Author Archive

I’m gunna get you!

Thursday, June 14th, 2007

One of my servers is acting up and I’m not quite sure as to why. Whenever I ping the IP address, or even just a domain name in general, it tells me that everything is up and running fine. Loading said IP or domain in the browser, however, tells me something completely different. I wish I could figure out why it was doing this but I’ve got Tony working on it so this shouldn’t be much of an issue for very long.

I’m still awake, obviously, I wanted to be asleep about 3 hours ago so my still being awake now is taking it’s toll on me. There was a pretty huge water fight in the kitchen tonight. Karen went after Sean with a water gun and then the rest is basically history. He was soaked, went to change and then she stood right outside the door and managed to get him again. I was amused and then hid on the couch with Princess and Bella to stay out of the cross fire but that didn’t work out very well, Sean still got me. Karen was hosed down from head to toe and Sean was almost beaten because of it. Don’t mess with a womans hair, that’s all I have to say. She just showered too so she wasn’t a happy camper heh. Either way it was fun, we’ll have water balloons tomorrow, gotta love the dollar store! 100 for $1. SCORE!

Find your Dream Car!

Thursday, June 14th, 2007

I do a lot of surfing around the net for new and interesting resources, lately I’ve been doing a lot of research into cars. Sean’s car is getting kind of old and he could really use a new one, he knows exactly what he wants but naturally I’m going to find out some more information on it so both he and I know what he’s getting himself into. I know it takes a lot of research, trial and error and especially shopping around for pricing when it comes to purchasing a new car. Not many people can walk into a dealership and say “I want that one…” then walk out of there within a half hour with their brand new toy. There are many sites out there that will help you find everything you’re looking for, there are even ones that are targeted to women, Find Your Dream Car on Ask Patty!, is a key example.

On Ask Patty, women can get advice on car purchases, maintenance, and other automotive related topics. It’s probably the most useful website for women car buyers because they provide women with even more tools to assist them in the shopping and buying process than any other site will offer you. It’s more than likely a great resource for women to keep in mind.

Slowly chugging along…

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

I’m currently running on about 2 hours of sleep. After we got back from dinner last night I wound up crashing until 3:30 this morning. It was only about 4 hours, then around noon I wound up falling asleep for another 2 hours but that didn’t help me much because my eyes are still bloodshot like holy hell. I’m planning on getting to sleep in the next hour or two, then I’ll be up around 6am and work a solid day. It’s kind of the schedule I like to be on at this point, honestly. I was too tired to go to the beach tonight, I really did want to see what the storms in the area are doing but I can’t keep my eyes open at this point, so there’s no real point in going.

I spent a lot of time keeping myself active today. I got a lot of work done and even managed to get some much-needed cleaning done around the house. The only thing left to tackle will be covered tomorrow. I’m going to wash the blankets in the living room because they reek of both smoke and dog. The toilet could use a good scrub and throwing some drain-o down in the tub and the sink wouldn’t hurt either. The water down here has turned my once very manageable hair, to straw. This straw is now falling out and having a cap on the drain wouldn’t help anything at this point. Baby’s hair is also falling out because of the water so naturally the drain is going to fill up quite a bit more than one would like. An hour-long soak should dissolve everything, I just love when things work ‘like new’ again.

I started throwing together another template for blog ideas. I’m now up to three, which is about 30% of where I wanted to be. I figure I’d start off with 10 high-quality templates and then go from there. I’d absolutely love to get my templates to the same high status of Beccary but I highly doubt that will ever happen. I’m only coding templates for WordPress at the moment but I’ll also have basic copies available for, movable type and maybe even Live Journal depending on how far I want to take it. I also have some ideas for Greymatter, even though I absolutely HATE the program with a passion. It causes so many server fuck-ups it’s unreal, then I get shit from clients because the script is banned – boo hoo, go cry to your mother about it. I’m not putting clients at risk because you don’t know how to work with a secure blog program, for crying out loud! [/end rant]

In any event, I’m going to get back to work on the template. I’m working with some fairly interesting color schemes and I’m lucky that I have a few older ones sitting on my computer that could be coded up, most of them are based on PSD’s but that doesn’t matter too much. I include the Fonts and PSD’s with almost every template I create, I know quite a few people with Adobe so this shouldn’t be a big issue.s

Bye Bye Beach!

