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I’m lacking inspiration…

Saturday, June 30th, 2007

I’m going through a pretty nasty case of designers-block. I was rather delayed in creating the July theme due to pure laziness and last night I started on it, only to wind up basically creating the same June template but in blue. To avoid this I’ve been surfing around Template Monster for at least some ideas to kick around in my head and after literally going through EVERY template in the entire database, I’ve still come up with nothing. I don’t like the idea of using a pre-made template, so I’m going to make it a point to try and avoid that. Even Photoshop is unappealing to me today, I need something to kick my creativity levels into high gear. Maybe instead of template monster I’ll just surf around Google and personal sites to see what I can come up with. I know I want a simple color scheme, but you can only do so many default WordPress looking templates before you go nuts with total boredom! However, now I’m just not in the mood to do much of anything and every paid-to-blog database that I’m involved with doesn’t have any available offers. So, I think I’ll just play Hexic or Sonic for a little while.

Client Control

Saturday, June 30th, 2007

PPPFor quite some time now I’ve been interested in making my business a bit more interactive. I’ve worked with a company before that offers a web based survey solution for their clients. The clients can answer questions and the answers would then be polled through the survey for me to get some more input on where I’m going wrong, and what I’m doing right. A company named ISalient allows you to collect data from custom forms for information gathering, research and quantitative analysis.

I’ve worked with a free program named PHPSurveyor which can be found through cPanel’s Fantastico auto-install system and it really didn’t give me what I needed as far as connecting boss to employee with surveys. After poking around through the FAQ for ISalient, I’m confident that in the future, they’ll more than likely be the service to go through. It also doesn’t require me to install anything that I wouldn’t need on my server just for something that seems to be so small.

I currently have over 4,000 clients under my belt. This is a merge of domain and design based clients and I would personally like to create two separate databases for each of them. This way I can change the wording around on both to work for their respective categories. I thought of doing this for many years but never actually got around to it. Sure, I have the ability to submit a testimonial on both my design and hosting sites but since they aren’t a continuing database, it’d be nice to have something that kind of connects everything.

What I really think would be cool is if I had the ability to take both surveys and kind of merge them together with some kind of an overall rating of services. I know that I still have a lot to learn and I feel the best way to learn is through trial and error. I try to get myself on a schedule where I’m doing things in a timely manor but at the same time I’d like the ability to learn more about what I’m doing wrong, and especially on what I’m doing right so that profit margins can exceed the levels they’ve exceeded over the last few months. I’m sure over time I’ll be able to get everything accomplished, for now it’d just be a great idea to work with what I’ve got.

What is Gotu Kola?

Saturday, June 30th, 2007

I’ve been keeping myself some what busy for the last few hours. I’m still not feeling that great but there’s not much that I can really do about that. Sure, I could just go back to sleep but at this point I’m averaging about 12 hours a night which makes no sense to me, really. I want to assume that it’s my body officially crashing due to all of the late-night-no-sleepers that I’ve been doing over the years, I just don’t know how to get myself to stop it.

Sean recently found something called like “Gotu Kola” that’s supposed to be a natural herbal supplement. He’s insisting that I take one because he supposedly feels better because of the product. Doing some research into it it’s been used for wound healing, better circulation, memory enhancement, cancer, vitality, general tonic, respiratory ailments, detoxifying the body, treatment of skin disorders (such as psoriasis and eczema), revitalizing connective tissue, burn and scar treatment, clearing skin infections, strengthening veins, blood purifier, high blood pressure, sedative, anti-stress, anti-anxiety, an aphrodisiac, immune booster, anabolic and adaptogen.

Basically it’s just an all-in-one herb that’ll make you feel better, I thought they called that Marijuana? None of the claims have been evaluated by the FDA but the research done by various institutes and universities conclude that more research on the herb wouldn’t be a bad idea. It’s been used for centuries (supposedly) and is still used today, for that reason there has to be SOME truth to the anecdotal claims made in behalf of this herb. It’s supposedly in the same class as apple cider vinegar – something Karen has been dipping into for her own health.

It’s listed as a dietary supplement at GNC, where Sean got it, and some nausea has been reported at high levels of intake. Either way I’m not fond of taking any over-the-counter pills to ‘help me out’. When I asked him for the bottle so I could get the spelling correct his eyes lit up before he asked if I was going to take one. I don’t see myself personally having anything to do with this product, or anything else that’s supposed to ‘fix me naturally’.

