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Monday, August 8th, 2011

So I’m up bright and early, as usual, and I’m experiencing some trouble with getting myself moving. My day typically starts with a drive to my aunts to check in on my uncle and make sure he’s actually ready for work. Unfortunately he’s getting worse so its been increasingly difficult taking care of him. On top of his down syndrome we’re now battling alzheimers and heart conditions, needless to say its been difficult. I’m slowly watching him slip away and its taking its toll on me considering I’m here five days a week to care for him.  This has increased to six thanks to the recent Verizon strike.

How could that possibly affect me?  Simple really.  My aunt is one of the managers for the NYC office and is now working six days a week, 7am to 7pm as only three offices are open in NY at this time.  She’s back in her old office out east. So there’s my connection to that.

My back is still pretty bad. The spike in humidity is making it difficult to get around, my allergies are also full force today, thanks to the cat hair at my aunts. I made the dumb mistake of rubbing my eyes and now I’m pretty much screwed for the rest of the day. Hopefully a nice shower when I get home wll do the trick on clearing things out, we all know there’s a hige difference between outdoor humidity and pure shower steam in the fight against allergies!

Other than that things are going pretty good.  I’m at a point where I’ve got so much on my plate that I don’t even know where to begin. It would help to be able to properly sit at a desk so I can concentrate but thanks to ms. Sciatica that’s just not an option. So I’ll continue to use the little bed/lap laptop tray Sean picked up for me until I can sit up straight for more than ten minutes. It kills me to be in bed all day but I’ve got no choice at this moment in time.

Todays goals are to get to the halfway mark on a site I’ve been tampering with all weekend, draw up a PSD for the hotel site I’m contracted on and get a few write ups completed for two other sites. On top of that my portfolio still needs to be completed and I’ve got to get up and running cause there’s like $600 worth of pending articles.  I really need three me’s!


Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011

Today is one of those days where the only thing I can really think of saying is “WTF Mate?”.

I’m working on converting a site from tables to divs.  Now, while this may seem like an easy task (and typically is), I’ve found myself wanting to rip out my hair because I have absolutely no idea on where to start other than completely from scratch and implementing the remainder of the code.  Even ‘from scratch’ is proving to be difficult considering its a custom script where the creator obviously has NO idea on how to do anything.

The other “WTF” moment was a comment that I deleted from my pending queue, someone named “Mark” left a URL for his website and what appears to be a valid email address noting that they’ve been here before, but lost the link (bull shit, bull shit, bull shit…yada yada) and informed me that my SEO is not up to par.  Dude, it’s a fucking personal site, are you serious?  #1, I could care less about SEO, and #2, if you type “Krissy” into Google I’m already on the first page, my PR rank is a 3 (no idea how I got that back), and I hardly ever, if at all, update…. so what’s the freaking point?

On a side note, I’m slowly coming along with My Portfolio and  I’ve decided to keep ‘krissys-portfolio’ but the redirected domain is AGnDesignsNET.  The reason for this is it makes no sense to push everything to when I do still wish to keep that as a blog.  So, was available, I paid my $10, and now its just a matter of working in the content.

I’ve been working on some high profile clients, which would always look good in a portfolio, I’m also dumping all of the little BS templates that were in there for the longest time and really do not show off any kind of design skill other than my ability to whip something up in Photoshop in ten minutes and not think twice about it.  That’s bad for business, and a portfolio should utilize your best…and that’s what I fully intend to do.

The major rush behind getting everything back up and running is the pending write-ups that I need to do. I have at least 15-20 articles to write and have absolutely no ability to concentrate on my own stuff to get it done.  I’m hoping that within the next few days I can buckle down and accomplish that but it seems that every time I get some down time, someone kicks some work my way so thats an instant “nope, not gonna happen today” kind of downside.

Either way I’ll figure it out.  I also just needed to post here because it’s been well over a month, and while I do update twitter regularly, it’s not the same as sitting down for ten minutes and actually posting something here.

So now I’m off to continue working on the monstrocity that is client #3 for the day.

I need a cig 🙁


Getting there…

Thursday, June 23rd, 2011

I’m doing everything I can to work myself back into a proper routine.  In the past few days I’ve finished up a couple of sites, and based on my inbox there’s at least 4 projects that need to be completed no later than Monday morning.  With that I’m setting myself into “Get it done and get it done NOW” mode.  It’s a little difficult being that I’ll admit I’m a little rusty, but it’s also helping my ego to know that a man whom Sean’s been working for, for about a year now, loves my work and wants to take me under his wing as well.  This instantly has me stepping up my game, there’s absolutely nothing that I don’t want to learn to secure my spot on that team.  Right now everything has been heavy graphics work, AND a lot of WordPress jobs.  I’ve already knocked out about 4 of them, two more to go at this moment in time.

