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USA’s Burn Notice

Monday, June 18th, 2007

PPP I’m supposed to come up with some extravagant story about the CIA. I can’t do it, because I don’t know anything about them. I don’t follow government because I personally can’t stand how it’s run. So naturally not involving myself in it seems to make more sense. Now, based on my knowledge the CIA was started when Will Smith and Kevin Kline saved the day in Wild Wild West, unfortunately I doubt this is the case. Damn good movie though, wasn’t it? The real creation was by Harry S. Truman in 1945, quite a few years after the movie was actually based. Damn shame.

The real reason behind the CIA was to create an espionage organization directly supervised by the President which will procure intelligence both by overt and covert methods and will at the same time provide intelligence guidance, determine national intelligence objectives and correlate the intelligence material collected by all government agencies. I know it sounds like a lot of big words but to put it lightly: Dubbya has body guards. The amusing thing, this time around, is the fact that very few people can actually publically state that they’re smarter than their boss and get away with it. With members of the CIA under Bush’s administration – they literally are. Cool huh?

So there’s this new show on television, USA Network’s Burn Notice it’s about a guy named Michael Weston who is a CIA Operative who was fired. I’m supposed to come up with some fictional story in regards to it but there’s no way in hell I can conjer up something like that. He could have been fired because he tapped into mob connections with the government. Maybe he walked in on the president doing an intern, maybe he found the president going through his daily hooked-on-phonics tests – who knows. Either way he had to do some serious damage in order to be let go, this is a government job after all.


Monday Madness

Monday, June 18th, 2007

I decided that I don’t do enough meme’s anymore, so today I’ve decided to do Monday Madness.

1. In your opinion, what is the perfect summer daytime temperature? I personally hate the heat so naturally anything in the 65-70 degree range is more than suitable for me.

2. What is the perfect nighttime temperature? I love when it drops down into the 50’s at night. I prefer the cold and know that mosquitoes aren’t going to eat me alive.

3. Do you plant many flowers around your yard? I attempted to this year, but unfortunately the soil just wasn’t the right consistency and they never grew.

4. How much lawn do you have to mow? Do you enjoy mowing lawn? The landscapers in the complex take of the law mowing but we still have to go out there and do the trim work and weeding ourselves. Dumb Mexicans don’t know what they’re doing.

5. Of the summer months, which is your favorite? I rather like July but that’s more than likely based on the fact that it’s my anniversary.

6. Do you take a long vacation each summer? I’d love to take a vacation, I just don’t have the funding.

7. Is summer your favorite season? If so, why? If not, why not? I prefer the Winter, I don’t like the heat, I love the cold. It really just makes me feel better. Some people find the winter to be depressing, I find it invigorating.

Mp3 Duplicates Finder

Monday, June 18th, 2007

I used to spend a lot of time downloading music. With the move and then the fact that I haven’t heard any song (that I don’t already own) that interests me, it’s safe to say that my iPod is rather full and more than likely going to be staying that way for a while. On my external hard drive, however, I house all of the MP3’s that are located on my iPod, as well as ones that I never got around to transferring to it. The problem is, I used to use mp3 download programs before I got myself into iTunes, now since I can download whole albums at a time there are quite a few songs on my external drive that are literally duplicates of other files, this I find to be rather annoying but I don’t have the energy to sit down and go through them all.

Today I came across a website where you can download a program to resolve all of the issues I’m currently having with my MP3’s, head on over to the Duplicates Finder website for previews and what not. This program uses specific methods for duplicates detection. Some programs use file size or name for comparison. Their program uses the artists name, and title of the song from ID3 tag comparison. If the MP3 file doesn’t have the proper filled tags, the program tries to determine the information for you. It works with either mp3, wma, ogg and m4a files. It scans your computer, marks duplicates for deletion and overall will clear out many useless duplicated files from your computer. Makes it easier to have a more organized Playlist, I’d say.

If you’re at all interested in the program you can download Duplicates Finder and then run the free trial. If you’re interested in using the script for quite some time (those of you whom download regularly) you should consider purchasing it. There’s the option for a $19USD single license, for use on one computer. There’s also the option for a $29USD family license to use at any number of family computers. I’d say it’s worth the shot, I’m running mine now and so far it’s finding more than I thought it would, not too shabby.

Monday’s a BITCH!

