this thing together (one warped piece was throwing EVERYTHING off) he gladly took a little nap.  I decorated the drawers with dollar store shelf liner so that they can list a super long time without getting destroyed. There’s more than enough room for the work phone so my boss can stay on my butt too heh. I had it across the room next to the TV because we didn’t have a long enough Ethernet chord, but that was taken care of with the addition of a ZyXEL wireless switch that now sits behind my monitor. It supposedly boosts the Wifi in the house, but turns the Wifi into an actual plugged in connection as well, so I’ve got the phone plugged into it and if I needed to I could plug a printer in to it. It was actually strong enough of a feed to handle Sean’s XBOX 360 for a few weeks as well, so obviously it works how it’s supposed to.

@leprakhauns - InstagramSean, after my desk was put together, began increasingly becoming annoyed with his desk. After drilling into him that he spends way too much time at his desk and needs a new one…. we headed back to Staples a little over a week later (this past weekend actually) to pick up a new desk for him.  The one he’s been using for years was a typical students desk with the metal legs, the pull-out keyboard and the thin table top. One you’d see in college students dorm, basically.  So it was creaking like all holy hell and we wound up replacing that one as well.  He found a nice wide desk that he was in love with, but it unfortunately was not going to fit in the room so he went with one that was closer to size (in comparison to mine).  He’s in love with it as well.  It’s very nice dark wood with a nice sturdy base, some drawers – finito.

While picking up his new desk we browsed around the store a little bit, and came across the Google Nexus 10″ – Android Tablet.  Of course I was instantly in love, this thing is more powerful than the Droid 4’s that we upgraded to in October.  The $500 price tag instantly turned this item into a “Want”. We’ve been bouncing back and forth about Tablet’s for a little while now.  Sean really wanted to see what the new Microsoft Surface was about, I personally had no interest in it at all being as I’m as anti-Windows as you can possibly get these days.  Upgrading to Mac has spoiled me rotten.  I don’t have to deal with excessive upgrades, daily virus/malware scans and the blue screen of death that Microsoft claims to have gotten rid of , but I’ve seen it on both Windows 7 AND 8 because it’s very easy – when you know what you’re doing – to trigger everything Microsoft claims doesn’t exist.

@AGnDesigns - InstagramEither way, we both were playing with the Tablet for a little while and found out when browsing through the Settings to get all of the stats that it was now possible (with Android – Ice Cream) to have multiple users.  This sparked our interest almost instantly, and we both looked at eachother and I was like “I want”, he said “Go get it” (cause he’s fricken awesome) and while I was pulling the car around (cause he was picking up his desk the same day) he paid for both. Turned into an expensive shopping trip on our parts, but we walked out of there with a want, and a need.


@AGnDesigns - InstagramWhile he was in the Bedroom for a few hours setting up his new desk, I was prepping the house for Christmas.  I did more baking in the past few days than I ever thought possible. Everything from cookies, to breads, to brownies – you name it, I probably baked it. I went all out for Christmas this year, because I actually had more room to do it. I know that sounds a little weird but it’s true. A huge living room and a big footprint in reference to the front end of the house, things just kind of happened.  The baking was really just phase two, we’d spent quite some time decorating prior to my even pulling the flour out of the cabinet.  So the tree was decorated, the bulk of the outdoors was draped in white lights and the rest of the house had random little touches here and there.  Thankfully, minus today, there was really no wet weather going on outside so my garland didn’t get all mucky and was nice and clean for Christmas. I was also really happy with the tree in the living room. With the combination of Karen’s ornaments and mine everything kind of came together that worked out really nicely.

Traditionally, families open their gifts on Christmas Day. Around here? Christmas Eve. I think it’s a tradition based on impatience but to each their own. Sean cleaned up this year, outside of the gifts purchased for ourselves of course. New shirts, plenty of toys and gadgets to keep him entertained and the guitar I bought him. I know I usually complain to him about how much noise he can make on his own (without an accessory) but at the same time we’ve both had a pretty rough year, him more than I, and it was something I know he always wanted. So I got him a nice stand for it, and a DVD so he can learn how to play and we’ll go from there.

@leprakhauns - InstagramI also got him some new Happy Feet, this is a brand that we were in love with long before Snooki put it on MTV. I’ve always had a pair, and so has he and his were worn to the point that his toes were going to start popping through the bottom. Knowing how comfy they are I changed it up a little bit and got him the “All Around” ones, they look like real sneakers and there’s about an inch-thick rubber sole on the bottom of them. They’re better than my usual outdoor slippers so of course I’ll have to pick up a pair for myself in the future but for now this was all about him and that’s what he got. So that was one pair, and instead of getting him the standard color variations I decided to take a look under the “Animals” section and got him the most ridiculous ones I could find – and his favorite animal – the Penguins. Watching him walk around in these is more amusing than the slippers themselves, but they bring a smile to just about everyone’s face so it was more than worth it.

I cleaned up pretty well myself. Karen got me the “In-Styler” which is a hair straighter I’ve always wanted. I’ve used a friends before and it was probably the fastest way to straighten my hair that I’ve ever used. Some people have mixed feelings on it, others use it totally wrong and wonder how their hair gets wrapped up in it. As long as you read the directions it works out exactly as it’s supposed to, so I’m bringing it up to NY with me while Sean and I head up there for New Years, and after I get a much needed hair cut (via Mom) and dyed (via my sister), I’ll be using it to style my hair. Mom and I are also hitting up the nail salon, I’m long overdue for a manicure AND I desperately need my eyebrows done it’s been almost six months and I just can’t fricken take it anymore.

As usual, I bought myself a few articles of clothing while I was doing some shopping for other family members and had Sean wrap them for me. There was a jacket at Old Navy that I’ve wanted for a while, and I was in need of new yoga-pants so I threw those into the shopping cart as well. He wrapped everything for me, knowing that he was supposed to actually buy the items for me for my Birthday back in October but never did (I oddly got a Christmas tree instead), so he switched Holiday’s but kept the wrapping paper basically lol.

@agndesigns - InstagramThe thing I was surprised about, however, was the ViewSonic 24-inch Monitor that was under the tree. I’ve been using a 17-inch monitor as my “Email Screen” for the past couple of months and it was working out pretty well for me. I kept my email completely on that window and when I was actually in Photoshop or Dreamweaver I would just load project free TV and watch television right on the desk, no complaints at all. So you can imagine my surprise when Sean upgraded me to a much larger screen. This was one of those items that wasn’t on my wants, or my needs – which then turns into a complete and total surprise. And that wraps up Christmas Eve.

Christmas Day was a completely different story – I was non stop in the kitchen. I was cooking/cleaning for a good 8 hours yesterday. I fired up the crock pots early in the day to get the sauce going, the meat balls and sausage wound up in the pot a few hours later and from there it was just the matter of getting the pasta in the water so I could get everything into the oven. I even managed to get a spiral ham in the oven with everything else going on. As soon as dinner was done, I had a quick cig and was back in the kitchen to clean everything up and start baking the brownies. Why? Cause for the most part the cookies from Friday were already gone and the ones that remained were a little on the hard side. I figured that some time of dessert was required on Christmas and I went the double thick double fudge brownie route – more than half of them are gone which – to any cook – damn good sign.

Then Wednesday comes…..

