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What’s on your head?

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

Since I’ve been spending more time in the office, to void myself of feelings of rage towards the constant sniffling, sneezing and coughing that is allergy-ridden-Sean, I’ve been wearing my headphones quite a bit to keep the background noise at bay. Originally I’d given this pair to Sean and while they were in perfect condition that first day, they don’t seem to be that great now. Granted they could have been damaged during their time being shipped down here. I gave him my other headphones. He feels important having a microphone on his head but the head-phones themselves give off some fairly great sound quality so either way he wins.

The ones I’m using now, however, don’t really sit right on my head and although they’re padded, there are pressure points making them rather uncomfortable for long periods of time. In my quest to find a more comfortable pair, I went to my usual hot-spots. TigerDirect, Microcenter, CompUSA, Best Buy and eventually, little did I know, a surf through Google would target me to a pair on Amazon that’s close to perfect, for both me and Sean actually.

He claims it’s the wires wrapping themselves around things, minus the fact that he’s clutzy sometimes and doesn’t pay much attention to what’s going on around him. The pair I found are only about $55 and they’re wireless – which makes everyone happy. They come with a dock that recharges them while they aren’t in use and that to me means money-saved on batteries. The headphones themselves, found here, are given a 4 out of 5 rating by one user. He explained the pros and cons of them but based on the fact that they’ll basically be hooked in through my iPod, I don’t care too much about a light potential hiss. I’m just not sure how they’re going to work with the subwoofer and speakers that I gave to Sean. I’m not quite sure how you can plug this thing into a head-phone jack but I’m pretty sure that I’ll find that out when they get here.

I’m still shopping around but for now I guess these will go on my possibilities list. Has anyone got a pair of wireless headphones that they’d strongly recommend? I’d love to hear your reaction – I’m not looking to spend anything over $100 at this point but if you’re convincing enough…I just might.

What is Colloidal Silver?

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

When I come across new and fairly-interesting information, safe or not, I like to share it with others. Recently I came across an article in regards to colloidal silver. I had to do some research into it because I personally had no idea what it was even for. It’s true definition means the colloid of silver particles in water. It has an antimicrobial property and was, in the past, used on external wounds and burns to prevent infection. Some alternative-health practitioners claim that it is a beneficial nutritional supplement, others claim that it’s a powerful antibiotic which is relatively safe for human consumption. The intake of some silver products in larger quantities over long periods of time have caused argyria, which is a blue/gray skin condition which is otherwise benign. At proper dosage levels, however, the risk for argyria is almost nil.

So without all the mumbo-jumbo listed above. How can colloidal silver seriously work for you? Using it as an antibiotic can be an alternative to most medicines. I personally can not take most antibiotics because they contain levels of fish-oil that would more than likely worsen my immune system while the so-called-helper-pill is fixing infection. Having an alternative is great and all, but at what cost? If I take too much my skin will change color, if I don’t take enough it won’t do anything for me.

Based on the information I’ve found on this product, however, it’s commonly used in dietary supplements. Would you put silver in your body to aid weight loss if there was actually documented studies of it working for you? Has anyone ever heard of colloidal silver? What do you think it can do for you? I’d love to hear your response.

10 Things I’ve Done You Probably Haven’t

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

I came across a meme that I thought was fairly interesting. I’m unsure if it’s an actual weekly article or if it’s something someone just pasted in their blog, but I came across an article on AOL Journals that was named 10 Things I’ve Done You Probably Haven’t. It was written by user johnmscalzi and I figured I’d give it a shot.

I have no doubt in my mind that somewhere down this list, you’ve done this too. I haven’t done many extravagant things in my life but maybe you can learn something new and interesting about me.

  1. I’ve driven through four states in one day.
  2. I’ve been hospitalized for a tablespoon of food that contained fish.
  3. I’ve broken and re broken both ankles countless times.
  4. I’m addicted to the smell of gasoline, I grew up living next to a gas station and if I could buy a house right next to one, I probably would. I’ve spent an entire day in a gas-station parking lot just taking in the smell.
  5. I’ve taken the skin off my hands from washing them so much, OCD will do that to you.
  6. I’ve never broken a promise, unless I felt I absolutely had to.
  7. Have you ever wanted to just squeeze something that was too cute for words? I have.
  8. I can not resist puppy-dog eyes, to the point that I’ve handed over an entire plate of food to a dog and went hungry for myself.
  9. I let Bella pee wherever she wants, I don’t care how nice the neighbors yard is.
  10. I’ve given bad hair cuts and continued to convince the person that they looked amazing.