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

I get a little click happy with Firefox plugins, some of which I don’t even use but sometimes can find useful depending on what I’m doing. I like having the Weather one plugged in though, I’ve always had an interest in meteorology and oceanography especially so naturally I want to know what’s going on around me. At the moment there’s some thunder shooting offshore which is always fun, the kicker for me is the current warning surrounding the area.

There’s a coastal flood warning in the area until about 3PM on Thursday, there’s also been some documented instances of small tidal waves floating in around the shore as well. This is exactly why I’m going to bother Sean and convince him to bring me to the beach during high tide tonight :heh: I know there’s a lot of tourists floating around on the boardwalk but for the sake of enjoying the beach tonight, I absolutely need to be there. I love when the beach disappears, I know it sounds strange but until you’ve actually seen it for yourself, you probably won’t understand where I’m coming from. It’s all about how quickly mother nature can take things away. Sand castles, holes left by children who got dig happy and many other things. It’s just an amazing site…I’m bringing my camera tonight.

Coming soon to a DVD near you!

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

Reno 911 PPPThe 19th is fast approaching and I’m anticipating the DVD release of Reno 911! Miami The Movie. Baby and I saw it in the theater and still crack up over scenes whenever we think about them. I think one of my favorites is when they find the beached whale on the beach and while they’re trying to push it over, Junior winds up going right through it and Jim is saying “Officer Down! Get a wet nap people!”. After that would have to be when Trudy blows up the car and so innocently says “That was my bad…”. There are clips all over the place for the movie, some may prefer the trailer but one of the opening scenes isn’t half bad either, you can check that out here.

I’ve been watching the series since the first season so when they came out with a movie I was instantly excited by it. Anyone who’d hung out with me on Friday nights knew that I’d spend the entire day anticipating the show being on. When I found out that there would be Reno 911! Miami The Movie, I almost pee’d in excitement. Now I’m going to own the DVD and absolutely can’t wait. Blockbuster typically puts out their new releases on Tuesday, Sean already knows to be there on Tuesday afternoon no matter what he’s got going on. I can’t wait, I really can’t.

PPP : Reno 911

MmMm Coffee!

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

I just jolted myself up with a fresh brewed cup of coffee. I feel a little bit more awake now than I did a little while ago. I may still wind up just going to sleep for a few hours. While I do feel awake, my eyes are still randomly crossing while I’m coding things. I’ve gotten a few templates done for, they’re mainly basic templates I hope to get into more complex ones later on down the road. I figure I’ll see how the site actually does first and then I’ll put a lot more work into it. For now I’ll have the basic sections and then I’ll move on from there.

Bella is really matted down and won’t let me get near her with a scissor, sometime over the course of the next few weeks I’m going to have her shaved down but I need to get birthday gifts taken care of first. I set myself on a $300 limit but who knows what I’m going to find for my father. I’m getting him a new monitor, more than likely I’m getting it from Microcenter, but I was also considering getting him a new computer as well. I just don’t want to sit around and teach him how to use Vista, helping him figure out how to use a computer PERIOD was no easy task and I’m only going to be in New York for a couple of days. There’s also the factor that my sister doesn’t have a printer on her computer and people are finding it close to impossible to network Vista to XP, if you happen to have been able to figure it out, let Microsoft know that it wasn’t as easy as they claim.

Considering my father only really uses his computer to check email, I’m more than likely just going with a 15″ monitor. I was thinking something along the lines of this one because I have the 17″ model and I’ve seen the 15″ in the store and the picture quality is equally gorgeous. My sister has the same model in her room and it’s working out rather nicely for her. I was considering getting him the 17″ but it’s no longer available through Microcenter. I found it online but it’s about $40 more than I paid for mine and for the same price I can get the 19″ Widescreen from Microcenter. That would just confuse the hell out of him, too much desktop so little time…heh. So he should be fine with the 15″.