Today was supposed to be a day of packing, working and getting ready to get out of here bright and early tomorrow morning for the long drive up to New York to see friends and my family. Of course that hasn’t been the case at all. Even though I woke up relatively early, I’ve been doing other things (not sure what) but nothing that I had originally set out to do. I do know that a load of dishes was done, all of the laundry was folded but nothing was put into the suit case at all. I also needed to get about 8 or-so hours of Work completed because we’re losing an entire day tomorrow to the drive up to New York and lord only knows what kind of a drive that’s going to be considering the storm sitting over the Northeast right now. Thankfully, in southern Delaware, it’s just rain but unfortunately it’s A LOT of rain and the complex is completely flooded. This was heaps of fun when it came to walking the dog. I don’t mind the drizzle, that wasn’t the problem, the excessive amounts of water just sitting because the complex has absolutely NO proper drainage systems is 4 inches of just mud and twigs to walk through. Poor Bella wound up taking a swim on multiple occasions tonight just because we completely misjudged the depth of the puddles we were going in to. I also found out that my winter boots are absolutely NOT water proof. As soon as I was in up to my ankle, my foot was soaked and of course they’re too big for me so they were rubbing weird and my sock wound up slipping down – needless to say it was not a good experience for anyone involved and Bella only really went to the potty twice (usually she goes about 4 times) but she still wound up having to be thrown into the sink for a nice bath to get her color back to white, she’d turned into a muddy brown fur ball for the bulk of the walk, the puddles did help but it just darkened everything and I wanted her to be nice and clean for Grandpa tomorrow.

We’re hoping to leave here before noon, now no ones gifts are wrapped and I haven’t done any packing but that’s completely the plan for the morning so that we can get up there in a decent amount of time and have the time to stop somewhere on the turnpike to pick up a roast beef sandwich from one of the Roy Rogers along the way for my father because that’s his one and only request for my time in New Jersey on the way to Long Island. I’m also needing to make a stop while we’re down here to pick up some cigs (for peoples xmas gifts) and some fudge from Candy Kitchen as I promised other family members that I would.

I can honestly say… there’s no way in hell we’re getting out of here by noon…that’s for damn sure.

We’re only going to be up in NY for about a week. Sean’s father is staying down here with his mother while we’re up there, she’s got 2 Chemo treatments this week and then unfortunately she’s going to lose a week to sickness because she’s not getting the third day of extra fluids because they supposedly don’t do that on Saturdays around here, and she didn’t go in today – for whatever reason – to start the scheduled 3-day cycle. So now she’s going to lose a day and I just hope that George keeps pushing large glasses of water onto her so that she can stay hydrated enough to get through the nausea that’s going to completely consume her for the next week.

We’re ringing in the New Year and NY and I personally couldn’t be happier. Being down here for the last six months I’ve really missed my friends and family and just can’t wait to get home. Even if that means I’m not sleeping tonight just so we can get out of here tomorrow – I’ll do whatever it takes.

I’m pretty sure I’m not going to be able to get into my Dashboard for a while since the work is still piling up and this is a ‘mini vacation’ for me, so I’m wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year! I hope 2013 is a hell of a lot better than 2012… at least we won’t have to deal with all of the Mayan Calendar bullshit anymore, heh.

Let the chaos begin…

Saturday, December 1st, 2012

I’m not someone who’s easily overwhelmed by ANYTHING. The past hour, however, has set my head into such a spin that I feel like I’m dealing with some type of internal tornado.

I’ve been working for a design firm in Manhattan for quite some time now, Sean actually was the one to get me the job with one of the company owners to work on one of their websites and from there was bounced to the other owner who’s the #1 on the Web department. It’s been steady on-going work, primarily in WordPress and after the last year and a half I’m utilizing areas of WordPress that I didn’t even think existed in this world. The way things are morphed and hacked (without physically touching the core files) blows my fricken mind. I don’t think I’ve done one site that didn’t require heavily modified template files to cater to custom posts and custom fields. The repeater field on Advanced Custom Fields just about made my head explode when I was finally able to figure out the ins and outs of it.

All that aside, obviously I’ve been able to keep myself busy with a lot of things to do, the thing that’s kicking my ass right now is the fact that there’s 4 sites that basically need to be done by Wednesday (just for this company) and I have no idea how to wrap my head around the amount of work that needs to be accomplished. I’m not against working a 16-20 hour day in order to get everything done, don’t get me wrong, but the issue now is the fact that I’m needing to figure out how to do this while still sitting in the cancer center on Monday and Tuesday for Karen’s chemo. She did OK for the first cycle (3 weeks ago), she had the typical side effects of nausea, headaches, vomiting but it subsided after a few days and she’s been pretty comfortable since. The woman is eating her weight in food on a daily basis and her newest addiction is potatoes and corn because she’s carbo-loading like a best thanks to the Steroids. Her recent discussion with her doctor, and the fact that she had a very strange reaction with the first cycle (almost immediately) now has her on the path to receiving a different type of Chemo that needs to be administered over the course of two days instead of the one. So on Monday morning and Tuesday morning someone needs to accompany her to the cancer center so she’s got someone with her for the 5 or so hours it takes to get her treatment. Now, if things were a little slower it wouldn’t be an issue at all but having such tight deadlines for four massive sites… I don’t know how I’m going to be able to accomplish it all.

I just really hope that the cancer center doesn’t have restrictions on their WiFi. I don’t mind switching back over to my laptop to get in a few hours of work while I’m there, but the last time I tried to work in a hospital I was quickly shut down because they don’t allow uploading on their network, and it’s not exactly possible to connect to FTP when that’s the case. Sean and I had a shit-ton of bad luck when we were at Johns Hopkins (main hospital for 5 days back in July) because of the restrictions, and we didn’t actually have a hotel room to go back to until 2 1/2 days after we got up to Baltimore so we lost a lot of time on our punch cards in order to deal with everything going on there. We didn’t try it while Karen was in Hopkins (Bayview – for two weeks in September) because we bounced back and forth from the hospital to the hotel multiple times a day and were able to utilize the wifi at the hotel to get everything accomplished.

Now, the Tunnel Center (where she’s getting her Chemo) is local (literally four blocks away) but this doesn’t mean that I’ll have any kind of luck connecting to a network that allows some type of uploading based solely on the fact that there’s lord knows how many offices in this building and they’re all competing with the download time for BeeBee medicals internal file-sharing system that stretches amongst their entire network, including the imaging center right next door.

I guess I’ll just need to figure out everything when it happens, I can only hope that they’re super dumb (compared to Hopkins) and don’t have that kind of restriction because everyone in Delaware is a hell of a lot more trusting than they are in Baltimore.

My goal for tonight is to finish the edits on Site #1, so I can then get a few hours of sleep (hopefully at least 4) and then wake up to complete the remainder of Site #1 being as all of the PSD’s haven’t been moved into WordPress yet. My day tomorrow is completely booked worked wise, but at the same time I still have A LOT of cooking to do. I’m starting the crockpot around 11am, throwing in the meatballs/sausage around 1pm so they can cook for 6 or so hours to be done for dinner. I still have chicken to make before it goes bad, and quite a bit of baking to do because I was very unhappy with the bakery in the supermarket tonight. So with everything else going on I still have to make Fudge, White Chocolate Chip and Regular Chocolate Chip cookies, PLUS a Banana Nut Bread because, as I said, Karen is carbo-loading but I still need to figure out how to sneak some kind of fruits/veggies into her that aren’t just potatoes cause that’s way too much starch.