It seems like a really shitty list, but a post is a post.

Getting some help.

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

PPPA friend of mind is having some trouble with her daughter and has been looking into Math Tutors. She considers it to be a kind of genetic defect though. I know that may sound cruel but both her, her daughter, her son and even the father of the children have all had trouble in Math, English, Social Sciences, etc. So naturally getting the tutor for them that she never had is bound to be the right way to go. It’s a shame when two bright kids just can’t cut a break.

I screwed up my dog!

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

Once a month I like to give Bella a trim. I trim around her face so you can see her eyes, and I get around her tail/booty so that she doesn’t have pee on herself. Tonight, in an attempt to help out the groomer, I started cutting out some of the matting that she had going on around her. I did fairly well, minus the fact that her ass is close to bald at this point. I’m not sure if I accidentally cut her skin or if she has a section on her that’s being pilled around her legs but she’s walking funny now. So instead of helping out the groomer, I may have potentially made it worse.

I’m giving them a call tomorrow where I’ll be begging and pleading for an early appointment so that she doesn’t have to go a week walking funny. Based on stats I’ve got money coming through from paid stuff so I assume I’ll be ok there. I’m not even concerned about her getting a bath, having her nails clipped or even worrying about her getting her anals squeezed. I really just want her shaved so that she’s no longer uncomfortable. I hope to God I didn’t nick something. I’m typically very careful at making sure not to get the scissors close to her skin. I just feel so bad right now. It’s like giving your child a bad hair cut – which I know MANY people do. I found out today that there are still people who put the bowl on their kids head and cuts around it. When he’s getting the crap kicked out of him in high school – don’t ask any questions.

Anyway, so I’m going to call up tomorrow and see how soon I can get an appointment, last time we called there was a week delay which ticks me off because I always was able to get her taken care of within the next 48 hours. So this waiting-a-week crap bothers the hell out of me. I’m going to push to see if I can get her in on Friday or Saturday, I consider it an emergency because she’s walking crooked and I can’t tell if it’s her legs that are crooked or if I just cut her lopsided. She does look as though she’s in a little bit of pain so naturally I want that resolved as soon as possible. I can’t bring her to the clinic because they don’t do any on-site-grooming unless it’s surgery based. I may ask them if I can borrow one of their back rooms and their buzzer if I really get that desperate. Maybe they can sedate her for me so she isn’t squirming while I’m doing this. I know that’s not going to happen, I guess I’ll know for sure tomorrow what route I’m going to need to take.

I feel so bad…I really do.

I just found out that I’m blog-of-the-day on PayPerPost. While I still feel horrible about the dog I have to say I’m happy that I was chosen for today. Maybe my luck is changing and I’ll be able to get into the groomer this weekend. :hrm:

Wednesday Mind Hump

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

Time for the Wednesday Mind Hump. These are last week’s questions, I’m sure this week’s will be uploaded soon but I’m impatient.

1. Have you ever cut or burned yourself while cooking? I burn myself all the time. It’s not really accidental though, I just have a tolerance towards hot plates from cooking all these years.

2. Have you ever put in a wrong ingredient in a dish (sugar instead of salt, for example)? Nope, I can’t say I have. I have a tendency to read through EVERYTHING quite a few times before actually doing something. It’s the measure twice, cut once technique.

3. Have you ever dropped, or otherwise ruined, a dish just before serving it? Bonus points if you had a large number of people waiting to eat it. Nope, but again I’ve been cooking since I was 8 years old, naturally I’m going to take great care with things. A chef can have a bad day but you’re never going to see them drop anything!

4. In case you aren’t a cook – Have you ever had a restaurant make a klutzy move that affected your meal? Tell us about it! A waitress one time wound up tripping on her own two feet and spilling soup and soda all over some unsuspecting customer. I love the funny lady’s at IHOP, I really do.