Baby is looking to get new monitors, his have been blacking out on him and he’s not overly sure if it’s the monitor themselves or if it’s the adapters for his dual DVI slots, either way he needs new ones because it’s close to impossible to read anything on those monitors, no wonder his eyes are getting pretty bad. He just got notification of a $200 credit card payment as his new “minimum balance” on the $2500 card. That’s going to fuck up his plans but I’m sure with a little work he’ll be able to handle it.

Bella finally decided to eat something, I managed to get her to eat a little bit of the meatloaf I put down, I had to put some cheese on it to even get her interested in it. This is probably the downside to animals living in an Italian household. She won’t touch anything unless it’s got some kind of marinara sauce and mozzarella cheese on it..heh.

Resources: IDrive-E – Online Backups

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

PPPPPPIf you’re someone who likes to have a constant back up of your files, than IDrive-E may be the best thing for you. They’re an industry leading consumer online backup services. It’s 100% Free of charge, giving you up to 2,000MB (2GB) of space for your files. It’s fast and secure and easy to restore your files if you need to. You can protect everything from MP3’s, photos, videos, emails, financial documents and much more. Their mission is to save the world one computer at a time. I poked around the site for a little while and found it to be rather useful. I personally have a raid configuration so I don’t need the product for myself, but for anyone who frequently has to reinstall windows because of a lack of proper protection against viruses, spyware, or your kid sister and her down load sprees, than this is more than likely going to be the best program for you. Check it out, it’s free and it’s secure for all of your needs, no matter how large or small they are.

Can’t quite get there…

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

I’m lagging at the moment and I have no idea why. There’s a huge list of things to do sitting right in front of me and I’m having trouble starting anything. My eyes are wigging out, I should probably be sleeping at the moment. I’m still waiting on an email from a new guy that I’m going to start work for soon. He told me I’d have something by Monday night but now we’re going on really early Wednesday morning and still nothing. I want to assume it’s just an email issue at the moment, hopefully it’s resolved. I know that he sent me an email in the past with a test attachment but the attachment wasn’t there. I’ve had issues like this with Gmail in the past, it’s the same on the server based email as well considering there’s a file-size limit so lord knows what’s going on. I’m sure everything will be taken care of.

For some reason I’m starving at the moment, I’m going to raid the fridge and see what’s available, maybe I can get Bella to eat something too considering she was uninterested in touching the chicken I put down for her earlier. I really wish I knew what to do…ugh.

Attacked Again!

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

PPP PPP I was having a little bit of an issue with my desktop today. I made the mistake of leaving it on last night and never started up Spy Sweeper to protect anything. I sometimes like to leave it running in the background but I was working with so many RAM heavy programs yesterday that shutting it down was the only real option for me. I woke up and saw so much crap loaded on here that it was unreal. I had a mail bomb hit one of my old Hotmail boxes and it had one of those attachments that kind of extracts itself and I had the settings altered on Thunderbird so it kind of auto-installed and the rest is history. Either way I was able to clear everything up, thank god. Considering Spy Sweeper is considered to be the most award-winning anti-spyware software, it was a fairly easy fix.

Dinner went pretty well tonight, everyone was happy. I didn’t even finish my dinner because I was just too full from everything. I did pretty well with portion control. I had some of my salad, and an equal amount of my steak and rice. The waitress seemed surprised when I said rice as the side dish, everyone did actually. I enjoy rice, I’m the only one in the house who actually eats rice. Granted I do mix some of it into Bella’s food on occasion but most dog food companies do as well so there’s nothing wrong with that. I’m having trouble getting her to eat at the moment, I really wish I knew what to give her. I’ve tried meatloaf, two different kinds of chicken and even just like potato chips so she could have SOMETHING in her stomach to stop her from puking. I’m all out of ideas at this point.

