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I must learn to pace myself!

Sunday, June 24th, 2007

For the past couple of weeks I’ve been looking heavily into Graphics Cards. The one I’m working off of at the moment is the standard integrated card that’s shared, I’d like to have a separate card so that I can regain some of my ram. I’ve settled on the card that I’d like but a feeling in the pit of my stomach is telling me that I’m making the wrong choice. Whenever I go to purchase anything for my computer I set myself in an estimated price range this way I can make it a point to stick with a budget. Naturally when I find something that’s way below budget, I not only get giddy but I also get greedy.

See, when I say I’m willing to spend maybe $250 on a Graphics card and I happen to come across the exact card I’m in the market for which is in the price range of only $100. I instantly think “Ooh, I’ve got $150 for something else!” this state of mind absolutely has to stop but I have an addiction to shiny computer parts and that’s just too bad for my bank account. So now that I’ve found the picture perfect graphics card for myself I’ve switched my gears and am now looking around for a second monitor and the little $15 adapters so I can run dual monitors with my dual DVI slots. I’m not quite sure if I’m saying that properly, I’m sure Sean will let me know if I’m wrong here. (Just asked, I’m right…women typically are.)

Anyway, so now that I feel as though I have the ‘extra funds’ for something new, I’ve been abusing my database full of coupon codes (thanks to and I’m poking around hundreds of sites in search for a second monitor. My issue here is that I’d like to get the exact same one. I have this thing about everything matching but I believe that my model of monitor is no longer being made. So if you’re interested in helping me on my quest, please let me know if you happen to come across an X2Gen 17″ LCD Black/Silver monitor. I’ll gladly give you a cookie.

I’m sure you’re saying “Uhm, Google gave me X amount of links with that search!”. I’m fully aware of what Google spews out with it’s search queries. However, the monitor I own has X2gen written on the bottom silver bar right above the power button. The ones I’ve come across all have them in the upper left hand corner. This doesn’t match and again, I’m picky! So if you happen to see one that has the x2gen written on the bottom then send that link over as soon as possible! I’ll bake and ship a few dozen cookies – I swear!

Too tired for words…

Sunday, June 24th, 2007

My schedule is so out of whack that for the bulk of the day I literally have no idea what I’m doing. Tonight while I was barbecuing dinner, I felt as though my body was just standing there while my head was floating around the bedroom wondering just when it would be the right time to hit the pillow. I’m sick and tired of waking up so late in the afternoon. I feel unproductive and it’s really getting me down these days.

I have a white-board next to me that lists everything that I need to accomplish. The list has literally been sitting there for the last week and hasn’t even been looked at. I really hate this about myself. I get into a funk that I can’t get out of for a few days and then once I officially get away from it all – I can’t stop myself from overworking and then complaining that I have absolutely no personal time for myself.

I really need to learn how to balance this stuff out before I completely crash for good!

Maybe I’m just too dumb?

Sunday, June 24th, 2007

For the past few months I’ve spent countless hours working towards some form of financial aid to get myself into college. I’ve gone through scholarship applications, financial aid information and I’ve even began looking into some level of secured loans that only seem to make sense to the lenders and not me, the person who’s going to have to pay all of this back. I go in to ask about a student loan and he gives me a run-around about secured home loans and bad credit secured loans. None of this will help me. I don’t know if it was his first day on earth, let alone his first day on the job, but when you’re asking about a student loan – where exactly do home loans come into the mix? I’m not buying the school, I’m just paying tuition here! I know that I can Google resources on the internet but I keep getting links in regards to Secured Loans UK and other countries where I’m not even ELIGIBLE for them!

If anyone of my visitors knows anything about the loan process, other than just having to deal with some guy in a suit telling me what’s good for me, could you please kick some information my way? It would be greatly appreciated!

Something’s just not right…

Saturday, June 23rd, 2007

I woke up today with the feeling of “Some thing’s just not right.” I assumed this was because I’d slept too late again and Sean (yet again) failed to wake me at a reasonable time. I don’t even hear the alarm going off sometimes so having the extra help is always a valuable resource for me. So I woke up and did the dishes quick, had my morning cig and then hung out in the living room for a little while. I felt as though I had no reason to go through email today considering I’ve responded to everything before I’d gone to sleep last night. My spam box is empty, my client folders are empty – there’s nothing left for me to do so I’m just going to sit and relax for a change.