Monday, June 18th, 2007

Time for Monday’s a Bitch!.

1. Do you remember Eiffel 65? What did you think they were saying in the “da ba dee” part of the chorus? I haven’t listened to them in YEARS. I think they were actually saying “If I were green I would die”.

2. Cookie Monster VS Grover in a death match. Who wins? Cookie Monster, he’s got stronger teeth for chewing. DUH?

3. What’s your favorite sea creature? Hrm…I think mermaids are pretty – wait, they haven’t proved that those were real yet…have they?

4. Have you ever had a blue collar job? Do any blue collar uniforms turn you on? No I haven’t, I’ve only gone as far as a cashier. Do they consider Firemen to be blue collar? :drools:

5. Where is your watering hole of choice? It used to be my grandmothers backyard until the frame collapsed, bye bye pool 🙁

Drop the burger and pick up a knife?

Monday, June 18th, 2007

Growing up, I was always considered “the fat girl”. While the 80-pounders all also considered themselves to be over weight, some have even gone as far as having liposuction in order to make their stomachs and thighs look thinner. Now, I do not condone any kind of plastic surgery based on vanity and self-hate issues. If someone has recently gone through a major change, say 100lb weight loss, naturally they deserve to have things done the easy way to finalize their new bodies because they worked so hard to earn it. Not everyone shares this mentality though, hence the reason why the business of plastic surgery is a billion dollar business.

It’s not rare to hear about cosmetic surgery. There are three states where you hear the most about popular procedures. Typically people go to either New York, Florida or California. For those on the eastern sea-board, however, Beverly Hills liposuction is just a hot item to come across, and California liposuction‘s as a whole is just a booming business. Most of the time no one is willing to do the work for themselves, so they rely on doctors to do it for them.

Rodeo Drive LiposuctionSo where is this coming from, exactly? Recently I came across a Rodeo Drive cosmetic surgeon named Lloyd M. Krieger. He did his undergraduate studies at Stanford and then went to medical school in Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine. He noticed that medical groups weren’t managed efficiently and took the time to go to the school of business so he could one day run an office to the best of his abilities. This is probably why his offices are so highly regarded in Rodeo Drive – he hit the jackpot just based on location, this isn’t even based on his skills. I will say it’s a fairly pretty office though, you can see the waiting room to your left.

So I did some poking around his photo galleries and while I admit that he’s done a beautiful job on the men and women he’s worked on, I also have to wonder why these people couldn’t put the cheeseburger down and walk around the block a little. That’s just my take on it, however. He houses some fairly short-and-simple testimonials on his website. If I’m going to have my body placed in someone else’s hands, I’d prefer a little bit more detail on the subject. But either way the man seems to know what he’s doing and since I can’t recommend someone I’ve never used, I will say that I’m sure you could find his site to be rather resourceful for you if you’re considering any kind of surgery in the future –

I’m dealing with complete MORONS!

Monday, June 18th, 2007

All of the yard work has been completed, the weed-whacker has no more string so completing the job to the original standards is close to impossible to meet. It looks cleaner, there isn’t an over abundance of crap laying around, it’s clean and a few twigs here and there aren’t of any concern to us at all at this point. The house was dented up a little bit thanks to Sean going ape shit with a weed whacker but it shouldn’t matter too much considering no one really goes back there…or so we thought.

We found out from the lady next door that a man who’s always got his dogs running around in the backyard had a complaint about what the neighbors to the other side of us did to their backyard. They put up a fence and also put a shed up that matched their house perfectly (down the color and style). The yard, by everyone else’s standards is absolutely gorgeous. They’ve done beautiful work on the landscape, there’s more than enough room for their two small dogs to run around and there’s plenty of seating for the two of them to just sit back and relax on their stylish Adirondack Chairs. So what exactly is the problem? This man lost running room for his dogs and now have to go further away from his house in order for them to play. I can’t wait to see his complaint after we put up OUR fence. I’d love to hear him complain that his dogs can’t take a shit in OUR BACKYARD anymore! This guy has more than enough room in his own backyards, the fact that there’s a foot-ball field up the block doesn’t mean your pets are entitled to be there. The last I heard, you don’t walk along the side of someone else’s home so you can allow your dogs to crap in their back-yard. Fucking douche bag.