On top of all of this I’ve been drawing up a few template ideas to merge and, there really is no need to have to separate domains, however – I do still wish to utilize as a business/technology blog.  I’ve been going back and forth with a few people in reference to product reviews, so this will help to bring more content to the site itself.  I’m sure you’ve also noticed a few sponsored entries popping up here and there on this site as well, it will be a regular occurrence, however I will be back to properly blogging on a regular basis so you shouldn’t see any major flow of articles that are 100% sponsored… I actually take the time to work them into a real life experience.

My only NEED right now is a proper chair.  I’m sitting on a wooden chair with an absolutely horrible cushion, no matter how many cushions there are – there’s a major lack of support which means that half way through the day my back is absolutely killing me.  For the time being I’m going to deal with it, it’s my goal within the next couple of weeks to pick up a proper desk chair, I’m not looking to spend any more than $100, I don’t need bells and whistles, I just need something with some padding.  I’ve already added cushions, even tried pillows – nothing works. I need a decent amount of foam for comfort, there’s no way of getting around it.

I’m going to have to head over to Staples to pick something up, there are also a few ‘office’ supplies that I could use but thanks to my wiping out my desk at my previous job, I do have enough to get by for the time being.  OH! That reminds me of other crap that I need to take care of.  I’ll be utilizing my post-its more than I thought. LOL

It’s been…hectic…

Thursday, June 23rd, 2011

This post brought to you by TwoOfUs. All opinions are 100% mine.

Things have been pretty hectic lately. I’m so overloaded with work that I’m close to losing my mind. The biggest goal for my leaving that horrible office job was for Sean and I to be able to spend more time together. This hasn’t really been working out for either of us considering we’re BOTH so bogged down with work we’ve resorted to chit-chat whenever we pass each other. We have a lot of goals and dreams that we’re working hard to meet, but I’m hoping it doesn’t put a permanent strain on things in the meantime.

I’ve been floating around, it’s a site specifically for relationships. There are different columns for advise, and tips on keeping your relationship fresh. It starts in the Dating category, and works its way from Dating to Exclusive, Engagements, Married couples, and even parents. Obviously being with Sean for as long as I have (6 years in July) we’ve pretty much lost the ‘category’ in which we’re in. We’ve skipped the exclusive stage, we’ve spoken about marriage, life dreams and children and already know that we’ll be together forever, but even without the ring we’ve passed the ‘engaged’ stage. We’re more like an old married couple than anything else. So I found myself reading through multiple categories. Even though we’re not officially engaged/married – we still live our lives as though we are. All of our finances are joined, everything we do we consult the other person, both of our names are on my SUV – there’s no separations there. While I did enjoy the articles and found a few areas to be informative, I’m still having trouble locating that ‘grey’ area that my relationship is in (not that Grey is bad in this case, there’s just no special category name). Life isn’t black and white, the grey tone areas are where people LIVE, I wish there was more about the grey areas on Two of, but the information on the page itself is helpful.

I think the one thing that caught my eye was the article about over sharing. I find that I do over-share with certain people, but at the same time I know that Sean also knows everything I’m volunteering. There are more personal and private aspects to our life that I don’t blast out all over the internet, or even with close friends. There has to be some kind of separation to insure that you don’t leave your relationship vulnerable.

Another article that caught my eye was to Discuss Finances Before Marriage.  I’ve completely screwed the pooch on this one.  Our finances have pretty much been merged for the last 5 1/2 years.  The upside is we’re fully aware of how much money is needed to get our bills paid, and how much we have left for personal spending.  I’ll admit that I’m the big spender in the relationship, he’s more of the “I can’t justify this” kind of person.  It does take a lot of effort on both our parts to balance things out… but it works.

I’ve taken the time to look through a few of the videos, the one that stood out the most was an interview with Hill Harper, where he discusses the importance of The Conversation. He noted that the world is too involved with technology and no one talks anymore, except through Facebook email and twitter. What he does is he has a get together with friends/family, each of them bring a few cards with different questions on them, they’re pulled together and anonymously the questions are asked for members of the opposite sex to answer them. As an example, mine would probably be something along the lines of “Why do men hold onto underwear when it looks like a skirt and the elastic is holding on with a piece of string?”, this question would be answered truthfully by the men in the group. I’m sure it would bring up a heated discussion, but at the same time – you’re TALKING, it’s not a Facebook thread going back and forth, you’re actually looking at the person in which you’re talking to.

All in all it’s a pretty decent site, lots of tips and tricks, the video’s give you an “ah ha” kind of an effect after words as well, and after watching “The Conversation”, I think I’m going to have to put one of these parties together. I went ahead and marked like on their Facebook page as well.

What questions would you ask?

Visit Sponsor's Site

Slow down!!