A little while later Karen came home from the beach, I had just started to doze on the couch when I heard her pull up. Princess heard her as well so I was basically woken up by her excessive barking. I’m not sure why I’m as tired as I’ve been lately but again, this stems back to my “just not feeling right” state of mind the last couple of days.

After a quick clean-out of a spill in the fridge I threw a meatloaf in the crockpot for the dogs and the remaining meat went towards dinner tonight. I threw some bugers on the grill and the whole time – yet again – my stomach was just acting up. Sean came out to join us for dinner (he claimed he wasn’t feeling well so he just went to bed without eating anything). About 10 minutes later he appeared and announced that my father had called earlier this afternoon and left a message for me to call him back. My father NEVER leaves a message, he knows there’s caller ID and eventually he’ll get a call back. In order for him to actually leave a message, naturally I can expect the worse.

So after dinner I went outside with the phone and called the house, my sister answered noting that he was in Jersey already and that I should try his cell. After talking to her for a few moments I found out that my Aunt isn’t doing too well with her pregnancy…my other aunt is having trouble getting around after her surgery (thyroid cancer), my grandfather is driving everyone nuts because he’s been lingering around the store all day (prostate cancer) since he can’t work at the moment and my grandmother is basically being my grandmother – the women will never change.

After a quick trip to the bathroom I called my father to find out that my Aunt Teresa had passed away on Thursday. The feeling in the pit of my stomach has now subsided since it’s no longer connected to the “What could it possibly be?” kind of feelings. She was in her late 80’s in the advanced stages of dementia and so many other factors that aided in her final days. They say that she’d gone to sleep peacefully and just never woke up. She was to a point where she literally had no idea who you were, even if you were her own children. Everyone is stating that it couldn’t have come at a better time, she fought for as long as she needed to, she’s in a better place now – basically anything you can say to lighten the situation that your mother was suffering and all you cared about was what ever is written in the will.

They tossed this woman from senior home to senior home just because they didn’t feel like dealing with her. They know based on previous readings of her entire estate that she’s worth around 20+ million dollars. All her kids wanted was for her to die so they could get the cash. I swear if I ever pulled something like that with my father – he’d haunt the living hell out of me. What they’ll be unhappy to know – however – is that they aren’t getting a DIME all the money has been left to her 18 grandchildren. I know you’re thinking “Woah, 18 is A LOT” she had six children, one of which was gay and the rest of them reproduced obviously more than one time. I believe one of her eldest daughters has 6-7 children, two of which are in college.

All of her children are very well taken care of by their husbands. There are nothing but doctors and lawyers in that family so leaving the money towards the grandchildren is the natural thing to do, especially considering how proud of a grandmother she really was. It’s just a shame that by the end…she didn’t know who any of these people were.

Lower Slower Delaware

Saturday, June 23rd, 2007

A lot of interesting things go on in this town. So much so that I seriously wish I had some kind of a Spy Camera just so I could get this all on tape and make millions of dollars selling the footage to America’s Dumbest Citizens and Pets.

#1 – Just tonight a neighbors dogs managed to get themselves out of the house and oddly enough, no one was looking for them. We’ve met them both before so part of me assumes that they remember our scent. Sean happened to be walking Bella up the block when this huge dog approached him with no real concerns at all. They sniffed each other out (Bella and the other dog, not Sean heh) and then her being the bitch she is, kind of smacked him in the face. Of course this isn’t fair because this dog happens to be rather sweet. We were knocking on the door, trying to get the dogs rounded up. All the lights were on, dogs are running wild, I finally hear “We’re not home”. Originally I thought this was Sean until I later found out (after both dogs were let into the back door by Sean) that someone was actually home. If your lights are on, I can see someone moving around, how are you “not home”? ::blinks::

#2 – The other night we were at the beach, this cross-links to my previous “Are you that stupid?” post a few days ago. Some stupid teens decided “Let’s jump on the dune” and it was followed by a year-round police officer (not the ones they call in seasonally) walking up and screaming “Are you that stupid?”. They did a quick comb on the beach and came back to seeing two rather dumb children running onto the beach. I kid you not his dialouge went as follows “I think he’s taking a piss on the sand. Is he taking a piss on the sand? He’s taking a damn piss on the damn sand.” He jumped on his bike (not forgetting his helmet by the way) and peddled over there as fast as his tight-assed bike shorts could take him. He then repeated (to a completely new group of idiots) the wonderful term – say it with me folks – ARE YOU THAT STUPID?