Would you actually take this product?

Your Personal Lifestyle Guide

Saturday, June 30th, 2007

I recently came across a new site just for women entitled Get a Fab Life!, a site brought to you by This site has everything you could ever want when it comes to women. To some it’s considered Your Personal Lifestyle Guide.

It’s the latest social lifestyle community for young urban hip and trendy women who are interested in the latest fashion styles, the newest restaurant, bar, spa, salon and retail store openings. They’re also interested in all of the upcoming events and concerts in your town. The site allows users to contribute content to the site, voice opinions and vote on content that they like or dislike. Originally I thought it was just a community forum that’s over-run with children the way all forums on the internet seem to be these days, but it’s really not. It’s kind of like a one-stop resource for everything that women are interested in. Right now it’s in the Beta stages but there are plenty of openings for freelance bloggers, aspiring writers, stay at home moms, and students to openly contribute content to their site. If there’s a new store opening in your town that you’re itching to write about,, your fav lifestyle guide, would more than likely be the best place to list it.

I was born and raised in New York, there are many places of interest outside of New York City but the big ‘trademark’ of New York is the material world of the city. There are shops throughout the entire state that can radiate tons of interest to outsiders looking for new places to go. I’d love to list them all, but they’d more than likely need a larger hard drive on the server if I ever wrote anything for them. On the flip side, however, being new to Delaware I’m always itching to find new resource, state wide, that would help me out as far as finding new stores. Sure, word of mouth is great and all from the locals, but I want more in depth information and I have no doubt in my mind that will give it to me once more members begin posting about their local areas.

If you’re at all interested in contributing to their database, head over to and sign up. If you know everything about your town, or even everything about where to go in your state, it’s more than likely going to be a great resource for you to use!


Saturday, June 30th, 2007

It’s been a pretty boring weekend so far. This past week I was unable to accomplish anything that I had to do, which explains my absence from posting over the last few days. Originally I started cleaning the house on Sunday to make sure everything was presentable by Tuesday evening considering I was expecting company on Wednesday. She never showed so that was somewhat of a waste, minus the fact that the house did still need some kind of a cleaning up anyway. I’m not sure what’s up with me lately but I’m in some kind of a funk where I have absolutely no energy to do anything. Getting out of bed seems like too much effort for me but even when I do finally get up with the state of mind screaming “something HAS to be accomplished today” nothing really happens from there.

Originally I thought I was just in a funk because my period was coming but I’m kind of working off others schedules at the moment, if that makes any sense. See, Karen works with a woman named Angie who is pretty easy to read when she’s got her period, she’s been working with her for so long that it seems like Karen gets her period whenever Angie does, since I’ve been living with Karen as long as I have, my schedule kind of shifted towards the end of the month. Last night she asked me if I was on the verge of getting mine since she was also cramping up, but I’m not. I know for sure I’m not pregnant, it’s just my schedule messing up again. I want to assume it’s stress related but that doesn’t really help me out. I keep seeing commercials for this birth control pill named YAS, it’s like the ‘powers that be’ are trying to send me a message through the television or something, but after doing some research into it I’m taken to information about a syndrome known as PMDD.

Apparently there’s multiple forms of PMS, PMDD being one of them. The symptoms include Irritability, Moodiness, Feeling Anxious, Bloating and Increased Appetite. Now, I’m not one of those “OOH, I have that!” kind of people. I know what my symptoms are and they COULD be corrected to PMS, but based on what I know of PMS, it doesn’t effect your life the way PMDD does, which it seems to be doing. My ‘swings’ have been severe enough to effect my work, daily life and relationship – Sean and I are kind of at each others throat the last few days and while he can be a hard person to get a long with at times, I know for the most part that it’s me triggering things between us.

The site recommends that I keep some kind of a body diary, this way I can track the symptoms and then decide from there if this is the route I should take. The issue is I don’t even know if I could afford this damn pill. Part of me just wants to get the tubes ripped out so I can deal with menopause NOW and just live the rest of my life period free but Sean wants children (even though I’m not too keen on them at this moment in time) but who knows what’s going to happen 10 years down the road. I’ve just got a whole series of emotions bothering me right now, nothing seems to relax me anymore – not even smoking, that’s just turning into a complete nuisance for me as well.