I just hope that the eggs I bought two weeks ago didn’t go bad already, and I really hope that we have butter in the house because I was stupid and didn’t check that when Sean and I went grocery shopping tonight. Crap I just remembered I need oil. I guess while I’m waking up with my first cup of coffee I’ll be dodging through the supermarket to pick up everything just to get back here in time to start the rest of my day.

Lord help me, even Music won’t calm this nerve down.

Time to get back to work so I can go to sleep.

I’m gonna shoot somebody…

Friday, November 16th, 2012

I’m not a big fan of the stigma around “Christmas”. I don’t like the fact that, since July 5th, I’ve seen nothing but Christmas decorations going up in local stores and really hate the fact that finding Halloween Candy at Walgreens took a lot longer than necessary considering it was a week BEFORE Halloween.  Now that Halloween is over, and Thanksgiving is fast approaching – there’s absolutely NOTHING on TV except for crappy cop and dance shows, with a whole sea of “Black Friday” commercials from every single store that exists in America with an advertising budget.  Please explain why it’s so fucking important to push Christmas on people? Why can’t people just be happy with what they have and not even bother anticipating wiping out their savings accounts just to go shopping?

I did my shopping online, and only bought for immediate family. Why? Because I’m not made of money and I know they were a few key items that would make them happy. I didn’t go overboard like I have in years past. Why? Cause I’m still paying off those fricken credit cards from Christmas two years ago just because I wanted to include everyone and their mother.  I then realized, it was a complete and total waste of my time. The best gift to give anyone is money in a card so they can go out after the rush and get something for themselves.  Why? Cause 99% of the time – they either won’t use or won’t wear anything you bought them anyway!

So why am I so annoyed?

Welp, I went out tonight with the goal of picking up a few things from the dollar store so that I can make sure that I have everything I need to have Thanksgiving (yea, remember THAT Holiday??!) go off without a hitch. It’s only going to be the four of us for dinner (Sean, Karen, George and Myself) but I still intend to do it right and make sure that dinner is lovely and everyone can have a nice nap afterwords.  So anyway… I pulled into the Dollar Tree parking lot and it was pretty much a bumper-to-bumper situation to the point that I felt like I was stuck in traffic on the expressway – this is a fricken parking lot so what the hell is going on?

After the LINES of cars found their spots, I was able to find one by the store in the “30 minutes or less” parking spaces that are setup for shoppers.  I noticed that Dollar Tree, while a little busy, was no where near as crowded as they usually are on a Friday night.  After picking up the aluminum products needed to get through Thursday’s dinner and a new ruled legal pad as well as a few decorations for my new Christmas tree (which Sean will be putting up on Thursday), I proceeded to checkout.  I dealt with the usual old hag paying for $50 worth of products with pennies (mind you, that’s 50 items considering Delaware is a no sales-tax state), I then dealt with the confused pot head wondering how much his two items were going to cost him as he clenched a five dollar bill. After they cleared the way it was finally my turn. While my 22 items (Yea, I keep count) were being rung up I asked the cashier if this is a typical Friday night in this parking lot or if something special was going on.  Forgetting that there was a movie theater next store I was informed that another fricken Twilight movie came out at Midnight last night and this particular theater was basically doing 24 hours of glistening vampires that can hang out in the sun all day.  I stopped myself from vomiting on the spot, paid my bill and preceded to walk back to my truck.

This wasn’t the typical walk, this was the ‘dodge-every-ten-year-old-you-can-see’ and ‘run-over-the-ones-you-can’t-see’ type of walk.  The lines of people trying to get into this movie blew my damn mind.  Not only where there little teeny-boppers going nuts while WAITING in line and already reciting scenes to eachother, there’s also a crowd of older teenagers who are covered in white makeup (or they’ve never seen the sun themselves) and they’re taking all of these gothic/depressed looking pics of themselves cause they need to “OMG THIS IS GOING ON FACEBOOK” themselves.

Some douchebag on a skateboard damn near ran into my truck while he was trying some fricken awesome dunce cap move and to be my usual jerkoff self I decided to set the alarm as a warning that not only was I watching everything fucking going on around my truck, but proving that the blaring alarm is going to be the least of his problems when they’ll need to scrape his ass up off the pavement cause I had every intent of running him the fuck over.

I finally, after a good ten minutes of losing my patience, get INTO my truck. The line of cars still hasn’t really gone away but knowing that they sure as hell aren’t turning into a parking spot anytime soon, I sat there for a good 20 minutes waiting to GET OUT of my parking space because people are fucking rude and think that your trying to back out of a parking spot means you’re going to steal one that’s closer to the movie theater. Fuck you, I don’t think so.  This is a time when I wish I owned a monster truck so I could just reverse over the fucking line of hybrid cars and drive over everyone.  So the asshole behind my car decided it would be a good time to put himself in park and run into dollar tree (for whatever fucking reason) because he figures the row of cars to get into the theater isn’t going to move anyway.  He didn’t make it past my car door before I started screaming bloody murder in his direction.  I told him, as nicely as I could “Unless you’re interested in playing demolition derby – move your fucking car NOW!”  And apparently when a dumb southern boy hears a New Yorker screaming at them, they listen.  His wife almost got popped in the face for running her mouth but I was a good girl and didn’t even say anything to her (though I should have).

He backed up and finally let me out, then of course he got himself into the now vacant 30 minute spot that I inhabited and they (he and the wifey) both were trying to walk down to the theater and were stopped by a security guard who saw the entire fucking situation go down. He was told to move and try again. So I nicely sat there to keep him blocked in. It took me another 15 minutes before I could even GET OUT of the lot because it’s just a fricken one-way lane and I was all the way at the WRONG END of it.   So when I finally was able to touch my gas pedal instead of just coasting on fumes I quickly zipped out of the parking lot and went on my merry way.

I made it to my second destination, Food Lion, why? Cause even though I spent $200 on groceries three days ago – there was a lot of shit (Thanksgiving based) that was forgotten. Thankfully the store was empty, probably because everyone and their mother was on the other end of town for the stupid Twilight movie. I managed to get in and out of the store in less than 20 minutes, still spent $80 but what’s done is done.

I get back to the house, check in Karen (who’s not handling Chemo too well), bring in the groceries and then need to head outside for a cigarette cause my brain is pretty much fried at this point.  So I’m sitting outside with Sean and Bella, and now the dog insists its time to go out for her nightly walk (an hour early).  So I headed inside to get her coat, and her leash and we take off.  I want to assume that the movie got out because all of a sudden the entire complex was like grand central fucking station.  First there’s an endless line of cars coming in (two of which almost killed my dog by the way) then there’s a random dog chained up outside of their house (freezing his ass off) and barking away as the owner is telling him to shut up. (Could still call Animal Control on the douchebag, your dogs obviously shivering bring him the fuck inside!).  We continue to mosey on, the road clears up, my back is killing me, Bella’s done her business a few times and now it’s just time to come home.  Then out of no where there’s another fucking line of cars coming through the complex, one of them had to have been 40 or so miles an hour with the way he was bottoming out on all of the speed bumps.  It’s never good if one can see sparks coming from the back of your car, and even though Bella is as day-glow as she could possibly get with her bright pink neon jacket and her white fur – she still was almost run over by this fucker cause he was going too damn fast to realize there was even someone walking UNDER THE STREETLIGHT.  Cocksucker.

