Author Archive

Movies: 1408

Wednesday, June 6th, 2007

PPPAnyone who knows me knows that I do truly believe in the supernatural. I know for a fact that Joe is still floating around me. I’ve listed numerous times that he’s given me shooting stars, a breeze and many other things that have brought a sense of comfort to me after his death. I know that whenever I need him there for support, he is. And while I can’t personally speak to him, he does still give me signs to let me know when he’s around and listening to me.

Just recently I came across a commercial for 1408 Movie. It’s starring John Cusack (whom I love) and it’s pretty darn interesting based on what I’ve read about it.

PPPBased on the short Stephen King horror story of the same name, 1408 surrounds supernatural writer Mike Enslin, an author of two hit books focusing on supernatural phenomena. As research for his latest book, Enslin is determined to check out the notorious room 1408 in a New York City hotel by personally staying as a guest in the fabled room. With the intention that 1408 is just a myth perpetuated by stories and rumor that Enslin has collected for his past works. However, hotel manager Mr. Olin has strong objections to Enslin’s stay and only warns him of possible danger to come. But Enslin is determined to go through and convinced that the horrific past of 1408 is just mere coincidence and a myth. But what Mike Enslin is about to experience is no myth, as 1408 truly is a room where the guests don’t check out by noon.

And below is a quick trailer of 1408 Movie if you’re interested in the visual aspect of it. Sometimes reading the text for it takes away from the movie itself, even if it is based on a book of course…heh.


Walking along…

Wednesday, June 6th, 2007

I’m finding myself going longer distances without stopping. This is a really good feeling considering I’ve only lost a few pounds. I did another weigh-in tonight because I’m convinced that the scale hates me and it told me that the 3 pounds I thought I gained were gone and I’m down to 440. I’m seriously considering a new scale. There’s a different number every single day on that little bugger. I don’t like digital scales, I don’t even know why I have one. I think there’s going to be a future trip to Wal-mart so I can pick up one of the ‘older model’ scales with the swing arm that tell you the second you step on the bugger exactly how much you weigh.

I did some surfing through the new blog roll and there are quite a few blogs that stood out for me. I think I’m going to have a great time reading through all of these blogs over the next few days. I can’t wait, I may do a few more tonight.

Drug Rehabilitation Network

Wednesday, June 6th, 2007

I recently came across a Drug Rehabilitation website that housed some pretty valuable information. is probably the most comprehensive drug rehab referral site of it’s kind. They don’t offer you a facility to park yourself at for 30 days, they give you an honest review of OTHER programs/centers so that you can compare them based on your needs, or your loved ones needs naturally. They’re considered to be one of the best resources on the internet for drug rehabilitation and after looking through their site, I have to agree.

They do not accept money from their advertisers which is why they can give you an honest assessment of each drug/alcohol rehab and treatment center they have listed in their database. Registration for this site is free. Once you register you can then go through their links database to other rehabilitation resources on the Internet. For someone just getting out of rehab you can consider this part of your 12-step program where you’re continuing to work on your recovery. Anyone knows that it’s a long and windy road when you’re recovering and thanks to resources like these, it more than likely isn’t going to be such a bumpy one.

Lack of Inspiration

Wednesday, June 6th, 2007

I’ve been working hard on getting up and running. I’m currently in the process of coding the administration panel. I’ve got Sean programming the database end of things. He’s been programming quite a bit lately so naturally I’ll throw it his way. I’m rusty with it, I do little edits here and there but I don’t have the patience to sit down and actually code something from start to finish. He asked me why I need an administration panel considering the bulk of the code is randomly generated but I just think it’s easier to have one, honestly. I know it’s only random one liners but I like to keep track of everything. I’m also working in the ability for visitors to submit their own ideas and be credited for it. In some regard it’s almost like using a guestbook, it’s just going to be a little bit more advanced.

I didn’t get around to doing anything based today, as far as posting goes. I was just too busy working on other things. I finally got WordPress working for Dick so now his admin panel is doing exactly what it’s supposed to do. I was in touch with Shauna about some work with her, I’ll be working on that for the next few weeks. I have loads of ideas in my head and mixing them with what she gave me should turn into something nice.