I don’t know…I doubt anything is actually even wrong with me – I may just be bored of life or something.

Review: The Piggy Banker

Saturday, June 30th, 2007

When asked to review a site, I always find it difficult coming up with the right words to say so that I not only get my point across, but I also like to not offend anyone either. Today’s review is based on Their tag line includes “Best CD Rates, highest savings, money market, credit card reviews & bank deals.” as someone who sees the importance behind going with a good bank, not one that will potentially rob you blind, I feel it’s important to learn a thing or two about the companies you’re interested in before you even give them your information. Resources like these could be a valuable one to anyone who uses it.

This site offers the ability for you to look through a database of the top banking companies so you can compare them based on rates and other options that would be the deciding factor on your choice of banks. They also offer the ability to find Best Credit Cards so that you can know from the get-go what you’re getting into when dealing with this company. They give honest reviews and statistics to help make your ‘shopping around’ run a little smoother.

One section I came across was a WT Direct Savings Review. WT stands for Wilmington Trust, a company that’s located in many places around the US and one I was considering when I moved to Delaware considering one of their banks are located right outside of the complex. After reading this review, however, I understand that they’re not exactly going to be the best account to go with unless I’m looking for a high yield savings account. The minimum balance required at deposit is $10,000 and any balance in the $1-$10,000 range will earn approximately 5.26% APY for the first 60 days. So after doing the math, if I happen to deposit $10,000 and then within the first 60 days, I happen to deposit another $1,000 it will give me a total of $11,578.60 in my savings account. I would assume that if I maintain over $10,000 I’ll have the same 5.26% interest, but according to the site if I’m UNDER, it drops it down to just .6% which is even less than my account with Washington Mutual that I closed before moving down here.

As far as the site goes, it primarily looks like a bankers blog. The owner compares many rates through archived blog entries and minus the banner ads spilled all over the page, it’s really not that bad looking. I would personally recommend cutting back on a few of the ads but since the user is offering a free service then I can understand why the page is loaded the way it is, it just makes it hard to actually find the CONTENT of the page considering everything valuable about the site is basically underneath all of the useless links. This is only from a design standpoint, however. The site seems to be updated on a some what regular basis though, the RSS feed shows a recent updated in Wednesday the 27th. I assume that the owner knows he has a good thing going and is going to keep up with it, as many web masters should.

When’s it gonna get here?

Thursday, June 28th, 2007

I’m still waiting for the storm to get here, there’s a warning flashing across the screen for it but based on a weather guide I’m tapped into, I don’t really see much coming this way at all. I just hope it gets here sooner than later. The news stated it was going to get here after midnight, get pretty nasty, and then kind of float off sometime tomorrow morning. Either way I’m bored out of my mind and now I’m just itching to find something to do.

I’m limited in regards to the Thursday based Meme’s that I know of, so I’ll just post whatever I can come across.

3x Thursday:

1. Are you one of those people who is constantly busy with projects, social outings, etc or do you just like to lay low and stay home? Why/why not? I like to keep myself busy. I’ve been lucky enough to have a constant work flow over the course of the last few weeks just so I can keep myself entertained. I don’t mind having some me time where I can just sit back and relax but I have a horrible case of anal retentive behavior where I just need to keep moving so I can feel as though something was at least accomplished during the day. This may be why I tend to clean so much.

2. Whether you’re busy all the time or like to just chill, have you always been that way? How so/how not? Nope, I’ve always been someone who keeps busy 90% of the time.

3. Is there something you’d like to change about how you spend your time? If so, what is it? If not, why not? How are things manageable for you? I’d like to feel more productive throughout the day, I just need to find more things to do in order to keep me busy.

Dream Home: Bed and Bath

Thursday, June 28th, 2007

With the recent house hunt, I’ve been looking into everything from floor to ceiling. I keep notes of the items I come across that I think are pretty cool. I don’t want our first home together to be that one where we bring in old materials and then just kind of throw them together. We’ve done a pretty good job of merging all of our belongings at this point, now I’d kind of like to start fresh.

We want to have some kind of a sanctuary, a place were we can just go to relax and completely get away from it all. I’d adore a place with vaulted ceilings and even ambient lighting just to set the mood for an overly relaxed atmosphere. I’ve always been a fan of big fluffy beds and just pure comfort. I don’t want to sleep on a slab of two inch mattress, I want something I can fall into and be completely lost in, I know many people that would even agree.