We get back to the house, I realize that I started making bread last night and never jumped back on it today.  I picked up a recipe for the Bertucci’s restaurant Bread Rolls (my favorite rolls in the world).  The starter was to be made last night, and 12 or so hours later is when the bread itself is to be made. So of course I let it sit for about 14 hours, and now I’m waiting on the first rising process to be completed.  It’s going to be another 10 or so hours before I can actually bake the damn bread, but that’s OK I guess – by the time I’m actually hungry for it – it’ll be dinner time on Saturday anyway.

So now I’m sitting here trying to not work on a template for as long as possible, I really would rather not even code this thing but money is money.  I just want to do some laundry and get some sleep but we all know how well plans go through when you’ve really got your mind set on something NOT work related.

Go the fuck away damn it!

Tuesday, November 13th, 2012

So Sean and I did some shifting around.  It was hard for me to sleep at night with him typing away right next to my side of the bed, and since it’s been proven to us that we’ll be here for the long haul, we decided it was time to switch things around. Now, originally I was across the hall in the spare room so that Sean and I could have separate office spaces and I wasn’t smack-dab in the middle of the living room. I know Karen wasn’t overly thrilled with my leaving the living room ’cause she likes having the company out there – but I found myself being more distracted by the TV than I should be and that puts a damper on making as much money as humanly possible to shut Sean up about how “We’re Broke” when we aren’t.

Originally, my moving to the other room worked out fine – but I’m not getting a decent nights sleep to save my self from a nervous breakdown and it was time to switch things up.  So yesterday I put work aside (it was Sunday afterall) and after Sean got the shelves up in my office (cause he’s incapable of doing anything without fricken shelves above him for some reason), the switch began.  His desk/computers/crap went into the other room, and I reorganized the bedroom. Shifting the bed around to the other wall showed how much room we actually HAVE in here and then sticking my desk in the far corner (by the window – YAY WINDOW SEATS!) showed that there’s still quite a bit of room left to move around.  I had the bed centered on the wall so that it was easier to get in and out of bed on his side, and easier for me to actually MAKE the bed.  When it comes to having a king-sized bed pushed up to wall, it also comes with the inability to properly fit a sheet down on the side without having to leap across to that side. #1, my back hurts too damn much to do that #2, my fat ass is not going to leap over something that shouldn’t be that way anyway. Sean comes in the room and pushed the bed back to the wall cause he doesn’t like narrow areas. Yea, ok the area by the door was a little narrow but I’m not done rearranging the room.  The TV stand and bookcase are going to be switched.  The bookcase is half the thickness of the TV stand, and by the time you even realize there’s a TV stand in the way there’s loads of clearance at the foot of the bed so the problems solved.

You would think that I’d feel a little more “zen” about this whole experience because my coming in here was supposed to be more peaceful but I still can’t escape anything.  The dogs been driving me crazy today because she, for some unknown reason, needed to be taken on super long walks like 4 times today, which is not normal for her. She’s not even sick, she’s just in the mood to run. I understand that she’s cooped up in the house all day, don’t get me wrong, but when you’ve got a pain in the ass hovering over you to make sure that you’re actually putting in X amount of hours a day – and someone who questions why (at this point in the day) you didn’t get as much done as you should have – I just want to start flinging dog poop at people.

I’m just in a mood, and it’s the “I’m gonna start swingin” kind of mood, to the point I’m hoping someone starts some kind of shit with me just so I can knock them the fuck out.

I really, REALLY need to invest in a fucking punching bag.

It’s too early for this crap…

Thursday, November 8th, 2012

It’s the middle of November and I’m freezing my fricken ass off.  It’s not even like I’m in a state where this type of weather is expected (ie: Maine / Minnesota), I’m in Delaware!! It’s supposed to be boardwalk friendly weather until December 21st!

The “Noreaster” rolled through yesterday, it was pretty much a windy day with a drizzle.  New York got hit pretty hard, I know my mom had about 8-inches or so of Snow, which for November is completely uncommon.  And while the power did stay on in numerous areas, there are people from the last storm who don’t even have power yet. To make matters worse, those who just got there power back within the last 48 hours or so, are already out.  I wonder if LIPA has been holding all of their machinery together with duct tape and gum? How the hell do you fix a transformer to only have it stop working two days later? No wonder Gvnr. Cuomo is as pissed off as he is – you people suck.

There are crews in from all over the United States and Canada to aid in relief efforts, but then you see arial views of all of the LIPA trucks just sitting around doing nothing while all of the out-of-staters are pretty much handling everything.  The North Shore of Long Island has been taken over by Kentucky and Tennessee power companies and there isn’t a single LIPA truck to be found.  It blows my damn mind.  These states are coming in to be kind enough to help you out and you’re just going to sit back and do jack shit in it’s place? I’m sure there’s some kind of a union bullshit thing involved here. From what I’ve heard LIPA is still pissed about a remaining bill of like $75,000 from Irene so they’re taking their sweet time.  Meanwhile, just based on billing periods, they can make that in two hours since there a damn monopoly anyway.  No one wants Con Edison to be involved with Long Island, the rates are absurd and the quality of service is just as bad, if not worse.

I think they should just take the innovative approach and put all of the damn power lines under ground to help keep things moving.  It would not only put A LOT of people to work, but you wouldn’t be dealing with the bull shit of “Oh no, it’s a windy day – I think I’ll be dealing with ANOTHER blackout”.  That’s the one thing we’ve never had to worry about down here.  Even with all of the damage that’s been done by storms in the past there’s never been a major blackout due to a storm.

But, going back to my main point.  I’M FUCKING COLD!!  I have no idea where any of my jackets are, mainly cause I’m too lazy to look for them.  I’m amused at how the dog is sitting next to me panting away like it’s the middle of the summer and I’ve got a chill going up and down my spine that just won’t go away.  All I want to do is lay down in bed and go to sleep but I know I need to put in at least 8 hours tonight (starting now) to complete a site for a client.   There’s still about 8 pages to convert from HTML to WordPress, and of course there’s the issue of needing custom fields all over every single template file so needless to say that puts a damper on things.

I also need to figure out a conditional tag, I don’t think is_blog() would actually work the way I need it to.  The site has two backgrounds, the initial one for the home page, and a more compressed one for the content pages.  Now using is_front_page() and is_home() are working to display the correct background on the index page, and the content pages, but when you think it’s going to carry over to the blog you’re sadly mistaken and all it does is display the background located on the index page.  I’m going to have to spend quite a bit of time figuring that one out tonight.  Not to mention I’m also going to be dealing with the issue of the fact that the site was so poorly coded it’s not even looking the way its supposed to in any browser lower than IE9.  Whoever the client paid (originally) to code this thing was a total waste in money, and now it’s a rush job to get it done by tomorrow morning (Friday AM).  We told them 24 hours initially because we thought it was just going to be loading the template into WordPress and creating a few custom fields here and there. I didn’t realize it was going to require a complete and total recode because the moron who coded it for WordPress took the Twenty-Ten (not even Twenty-Twelve) and copied and pasted the WRONG areas into the WRONG template files.  STUNAD!! 