Thursday, June 16th, 2011

I don’t think I’ve stopped in the last week.  I’m doing really well with bringing in some new clients, and in return I’ve created a few sites that I’m very, very pleased with.  Of course it also helps that the people I’ve been working for are sweet as pie and detail oriented.  I couldn’t ask for anything better!

I’m taking ten minutes to throw an update on here just to show that I’m still alive and as active as possible.  I haven’t yet been able to balance blogging and clients but I think that has a lot to do with my environment.  Unfortunately I don’t have a proper work space at this moment in time.  I’m working on a “Table Mate” in the corner of the living room until I can get a desk.  Sean has kind of taken mine over with the Mac and the other PC we have (my old Windows desktop).   As usual I’ve already designed an office in my head, everything from the desk to the color scheme (which closely resembles the current pink/grey/black/white template here heh.  For now I’ve found that throwing on headphones to cut down on the background noise is helpful.

My sleep schedule is all kinds of fucked up.  Now that I’m completely working from home I’m going to bed around 4am and waking up around noon.  For me its like I’ve wasted the day considering I got so used to waking up early and finishing my workday at 6pm at the office.  I’m working to get myself back on track but with everything required of me during the day its hard to get myself on track.

Right now I’m balancing three clients, I feel really bad because I haven’t been able to give everyone the full attention they deserve.  I really don’t like not being able to start one job and finish it, now I’m doing two different accounts a day so its screwing with me big time.  Either way I’ll work on getting things on track and should be able to then schedule the day accordingly.  I know what needs to get done, and how it needs to get done.  Its the matter of implementing it, and the sleep schedule plays a HUGE role in that.

In any event, time to get cracking in Photoshop.


Friday, June 10th, 2011

It’s been one hell of a week.

When I was finally home on Thursday after a very long weekend at my aunts house, Bella was picked up by her groomer and things have been – interesting – ever since. I’m not sure if something happened while she was with the groomer but to be blunt, the dogs been crapping liquid for the past 7 days.  We’ve finally gotten it to solidify but its taken a lot of different food ideas and quite a few days of bringing her out every 3 hours, and let me tell you that waking up at 5am when I no longer have to was kicking my ass.  Last night after giving her some pepto (who knew?) her and I were both able to sleep the entire night for the first time in almost a full week.  I think my body was confused because I wound up crashing until about 1pm this afternoon.  While she’s been very clingy today being as she’s still not 100% (and the storm to roll through scared her a bit), there’s still a dramatic change in her.  She’s eating more, drinking more, playing with her toys, and not scratching on peoples legs every 20 minutes to go outside.  It’s been peaceful.

On Monday I officially started back up with AGn Designs, spending a lot of time on numerous freelancing sites.  By Tuesday morning things were beginning to worry me being as I hadn’t heard from anyone.  Tuesday night was a whole different story, I wound up picking up three projects which is bringing in a decent chunk of change for what’s going to be three days of work in total.  I’m almost finished with one site, it’s the matter of loading it onto her server and tweaking the wordpress widgets so that everything flows right, and the others I’m waiting on a few responses from.  Either way things have been picking up, and so far everything is going beautifully.

I had to spend some time tweaking my template on because the Lightbox script I was previously using was very obviously out dated so I needed to upgrade to Lightbox 2.  That solved the issues I was having with the images, the bigger issue right now is how horrible the template looks.  However, that’s going to be a long drawn out process to change. I want to some-how merge krissys-portfolio and  I was thinking of coming up with an over-the-top template that would work on both sites to just flow everything together. I have the idea in my head, and some doodles in photoshop but nothing has really stuck yet.  I don’t just want AGn to be a blog, I want to bump it up but I don’t want to lose… either way I’m sure I’ll have something figured out within the next couple of days being as the creative juices are flowing.

I have to say, and don’t want to admit it, but Sean really kicked my ass this week with a revision to one of the sites he’s been working on.  Whatever script the idiots from India came up with was NOT working when trying to recode the site for the WordPress template.  There were like 7 DOCTYPE tags, numerous HTML and BODY tags being called for absolutely no reason.  When running it through the validation check it was coming up with over 600 errors.  I just about shit my pants when I saw that!  I’ve never seen so many errors on such little output in my life, and that’s including a time years ago when I actually started to care about validation and recoded everything I had!

In any event, I have a few more emails to respond to and a bed that’s calling my name.  I missed staying up until 1am, but it’s kicking my ass – that’s for damn sure!

Finally finished…

Saturday, June 4th, 2011

It took a little longer than I would have liked it to, but I’ve got everything up and running.  There are a few sub-pages that still need a little bit of work but if you’re reading this it means that has completely transferred back to its old server.  I moved it to dream-host for about a year and hosted it under Sean’s account there but their server sucks major, major ass. When going through my WHM I realized that I still had the complete site still located on my own server so after a few modifications, things are back.