Engagement Plans

Monday, June 18th, 2007

While we haven’t really made any set-plans towards it yet, Sean and I have randomly going through ideas for Wedding Rings. Naturally women want diamonds but I’d also like mine to be a little bit different. I find Sapphire Rings to be really pretty, and moving away from the ‘norm’ I also find Emerald Rings to be rather pretty as well.

Amethyst Ring So, I’ve been doing some research on the subject. While I have a jewelry store under my belt, considering my family runs one, I like to think I know a thing or two about proper cuts, diamond clarity and other things that someone just walking into a jewelery store may not know about the product they’re getting. I go through many resources on the ‘net, even through direct vendors because I have the log-in keys for them. The one public one that I do like to surf through is because they feature some rather gorgeous rings on their site that you can’t help but adore. One of my personal favorites falls under the amethyst rings category because I’m in love with the color purple, and have been for many years. I found the ring above to be probably the more gorgeous of the bunch. It doesn’t take something ‘flashy’ to turn my eyes, it’s the more simplistic settings that I find appealing. I’ve considered this for a wedding ring, just not sure how that would go over considering my lust love for diamonds.

So many choices, so little time.

These people are something else…

Saturday, June 16th, 2007

I’ve had a rather busy day. So busy to the point that I was unable to get any work done for clients or even myself for that matter.

Last night a letter showed up from the main office of the community stating that our yard was in desperate need of some work. For some god forsaken reason this complex is all about vanity, I’m not sure if it’s based on the fact that there are tourists in the area or what but telling us that we have to garden on our own property because it’s ‘offensive’ is completely beyond me.

I’m aware of the fact that a few things did need to be done, I’m not going to deny this by any means. What others fail to realise, however, is the fact that the three people living here work for a living. We’re not lucky enough to be like 80% of the community and live off our retirement funds. Since it’s against complex rules to use any kind of power tools outside past 7pm (I think) it’s not like we can get home or outside in time to get these things done after working our 9+ hour days. It may be cheap to live in Delaware but that’s because your paycheck is where you live. I’m living off a New York based salery, Karen on the other hand – isn’t that lucky.

A landscaper comes in once a week and does the grounds. You have to pay like $35 some odd dollars each month in order for them to do the trim work. This trim-work, however, more than likely doesn’t include weeding and unfortunately there’s a curse on Karen where no plants seem to be allowed to grow. There’s a lot of greenery out there, however none of it is up to the complex’s oh-so-important standards.

So today I was outside for about five hours, that’s 1/2 of a days work – and nope, won’t be reimburssed for it either. I was running around with the weed wacker just so I could make the old-geezer in the main office happy. They also complained that our barbecue needed to be moved because it ‘appears to be in the neighbors yard’, we were no where near the property line with it. I think it’s just that the gardener couldn’t weasle his fat ass through without having to slow the fuck down. Last I heard, you don’t cut grass doing 30 miles an hour through people’s backyards.

So once that was all said and done I wound up sitting on the porch for a few moments and just taking it all in. I only managed to accomplish the front of the house, there are still 3 more sides to take care of, two of which are rather long. My hands were numb because of the vibration coming off of the weed wacker. My legs were sore from the constant getting up and down, which has also completely KILLED my back. I was filthy, covered in grass shavings and dirt. My hair was all frizzed out from the humidity, I was sweating more than any female should and at that point even ice cold water and a cool breeze couldn’t cool me down. All I wanted to do was take a shower.

I come inside to find more piss on the rug from Princess, wet wee-wee pads from Candy and then I wound up doing some cleaning around the kitchen. By the time I did get around to taking a shower it was after 8pm and Sean and I were heading up to Milford to do some shopping. The Wal-Mart down here is only open until 10pm and I do NOT like being rushed. We left the house after 9pm, got up to Milford and since it was a super center, we managed to get some grocery shopping done as well. We get back here a little after 1am and while I’ve had opportunities to get some work done in the last hour, I don’t have the concentration considering my eyes are starting to cross on me.

I just hope that after we finish up the rest of yard work tomorrow, my eyes will be cooperating with me and I can actually get shit done. :ugh:

I’m going to bed.

Finally getting some sleep…

Friday, June 15th, 2007

It’s about 3:30 in the morning and I’m to a point now where my eyes are finally crossing and I know for sure that I’ll be able to fall asleep. I’m setting my alarm for 10 so I should be up to get some more work done. I do have a few emails to respond to but those will have to wait until morning.