This is NOT a good time!

Wednesday, November 7th, 2012

So even though I’ve got my own little office and a nice comfy ‘managers’ chair to make me feel important – it still doesn’t void the “my back sucks” issues I’ve been experiencing.  As many of you know I suffer from sciatica, unfortunately with all of the weather changes and the constant up and down all day long I’m pretty much in the “heh, you’re screwed” category.  I don’t want to do it, but I have no choice – I’m officially working from bed.  My laptop is on the verge of death but I’m hoping it holds on long enough for me to actually get something accomplished before this client begins ripping my head off.  I used my dual monitor setup for ONE fricken night (last night) and now, not only am I only on ONE monitor, I’m also only on a 17″ screen.  That’s a big drop for someone who’s accustomed to working on a 27″ screen.  The biggest draw back would be switching back from Mac and downgrading to Windows for at least a few days until I start feeling better.  It’s driving me up a damn wall, but what choice do I actually have?

Bella and I took a nice COLD walk through the wind storm going on outside. Its been raining since about 5am this morning, it slowed down around 7:30 and even though everything is flooded, she still needed to go.  Poor thing was being knocked over with every gust of wind to fly down the road.  I felt bad, but she needed to do her business and that’s just the way things go.  I had her bundled up in two coats.  The one ‘sweat shirt’ type of coat she has to cover her stomach from all of the muddy grass, and then the cape looking coat to actually keep her warm.  I don’t condone dressing up animals for personal gain just because one thinks its adorable to put a tutu on their Pomeranian (you’re an asshole if you do it so just admit it).  However,  I do condone making sure that if you’re going to make it a point to put on multiple layers to walk your dog, the least you can do is make sure they’re warm too damn it! It bothers me whenever I see someone bundled up like they’re going out to climb Mt. Everest but their short haired dog is chattering in the cold and running back towards their homes because they need the warmth.  It takes two seconds to stick a cover on the dog, why is it so hard for people to do that?

In any event… time to boot this piece of shit – all the damn updates finally completed.  Hoping to be able to get this thing up and running without the ability to take a half hour nap before completing the work for tonight.

Woah…talk about QUICK!

Tuesday, November 6th, 2012

So I’m not really sure why I needed one considering I have a 27″ screen, but Sean ordered me a piece for the Mac so I could setup dual monitors.  For $16 on Amazon he picked up a Thunderbolt to VGA chord that worked INSTANTLY when I plugged it in. I thought I was going to need to sit here and figure out how to push things over to another screen, and then need to figure out what the size was going to be on top of everything else. So of course you can imagine my surprise when everything pre-set itself AND there’s even the ability for me to have a second desktop background instead of the stretched across one that I previously had when using a second monitor (which was being booted off of my laptop).  Oh Mac! How I love your ease of use!!

My only minor complaint is the temporary monitor I’m using, when you’ve got a 27″ iMac, having a little OLD 17″ screen sitting next to it – it just looks so tiny.

This will be taken care of within the next couple of weeks. I’ll be upgrading a 23″ (or bigger).  The definition on this particular monitor sucks based on the fact that it’s 10 years old, but it’s doing its job for the time being – all I need is the ability to easily access my email while I’m waist-deep in Photoshop/Dreamweaver.  It’ll also help for the slower nights with Netflix and Project Free TV.

I’m so far behind on numerous shows it’s unreal. So I’m hoping I’ll be able to catch up on them over the course of the next few days anyway.

Sean’s been bouncing around the house all day waiting for the UPS truck to show up.  My mother preordered Halo 4 for him for Christmas 2011.  He’s been waiting for 11 months for the game to finally be released and is happier than a pig in shit, but more than likely on the verge of tears thanks to the extreme delay with the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy stopping him from being able to jump in front of his XBox to play.  UPS hasn’t even been in the complex today, every loud car that drives past the house he’s got his nose up to the glass in anticipation for the big brown UPS truck.  Unfortunately he might not get it until tomorrow, and even Amazon has already issued an apology to everyone for all deliveries because of the delays with the storm.  To make matters worse, there’s another one coming up the coastline so if we actually wind up getting snow – who knows how long it’s going to be until he can actually play his game.  I feel bad for the guy, but I also can’t help but laugh because he’s moping around like a child who had Christmas taken away from him.

Screw TV…

Tuesday, November 6th, 2012

I’m so sick and tired of all of the damn Political commercials that I’m making it a point to have absolutely nothing to do with the idiot box next to me until Wednesday. Everyone is pushing to get their last cry out for todays elections and I’m done with it. I think, no matter which way you go, America is pretty much fucked anyway.

So I’m sitting here with headphones on and pretty much saying “Fuck it” while throwing myself into some pending projects. I’d prefer to be sleeping, but that never happens when I want it to anyway, so why would it change now?

I bought a bed this past weekend. Random right? I know! I literally went into Sleepy’s with the intent of just looking around because my back has been completely screwed up since we’ve moved back down to Delaware and the biggest reason behind it rests heavily on the bed that was gifted to Karen.  It was a used full-sized bed that was pretty much shot.  We tried to modify it by adding a good quality 4″ thick foam piece on it. It isn’t a low quality foam topper that you’d get from Walmart, she’s had this foam for god knows how long and it’s held up pretty damn well for at least 10 years.  It had minor use as an extra cushy dog bed on the floor.  But it was basically just folded in half for the density. It’s a full-sized topper and did pretty well on the bed for Sean and I but there was really no way it was going to work as a long-term solution considering it offers more support as a mattress on the floor than it does as a topper on a crappy mattress anyway.

So, Karen and I ventured out on Saturday to do some minor shopping and see what Sleepy’s had to offer. I found a bed on their website the night before and wanted to see if I could find something similar in the store considering it was an online-only deal and there was no way I was buying a bed online without laying in it first.  So we walked in, met the salesman and he pointed us in the direction of the bed that was close to the one I’d found the night before.  After two seconds of laying down I knew it was going to be “The Bed”.  I ventured around the store a bit, don’t get me wrong, but I kept coming back to this one.  It’s a Simmons Beautyrest, typically around $3500 for a Queen size.  So, I showed him the paper I printed out that morning of the one found online, which was close in price / make / model but it was on sale for about $1050, taking about 60% off the cost.  He was able to price match everything to the point that I went for the King size instead of the Queen.  (Go big or Go Home – right?).

The bed as a King was $3800 for the mattress/boxspring, he price matched down to $1450.  That’s like what, 60-70 percent off?  We added about $50 for the mattress protector that the manufacturer requires in order for the bed to be replaced (if needed). I always thought that was a Sleepy’s thing, but it’s the Manufacturers call – they just have to throw it down your throat.

The issue I have with the protector is it’s basically mandatory  BUT – if there’s a single stain on the bed, even if it doesn’t bother you, it voids the warranty   Now, even if there’s a 5-inch deep hole in the bed because the springs are fucked up – if that stain is there and you didn’t get the mattress protector – you can consider yourself shit out of luck.  How fucked up is that shit, seriously? Because it’s 100% possible to not get a 5-inch deep hole in the bed as long as that covers on – give me a break.