It’s been a pretty crappy week, even though I’m no longer dealing with my hell hole former employer, I’ve still been sick as a dog which is giving me very little to work with when moving forward in the design world.  I’ve got a few projects that I’ve started on, and I’m going to spend the bulk of my weekend working on them but for now the larger of the projects (getting this back up) is completed.

Tomorrow is going to be a relatively busy day.  I’m going out to purchase a new washing machine AND dish washer.  The dish washer has been broken for a while, we’ve just converted to hand washing, but being as I plan to do a lot more cooking now that I’ll be home at a more reasonable hour, the lack of dishwasher will 100% get in the way.  PC Richards has a few for under $200 that look pretty decent so we’re going to go with them.  And as far as the washing machine is concerned, that completely died today, PC Richards will save our asses on that too.  We wish that the washer crapped out last week while everyone was having memorial day sales but there’s nothing we could have done about that.  So since Dad has a 20% discount since he’s a hospital employee, that’ll drop a lot of money off the final cost.

Once all of that is squared away it’ll be time to start cooking the Sunday 3-course meal.  This week will be a glazed meatloaf, garlic mashed potatoes and some variety of veggies that I’ll figure out tomorrow. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but I never had the time to properly cook anything in the past due to the work schedule.  Now that I’ll have more time at home, I’ll be able to move forward with regular home-cooked meals as opposed to whatever is convenient to pick up before I come home from work.

In any event, I still have a lot of other things to work on so I’m going to hop to it.

Too Hot!

Monday, May 30th, 2011

It’s memorial day, parades and barbeques are taking place everywhere across the US. Unfortunately for those of us in the northeast, we’re all sweating our asses off! Today is a very sticky 85° and it’s NOT a good time. I woke up freezing this morning because the AC is right next to my head. I thawed out almost instantly when going outside. It shouldn’t be in the 80’s at 9am but I guess that’s how things go.

I took a little trip to Walgreens this morning, the cat decided to destroy my brand new flipflops by using them as a scratching post while I was asleep last night. I did NOT appreciate that at all but really didn’t appreciate the fact that they no longer had the same pair, even though I’d seen a whole rack of them two days ago. I didn’t like any of the other ones either. Again, not a good time.

While browsing around the store I picked up a 10 pack of solar lights for my aunts house, they were on sale for $10, I couldn’t pass that up. The front of her house is hit with beautiful sunshine all day long but at night you wouldn’t even know the house was here without the driveway light being on. So, I picked them up and spread them out in the front yard. Thankfully they’re getting a full 9 hours of sun so hopefully they’ll be nice and lit up tonight so I can see how everything is going to look, the spacing, and can adjust things from there. It should be at least 10 to 15 degrees cooler tonight so I’ll be able to tolerate being outside for a little while, instead of dripping with sweat like I was when setting everything up. I was hardly moving, it’s just way too damn hot.

After the little bit of dressing up in the yard I made lunch for my uncle and then conquered the dishes in the sink that I was too tired to take care of last night. Of course it’s never simple for me, I was getting a little sick of the stuff piling up on the counter so I wound up just completely cleaning up the kitchen, scrubbing the counters and clearing some of the dust out. It’s not my house but considering I’ve been here for the last four days I finally had enough and just went ahead and cleaned everything.  Once I’ve gotten some rest (I am still dealing with a cold afterall), I’m going to tackle the bathroom.

It was my ultimate goal to sit down today and just complete the new template, I just have so many areas to focus on I honestly have no idea how to even begin to tackle it. I should probably just roll through the categories but even there I don’t know where to start.  The one thing that I always was good with at work was my problem solving. I think the fever has officially screwed with my brain.  Starting on Wednesday I’m going to create a daily to-do list.  Why Wednesday? Because it’s my first official “I can do this now” day. Tuesday is the get my shit together and go home day.  Wednesday at 9am will be the start date/time and I’ll go from there.

Time to lay down for a few minutes and then tackle that bathroom.

I’m free!!

Saturday, May 28th, 2011

As of 6pm on 5/27 I am a free woman. The last almost three years with that company completely sucked the life out of me and now I’m doing everything I can to scrub their evil scent off of me. Unfortunately my energy bursts are limited thanks to the uber nasty cold that I picked up over the course of the past week. I’m patiently waiting for my nose to unclog itself, and the meds to kick in so that this fever can go away. It’s the worst feeling in the world to even have a fever when it’s freaking 90° outside. Hopefully something will kick in soon. I’m hoping it’s after I eat some dinner though, I don’t want to spend another night going to sleep without something to eat simply because I can’t TASTE anything right now. I HATE IT.