#3 – Another neighbor, husband of the famous “Hot Mom” that Sean more than likely has a crush on (well…her butt mainly) does some strange things at night that I just don’t understand. When he believes everyone to be asleep he’ll come outside for his nighly hit of weed. He’ll then follow it with excessive coughing that could more than likely wake up the whole neighborhood…we all know that the old people get out of bed a lot slower than the young ones – it’s frustrating that they aren’t as chipper as they used to be when they come to the door with a shot-gun screaming “Shut the hell up – will ya? We’re trying to sleep!”. That’s not exactly his ‘strange’ trait though. I’m certain he has a night job but for some reason he comes back to the house about four times a night between Midnight and 6am. Every single time I see the man, however, he doesn’t really feel the need to keep his shirt on. He’s driving a brand new car so obviously there’s air conditioning in it. The windows are typically wide open (even at night) and he loves to show off his farmer arms and pasty white chest.

While I’m not exactly in the South dealing with “Southern Drawl” I am dealing with a lot of people who’s fathers are also legally they’re uncles.

And last but certainly not least:

#4 – A few weeks ago Karen was telling me about someone she works with. Skunks are pretty typical down here, naturally when you’re cutting into their territory to clear land for the 200 homes being put on 5 acres – they’re going to hang around. One night he noticed a rancid stench coming out of the back yard. His kids had just come in from playing and it was getting fairly dark so he was making his final rounds of the evening before closing-up-shop as he put it. He peaks into the backyard where this skunk stench is getting worse. He finds the skunk in the back yard playing with all of the dog toys that the children had left out when they went inside. So now not only do they reak to holy heaven but they have dog like qualities.

Unreal…unfreaking real.

What the hell man?

Friday, June 22nd, 2007

I’m so pissed off at myself, it’s unreal. I went to sleep around 1am anticipating that I’d be up early and I’d get myself back on track with my daily routines. So when I woke up at 3pm this afternoon I was freaking pissed. How the hell did I sleep for 14 hours? I know I only had two hours last night but why the hell couldn’t the first 8 hours cover what I missed yesterday? I knew before I went to sleep that I should have set the alarm. But I also know that I told Sean that I’m going to be up EARLY today and he was up all night long and for most of the day but never bothered coming into the bedroom and waking me up around the time he knew I wanted to be up “You needed the sleep” – no I didn’t freaking need the sleep – I have work to do!

How is it that every work-at-homer I know, is capable if sleeping on normal hours? Why am I the only one who just can’t seem to get it right? I typically only do about 10 hours of work a day and even if I woke up at 9am I’d be done by 7pm – that gives me more than enough time to get myself in bed by midnight at the latest. So how exactly do you retrain yourself to go on a normal schedule? I’m having a hell of a time figuring this out.

Noise Pollution

Thursday, June 21st, 2007

I’m still running on about two hours of sleep at the moment. I’m going to push myself so that I can stay up until about 11 at the absolute latest, from there I’m going to be crashing and hope I wake up sometime around 8am tomorrow morning. From there I can get some serious work done and hopefully get myself back on the schedule I’d prefer to have.

Sean prefers to stay up for the night claiming that it’s easier for him to work because there aren’t any distractions. However, right now he’s got the TV blasting because he can’t hear it and he also just woke up from a 5 hour nap. At least he got some kind of sleep in the last 24 hours. I’ve only managed about 2 hours – at the absolute most and I feel miserable. If I could get myself back on a NORMAL schedule then I wouldn’t have to worry about forcing myself to sleep at night if I need to be up early in the morning.

I think, with this change, I’m going to start doing some more work from my laptop instead of my desktop. Even with Princess barking her face off in excess, it’s quieter in the living room than it is in this office at the moment. I don’t know if his ears are clogged or what but this is absurd. I’m tempted to drag him to a doctor to have them cleaned out properly. He claims that his ears hurt when he uses a Q-Tip, have a doctor clear that right up with a few drops and maybe that’ll make things a little quieter around here.

I don’t mean to be badmouthing him. I guess I’m just agitated right now. I’m basically done for the night, minus a few things here and there…I may just go to bed earlier at this rate.