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Please just stop the spending…

Tuesday, June 19th, 2007

Sean and I are working on getting his credit cards paid off. He made the mistake of maxing them out and now he’s working hard on getting everything paid back. I’m sure it wouldn’t take very long, he basically only needs to come up with $2500 so that he can be in the clear. I also think getting that one bill out of his hair every month will make him a happier person. He’s bought computers, mother boards, a digital camera and I think his XBox360 on one of his cards so naturally it’s going to max out quicker than anticipated. I think he’s working on his third motherboard or something, not quite sure. Either way if it gets to be too much for him, I’ve told him to consider looking into some form of credit card debt consolidation because it’s a bitch to have such credit problems at a young age. He’s only 22, so to have to deal with this it’s kind of absurd. He’s working hard on getting it all taken care of though, guess that’s all that matters.

Thing is, eventually we’re going to work on buying a house and what not and I don’t want to have everything in my name because my credit just happens to be better than his at the moment. I think that’s based on the fact that I only really spend what I have though, I got rid of my American Express card. I hate to cancel that thing because it was great for emergencies but even with a credit score in the mid 700’s, it was a rather high interest rate that I just didn’t want to deal with. I don’t really believe that a $100 purchase should cost me $180, you know?

Makes you think…don’t it?

Tuesday, June 19th, 2007

Recently I was asked: Over the course of your life, what have you probably spent more time pondering than anything else?

In agreement with someone else’s answers, it’s how words were assigned the way that they were. Why is it called banana and not horn. My favorite being “Why do we call it rain and not car?” it makes for some interesting round-the-table kind of topics, don’t you think? Who’s to say the sky is blue, maybe it’s really purple. Who came up with the name purple? It’s honestly just question after question that makes no real sense, does it?

Shrinkage isn’t so bad…

Tuesday, June 19th, 2007

Many women are unhappy with themselves, there isn’t one perfect body out there and even the close-to-perfect ones wish they could have something more. A big topic for women is the size of their chest. Some find them too small, others too large and either way some form of breast augmentation would make them feel better about themselves.

I don’t personally have a problem with my chest. This, however, is based on the fact that the rest of my family was cursed with large chests and bad backs. My sister is pushing a double-d, and by the end of the day she can barely stand. My grandmother and aunts all have issues with their backs as well. No one in the family is under a large-c cup, and yes it can be very annoying. I’m lucky enough to be the small one of the bunch, a c-cup is just about as large as I need to go. Holiday meals are rather interesting. The women have to sit further back in their chairs just so they aren’t falling into their plates.

So when I see sites like Los Angeles breast augmentation and Beverly Hills breast augmentation, I can’t help but wonder if I should throw some cash together and load up on gift packages…maybe I’ll throw in some botox or something…heh.

Using blog ideas.

Tuesday, June 19th, 2007

I’ve decided that since I’m building a database of blog ideas, I may as well use a couple of them to my advantage. One of the ever-so-funky questions would have to be “Why do tornadoes love to hit trailer parks?”

This may seem like a stupid, let alone offensive question, but it seriously is the truth. With the weather change there have been tornadoes popping up left and right, some hitting area’s that aren’t typically even effected by them. The key thing, however, is most of them actually land right on trailer parks or just mobile home communities in general. I can’t tell you how many red-necks I’ve seen standing in front of a pile of rubble with a southern accent claiming they’s-losts-evrythang.

It’s not as if there’s some kind of magnetic pull that attracts these tornadoes to trailer parks, so what exactly could it be? I’m sure you could come up with a reasonable answer – so what do you think?

Possibly changing servers…

Tuesday, June 19th, 2007

I’ve been looking for an outside server to run a few of my projects on. The company I house a reseller account with at the moment isn’t really that great when it comes to support and the server is constantly up and down almost every other day. So I poked around the ‘net to the typical hot spots for hosting and they were really no better either. Today I came across Host Arcadia and after going through their plans and what not, I’m more than likely going to go through them with what I need. Since I’m going to need enough room and bandwidth for multiple domains, naturally I’m going to look towards a reseller account.

Their reseller plans are in the $6 a month range. I’d get 1GB of disk space and 30GB of bandwidth. The one that stands out the most for me, however, is considered their “Bliss” plan which is 2500mb and 75gb of bandwidth. I’m more than likely going to shift over to them and considering that alone is the 30gb of bandwidth a month that I’d need, having more than double so I can cover the smaller domains as well, seems to be worth it. It’s $1 less a month than I’m paying now and double the resources so naturally this is going to be the route I’ll take. I guess I’ll have all of that taken care of over time.