I’m still waiting on an email from another venture, Eric if you happen to be reading this please contact if you haven’t been able to get through to my gmail account. I haven’t heard anything from you since Wednesday morning.

Sean just left to bring Bella for a walk, I think I’m going to have my last cig of the night and then get myself ready for bed. I hope to be asleep in the next half hour, I can’t wait for my head to hit that pillow; I really can’t.

I do need to get my ass in gear on some work though. I didn’t realize how fast my father’s birthday and even my sister’s birthday are approaching, there’s only two weeks left in the month, where does the time go? Jesus.

Family Guy is officially over, time for bed for me!

Wild Addictions

Thursday, June 14th, 2007

Some people collect rocks, key chains, bumper stickers, posters and even stuffed animals. Sean, on the other hand, takes the more expensive route. He’s got a fairly large collection of computer parts that he probably won’t ever need but the one thing he’s got an over abundance of is DVDs. He probably has over 300 DVD’s and the list will continue to grow over the course of the rest of his life, no doubt. I just recently pointed him in the direction of a movie collector site because I figured there could be some valuable resources for him to look through. As an organizational freak I’m looking for any excuse to organize him. He’s got a few big binders filled with DVD’s and I always wonder exactly how I could make them more…efficient, even if we don’t watch movies that often. It’s funny, he’s an addict. He makes it a point to grow his collection at any chance that he can get but hardly ever (if at all) will actually watch the movies he’s just purchased. I wonder if they have DVD’s anonymous? heh.

Training gone wild.

Thursday, June 14th, 2007

I don’t know what exactly is going on with Princess but lately she’s decided that she no longer likes the wee-wee pads and feels as though the carpet is just good enough for her. I’ve literally been cleaning the rug for the last three days. She’s to a point now that even if I place a wee-wee pad in the spots where she prefers to go that she’ll decide to just go next to it. This is completely out of the norm for her, she’s typically been really good about going on the pads. I’m aware of the fact that she’s getting older and was sick last week but this is borderline absurd behavior for her and a complete annoyance for the one who has to clean it up (me).

Today I wound up crashing on the couch after my eyes crossed on me. I was woken up by Princess who decided she wanted some attention, a few moments later (probably less than a minute) she hops off the couch and waddles over to her new pee spot. She then looked up at me like “Okay, clean this” and I swear I was going to kick the wall. It’s like she finds amusement in it or something.

I’m glad that Bella does all of her business outside.

PayPerPost earns $7 million?!

Thursday, June 14th, 2007

PPP Many people know about PayPerPost, I think at this point anyone with a blog is desperately trying to get involved in their program. For those who don’t know anything about them, you choose an opportunity and then post about it in your blog. You can earn anywhere from $5 to $300 per post, right now they’re offering loads of money to users because of the fact that they’ve recently gotten $7million in funding. Not bad for a few blog ads right? Right now they’re running something where you can earn up to $700 if you happen to get there quick enough, I consider it kind of a blogger outreach program LOL. I’ve gotten it TWICE today but by the time I actually copied the link in, it was already taken BOTH TIMES!. I’m really pissed off about that too, I could seriously use the cash! I figured that if you hit “Take this opportunity” that your reserving it, but that’s not the case. I just wish it was.

Anyway, they’re want to know what to do with the money. I’d personally be greedy about it and ask that they drop $1,000 in my “PPP Direct” box but I doubt that would ever happen. I think it would be pretty cool if they setup a giveaway in their database where one random person’s email address is pulled for prize money. I also think they could help out a lot of their posties who are currently in college, or looking to go there, about a scholarship program. Lord knows I could use a few thousand towards school at the moment. Sean said it’s easy to find a scholarship, but how cool would it be to be able to say that paid blogging’s #1 company sent me to school? Yep, think about that and drool a little yourself.

PPP: Sponsored

Silly puppy.

Thursday, June 14th, 2007

Bella has been asleep for over 12 hours, this isn’t something to be alarmed about because she stayed in the room after I left and since Sean was in there for a few hours after me, naturally that’s where she wanted to be. If she could spend the whole day in the bedroom she’d be a very happy girl. I’d leave the door open but Princess likes to eat Bella’s food and Candy is easily confused with where she is and will think any patch of carpet is, in fact, a wee-wee pad. To avoid piss or bloating, no dogs are allowed in there unless there’s supervision.