Anyway – by the time everything was said and done and this guy made his fifty phone calls to see if any of this was even possible – he factored in that I already had a credit card through Sleepy’s that had a full $1500 limit on it, he was able to price-down just about every aspect of my purchase.  For a whopping total of $1499.98 (two cents to spare), I got a King Sized Mattress/Box plus a free bedframe, and free NEXT DAY delivery.  I woke up at 10am on Sunday and they were knocking on the door at 10:30 to deliver the bed.  Everything happened so fast I couldn’t help but be completely overjoyed to the point that I laid down after putting the sheets on and passed the fuck out LOL.

Now, nine times out of ten they’ll give you a free bedframe for spending over $1200 anyway. BUT – he tweaked the system a bit and got me the most expensive one that has it’s own 20 year warranty. It’s some fancy frame that usually costs like $300, I got it free. Doesn’t even look like a normal one but just based on its appearance you can tell its a hell of a lot more sturdy and I’m actually comfortable with the fact that Bella occasionally likes to be sleeping under the bed, I don’t think this thing COULD actually break.

So yea, with two cents to spare Sean and I have been completely upgraded and let me tell ya – minus the fact that my back is completely fucked – this bed is comfortable as shit.  I took the “Sleepys Comfort Zone” challenge and fell inbetween the Comfort Level 3 and 4 ranges.  This means that while I prefer a medium firmness, I also like luxury plush tops. So this bed (the Avondale model) is a slightly firm (good support) mattress with a two inch thick pillow top to keep everything nice and cozy. So softness AND support? My back should be feelin pretty good in the next few days.

My issue, cause we all know Sciatica is a bitch, is the fact that there’s ANOTHER pressure change in the atmosphere so I feel just about everything.  My back started acting up just before Hurricane Sandy started destroying the east coast, but now there’s the potential for another noreaster to take out the eastern seaboard again and I’ve noticed that as the “Holy Crap – Gonna do this shit again” day approaches, my back just keeps getting worse and worse.  To make matters worse, it’s not even really going to affect Delaware other than just some rain (as experienced with Sandy), it’s going to hit NY and NJ dead on, and there are still hundreds of thousands of people without power.

Mother nature sure is on the fucking rag this Fall. I swear to God.


Before the Storm…

Monday, October 29th, 2012

Knowing that Hurricane Sandy is on her way, even though I felt as though it wasn’t going to be THAT big of a deal, I took a little ride on Saturday to see what I could pick up in lieu of supplies.  I went out for batteries – mainly cause my wireless keyboard was dying and needed them anyway.  I headed down to the Dollar Tree (because it’s a shame to spend $10 on a pack of batteries that die just as quick as the $1 ones) and saw a gentleman holding an ice pack on the side of his face while waiting in line.  The cashier was nice/curious enough to ask if he was OK and then preceeded to ask “What happened” which was on my mind being as I’m so nosey.  He went on to note that he’d just gotten in a fist-fight in Lowes over the last package of D-Batteries (apparently the last in the state of DE).  Some douche pushed this mans wife out of the way (practically throwing her across the isle) to then rip this package of batteries out of the mans hand.  That turned into a full blown fist-fight and that’s pretty much where the ice pack came from after the charges for assault were placed on the other man.  The woman, typical fucking woman, was crying about how its the most traumatic experience of her life and how the husband shouldn’t have come to blows. He simply responded “Another man placed his hands on you, what else did you want me to do?”  A few people said “Damn right!” she continued to cry about it and he said “Fine, next time I’ll let your ass hit the floor, heaven forbid I protect my wife from harm.” An older man standing in line behind me whispered to himself “If she was my wife, I would have left her on the floor”.  I laughed because he spoke what everyone else was thinking (based on body language and how everyone kind of stared at each other .  It just blows my mind how people would seriously get into a fight over batteries!

Then heading over to Walgreens I witnessed a younger man screw over a 90 year old woman who just asked for help getting a case of water into her shopping cart.  She said to him “Would you mind putting those cases in the cart for me?” He said “Sure, no problem.” put one in the cart and then picked up the remaining two and rushed to the register. She said “Hey, my carts over here”, he said ‘Fuck off, I need water too” and continued to attempt checkout. Thank god the cashier saw everything and refused to ring him up. The kid got frustrated and left the store. (I saw this guy get out of his truck, he’s stocked up on water for the next ten years!)

The thing that’s most shocking to me, throughout all of this, is the fact that I’m in Delaware – not New York. In NY you can expect to be treated like shit and walk away from it unscathed.   Delaware is supposed to be nice caring people, and for the most part it has been. Apparently though, when a storms a-brewing, that’s not the case. It breaks my heart to know that some guy needed to get into a fist fight and then to witness a poor old woman getting screwed over by some dumb 17 year old piece of shit with two fucking teeth in his mouth – is where the world goes during times of ‘chaos’.

The more amusing aspect to my afternoon outing was in Kmart.  I knew that with the potential for no power, it was time to pick up a few things to keep me busy. I’d already gotten coloring books and a word-find from the dollar store but you can’t find any puzzles in the dollar store that contain more than 10 pieces.  Kmart always has a stock of puzzles so I figured that would be the best place to go. That and the fact that I love walking through toy isles.  So I walk into the isle and there’s a lady standing there with her two screaming children.  They don’t understand why they aren’t in the electronics department picking up a new video game. She explains “If there’s no power, you can’t play a game – you’re gonna learn what a puzzle looks like!”  I’ve never seen a child hit the floor in a tantrum that fast IN MY LIFE.  You’d think their puppy was being taken away from them with this tantrum.

This is proof that how I intend to raise my kids is going to be the lesser of the evils.  I don’t believe in spoiling a child, primarily because I wasn’t. I didn’t have every brand new game console or toy as soon as it came out. Hell, I had to beg for a furby and I was 18! They came out when I was 12! I wound up buying one for myself in a second-hand store just cause there was one that kind-of-worked on the shelf!

I’m just dumb-founded on how things happen the way they do.

For those looking to ride out the storm, just know that I’m doing the same thing and my little candle and word finder are at my side to keep me company!

Absolutely No Inspiration!

Wednesday, October 24th, 2012

I wish I knew what was wrong with me, I have no inspiration to do ANYTHING.  I’ve got sites coming at me from all angles but can’t mentally envision how anything is going to look when its completed.  When 80% of your pending work is from-scratch Framework – it really sucks.

I figured that it had a lot to do with the fact that I haven’t really gone down to the beach.  For some reason, sitting in the sand and staring at the ocean gives me more inspiration than Adobe can handle. I was hoping that today would help because Karen’s been itching to get out of the house so we headed down to Rehoboth Ave for a little while.  We browsed through a few different little stores and made our way to the boardwalk. Sat for a little while cause she was a little windy (rightly so considering she’s only got one lung and is still healing from surgery).  We ventured down the sand dunes to the water line and saw a huge family of Dolphins jumping in and out of the water. Of course by the time I got my camera to focus on them they were back under water. I did manage to get a fin, I loaded it to my Instagram account.  I wish I could have gotten a nice shot of them jumping but they’re in and out of the water so quick, the shutter speed on my cellphone just wasn’t going to pick it up.  Either way, I at least got to witness it for myself. It may not seem like some major event to most, but for someone who’s life-long dream has been to PET a dolphin, let alone SEE a dolphin – it certainly made my day.