Off the bedroom is going to be a spa like bathroom, and for the sake of privacy I’d like to have the toilet kind of sectioned off away from the rest of the room. This way you’re kind of behind closed doors in case one has to go while the other is in the shower or soaking in the tub. I plan on doing that a lot, especially if I have a hand in which tub will actually be in the room. I’d like a big tub with jets for ultimate comfort, surrounded by candles for again for lighting so you know where you are but dark enough to the point of being completely content with everything going on around you. I want a place where I can just disappear.

Dream Bathroom I know I’d never be able to afford it unless I get really lucky with lottery numbers or if the site that Sean’s been working on actually takes off to the point that he’s earning millions of dollars. Either way I’d adore it if I could have a bathroom like this. I know the tree in the middle looks a little weird but I found it on Google so give me a break there. It’s got gorgeous lighting, a beautiful tub, a nice separate shower, and based on the description I found about it, the toilet itself is right by the main door but closed off in it’s own little ‘stall’ so to speak. But the stall is about the same size as the bathroom I’m in now and has more than enough room to even throw a table in there, something I didn’t understand but I know how men can be in the bathroom when it comes to keeping themselves busy while on the toilet, if it was organized properly – I wouldn’t mind throwing a magazine rack in there some where.

So yea, I have a dream sanctuary – while I highly doubt it will ever come true, at least I know that I’ll still have my dreams to keep me happy.

When’s this humidity going away?

Thursday, June 28th, 2007

The humidity over the course of the last couple days has been close to unreal. The news is telling me that it’s been much worse in Pennsylvania but based on what I’ve heard in the past, the humidity there gets really nasty every summer anyway. The tourists are all kind of piling in down here as well, thankfully even with the humidity there hasn’t been many reported incidents of people not properly taking care of themselves.

Today was an estimated 80% humidity. Now mix that with the 90+ degree weather, naturally it felt like hell was rolling in today. Last night there was a really cool lightening storm that passed through, there’s supposed to be another one tonight as well. I’m unsure of when it’s going to start though. It caused the power to act up yesterday, well the cable mainly, so hopefully I can get some work done before that happens again tonight. I’m a few days behind on things so now I’m working on catching up.¬† :crosses fingers:

It’s time for an upgrade

Thursday, June 28th, 2007

We have a small fridge in the office, Sean’s probably owned it for years but lately it just seems too small for the both of us. I buy in bulk when it comes to water, and once that’s all in there it’s hard to hold his 2 liter bottles of soda when he’d like to have more than one in there. It’s not even that I’m taking up a lot of room, it’s just the fact that the fridge is oddly narrow so it’s hard to really fit anything in there anyway.

The fridge in the kitchen is a lot smaller than it looks as well, so the freezer in there is kind of overflowing as well. I’ve been considering investing in getting a second fridge this way the fridge itself offers more room for Sean and I and we’d also have extended freezer space for the kitchen. I’ve poked around Sears and PC Richard, the two places I would normally shop up in New York because they were so close to my house. Unfortunately there isn’t either one in the immediate area for me. I’d have to travel all the way to Salisbury, MD or straight up to Dover, DE. I’ve looked into both General Electric (GE) and Samsung Refrigerators. A few places have brought me towards Best Buy but unfortunately they’re up in Dover as well so in the long run, I’m kind of stuck.

Other searches have brought us to considering an old-school freezer in the kitchen, there’s enough space behind the bar where we could place a low profile one, just to extend freezer space in there. Unfortunately that doesn’t help us in the kitchen. I assume that when Sean gets rid of the CRT monitors and finally upgrades to LCD’s, that we’ll be able to move things around in the office and maybe fit a larger sized refrigerator in there as well.

I’d discuss this with him right now, but he’s officially passed out – so much for staying up and watching TV with me.

Still that ‘blah’ feeling.

Thursday, June 28th, 2007

For a change, my laptop isn’t lagging – it’s just me. I’m hanging out in the bedroom today, I’m not really in the mood to be sitting up at my desk. Sean kept me company with a few games of cards and now he’s taking a break from his day and just laying down watching TV next to me. It’s nice having a king bed though, even though it’s like he’s clear across the room. It’s just two twin mattresses at the moment, we’re working on going out and buying a larger set. For now it’ll do considering it cleared up a lot of issues in the room. We’re not right on top of each other any more and have enough room to spread out, even with Bella taking up as much space as she possibly can.