I spent a few hours on Thursday getting my laptop in order. I’ve got Microsoft Office Suite setup… one benefit for working where I did for the past few years is Microsoft Outlook. I know that not many people use it, but when it comes to scheduling, organizing and keeping tabs on EVERYTHING, it really is just a necessity. The customization is much nicer than Thunderbird, and I’m sorry but the options that Outlook 2007 comes with are just mind blowing. Different colors for everything, inserts up the wazoo and for some reason the line spacing on the emails is always perfect no matter what fonts you use. My default font of course is a black century gothic 10pt, it blends nicely with the logo I setup for my signature. There’s no way that I’m going back into everything without having all of my shit in order, outlook is part of that shit.

Photoshop is where my problem is, I’ve spent so damn long looking at estimating software that I’m having trouble getting myself back into the swing of things. Of course since this is a new laptop I don’t have the luxury of all of my old brushes/fonts. It’s hard to start completely fresh but it’s a “Challenge Accepted” situation at this moment in time. After a few days I’m sure I’ll be back up to speed, it’s just the ability to unlearn everything I’ve learned in the past few years to open the file deep in my brain where my ultimate creativity is.

There’s a few ways of triggering it, unfortunately it’s not going to happen overnight. I always had much, much more going on in my head when I was living down in Delaware, and with the addition of the new truck, Sean and I will be taking frequent trips down to Delaware, especially the boardwalk where all of my inspiration came from. Jersey is turning into an inspiration point for me too. I honestly don’t know why, could be all of the interesting people, cool looking diners, and the fact that every job offer I’ve been getting lately is IN Jersey. I will not be moving there, however. It would be the halfway point between my family and Sean’s, but if I go anywhere it’s out to Suffolk County. I love the Centereach/Ronkonkoma area – no idea as to why – but I will be looking into it more seriously when money gets to where it’s supposed to be.

Sean and I have been discussing financials a lot lately. We know exactly how much needs to come in, in order to handle all of the bills, and how much additional would need to come in, in order to be comfortable. It’s our ultimate goal to bring in about $6,000 a month, which is doable considering the industries we’re in, it’s just the matter of scheduling and contacts. I’m starting off small this time, I’ll start local and then work my way to the corporate accounts that I used to have. Those were the ones that paid the bills and god damn were they great to have. I thankfully have all of my old mailing lists so I can send out a blast to get the ball rolling, it should be smooth sailing from there. :crosses fingers:

In any event… I was able to locate the template I’ve been looking for and need to do some major tweaking to get it to where I want it. I’m also loading in some new aps/plugins that will make things easier for me. You can’t be a member of the DROID community and NOT utilize all of its benefits. I’m giving myself a week off from “work” and getting myself back up to speed. I’m taking it easy this weekend only due to the fact that I am nursing myself back to health at this immediate moment in time. I just popped a few more NyQuil Gelcaps, hopefully I’ll be sound asleep in the next half hour… if it actually works the way it’s supposed to.

In the meantime I’ll be watching the rest of “Scott Pilgram vs. The world” Let me tell you this movie is dumb as shit.

Slowly but surely….

Friday, May 13th, 2011

In just a few weeks I will be closing the book on a major part of the past 3 years of my life. Today I sat down with my manager and informed him that I will be leaving the company. I’m no longer capable of working for a company where having a conscience is considered a handicap, where employees and vendors are used up and then spit out. I’ve been blessed with friendships that I hope will last for years to come, but I can no longer physically have anything to do with the company. The corporate office can go fuck themselves as far as I care, the ladies in the east coast office… I’ll miss them deeply.

So where do I go from here? This should really be titled “Guess Who’s Back?” I’m going full force back into the world that I left so abruptly. There will be no begging for money, no bull shit internet dramas. I will be solidly working in the code/design world and am spending the evening, and the next few weeks getting myself back into the swing of things. Unfortunately the position I was previously in required the ability for me to retain as much information as humanly possible. With this, I’ve lost a lot of the key skills to be successful elsewhere. I’m doing everything I possibly can to get back into things and hope that with just a few weeks of a refresher course, and a lot of reading (HTML 5?) I’ll be able to get myself back into it with absolutely no problems at all.

This will not just be a personal domain, I will be working with sponsors and frequently updating for just about everything. Twitter will more than likely overload, projects are in the works (in my head) that have yet to be put on paper (err… Photoshop). I purchased a new laptop in September that I haven’t used more than twice. It’s fully loaded and capable of handling everything I could possibly need. I just need to get my hands on a copy of Microsoft Office Outlook. I’ve been using it for the past three years and the functionality really fits where I’m looking to go in reference to mailing lists, contact storage, calendar dates, etc. If there are two things that I picked up in the past few years it’s my love of Outlook and the ability to bite my tongue.