The Tuesday Twosome

Tuesday, June 19th, 2007

Time for the Tuesday Twosome

1. When was the last time you went on vacation and where did you go? My last vacation was back in May, we went to Atlantic City for the weekend. I love free rooms 🙂

2. Do you prefer vacations with family or friends? I prefer it with family, honestly. We don’t really get to see much of each other now that I’m moved away from home.

3. What are your two ideal vacation spots? Atlantic City is great, but anything by the beach is good enough for me.

4. When is your next vacation and who are you going with? Not quite sure, but Sean wants to go to Ohio to visit his brother. I’d personally like to go to Disney World but that would cost a lot more money than a drive to Ohio at this point…heh.

5. Do you think vacations are necessary? Explain. Yes, but it depends on whether or not you actually deserve the vacation. Many people grew up with money so working a week and being on vacation for a week seems normal to them. I personally think if you’ve worked your ass off and then are going to take a vacation to reward yourself for your hard work than you’re more deserving of it.

Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, June 19th, 2007

The sun is slowly starting to set and I’ve only been up for an hour. While everyone else considers 5PM to be hour 17 of the day, I on the other hand consider it to be hour #2 of my day…see what kind of world I’m in? Last night Sean and I watched Bench warmers, tonight we’re going up to Blockbuster to pick up Reno911 if there are actually any left, he should have gone this morning! Oh well, according to him no one rents on Tuesday’s anyway – I just hope that’s actually the case considering all the freaking tourists are down here.

We got a little bored after the movie and wound up playing backgammon online for a little bit. Then after some television we got back to work and that’s when I completed the template for blog-ideas. I still have a lot of email to go through but I’m hesitant because most of them are bitchy clients who I probably never should have put on the servers to begin with. Just recently I got rid of a kid who I’ve hated for years. He signs up, stops payment two months in and then bitches that his account is suspended. He’s done this to me on two domains, he’s now officially blacklisted. Tony loves when I tell him to put that kind of stuff through, lol.

So tonight there’s little plans made, but a lot of work to be done. I have quite a few clients to get back to, I hope to have Reno 911 in my hands sometime soon but that depends on whether or not Sean is going to get off his booty. Once that’s all completed I’m going to start completing the Beta on so even if I don’t have the database up and running I can at least get the content pages ready for all of the front end stuff. For now it isn’t hard to just setup a randomizing JavaScript for the ideas and then build from there as time goes on. I hope to get some more templates up and running as well, I’m going to need to play around in Photoshop for a while anyway.

In any event, I’m going to get my butt in gear on finishing up the email. Maybe I’ll be able to get some more backgammon in while Sean is in the shower or something. At least it’ll keep me entertained – in peace and quite no less. I need to get my iPod back in here, I’m going nuts listening to all this crap going on around me!

Cold Toes!

Tuesday, June 19th, 2007

I rather like the feeling of being productive and while today was really no different than any other day, I accomplished more than I thought I would. I just spent the last few hours designing the templates for the administration panel on that Sean is going to code for me (functions wise). I didn’t realize how complex my ideas were but since everything is visually done for him, he basically just needs to fill in the blanks, that shouldn’t take too long for him to do at all. He’s planning on working in stages because he has another site he’s been working on for a while now, I think he’s close to completing it, if the guy he’s working for stops throwing out last minute idea’s of course.

I put up a new template on curvy-chick because the darker one that I’d put up the night before was really bothering me. I wanted something bright and simple and that’s exactly what this one is, white and blue with a hint of gray and nothing else. I also need to get my ass in gear with the templates for that site but I plan on cross-linking them to, I also intend to have AGn Designs work against that database as well. That’s another script that I may have to work on, it’s mainly more of a tracking-downloads thing though, this way I know which templates are going to be the ‘hot items’ I know for sure that the WordPress based templates will more than likely rank higher but I’m certain there are still people out there using B2, Movable Type and of course LiveJournal so naturally those should take off as well. Either way it’s just another group of things to add to the to-do list.