Virtual Sand Castles

Thursday, June 21st, 2007

PPPWhen it comes to birthdays and holidays and I know I’m not going to be around, I typically enjoy sending e-cards to friends and family. Yes, the bulk of the time some may find these cards to be annoying but my family sends them back and forth to each other excessively so naturally I’m always looking for a new and better site to send the cards from, that’s when I came across Yes, you can literally build and send Sandcastles to your family and friends on their special day – cool huh?

Happy B-Day MoMo I played around with the site for a little while, yes it’s completely free, you even get to play with a beach-ball while it’s saving. It’s really simple, you select the “Build a Sandcastle” icon and then start playing around with the different designs, changing the colors, adding accessories and a plethora of other options. Once you’ve gotten it to where you want it, you go ahead and click on the save icon and then while it’s capturing the image you’ve created, you can bounce a ball around with your mouse to keep you entertained. I thought it was a lot of fun, it’s a very simple process though. You can choose to save it as a wallpaper, send it to a friend, or just disregard it and move on. I saved it as a wallpaper. It’s a little bit pixellized for my taste but either way I’ll send her the link and have her play around with it for a little while.

Maybe you can have some fun with it as well, just head over to


We’re all gonna crash!

Thursday, June 21st, 2007

Sean has been up for almost 24 hours and now he wants to go out to dinner. He has to shower but I’m not sure if I feel comfortable with him driving on literally no sleep. He seems to be lagging a little bit. I wouldn’t mind just throwing something on the grill and maybe letting him get some sleep. We’re not going out later tonight for dinner, we’re talking more like an early dinner around 3 or so, this way we know if both of us are going to crash at any point of the day – we have no where to go that would stop us from it so at least we can do it safely in-house.

Bella is still hiding under the table, the poor thing won’t come out for anything. She’s not panting as much as she usually does, the initial panting when she got in the car was based on her over-excitement in knowing that she was getting to finally go home. I’m probably going to wind up digging through the fridge to see what I can put down for her. She didn’t eat very much this morning, I’d like to put some more food in her stomach other than just a little bit of chicken like she had today. I think it was only the equivalent of maybe two spoonfuls, which isn’t very much food at all.

The house of my dreams … doesn’t come easy!

Thursday, June 21st, 2007

While we haven’t seriously considered anything yet, Baby and I are looking to buy a home. Naturally there are a few requirements that must be met before we even step into a place. A minimum of 3 bedrooms (one will more than likely be used as an office), a large kitchen considering that will literally be MY room in the house, a spacious living room that we can fill with over sized comfy furniture and to keep Sean happy – a large garage with lots of storage.

Now, naturally he’d prefer a shed the size of a single-wide trailer just so he can store all of the tools that most men buy and just won’t ever use. Of course, they absolutely need to have it. (Should I note I’d like to live NO WHERE NEAR a Home Depot?). But, back to the matter at hand. I think it’s important that everyone consider utilizing their spaces properly. I hate seeing an unorganized house in complete chaos, I typically tend to clean it for them. Alicia can vouch for this one, I’ve done her dishes just because they were there. A big thing for me, however, is garage storage because you seriously can’t ever have enough of it. With all of the gardening supplies and house-hold tools that you need to keep away from ‘daily life’ it’s important to store it properly. I’d love to have a huge two-car garage but this doesn’t mean that I’d like one side of it to be overflowed with junk. I like organization, I love the look of CLEAN and nothing more. Peg boards for quick pick-up of screwdrivers, hammers and whatever else you can throw on a pegboard. Clear storage bins on an over-abundance of shelving. The idea of having ‘room to spare’ is a great thing for me.

Down here it’s hard to find this kind of space unless you build it yourself. Maybe if Sean and I get lucky and win the lotto we can purchase someone’s old farm land and turn it into the house of our dreams. I know for sure we’re going to need a big enough yard to cover Bella and whatever big dog Sean happens to bring home one night (trust me, he’ll surprise me with one!) I’ll say this much, however, there’s no way in hell we’re hiring the same landscape company that does our complex. When we say cut the grass, we don’t mean drive over it doing 40 miles an hour!

Aww! Poor Baby!

Thursday, June 21st, 2007

I just picked Bella up from the groomer a few moments ago and I have to say she looks absolutely adorable. It was actually cheaper than what I used to pay in New York and they did a beautiful job shaving her. They noted a few cuts around her butt while they were grooming her. I let them know that it was probably my mistake while I was cutting the matting off of her. Either way everything went well and she’s cute as a button. I’ll have some pictures later if she ever comes out from under the table. She’s been hiding…heh.