Obviously with my personality the ‘bite my tongue’ will go out the window the second I punch out for the last time. Thankfully I will be leaving on good terms with just about everyone, if there’s a big ‘ol fuck you coming out of my mouth it’s primarily targeted to the corporate office.

In any event, it’s going to be a few weeks but a new template is coming up (well, recycled old one that I was in love with) that will be compliant for whatever standard is the norm these days. Alternate sites (AGN Designs, Health Blog and other stuff in the works) will be popping up as well. I’ve got a lot of space just sitting here and little time to fill it up, but bet your ass I’ll get it done.

Darn it.

Sunday, April 3rd, 2011

So I have this vision in my head on how I want the new template to look, however halfway through I’m finding that it closely resembles one that I completed two years ago. Now, this is just proof that I have no inspiration due to my soul sucking job. My issue now is the fact that I have absolutely no idea where the OLD template even is. It’s either on the Mac, my old laptop, or hopefully on an external hard drive somewhere. It’s not on my templates archive for WordPress because I cleared that out a long time ago. I have absolutely no idea where it is. This is exactly why going upwards of three years without touching something can throw you for a loop.

I’m at my aunts house all weekend while she’s down in Atlantic City, I wanted to spend the time getting a nice new template up that will last for the next couple of months but that’s just not going to happen today. Back to playing Angry Birds on my phone.

Yea, that resolution didn’t stick…

Saturday, March 26th, 2011

Ok, so while I told myself at the beginning of the year that I need to add this back into my regular routine, as you can clearly see that’s just not happening. The renewal for this domain is up in a few months and I’m really questioning as to whether or not the $30 would even be worth it at this point in time. I have no drive to do anything, I’d love to bring in some extra cash but I’m so out of the loop on things that it would be a learning curve to start from scratch again. I blame work, honestly. I learn so many new things throughout the day and as anyone would know – when you learn something new, you forget something old. The thing that kills me is that with two laptops, plus the Droid well equipped with the WordPress app, I still have no ability to physically sit down and do something. Hell, right now it’s about 12:30 and I know for a fact I should just be in bed.

As far as life is concerned, things are going really well. I bought a new car during my weekend Valentines day getaway with Sean (05 Chevy Equinox that I’m absolutely in love with), I’ve taken on another region at work that has pretty much doubled my daily inventory and now gave me about 42 people to manage, or micro manage as the company would prefer. It takes its toll on my brain, especially when there are so many different insurance companies involved and cycle times for both the files and the appraisers are through the roof. Needless to say, if you ever work for an appraisal company – make sure they hire someone who’s capable of actually completing a file within 2 days or don’t even bother giving them a second glance. My daily job is to babysit grown men, and while that sounds a little odd, it’s really what the case is. Needless to say, it’s an interesting position.

The alternate job search has had some good leads, but I think I’m so comfortable with where I am (considering I’m knocking on three years), I really don’t know what else I could do with myself. If it weren’t for my lack of ability to be able to focus on learning the estimates I’d get myself an adjusters license. For someone living in NY if I were to work for just about any insurance company I could bring in anywhere from $40 to $65 an hour. The work involved, however, would more than likely kill me so lets keep that on the back burner. For now, however, I’ll stick with what I know and what I’m comfortable with.

I had a relatively busy day, I woke up early (as usual) and got some shopping done. I bought a new dresser for the bedroom, I picked up two new rugs for outside so that my gazebo can come to life again. I’m overloaded on seeds and pots, I just need to pick up a couple of 50lb bags of soil and I should be good to go. I went out to dinner with Sean and my sister – I’ve been craving Bertucci’s for about three weeks and was finally able to get into it so I could enjoy it’s delicious culinary offerings. When all of that was said and done I sat down and booked my hotel room for April 8th-April 10th as Sean and I are going away on a mini-vacation down to Jersey to visit family. It’s good to get away every once and a while, plus having a working vehicle helps out alot too. Sean still has his Baretta, I downright refuse to be in it, let alone drive it. My personal opinion is it would pay good for scrap metal, his personal opinion is “but that’s my car yo, wtf?”, we obviously have a difference in opinion here haha.

So in a nutshell, that’s been my life for the past few months. Working like a dog, have a new toy to drive around, taking a mini-vacation one weekend per month just to get away and working so I can spend the bulk of my summer outside. I’m going to cut out vacations for two months or so after this only because there’s a very dreamy table/chairs set from Home Depot that I’m itching to pick up but my expensive tastes have me looking to spend about $700. Sean needs a new laptop so skimping and saving after we get back is first priority.

Maybe I will need to get back into the sponsored posts afterall. Before things went all bonkers with the google page rank stuff I was able to bring in about $3500 a month, that’d solve a lot of problems right now.