In any event, I’ve got a long night ahead of me, since I’m done with Adobe I guess I’ll boot SpySweeper back up and hope that this doesn’t happen again. :ugh:


Crash and Burn…

Tuesday, June 12th, 2007

My sleep schedule is a little screwy, to the point that it’s kind of offsetting my entire day. I didn’t get much done yesterday when it came to any future ventures but that was evened out with the fact that I was getting things done for Dick and a new client. I have quite a bit of work to get done with another new person but considering it’s about 9:30am and I’m beat, I may call it a ‘night’ and just crash for a few hours to regain some of my strength. I did get quite a bit accomplished last night so at least I can go to bed feeling productive.

It’s Karen’s birthday today, we’re all going out to dinner tonight. She’s a sucker for The Roadhouse and her absolute favorite thing in the world is Fillet Mignon, so at least she’ll eat well for her birthday.

Since both Sean and my schedule is messed up, the ‘dinner’ we had last night (I barbecued) was kind of like breakfast so at 6am this morning I made us our real dinner, most of you would consider that breakfast. See, I’m about 12 hours ahead of myself, I should probably be living on the other side of the world, shouldn’t I?

Bella is knocked out next to me, snoring her little face off. Princess is fast asleep on the couch so at least we don’t have to listen to her barking at every little thing that goes past the house and Candy is being, well…Candy. She’s an older dog and kind of convinced that her tail isn’t actually hers so she tends to run away from it quite a bit. You can see the frustration in her face when no matter what she does it manages to catch up with her. It’s adorable watching her do ig but kind of sad all at the same time…heh.

Sean just installed Safari, they released it for Windows and it has quite a few nasty flaws to it. I think at this point it would just be easier to buy a mac, heh.

In any event, I’m going to get a few things taken care of and then head off to bed.

Drug Rehab

Tuesday, June 12th, 2007

I’m to a point now that any chance for talking about drug rehab, I kind of jump on so I can get it’s importance out there. I’ve lost too many people to addiction to not have some sort of a passion for it. I came across a new site for addiction treatment this morning. I found it kind of interesting because it’s not the typical center. Most centers have people doing things based on what they learned out of a text book.

At Stone Hawk they know quite a bit about addiction because they were once addicted themselves. They program they work with, Narconon, worked for them when other programs failed.¬† It’s probably one of the most successful programs in the country because of their 76%+ success rate. It breaks down to basically 3 out of every 4 people who graduates from their program leaves clean and stays clean. It’s an alternative to the 12-step program, one that seems rather interesting.¬† You should consider checking it out if you or someone you know needs treatment.

Ding Dong the Bitch be GONE!

Monday, June 11th, 2007

I’m a little behind on email but that’s based on the fact that it was kind of a ‘blah’ sort of day. I spent quite a bit of time working on, the basis of the site is close to done, I just need Sean to program the back end of it for me when work slows down for him after the launch. I also managed to get a few templates created as well, they’re going under the future freebies section. I have so many templates on my computer that were either rejected by clients, or just rejected by me, that completing the code for them and working most of them into the new wordpress formats should be somewhat beneficial to the content of the site.

The house guest will be leaving in approximately 4 hours, Sean and I are both happy about this. I’m to a point where I’m willing to stay awake long enough to see the woman off but with how heavy my eye lids are at the moment, I have no idea how much longer I’m going to be awake for. All I know is that the ‘dark’ feeling around the house will be gone once she gets out of here, and that’s absolutely fine for me. I’m unsure of what the weather is going to be like tomorrow but no matter how many clouds there could possibly be in the sky, there won’t be any in the house and I just love that!

I just checked the weather quick, I multitask with the best of ’em! It’s going to be about 80¬? tomorrow which isn’t too bad but in this office it’s rather uncomfortable. I’m sure all of the windows will remain open throughout the rest of the house while we’re airing things out but I know the office will be an ice box so that’s all that matters.