I’m having trouble being creative though, this is why I feel like I’m lagging. Baby and I haven’t gone to the beach in quite some time. With the weather changing as frequently as it does and other factors being thrown in there, we can’t walk along the boardwalk the way we used to. And now with the fact that he managed to fuck up his knee somehow, we just can’t go anywhere – it sucks. Hopefully he’ll heal up so I can go listen to the water again, that’s the only place I truly got any kind of a creative streak. Granted, having a new desk/office arrangement has helped a bit, I just need an outside source as well. I’m going to thumb through a few of my design books, maybe I can find some color combination to inspire me.

Still working on getting things in order…

Tuesday, June 5th, 2007

I’ve gotten a lot done today. I woke up and went through my morning routine and then got the rest of my laundry done. The last load is in the dryer now so hopefully it’ll be done in time for me to get out of here later. I believe Kay and I are going up to Milford to pick up a few things from Big Lots then I’m almost certain we’re going to Wal-mart afterwards to get some shopping done as well.

She’s got company coming this weekend, Baby personally hates this woman but I don’t know her yet so I can’t really have an opinion yet. I’m sure by Saturday you’ll hear something out of me in regards to this woman, no doubt about it. She’s a smoker and with Princess being sick, Candy being rather old and Bella just never having to breath in smoke (I make sure of that) Baby and I are on Kay’s case to get her to smoke outside. Hopefully that actually works out.

I’m having some major issues with WordPress at the moment. I’m trying to get the Visual Text Editor to work for a client and no matter what I do the damn thing won’t show up. I’m waiting on a response so that I can upgrade to the newest version in hopes that it resolves the issue but something tells me that it more than likely won’t be the case, this is why I submitted a support ticket on in hopes to get some answers. There has to be something that I’m overlooking I just have no idea where to even begin.

I received an email today that I’m working on responding to. Someone contacted me about site work that could potentially fill my schedule for a while depending on how well it goes. I’m also working on other things so as far as income goes, I’m set for quite some time.

Finally getting shit done…

Monday, June 4th, 2007

Ever since I started using the desktop I absolutely dreaded logging into WordPress because of how the fonts look with my shitty graphics card (that’ll be updated soon enough) but for the time being I went ahead and edited the entire CSS source of my WordPress administration panel. The only fonts that seem to work well on my computer (when it comes to site based stuff of course) are Arial, Verdana, Times New Roman, and Tahoma. I went ahead and altered the admin panel to only read with Times New Roman and Verdana – I couldn’t be happier.

There’s something funky going on with the network, making it difficult for me to check my email instantly. I’m in the process of working on Dick’s site and I’m waiting on a response from him before I can go any further with the work. Half of the list is done, the other half just needs to be clarified for me.

I have a few hosting accounts to setup in the mean time, I guess I’ll work on knocking those out.

Finally Unpacked!

Monday, June 4th, 2007

It took me a lot longer than originally anticipated but I’ve finally gotten the last box unpacked. My side of the office is a little stuffy now though, I think I’m going to have to do some cleaning out but at least all of my important items are back to where they need to be, this naturally makes me a very happy girl.

I’m getting some design work done, thumbing through code figuring out what’s messed up for a client (and where) and I’m also waiting on a response from a few people in regards to more work so I should be OK financially for birthdays and what not. Baby and I have our one year coming up in July so I also need to get some cash together for that. The problem is a month later is also his birthday. Birthdays are very spread out for me, but they all come in a cluster for some reason. No big deal though, I made about $80 blogging yesterday (not bad, eh?) so that’ll cover dinner with Kay and for her birthday on the 9th. We’re most likely going to the Roadhouse, she appreciates good steak heh.

Mashing Media

Monday, June 4th, 2007

PPPThe News Room provides access to hundreds of thousands of fully licensed news stories that can be published on your site. Mashing content from major content providers such as Associated Press, Reuters, and Agence France-Press. If you’re a website publisher or blogger who wants to earn some money embedding quality news on your site, join and start embedding a video or two into your posts.