Technorati: ,

Dropping the weight … the healthy way.

Thursday, June 21st, 2007

PPPFor quite some time now I’ve been reading into a lot of information in regards to Lap Band Surgery. There are quite a few resources like Weight Loss Surgery Florida which offer valuable information about the subject. They list everything from the cost to the procedure itself. They also list information about recovery and not to expect 100% results within the first few days. Since they shrink your stomach you really have to buckle down with portion control. You do not lose any weight just by having the surgery, some people don’t really understand that. The reason the weight is lost is because you basically can only fit a 1/4 cup worth of food in your stomach at one time. This is why you eat multiple meals a day and very little meals at that.

Portion control is rather hard to do, something I fully admit to. I’ve been struggling with my portion consumption since day one of my diet. I’ve figured out a few ‘tricks of the trade’ though. Instead of eating off the standard sized dinner plate, I use smaller plates this way it looks as though I’m eating more food when in actuality I’m eating the right amount. Instead of loading the plate with pasta, I’m taking small scoops and counter-acting with veggies to avoid the excess starches. Small things like this have aided in my so-far 15lb weight loss. That’s about 5 pounds a month for the last 3 months. Based on doctors opinions (yes, I’ve spoken to a few) that’s rather healthy. Losing anywhere from 1-3 pounds a week (depending on your starting weight) is very healthy for you. Naturally those of us whom are larger are going to drop a lot more weight, quicker, because our bodies have stored so much fat over the years that is now being released from our systems.

Now, this isn’t the kind of information you can find on the site I listed above. The resource above is strictly about the lap band surgery. If you’re interested in learning more about this topic you can visit or call their toll-free number (1.866.309.0036).

Off to a bad start.

Thursday, June 21st, 2007

Around 8:30am I finally get into the shower and then I sit down on the computer to do a few quick write-ups for clients and notice that 9:30 is fast approaching. I brush my hair out quick, throw the leash on Bella and then walk towards the door. I forget my sun-glasses and quickly turn around, knowing there’s literally no time to spare. The three of us (Sean, Bella and myself respectively) hop in the car and take off towards the groomer.

Upon arrival, I walk in and notice very cute and beautifully groomed pooches laying around in the waiting area. From there, I walk up to the front desk and note that I’m here for my scheduled appointment. They thumb through the book and note that I’m not scheduled with them. I could have sworn I scheduled my appointment with Wizard of Paws – I was wrong. Thankfully it was the good kind of wrong when I saw their pricing – they’re abusing the “Best Groomer in Delaware” popularity by over charging for the smallest things. So they let me know of the two others in the area, asking if either name rings a “Bella”, I wasn’t amused because I knew I was late.

Walking back to the car, Sean notes “Uhm…don’t you need to leave the dog AT the groomer for this to work?” I note that we’re in the wrong place and there’s the possibility of two other groomers that I made my appointment at. Finally we pull into “Dirty Dog” this place sounds familiar, even if the owners at Wizard of Paws notes that they don’t think Dirty Dog is accepting new clients. The stores are labeled, respectively, so I head towards the door that says “Dog Grooming” it’s locked – I’m freaking out until I look down and see the arrow pointing towards the other door. Walking in I’m met by a sweet faced girl in her early twenties and ask if she has a scheduled appointment for Bella S. she gracefully replies “Yep, we’ve been expecting you.”

The rush of the morning has now subsided and I begin filling out all of my information on their new client cards. Bella, at this time, was already in the back room and I could hear her crying which is literally breaking my heart because I know how scared she is when she’s at the groomer. I tell her that I’d like a very short puppy cut, then continue to say that her tail and ears need to be taken care of as well. She notes that Lhasa’s look – strange – without their signature curly tail but I note that it’s one huge mat of fur. She let me know that if she can ‘save the tail’ she will. I’m thinking “as long as you don’t chop it off, just take the mats off it”. I then continue to note that she’s skiddish when a buzzer gets near her face but she will not bite, just make life very difficult. She notes that they’ve dealt with all kinds of temperments and will be fine.