Monday, January 17th, 2011

I woke up this morning in a relatively good mood. It was instantly shot to shit with bad news. An old friend of mine from high school was killed this weekend for no apparent reason whatsoever and its caught everyone off guard. I’m taken back considering he wasn’t the type to get himself involved in anything like this.  He was a great guy with a very large heart and never had any trouble with anyone. Its strange to even hear that he, of all people, was taken so quickly and violently.  He will certainly be missed by all.

In other news. I’m still actively searching for a new job.  I’m doing as best as I can at my current one to stay on my toes and get everything done. Thankfully with a drop in inventory I’m able to keep things moving with plenty of time to spare during the day.  With this I’m actuallt getting out at a reasonable hour too so that’s always an upside. I was getting sick of eating dinner after nine at night.  Tonight my goal is to get out of here by six thirty (half hour late today) and then ill get some grocery shopping done so I can go home and enjoy the usual Monday night line up for cbs with the addition of a special epsidoe of jersey shore tonight. I have no idea why that stupid show is my new addiction but I’m definitely hooked and its scaring the crap out of me lol.

In any event. Almost time to punch back in from lunch. Time to suck down two cigs and get my ass back in gear.

Happy New Year

Wednesday, January 5th, 2011

So it’s officially 2011 and so far things haven’t been too bad. I’m working very hard to get myself on track as there are a lot of things I’m interested in doing this year that require a lot of attention to detail, and stamina to get through them. I’ve actively been searching for a new job, working hard to try to get myself up to speed with the new requirements as far as web design are concerned. Over the course of the next few days it’s my goal to have a new hand-made template up, as opposed to the freebies I’ve been using for the past year. My links list is very short, so I’m also working on finding some new interesting sites to push into a regular routine as well. Another big thing for me is to throw myself fully into the paid blogging world again as I haven’t been into it for so long that my resources are limited. Once I can regain some traffic to any of my sites I’ll work on getting the financial aspect of things back on track as well.

Sean and I are doing great, we haven’t argued and are finally in the relationship we’ve both wanted for a very long time. We veered off a little and now we’re back on track and couldn’t be happier. We went away for new years weekend and enjoyed every minute of it. It made us realize how badly we need to get into a better place with our relationship and we’re both working very hard to get there. This is exactly why I’m feverishly searching for alternate income and really working on finding a better 9-5 so I can be done with the shit hole I’ve been in for the past few years. I’m actually taking a break from searching through job sites just so I can update here since I hadn’t done it in so long.

I changed back to an older theme for the time being as the Christmas season is over. I had a wonderful Christmas, Sean picked out a gorgeous necklace for me that I’m absolutely in love with, I’m also overloaded on new clothes and DVD’s, even older items that were on my amazon list for god knows how long. The biggest YAY moment for me was unpacking my new Kureg Coffee Maker, I’m head over heals in love with it as I’ve wanted it for so long! I already picked up a 24 pack of my uber favorite French Vanilla blend and can’t wait to try out all of the other ones. I’ve been addicted to flavored coffee for quite some time now, and now I have the option of doing it all from home instead of dropping money in random coffee shops around my house, and my job. It’s great for iced coffee too by the way, there’s even iced tea mixes and the lovely hot chocolate flavors which should just be a requirement considering the weather lately. Ugh, even talking about it here is making me want a large cup of coffee lol.

I’m taking even more of a break from reality by hanging out at the train station people watching. I have my netbook in my purse and thanks to our local internet carrier, wifi is pretty much free no matter where I go, the strongest feed is down at the train station for some reason, but I’m sure that has something o do with all of the metal on the ground in front of me. A few people floating around down here are amusing the living hell out of me though. I’m amazed at how dumb teenagers have become since I was one, I know my friends were stupid, don’t get me wrong – but they were never this bad. One of these pricks watches way too much jackass and is looking to see if his tongue will freeze to the tracks, or at least boasting that he’s willing to try it. The sadistic person inside of me wants to see him get his tongue stuck and run over by a train. The “mom/cop” in me wants to zap him with a tazer and watch him squirm in the grass safely away from the rails. Damn me and my caring nature, lol!

In any event, based on my little word counter I’m up in the 750 range which means I’ve been hard-core typing for a good 10-15 minutes and have no idea what my initial point was for even starting this entry.

Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday season!


Sunday, December 12th, 2010

The last couple of weeks have been a full blown roller coaster of EVERYTHING going on. I haven’t had the time to really sit down and update anything, but I’m now being forced to do it (thanks Karen) so lets get the ball rollin’.

#1 – Sean and I were able to work out everything and are back together. We spent the weekend together, just us with no friends or family around and worked out just about all of our differences. We talked about everything, got a lot off of our chests and now we’re just 100% positive and honest with each other. I can honestly say that for the first time in a few years we’re both happier than we ever could be. Right now he’s down in Jersey getting his stuff from his father’s house. We’ve gone one solid week with no arguments, major disagreements or awkward silence. Things are going to be much, much different this time around and I truly can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together.