She’s gnawing on a bone at the moment, she’s been acting kind of strange for the last couple of days. I’ve found her staring at the wall…then shifting to the ceiling and I have absolutely no idea as to why. I first thought there was a bug, now I’m just convinced she’s more abnormal than I’d originally thought.

Prescription Drug Addiction

Wednesday, June 27th, 2007

I’ve spoken about substance abuse for quite some time now, many of you know this. One subject that I haven’t touched on yet was Prescription Drug Addiction. I strongly believe, while many people say otherwise, that my friend Diana passing away a few years ago was based on her addiction to prescription drugs. She was on anti-depressants and muscle relaxers for many years after an accident that she’d had when she was 14 years old. Her and her boyfriend at the time came face-to-face with a mac truck, she was the only surviver. Naturally this put her through a horrible depression, watching someone you love die in front of you because of a careless driver is nothing anyone should go through.

She suffered with extreme back pain, shoulder problems from where the seatbelt jerked her back and a cracked rib from the air-bag. She was a very thin girl, ate like a pig but never gained an ounce kind of skinny. The meds she was later placed on only aided to further weight loss. She’d never had body issues before, but at the rate that her body was shrinking, you wouldn’t have known it. For years after this accident, everyone who knew her, went out of their way to insure that she was going to get the help she needed. She went to see counselors but with her insurance plan all they were really doing was throwing more pills at her and calling it a day. We did finally get her into a detox clinic but by then, the damage had already been done. Three days after her release from the clinic, she over-dosed on an entire bottle of muscle relaxers and Paxil.

She’s been missed for many years, her mother obviously taking it the hardest because she tried everything she could to insure that her daughter was getting the help she so desperately needed. It’s just a shame that no matter how hard you try, she was just too far gone for the help.

Still not feeling well.

Tuesday, June 26th, 2007

I didn’t sleep too well last night, I’m not sure if everything on my mind is catching up with me but apparently Sean had to come in the room around 9am because I was punching and screaming in my sleep. I’m not sure if I’ve ever done that before, maybe it’s a good thing that he got little to no sleep last night. He only got about two hours at most, I believe. He also slept rather late last night as well. Either way I have no idea what happened, not sure if it was a dream either.

I woke up sweating my ass off, even with the air conditioning on. The humidity is rather high today so I’m finding it rather difficult to sit comfortably no matter what I do. I cleaned out the sink and so far have only made it to one counter top. I started removing some clothing from the living room to throw on Karen’s bed and then kind of wondered back outside for cig #2 of the day. Now, after bringing in the UPS boxes, I’m kind of just sitting in the air conditioning.

I did some cleaning out of the servers today. A lot of dead accounts that needed to be booted. There are a few people I’d like to boot from the servers completely because they owe me money but for now I’ll just leave it as an outstanding balance considering I’m in no mood to deal with anything. I’ve got one girl with like 4 domains thrown around there, hasn’t paid a dime, most of her accounts are maxed out on disk space – it’s fucking ridiculous.

I’m going to surf around a few databases, maybe I can keep myself busy with some posting.

I thought having a bigger office meant more room?

Tuesday, June 26th, 2007

Getting the office organized is proving to be a lot more difficult than we’d originally thought. I don’t quite know how we managed it but for some reason after moving to the larger room, we’ve managed to get MORE things without having any kind of a place for them. I’ve been looking into some office supplies in hopes that I’ll be able to come across some kind of inspiration on how to go about placing things in the room so they aren’t kind of just – thrown in there.

We have two tables between us, I’d like there to be some kind of a book case but he insists on saving computers so he can scrap them for parts and on top of that – the shelving we setup above us is a little too low for a book case to actually stand between us the way I’d like one to. I think while I’m cleaning this room up tomorrow I’m going to spend quite a bit of time reorganizing everything. Thankfully since I have an LCD monitor, having things on the desk isn’t such a big deal. What I’d like to do is pick up a monitor stand so that I can put my keyboard underneath it when I’m not using my desk – or when I’m using my laptop and my mouse/keyboard are just getting in the way. It will also give my external hard drive a permanent home instead of just having it kind of floating around the desk.