I walk out the door knowing that my precious pooch will no longer be a fluffy puppy…but a bald bitch when I pick her up. Either way she won’t be so easily overheated and I know her hair will always grow back. If this place does well with her, they’re more than likely going to be my new establishment. I finally have a groomer for Bella, I just need to find a hair dresser for myself!

So we get back here and I’m in a rush to get all of the garbage to the curb. I know that the garbage men plus the landscapers will be around very soon and know the garbage men leave the cans in the middle of the yard. Since we all know that the landscapers around here don’t do SHIT – then naturally I’m going to make sure the cans are removed before they get here. Unfortunately it didn’t work out that way and there’s still a patch on the front lawn that’s over-grown, one they could have easily gotten to if the stupid teenager on the back of the garbage truck would just put the can on the curb instead of throwing it onto the grass. BASTARD. I rush off the stairs and put it on the side of the house but I was just too late. I do still hear them floating around so my only hope is that they do another pass in the front yard before they leave. :: crosses fingers ::

Plugs by Request – Navtej Kohli

Thursday, June 21st, 2007

By request, I’m plugging the following websites.

I did some reading around this users blog and found that he talks a lot about internet technology as well as internet marketing. I’ve also noticed that he has a section on Yahoo! Answers as well. Based on his LinkedIN account, he is the CEO and Director of Grafix Softech which is a software application company operating out of Costa Rica. They provide payment solutions for online businesses and have also delved into the world of internet marketing. The company employs around 250 people and has seen a steady rate of growth over the past seven years.

If this seems at all interesting to you, especially those who use internet technology to your advantage, then this is more than likely a resource you should follow.

Why’d the sun come up so quick?

Thursday, June 21st, 2007

I’m running on about two hours of sleep at the moment. In my attempt to wake up in time I wound up laying in bed for 3+ hours fighting to get myself to sleep. So instead of getting the 5 hours I originally went for, I only managed to get less than two. Even coffee isn’t working for me at the moment.

I’m up early because around 9:30am I need to get Bella to the groomer up the street. I figured I’d give myself a wake-up-call around 7:45am so that I can take a shower and fold some laundry before I go. I don’t like leaving the house unless I’ve showered, even if it is just walking up the block. My hair is all over the place and I don’t use a lot of products to get it where I need to be. It’s easier to manage my hair when it’s wet – go figure.

It’s not yet warm enough outside to be annoying, the house is in desperate need of being aired out so I’ve got a few windows open through out the house. I made it a point to not really open up much in the living room, even though that’s where it smells the worst. The last thing I need is to listen to Princess go on one of her barking sprees because of the landscaper going past the house this morning, the garbage man coming in a little while or someone just walking past the house in general. Karen claims that she barks when she’s scared, Sean, Debbie and I all agree that she’s just a brat who was never really told to ‘shut up’ at any point in her life. Bella used to bark at everything, proper training took care of that. Considering Princess has never really left the house (wee-wee pad trained) naturally she’s just a vicious overweight dog who was never socialized. She’s cute sometimes, don’t get me wrong, it’s hilarious watching her waddle her way up the doggie stairs to the couch but that’s just about all the exercise she ever gets. Her sitting on the couch is the equivalent of the mean old lady up the street who can’t stand any kind of noise because she can’t get off her ass to go outside and introduce herself to the kids, she’d rather yell at them instead. It’s just not healthy.

In any event, I’ve got less than an hour to get everything done this morning – guess I should get myself in the shower.

Cutting Edge Technology

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

I spend a lot of time surfing through technology based websites. I typically do it so that I can keep in touch on what’s hot and what’s not. I look up the specifications on computer parts, televisions and many other things that I would love to have. The cool thing about some of these companies, like, is that they offer cutting edge technology for RENT.

I’ve recently started working for someone who spends a lot of time at trade shows, conventions and other events and he’s actually noted that some of the technology they have there is fairly impressive. What he may not realize, sorry Bill, is that most of these places actually rent the technology specifically for these shows. So those beautiful screen’s you’re looking at are more than likely just plasma rentals, maybe even going as far as getting themselves a touchscreen LCD monitor rental and lets not to mention the uber-hot technology of going with a 5000 lumen projector rental. So in all actuality, these impressive items that we drool over have been rented from a company like They deliver nationwide and they’re the industry leader in technology for business based rentals. I just hope one day they help out us small-business owners with a test-plasma for the small office that a hubby and wife are sharing…hah.