When you embed a news story or news feed onto your website you can instantly begin earning revenue. You earn a share of the advertising each time this news is viewed on your site. You can earn up to $4 per thousand impressions. You also earn money when someone ‘mashes’ content from your site and it’s viewed on theirs. Take advantage of this program by mashing these videos into your posts and encouraging your friends to do the same. In addition to mashing for cash, users of can earn prizes from digital cameras to a new car. If you’re interested in seeing just how it works, price wise, please head over to the payment chart.

This program is 100% free for you to use, just create an account, and begin looking through the database. I found myself going towards the Business and Health sections because that’s typically what interests me the most. I found the following video and I have to say, it’s pretty darn interesting.

So if you’re interested in tapping into high quality news for free, is the way to go.

Thrown another curve.

Monday, June 4th, 2007

In my anticipation for enrollment in Penn Foster soon, I poked around their website for a little while and realized that I only need to take one course, not two. Originally I wanted to get my degree in Web Programming AND Multimedia & Design. After looking over the course outline for both, I realized they’re literally the same courses. The only difference is in the third or fourth semester when you’re introduced to the basics of the courses you chose. At this point it’s more than likely going to be a complete and total waste of time but I’m unable to get myself into a school like the University of Pheonix or something close to that standard. I stand a better risk of getting a student loan or something like that considering that I’m basically living on my own. Just as things were beginning to look up, I’m thrown another curve. This sucks!

Website Optimization Services

Monday, June 4th, 2007

After a previous post about website optimization, I kind of figured that I needed to clear a few things up. I’m not telling you to go out and spend $5,000 to have someone plug keywords into your page and submit your site into search engines. There are many other resources out there that are a lot cheaper if you really feel as though an outside website optimization company can help you. There’s a company that goes by where they help you with all of your website optimization services needs.

The reason I actually like this company is because they actually have the rankings that you would expect from an optimization company. They currently rank with a PR6 but with the way Google is changing things around I would assume their rank would be higher over time. They also have a fairly low alexa rank which is great as well. I did a quick search with a few of their keywords and they showed up in the top two spots which is always a great thing. It makes me feel confident to know that they will actually give you what they say they will. That’s always important.


Monday, June 4th, 2007

Recently, just for fun, Baby and I had a sit down with a psychic who told me that my “aura” is pink, I’ve also been told that it alternates between pink and light shades of green. I never quite understood what any of it meant so I looked it up on Google and came up with the following:

Pink-bright and light: Loving, tender, sensitive, sensual, artistic, affection, purity, compassion; new or revieved romantic relationship. Can indicate clairaudience.

Green: Relates to heart and lungs. It is a very comfortable, healthy color of nature. When seen in the aura this usually represents growth and balance, and most of all, something that leads to change. Love of people, animals, nature; teacher; social.

Another resource told me that Green means healing. I assume it’s based on my year of mourning over Joe. Days are much easier on me now, I do still think about him a lot but I also know that he’s around me when I need him.

I had to do a little bit of research on the Pink Aura though, quite a few resources told me that pink indicates “clairaudience”. I had no idea what this meant either, but Wiki is great for things like this.

In the field of parapsychology, clairaudience [from late 17th century French clair (clear) & audience (hearing)] is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person acquires information by paranormal auditory means. It is often considered to be a form of clairvoyance.[10] Clairaudience is essentially the ability to hear in a paranormal manner, as opposed to paranormal seeing (clairvoyance) and feeling (clairsentience). Clairaudient people have psi-mediated hearing. Clairaudience may refer not to actual perception of sound, but may instead indicate impressions of the “inner mental ear” similar to the way many people think words without having auditory impressions. But it may also refer to actual perception of sounds such as voices, tones, or noises which are not apparent to other humans or to recording equipment. For instance, a clairaudient person might claim to hear the voices or thoughts of the spirits of persons who are deceased. Clairaudience may be positively distinguished from the voices heard by the mentally ill when it reveals information unavailable to the clairaudient person by normal means (including cold reading or other magic tricks), and thus may be termed “psychic” or paranormal.