I woke up sweating my ass off this morning, Karen wound up turning off the A.C. before she went to work today and the room is such a heat box that it was close to impossible to get comfy. Sean said he’s just going to stay up until Karen leaves because it’s supposed to be worse today than it was yesterday. He’ll flick the switch from there, this way we’re at least comfortable. That’s about 2 1/2 hours away though, I know for sure that I won’t be able to stay up.

I’m just waiting on my toes to dry so that I can hop into bed. I only put on a base coat but then after getting involved in other things I forgot about what I started out to do. I figure it’ll be easier to just put the color on today. I’m more than likely going to be outside tanning anyway and I’m sure they’ll dry while I’m lounging, at least I’ll have good light to work off of. I just dread the humidity and that’s supposedly what we’re going to get today…oh joy!

I’ve heard that I confuse a few people when I say “today” or “tomorrow” in my posts. I stay up until about 7:30 in the morning. Right now it’s about 5:30 in the morning and I don’t feel it’s “tomorrow” until after I wake up, so while the rest of the world is working on Tuesday, I’m still convinced it’s Monday until I roll out of bed this afternoon.

Speaking of Tuesday’s, Reno 911 is out on DVD today. Sean needs to get his ass over to blockbuster to pick it up for me, MOVIE NIGHT! :w00t w00t:

In any event, the sun’s poking up so I’m going to have my last cig of the night and then get myself ready for bed. My toes are freezing but that’s because my desk is rather close to the air conditioning vent on the floor plus we also have the window one going as well. I wish I could put socks on! At least I know it’ll be warmer outside, that’s for sure.

Shopping around…

Monday, June 18th, 2007

So I’m in the market for a car. I know this seems rather strange coming from me but enough is enough. For a little while now I’ve been looking into car loans but then I realized if I change things around financially, I’ll be able to manage it. I don’t think I would mind having to go towards loan but instead of taking the easy route, sometimes I just like to get things done without any outside help.

I guess I don’t personally have any issues with someone having to go for personal loans, this of course is based on the situation as well. I don’t understand how someone can take loans out for things that shouldn’t have happened in the first place. A family member of mine took out a loan so they could pay their credit card and not have to claim bankruptcy. I’m sitting here wondering what the hell he could have purchased that he never had the money to pay back. He makes over $100k a year so it’s not like he’s dying for cash. Then we found out that he’s been living well outside of his means, obviously. It just seems like a shame to me, I don’t know.

I’m looking into a Mustang because I adore them, I’ve also been considering some SUV’s, either way I want something that’s stylish and not a gas guzzler. Of course with my two choices, that instantly voids that statement – doesn’t it? heh.

Are you that stupid?

Monday, June 18th, 2007

Last night Sean surprised me with a trip to the beach, something we haven’t done in a long time. Since the tourist season has officially started, there were a lot of cops and security guards floating along the boardwalk. Since school is out for many colleges, a lot of stupid college teens are floating around. They go from bar to bar, eatery to eatery so naturally when they wonder towards the boardwalk, cops take notice.

So we’re sitting on the bench talking and listening to the waves (helps inspire us) and noticed that a few rather stupid children were making their way towards the sand. With two cops standing there he leaped over the boundary and right onto the dune – it’s illegal to be on the dunes. It’s also illegal after 12am to even be on the beach. The cop looked at his partner and rather loudly said “is he that stupid?” me being nosy and well…from New York naturally I quickly responded with “He’s a teenager, would you expect any less?” He hopped on his bike and then repeated the “Are you that stupid?” statement to the child. The kid attempted to take off but speedy decided to run right over. He looked rather bulked up in his tight cop shorts, I seriously thought that was something you could only see on Reno 911.

So they give the kids a good talking to, make their way onto the beach to do some more clearing out and then come back up to see another set of stupid children running onto the beach and I kid you not he literally said “He’s taking a piss, ain’t he?” I guess his night-eyes adjusted and he saw both kids, dick out, taking a piss on the dunes. Oh so interesting. I pulled one lady aside and asked her if it was wrong that I wanted to film these guys running around. She said they actually just filmed a show called Beach Petrol so I can only imagine what this is going to look like. They haven’t filmed in Rehoboth but I’m sure there are other area’s that are just as amusing.