Even with that experience, and the jolt of energy I still have absolutely no inspiration for ANYTHING.  I know I have at least 7 sites to build/rebuild and trying to get to the “Alright, lets go” mindset is proving to be more difficult than anticipated.  I’m not sure if I’m just exhausted and can’t focus or if there’s some mental shit going on behind it.  All I know is even with extra cups of coffee today, all I wanna do is curl back into bed and fall asleep.  I’m, for some unknown reason, not getting any type of a good nights sleep and wish I could figure out why.

I caught a glimpse of Dr. Oz today, they were talking about sleeping patterns and tips/techniques you can use to help you achieve a proper nights sleep.  The problem is there’s absolutely no way for that to happen in this house.  They tell you that you’re supposed to go through 4-5 rem sleep cycles per night. I thought the list was pretty interesting.

  • No alcohol/caffeine up three hours before bedtime.
  • Keep notepad near bed to jot down the ‘daily worries’, creating a problems/solutions list so you can clear your head to help you fall asleep.
  • No Lights.  Try to keep the room as dark as possible for no visual distraction.
  • No TV. The flickering lights, and sound omitted (even when on mute) can interrupt your sleep cycle.  If you like to have the TV on while falling asleep its recommended to have the “Sleep Timer” set so it shuts off soon after you fall asleep.
  • Limit pets to their own beds (if possible). The constant up and down or general movement of a dog (large or small) is enough to keep someone from properly falling into a deep sleep.  (Lord knows Bella is constantly on and off the bed all night long).
  • Silence is Golden – The quieter the room, the better the rest. Turn off cellphone, no laptops or books and figure out a way to keep your spouse/significant other as quiet as possible. (Unless Sean and I switch our office setups – this will NEVER happen).


It seems like a mighty long list of overall-changes, but with a few minor changes to my own life I actually see it as being 100% possible. (As strange as that sounds). Sean and I have been talking lately and figured that since I have so much trouble falling asleep while he sits there typing away – it would be easier if we changed rooms so that he could be in the spare room and I can be in complete and total silence when I need to get some rest. At the same time, I’m realizing that I did have a much better ‘rest’ when I actually kept a journal. Not a blog, a real handwritten journal because it worked to my advantage to get all of my woes out before I went to bed. Of course I’d figure out some kind of a way to make up a digital one, for ease of use and the ability to get all of my thoughts out without my hand cramping up. I found that the more I type, the less I’m able to physically write something legible. I left my Netbook up in NY, I figured after seeing Dr. Oz today that it was a mistake on my part because it would be the perfect companion to my non-existent bedside table.

The biggest thing for both Sean and I that would help EVERYTHING would be to finally upgrade our current bed to a larger one. I’ve found a few down here that are pretty comfy, and not that expensive. I’m trying to figure out if (space wise) it would be possible to get out of our Full Size and upgrade to a Queen Size. I know that we’d be really limited on space if we decided to go all the way up to a King, and while I would absolutely adore that kind of roomy sleep, I highly doubt it would happen without removing furniture from the room all together. Obviously it means that the dog would have less of a chance of sleeping on top of one of us if she’s got her own designated area, so that solves the “No Pets” rule.

Either way we’ll have to make some kind of change, but I’m sure it’ll be possible.

Funny how I have inspiration to redecorate but absolutely none to work on the sites pending on my to-do list LOL.

Well that was uneventful…

Saturday, October 13th, 2012

Sean and I decided it was time to venture out on our own for a little while in an effort to clear our heads and just get out of the house in general. We made our way down to Cape Henlopen State Park with the anticipation of comfortably relaxing and catching some fish. Typically just going down to the water helps us to clear our head anyway… it wasn’t the case tonight.  We caught absolutely NOTHING and were freezing our asses off the entire time.  Typically on a Saturday night the place is packed and you can’t get anywhere near the end of the pier where the waters a little deeper considering we’re in the bay and not on the ocean.  Tonight was a completely different story, it looked more like an abandoned beach than a year round fisherman’s paradise.  There was one car in the parking lot and I’m almost positive it belonged to the gentleman who runs the bait shop in the parking lot anyway.  So we chocked that up as a complete and total bust.

After we attempted to warm ourselves up by curling into balls on our chairs, and saw that there wasn’t even a nibble on our lines – let alone a catch – we said “eff-this” and left.  Knowing that we were only out on the pier for about an hour we mutually decided that it wasn’t time to go home just yet and ventured over to Applebee’s to fuel ourselves up for the night ahead being as we both have tight deadlines to meet. We filled ourselves up on the appetizers so we barely touched the meal, damn the 2 for $20 menu!

Now we’re home, the dogs being annoying and I’m still cold.  I don’t get cold very often and sat outside long enough to get the typical “ehh, just a chill” straight down to the bone. My fingers are still blue, my stomach is killing me from crappy food and I just want to curl under a blanket and watch TV.  BUT – There’s an entire eCommerce backend to create (fuck you Zend Framework), a WordPress site to completely transfer to a new server AND recode, and lets not mention the crackhead client who’s been dragging me along for the past few months because she can’t make up her fucking mind.

I thought the saving grace to today would be that Sean ran out earlier this morning and picked up an adaptor for the TV in my office so I could actually have some kind of background noise.  The TV was on for almost 8 hours for the “45 Minute” window Comcast needed to activate the box.  It’s still not working, and calling them 3 times was pretty much pointless cause they did absolutely nothing for us.  On Tuesday we can expect a tech out for an upgrade, hopefully he’ll crawl under the house and explain why there’s no feed coming into this room and things will be back to normal.

For now I’ll stick with Project Free TV, or Netflix and have it running in the lower corner while I work.  I would prefer to not eat up the bandwidth so that Sean and I can actually get something done but at this point there’s nothing that can get me to concentrate.  I need to have something going on in the background for when I need to take a break from coding and music just isn’t doing it anymore.  I wish the TV worked, but I guess I’ll just have to hold off for a few more days.

Either way…as stated… it’s been uneventful.

Still kickin’….

Monday, August 27th, 2012

I’ve wanted to sit down and blog for quite some time now, but things have been so hectic I just haven’t been able to get around to it. I remember there was a time when I’d be logged into WordPress all day just to post whatever popped into my head, this is probably why I was able to reach my max of over 150 posts in one month. Times have definetly changed, real live has trumped internet ‘life’ ten fold.

We’re still in Delaware. It’s been confirmed that Karen does have lung cancer, and it’s a very rare type of cancer that isn’t smoking based. She’s been back and forth to Baltimore (John’s Hopkins) to discuss every aspect of treatment. She was told, before all tests were final, that she’d need a lower lobectabmy in order to remove the tumor. She was hoping to be able to have a wedge taken out so that there was no major surgery involved, but she was informed today that she’s going to need the full lower lobectamy which means that a little more than a quarter of her lung will actually be removed. The way they’re going to do it is with a “VATS” type of surgery, instead of having to open up her chest and bend/cut her ribs they’ll go in through three small incisions on her side and slice the lower lobe, corterize the bleed and after deflating the lung they can bring it out through the holes. This means it’s invasive, but not as invasive as the alternative PLUS there will be less of a recovery time on her part as well. They claim she’ll only be in the hospital for 3 days and from there they want her up and moving around right after to begin rebuilding her lung function. So it’s going to be a long road ahead, but essentially the tumor should be completely removed and she will need no further treatments with Kemo or Radiation so that’s the upside.