I personally found this to be a bit strange considering I don’t pay much attention to this kind of stuff but to some degree, strangely enough, it makes sense. I assume it means that I may possibly be right when I know that Joe is around. The wind, shooting stars, animals acting up, could all be signs of this. Maybe I’m just tapped into it in regards to “nature” which I guess would explain the green aura. Either way I think it’s fairly interesting information to know, even if I don’t quite believe it.

Payday Loans

Monday, June 4th, 2007

I’m sure I’ve spoken about them before but it’s good to know that Payday cash advance loans are easy to come by when you’re in a jam for paying your bills and you don’t quite have enough in the bank at the moment to cover it. There’s always the chance that your paycheck may not clear in time for you to cover your bills. There’s also the chance that an emergency will show up out of no where, as one did last night for me with Princess, and you’re going to need money for vet bills or even a hospital visit because of an accident. Resources like is always a great resource to keep in your bookmarks. They’re quick, easy and painless and more than likely the loan will be in your bank account within 24 hours of the submission, sometimes even sooner. Just because you’re in a jam doesn’t mean that you can’t get the resources you need to fix them.

Gaming isn’t my cup of tea.

Monday, June 4th, 2007

So I decided to see what the big deal with Halo was. I’ve never really played any kind of video game other than Mario on my DS so having to maneuver this dude around proved to be rather difficult for me. I don’t see myself ever playing again, even though Baby insists that all I really need to do is get used to the controller. I know how to use the controller for Hexic and that’s all that it’s ever going to be used for.

My stomach is bothering me but that’s because I ate too much at dinner. I’m done with email checks, I only have to email two people back in regards to design work and then I’m done for the night. Considering it’s after 1am I doubt I’m going to be up for very long anyway.

Breaking the law…

Sunday, June 3rd, 2007

PPPPPPI know it’s old news by now but as most of you know, Lindsay Lohan has been arrested for DUI and possession, makes me giggle considering she’s supposed to be a ‘role model for younger girls’. Then people wonder why the future of America is in the hands of idiots, even beyond anything Bush could do. While poking around looking for more information on the subject, I came across Southern California Criminal & DUI Attorneys. Top 5% U.S. Law Firm. Former L.A. Prosecutors. – maybe someone should send these guys over to talk to Lindsay – eh? I kind of like looking around law sites but I think that’s because I’ve designed about 15 of them in the last two years, they spend big bucks getting their name out their on the internet and that’s just another reason why I love having lawyers around. I’ve got a few of them in the family, oddly enough two of them are divorce attorneys, it made the process for my parents very easy, heh.

But yea, head over to and learn a thing or two that you probably never would have figured out on your own.


Sunday, June 3rd, 2007

The rain is starting to let up around here so I’m sending Baby out to get some dinner. I’m breaking my diet but it’s mainly because I don’t have enough energy to cook anything and although no one in the tri-state area knows anything about pizza, I’m still going to suck it up and have him go and get some. There’s a place up in Lewes or something that’s owned by a guy who used to have a place in Jersey so I wanted to assume that he knew a thing or two about pizza. Their sauce kind of sucks but the crust is OK, either way I’m not going to be shoving veggies in my face tonight, I don’t have the energy for it.

Technorati: ,

Future Vacation Plans

Sunday, June 3rd, 2007

Baby is currently working on a site for a guy that lives out in California. I’m not sure where he lives exactly but I know with popular places like Hollywood, Los Angeles, San Diego, Silicon Valley and San Francisco, you’re bound to find something of interest. With the site he’s working on, I know that eventually we’re going to be heading out to California so part of me wonders how well that’s going to go over.

I do know that once this site launches he’s bound to come into a decent amount of money and I know that we’re planning on doing quite a bit of traveling with it, after we get a house and other things taken care of like paying off the credit cards and what not. He wants to go to California which is fine because that’s where his boss is. I, on the other hand, think that if I’m going to travel I want to go somewhere with a bit more history like Rome or London. I’ve always been itching to go to Europe, it’s going to continue to be a life-long dream for me though, I know it for sure.