Once she leaves I’m going to have quite a bit of laundry to do. Any material that can make it into the washing machine will. All blankets, towels and anything that absorbed the smell is going to be piled up and cleaned out. I’m also thinking of unzipping the covers off the couch and doing those as well. The problem with the couch in the living room, however, is you can only wash the seats themselves you can’t take the covers off the back of the couch. Princess is on the couch all day and with her stinky booty, just washing the seat covers and not the back rest seems a bit absurd to me. Nothing a bottle of fabreeze can’t aid…right? :hrm: I do hope there’s enough to get the house covered too, fabreeze works wonders on smoke – trust me. The rugs and all seats are going to be done. I might even just rinse the walls down quick, she was only here for a few hours of actual smoke time but there’s a pretty bad long-lasting effect to it as well!

In any event, I’m going to get Bella and myself ready for bed. Lots to do tomorrow, plus a heap of work as well. Hopefully enough payments come through between now and Wednesday so I’ve got enough cash to cover Karen’s birthday dinner. I’m waiting rather patiently on an email back from someone in regards to some site work, I just hope that comes in soon; I could really use the money right now.

Spend a little … get a lot!

Sunday, June 10th, 2007

Baby and I were on a mission today, to cool down the office. In my head I knew the more affordable method would be to get some fans and place them in the room at the proper angles. He had a completely different idea in his head and $90 later, there’s now a shiny new air conditioner in our window. It’s working rather nicely at the moment, neither of us is dying of heat exhaustion anymore – there’s always an upside to that. Not even Bella is panting because she’s nice and cool in here, it works out very well for everyone.

The bedroom has a few new fans. We do have central air conditioning, but even with the central air, computers do need some source of a heat break. The bedroom is a completely different story. It doesn’t get that hot in there at night because even the television is LCD so that doesn’t give off any kind of heat. Our resident space-heater is Bella so there’s no real control there. When the air conditioner is on with the fan above us, it’s still a little bit warmer than I’d like so we got a big 16″ oscillating fan to put at the foot of the bed and for those nights when the air conditioning isn’t on and the window is open, we have a small box fan so that Bella can still have her window seat and we can still get our much needed air.

The bitch is gone for the moment, her and Karen headed down to Ocean City to hang out for the evening. There’s the chance that Karen picked someone up last night and they’re more than likely going to see him tonight. I hope she’s safe and enjoys herself, but in the end I’m just happy the bitch is gone. She stinks to holy heaven, I don’t think she showers regularly she kind of bathes in perfume, the house reeks of that on top of the smoke. Poor princess is in the living room barely able to breath at this point, even Candy doesn’t look too pleased. It’s freaking bull shit.

I’m gonna get back to work. I’m finally throwing some free templates together for so I can get that up and running soon, I also have some things to do for as well. Should be a busy day. I’m waiting on emails back from clients so once those come in I’ll wind up switching my attention over to income, not personal stuff.

We need to get out of here!

Sunday, June 10th, 2007

With the unwanted house guest, Sean and I are looking for any excuse possible just get out of here. She’s now asleep on the couch and I’m damn sure she’d have issues with people walking around the house. Karen is now stuck without a computer so she’s just sitting on the uncomfortable chair watching TV, all I can do is feel bad for her at the moment.

Sean and I feel as though we need a vacation, and no this isn’t based on just the last 24 hours. We’ve wanted to get out of here for a while, we work too hard and just need a break from it all. I’ve always wanted to go to Florida, he wants to go to Ohio to visit his brother. I got lucky and found Discount Disney Tickets, but as of this moment he seems uninterested in going. I can kind of see where he’s coming from though, it’s even hotter in Florida than it is up here, and there’s also heavy tourists walking around as well, worse than here and that’s considering that we’re in a resort town.

Either way we just want to get out of here and really have no idea how we’re going to go about doing so. I’m sure we’ll figure something out soon. I hear Maine has some rather mild summers, and as long as it’s not 90¬?F (32¬?C) for a few days on end, I’m pretty sure we’ll wind up looking north instead of south – that’s for sure.