As far as Work is concerned, things have been absolutely crazy. I don’t like having to constantly complain about it, but there hasn’t really been a day where I can say that there wasn’t a stack of things to complete. Right now I’m working on a major family farm/orchard located on Long Island, and I’ve unfortunately had to put a few clients on the backburner – which is nothing I enjoy doing because I hate to prolong things for longer than they need to. There’s some unhappy people and I’m stretched so thin I can’t even cater to it. Absolutely horrible in the business sense, let me tell you.

On top of everything else going on, my back is still completely shot. I’ve had a few days where it was OK, but from there things have just been a downward spiral. Every morning I’m waking up with more pain than the day before, and no matter what I do to try to ease the pain, things just get worse. I’ve found that the only way to maintain any ounce of comfort is to lay down for 15 minute intervals throughout the course of the day, some days its more frequently than others. Right now I’m fighting through the pain just to get this entry written, the sheer act of sitting in an upright position is putting so much pressure onto my sciatic nerve that I don’t even know how I’m not crying in pain. Sean just ran out to pick up dinner so I’m going to continue fighting through it until I can shift to the bedroom with the laptop and hopefully be able to get things done before the 10am deadline.

My sleep schedule is still completely fucked up. There have been some days when I’ve been up and going around 9am, and other days where I’m unconcious until 6pm. The biggest issue is the fact that I can’t get a restful sleep, I’m constantly moving and having random instances of a shooting pain going down my leg that feels as though I’m being struck by lightening. I know it has to do with the sciatic nerve, but would really like to know why the nerve is acting up so much to begin with.

I’m assuming, to a degree, that the bed we’re sleeping in has something to do with it. It was given to Karen by a friend who was redoing their home and it’s obviously just a guest bed but we’ve turned it into ‘our bed’ based soley on how long we’ve been here (2 months as of 8/29). We are heading home at some point in the next week to pick up some warmer clothes, the computers and Bella. I think we’re staying for a few days just to get everything in order, but then we’re back down here for the surgery, and from there we’re not sure as to how long we’re staying. The biggest point is to just be prepared.

It hasn’t been ‘work work work’ the entire time… Sean and I have taken a liking to heading down to Cape Henlopen Park at night to go fishing. We’ve gone just about once a week, got our licenses for down here so we can pretty much go whenever we please. We bought some poles and have a little tackle box and we just head down there with our chairs and if we catch something – great – if not oh well. We’re there for the ability to just clear our heads for a little while, and there are so many stars in the sky you can’t help but relax. No major ambient lights messing with the view, everything is peaceful and calm.

In any event, Sean just walked in the door. I’m starving, and in more pain than I really need to be. I think I’m going to eat some food and head to the bedroom so I can get some work done.

Gonna be a long night.


Thursday, June 28th, 2012

My back is finally starting to feel better.  I’m able to get around a bit more, and standing up isn’t as much of a chore as it’s been for the past few weeks.  There are still a few instances of where I step wrong and feel a twinge but I’m able to breath through it and keep moving.  So that gets one issue out of my way.  I figure it’s going to take a few more days before I’m 100%, but I’m on definitely on track!

As far as work is concerned, things have been completely off the fucking wall.  Emails coming in and out all day long – which is typical – but the rise in clients means I need to stay on top of things that much more.  On top of working for my own clients, I still have a standing contract with a design firm in Manhattan that’s been bringing in a lot of work for Sean and I over the course of the past few months.  I feel that this month has blown up to the point that my head is spinning.  I think I’ve worked on 4 major wordpress sites in the past week and all of them, somehow, got done.  There’s one left that I need to PSD->HTML and then wait on client approval, after that it’s going into WooCommerce, which is one if the biggest pains in the ass I’ve ever had to code for.  There aren’t enough tutorials to get me through but I do have a copy of one of their premium themes for the script that a client provided to me to edit to their liking and I’m referring back to it so I can figure out what template files handle what – this way everything runs seamlessly with their main theme.

I was completely surprised this past week when I received a notification from Sponsored Reviews saying that there was a pending advertiser looking for a post on, I almost instantly accepted and saw that I had a few days to complete the write-up so I pushed it aside to finish up more pressing matters and then completely forgot about it, like a moron I lost out on a $200 post ($400 sponsor – I get 50%).  So I’ll cut my losses there, and hope that something else comes through.  I did want to get back into sponsored posts because there was a time when I was earning over $3500 a month through all of the different sources – but those sources have since expired (minus a few) and it doesn’t really seem to be worth it anymore.  Unless I can get myself a position as a content writer somewhere, I’ll worry about it some other time.

So it’s creeping up on Independance Day and thankfully Sean and I will be down in Delaware for a much needed vacation.  I’m looking forward to seeing the fireworks, and need to figure out if we’re going via Trolly or driving down earlier in the day in hopes to get a parking space.  After that we’re hoping to hit up the beach, and spend a day in Maryland (both Ocean City AND Salisbury), maybe even head over to Assateague Beach to take a look at the wild horses everyones always raving about.  Basically the stuff we never really did while we actually LIVED in DE, heh.  I know we’re heading up to Dover for a day to get in some light shopping at Best Buy (gotta love tax free!) and then hopefully hitting up Dover Downs cause I’m itching to get into a Casino.  I do know that on the 9th we’re possibly heading to Baltimore with Sean’s mom cause she has things to take care of there and I’ve never been to Baltimore before so I’m looking forward to that too.

Before heading down there’s a lot to take care of.  I still have one site to completely code, and a PSD to start. I also need to pack and go through our toiletries bag to double check for what we do and don’t have prior to heading down. PLUS it’s the 29th so that means it’s my sisters birthday. I promised I’d take her out to do some shopping because I know how much she needs clothes but with the way my back has been feeling I haven’t been able to get up and round to do it. Plus with the overload of work that hasn’t really helped my productivity out of the house either – proof is on the bare shelves of the kitchen.   So at some point tomorrow (well… today after i wake up), I’ll be heading out to do some minor shopping for basically everything so there’s food in the house for while we’re gone, a bag of treats for my sister, two weeks (at least) worth of Dog Food so Bella doesn’t starve to death and whatever else I need to get us down to DE with no problems.  On top of that I believe Muir is coming over with her hubby so he can get the new fixtures up in our main bathroom so the shower is usable and we can stop using my dads. I’m not 100% on that though, I’m sure I’ll wake up to a text message telling me yay or nay heh.

We’re hoping to leave early on Saturday morning in hopes to beat the excessive traffic heading down to the beaches but we’ll have to see how that goes.  We’re planning on taking the parkway down to Cape May so we can take the ferry into Lewes and cut down on an hour and a half of driving time but we’ll have to see how that goes, we don’t even know when we’re leaving.  I wanted to leave about 3am tomorrow night (saturday morning) but now I think we’re waiting until early Sunday morning.  The actual day is up in the air but we know for sure that we’re leaving this weekend.

I just can’t wait to get out of here.