#2 – Work sucks, but what else is new there? A lot of changes have been made recently, tensions are extremely high and as usual the company has found a way to screw you out of actually enjoying a holiday with your family by making both Christmas Eve and New Years Eve a mandatory work day. I still put in for New Years Eve because Sean and I are going away for the weekend, but it’s still bull shit to have to work on Xmas eve when I worked on the freaking fourth of July. Fuck you Cali office, big ‘ol FUCK YOU!

#3 – Christmas is two weeks away and I’ve been feverishly getting everything together so that all shopping has been completed without my having to actually walk into a damn store. Unfortunately, there are just a few things you can’t find online and instances of you having to physically go somewhere to feel them out. I’m done with just about all but 3 people, I will be hitting up the stores for them when I get paid on Friday. My bank account is down to only a few hundred dollars so since bills are paid, everyone else is going to have to wait and unfortunately I’ll have to go out with the weekend before Christmas rush in just about every major store known to man lol. I know it’s going to be slim pickins but what choice do you have?

I say this just about every year but I really need to start getting all of my shopping done in August lol. They start putting the ‘winter’ stuff out in October/November, I think anytime before black Friday would be a good idea for getting all shopping done. All I know is there are going to be quite a few boxes delivered to the house over the course of the next two weeks and I need to make sure I’m staying on top of everything to insure everything ordered was received. Thankfully there are a few people I’ll be seeing after Christmas so there’s no major rush involved with getting their stuff shipped to the house, but I refuse to wrap anything the day after Christmas haha.

I wanted to have dinner at the house this year, I haven’t done it in a while and figure Christmas is the best time to get all of the Soper’s together. Sharon may be going to our cousins for dinner and coming over for dessert, I’ve decided to do it all the next day, which would free up Christmas for me to spend more time with Sean, Dad and Maureen. I do want to get together with Alicia, Dave and the baby for Christmas Eve, figure we’d go to dinner or something, but that’s something that will be worked out over the course of the next few days.

Jaymie Lynn Jaymie Lynn I really do want to spend time with my best friend and god daughter for Christmas, it’s the baby’s first Christmas you can’t NOT want to be there! I was there for the Christmas pictures at Sears, all of the wordrobe changes and the really crappy photographer definitely made it a long afternoon. Thanks to both me and Alicia being as creative as we are, with little help from the photographer we were able to come out with a few cute ones!

So yea, needless to say there’s A LOT going on, and today – while hanging out waiting for my aunt to come home so I can go back to my house, I was actually able to sit down for ten minutes and write up a REAL entry. There’s still stuff that I would actually like to find the time to talk about, but for today? I think we’re good hah.

Happy Holidays!

Closing the book…

Sunday, November 28th, 2010

I really don’t want to say it but higher powers have somehow worked their devious magic and Sean and I are no longer together.  Four and a half years of a relationship has now turned to “When are you coming to get your stuff, I can’t look at it anymore”.  Needless to say I’ll be doing some major packing over the course of the next couple of days, and none of it will be mine.  I’m worried about the financial aspect of everything because I’d basically given him AGn Solutions but everything is still being forwarded to my paypal account.  I don’t know if I should just give up the account or what.  My issue with that is that I fully intend to get back into working online, be it through blogging or designing – whichever I can figure out how to accomplish now that I no longer have my Mac or any programs, fonts, ANYTHING.  I’m starting from scratch completely across the board and for someone who’s been out of the loop for so long – this is just going to be one major obstacle after another.  On top of that we have a joint bank account, the cell phones are in my name.  There’s just a lot more shit involved and Sean has decided he’s “done” so now I’m sitting here trying to figure out how to make that as smooth of a transition as possible, but I highly doubt it’s going to be.  There’s no possible way to walk away from every aspect of your life and start fresh.  Especially when you’re in the same place and while he’s not, but all of his stuff is still here.

I don’t know where I’m going from here.  I’ve realized over the course of the past few days that there are a lot of aspects of my life that were never dealt with due to my jumping into things so quickly.  I realize now that the reason I have gone drastically down hill over the course of the past few months was due to the fact that my brain was telling me to ‘hold up, wait a minute, deal with your shit right now’.   I’m not over the major mistake made when I was a teenager, I’m not over Joe or Lucy for that matter either.  I never actually went through a grieving period for anything, I just kept jumping from one thing to the next to keep my mind off of things.  Now is the chance for me to 100% focus on everything without having any outside influence.  The next couple of weeks are going to be an extremely wild ride for me physically and emotionally.  And to top it all off, I have to deal with the fact that for the first time in 10 years, I’m alone for Christmas.