I now know the speed of STUPID!

Sunday, June 10th, 2007

The house guest arrived last night and now I fully understand Sean’s frustration with the woman. She was told not to smoke by the computer, granted everyone else (including the dogs I assume) would prefer that she went outside. Because of the amount of smoke the computer inhaled, the Wireless PCI card decided not to work anymore. They were having some noticeable internet issues before the mother board died a half hour later. I’m sure you’re sitting there thinking that this just isn’t possible. But there are intake fans on both sides of the case which sucked in smoke and ash and now the computer is dead. So much for the simple request of following direction.

When Sean brought up that it was because of the smoke, she turned it around as though it was HIS fault to say “You saw me smoking next to it, why didn’t you say anything?” Meanwhile, not even a few hours before she was given specific instruction NOT to smoke there and did it anyway. Sure, blame someone who isn’t at fault and just recently spent upwards of $500 on a brand new computer for his mother’s birthday! FUCKING BITCH!

Bella is having trouble breathing, this woman CHAIN SMOKES like no tomorrow. They went out and did some shopping yesterday, came home and were only back here for about a half hour and I think went through four or five cigs, she smokes the 100’s too so that’s literally one after another, probably avoiding using the lighter and just putting them tip to tip to light up.

So she’s been here for 24 hours and Bella can’t breath, Princess is wheezing, a computer is dead and even with all of the windows open the house REEKS like no tomorrow. And speaking of tomorrow, that’s when she’s decided to leave. She woke Sean up to have him move his car NOW and then followed it with “So I don’t have to wake you up tomorrow…” ::blinks:: Yep, that makes PERFECT sense. You couldn’t do it later this evening, nope it had to be done now. She’s now asleep on the couch. I officially hate this woman. There aren’t many people that I can say I down right DESPISE, she was added to the list rather quickly, probably faster than anyone has ever been before.

New Resource: Glyconutrients

Sunday, June 10th, 2007

With the new path I’m slowly moving down along, naturally I’m looking for new information for vitamins to make sure I’m getting all of the nutrients that I need throughout the day. I know to drink about 8 glasses of water, I know to only eat food in moderation and a multi-vitamin without fish oil because of my severe allergy (hard to find) is something I take on a regular basis. I came across some new information today on something called: glyconutrients.

I had to do a bit of reading to find out exactly what it was but a quick break down would be:

Glyconutrients refers to mixtures of polysaccharides, such as exudate tree gums and high molecular weight aloe vera extracts containing fermentable dietary fiber and plant extracts, as well as simple sugars or starch. Identifies the contents of Ambrotose, as “a glyconutritional dietary supplement ingredient consisting of a blend of monosaccharides, or sugar molecules.” In the marketing literature, these sugars are said to be the following eight simple sugars: Xylose, Fucose, Galactose, Glucose, Mannose, N-acetylgalactosamine, N-acetylglucosamine, and N-acetylneuraminic acid.

Now according to, There are a wide number of health issues and concerns, which scientists have begun to link or believe, may be related to a deficiency of Glyconutrients. It is a good idea to speak with your primary care doctor, they maybe able to tell you if your medical concerns are in any way related to a lack of Glyconutrients or tell you if taking a supplement of Glyconutrients is right for you. As with any supplement, it is best to get a doctor’s OK before adding it to your daily routine. Glyconutrients are an important and necessary part of your cellular structure and seeing to it that you have the proper amount in your body is part of maintaining good health. Consider speaking with your doctor about whether or not a Glyconutrients supplement is right for you.

I’m not quite sure if this is the way I’m going to go, being on a diet I’d like to get rid of the sugar content in my body. You don’t need sugar to live, there are natural sources out there like fruit and even some vegetables I hear.

But for those whom are far more health conscious than I am, I say looking into some more information about the topic, has quite a few resources in regards to it, as well as a blog with even more information.