So I bring her outside after she wakes up because it was over 12 hours since she was able to pee. She found a squirrel floating around her favorite tree and went to chase after it. The squirrel went up the tree almost instantly and Bella (not being too bright) ran around the tree three times before she thought to look up. She looked up, the squirrel was teasing her and Bella (again, not being too bright) then attempted to climb the tree. She fell over then looked up at me as though I’d done something wrong and basically just sat there for a good 30 seconds and didn’t move, I didn’t realize that she was actually peeing (you can’t really tell in grass, you know?) so now she’s unloaded and just a bit moody because she didn’t get to play with anyone. Oy!

Technorati: ,

I can do THAT with my cellphone!?

Thursday, June 14th, 2007

When dealing with any company, I like to look at them with an in-depth kind of an eye. for example, is owned by InPhonic who is a well-known provider of great deals on cell phones and cell phone plans. I knew about both of these companies but I never know they were basically the same up until recently. I’ve spent a bit of time poking around and came across Wirefly ringtones, which are pretty highly regarded considering they offer you quite a bit. I was shocked, however, to find out even more juicy stuff about InPhonic, where the merge of InPhonic and WeatherBug can be quite useful. I’m someone who checks the weather report on a daily basis, knowing I can now get it on my cellphone is naturally going to interest me. I’m sure you can do it with many companies but that’s honestly not a feature that I thought existed outside of business based phones with Nextel. It’s good to know that it’s more widely available than I once assumed.

I’ve looked into every cellphone company available to me and while I’m convinced I’m going to lean towards Verizon, Tmobile is coming in a very close second. I’ve wanted a Razr for many years but if I can find something equally as cute then naturally I’m going to lean towards it. It’s my understanding, based on recent reviews, that the Razr isn’t as popular as it once was. Some people are with the “been there, done that” mentality in regards to the phone. Yes, it’s great finding a practical phone with many color options but this doesn’t mean that it’s the right one for you. At this point I’m looking into something that’s more internet ready than anything, I’ve been considering a blackberry for quite some time and may actually take that route in the future. It houses more options for what I need “on the go”. I’m also looking at it from a business standpoint, obviously. Well see what happens once bills are paid off. I’m going to need a new phone at some point, I just can’t list it as a priority just yet.

Working, Networking, PC Issues … save me?

Thursday, June 14th, 2007

I’ve been rather productive today. I’ve gotten a lot of work done and I’m now working on some content for other sites to keep me active. My sleep schedule is still messed up, I woke up later than anticipated but I think this is based on the fact that my body gave up on me last night and I just CRASHED. Either way I woke up too late to get myself back on track so now I’m working hard in order to get there.

I took my external hard drive off Sean’s computer. I can’t run two programs at once whenever a file is being called off the external, so instead of having it networked I’ve got it plugged directly into my computer and thunderbird is already running much better for me. Even Dreamweaver isn’t stalling up for that matter. Considering I’m working with heafty .css files at the moment, notepad just wasn’t going to cut it for me!

My white-board is pretty full at the moment, hopefully I can start getting everything knocked out. I swear I’m going to need another one of these things, heh.

Thursday, June 14th, 2007

I’ve been involved with blog advertising for over a year now and I’m thankful to have been pretty successful with it. I’m working with quite a few different companies at the moment, one of which is I’ve posted about 4-5 entries with them but this is only based on the fact that they’re a fairly new company. I like their system though, I wish I had the opportunity to post for more than one blog as I do for many other companies but I’m by no means turned off by them because they don’t have that option. Companies like Smorty work very hard in order to allow you to get paid for blogging. There are a lot of people who say that it’s considered ‘selling out’ but bloggers have been writing their opinions on products and other sites for many years, being paid for it really isn’t that wrong at all.

In total I’ve earned over $8000 blogging in the last year, considering it’s just writing a random entry here and there, naturally I’m going to bask in the glory of how I get paid to blog. Smorty is just one more company that will help you reach whatever financial goals you have for your site. There is never going to be another million dollar homepage but if you partner up with the right companies and services you can earn a six figure income just giving an opinion. How could anyone possibly have something bad to say about that?