I could also do away with all of my stuffed animals and toys that are on the desk. I’d also like to get the dry-erase wallpaper so that instead of having the board standing up next to me, I can just put a big strip across the back of the desk and call it a day.

The only thing I don’t have a complaint about is the desk itself. I think this was an amazing find for $60, it’s exactly the desk I’ve wanted for many years now. A few modifications will make it absolutely perfect for me. I’m also considering getting some roll-away shelving underneath the desk itself because the space, as of right now, is only being utilized by my computer case and well…Bella. It’s shallow though, unfortunately there’s a bar underneath that could have the potential of making this a two person desk. I just don’t understand how two people could sit comfortably at this desk considering the limited space with just one person using it, let alone two.

Turning in early for a change.

Tuesday, June 26th, 2007

I’ve started to go down my to-do list. I managed to get the bathroom all cleaned up, tomorrow I’ll have to go in there with the vacuum quick to get some dust off of the kick boards but that’s just about it. The toilet has never been cleaner, the tub doesn’t have a funky film on it and the sink doesn’t look as though Sean has ever left his face in it before. Anyone living with a man knows exactly what I’m talking about. The thing I’m still trying to figure out is why men seem to eat toilet paper – the world will never know.

After I completed that we headed downtown in search for a quick meal. I know it was after 2am but he hadn’t eaten dinner and I was a little bit hungry myself. We wound up at Sammy’s Kitchen and it’s true when they say the idiots come out at night. One girl was trying to explain to Delaware cops how you can chalk a New York State Photo ID card. A table who came in later decided it was picture day, 2 in the fucking morning put the cameras away!

We sat on the boardwalk for a little while talking, I haven’t really been ‘myself’ lately it seems, but I’ve also got alot going on in my head at the moment between family and just personal shit in general so naturally I’m going to be a little distant. I just need a few days to myself to sort it all out. I figured that while I spend the whole day thinking anyway, maybe I can just do it while I’m cleaning for the next couple of days. Never know, this place may wind up looking showroom new if I can keep up the pace I had tonight on the bathroom.

Tomorrow’s first tackle will be the office, depending on what time Sean wakes up. If he’s not actually IN the office with me it’ll be easier to clean. I need to be able to roll his chair out of the way while I’m vacuuming and it’s not easy to do it while he’s sitting there, you know? His chair is turning into a piece of shit so he bitches when someone leans on the back of it – guess it throws him off balance. Of course he’s surprised when I tell him not to lean on mine, go figure. I also know that if he’s asleep Bella will stay in the room with him so I don’t have to worry about her getting in the way either. There’s something about being in the bedroom when it comes to her. It doesn’t matter who’s sleeping in there – she wants to lay down with you. I could be in that room for 48 hours straight – she’d have no intention of floating around the rest of the house.

Either way it’s pushing 4:30 and in order for me to get up and get started on the rest of my list, I should probably head to bed now.

Travel Plans: Kailua, Hawaii

Monday, June 25th, 2007

I’m sure I’ve noted it before but I’ve been looking a little bit further into the Hawaiian Beach Rentals that I’ve come across over the last few days. I found a set of houses for rent through a Kailua home rental resource and I have to say, I’m really very interested in this. The homes here are really pretty and they have such a spectacular view there’s no possible way that I could pass these opportunities over. The bulk of the listings I’ve come across are based on houses in only the $400 range that are less than a block from the beach. This means, and I’m almost certain, that at least one section of the house will actually OVERLOOK the beach. I could probably live there forever. I have no doubt in my mind about that.

Hawaii I managed to pull one of the houses off the website, this is the porch of one of the homes I was the most interested in. Now, these are only rentals but if I had the opportunity to buy, you better believe I’ll be there faster than I knew what hit me. This particular rental is a 4 bedroom home that can comfortably house 10 guests and it’s less than one block away from the beach. There are air conditioners in three of the four rooms, 3 queen beds, 2 twin beds and one sofa bed. There’s also 3 full bathrooms, high speed internet and a full kitchen. For someone spending only $575 a night, you have to admit that it’s not a bad deal at all. Figure you do actually go up with the 10 people, that’s only 57 per person, that’s less than the one room grimy hotel up the block that tourists are currently paying $75 a night for… I’d say this would be the place to go!