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Still searching high and low.

Wednesday, July 4th, 2007

It’s really to the point of just being too hard for me to come across an accredited distance learning school. I was set on AIU, considered Westwood and I’ve blogged about Capella University in the past but they, unfortunately, don’t offer me the courses that I’m interested in taking at the moment. The only thing close is a bachelors in Graphics and Multimedia but that’s not where I want to be. I want a web programming course, I just need someone who’s doing it at home to tell me if their school sucks or not but no one seems to know anything about it. I could still put everything on hold and just get my degree in medical billing and transcription, which down here would probably make me quite a bit of money considering in this complex alone 80% of the residents are all over the age of 60 so at least I know there’s a job base, I could just shoot down to Bebe Medical and apply but that doesn’t mean it’ll work out well for me.

My problem is that I’m still in a somewhat New York state of mind. While some people are looking at $30,000 for an entire college course (all semesters) as being rather expensive, compare it to the tens of thousands of dollars one would have to spend at a campus based college per semester if they went somewhere like CW Post. Sean attempted to go to CW Post but tuition was $17,000 per semester and then after that it was $400 per course, per semester. So figure he’s taking five courses, which is $19,000 per semester. He goes for his bachelors which is four semesters so that brings the total of a campus based degree up to a whopping $76,000. This is before you’re paying for room and board, before you’re factoring in the price of books and supplies, that could easily take what you thought was only going to be a $20,000 loan straight into the world of $100,000 loans and sooner or later, debt for the rest of your life. Now you see why I don’t want a campus based school.

Are you that desperate?

Wednesday, July 4th, 2007

I’m not quite sure as to why but I keep getting the absolute dumbest comments being left by people who just float through. I previously posted about my issues with finding a school. Every aspect of the entry was pointing towards (no, it was NOT a sponsored post, contrary to popular belief) explaining that there are 70+ strikes against a supposed-to-be top notch accredited university. I also noted that every single school I’ve come across also has the exact same statistics and the only option for me at this point is a campus based school that more than likely will not fit into my schedule, this is why I’m choosing to go to an online school so I can work at my own pace – not someone else’s.

So I open my inbox today and notice a comment from someone without a real name, a phony email address, and a link to the site matching the name as though I was actually writing up a sponsored post, but in this case it was just someone looking for a back link because they saw that I plug commenter’s.

Now, the comment literally said “they are all great schools, but the most important thing is to have fun“. I only listed one school, I listed how horrible the school actually was and I then went on to explain that it’s very stressful to even FIND a school. How exactly am I going to have fun? How exactly is a school that literally rips you off going to be a great one?

Why the fuck are you stupid ‘spammers’ so fucking stupid!

Where’d this person come from? Well, IP’s show me that it was a referral from someone elses site that houses the do-follow blogroll. Why are people not only spamming those who follow the rules, but abusing the system so disgustingly? I just don’t get it.

Travel Plans: London, England

Wednesday, July 4th, 2007

It’s officially the 4th of July and since I’m basically living in the middle of a huge tourist attraction, there are approximately 125,000 people here that aren’t typically around throughout the year. There are supposed to be some kind of fireworks going off at the beach but a recent view of the boardwalk thanks to the towns website has shown me that not only is the place completely packed but there isn’t even standing room at this point either. Times like these make me wish I was some place else, preferably Europe considering I’ve always wanted to go to London.

Naturally, if I ever did get to Europe I’d more than likely hit up Italy first considering that’s where my family comes from. I’d also spend a bit of time in Ireland as well. I’d personally, however, prefer to see something with a bit more history especially a place like London, England that houses close to half of all of the locations of my favorite British comedies, ones I still watch on a daily basis thanks to my local MPT station, Afternoon Tea = Best Stuff in The World! I can’t tell you how many questions I’ve answered just trying so hard to win the official Afternoon Tea mug that is just too cute for words, it would match all the rest of my coffee mugs so perfectly. It’s not like we don’t have an over abundance of mugs in the house though, it would just be nice to have one that I can say I won instead of one I spent $1.00 on at Dollar Tree.

A fellow blogger friend of mine happens to live in London and while she’s traveled throughout most of the world, she finds that home is where the heart is and she’s stated numerous times that she could not, nor would she ever, find herself living in another part of England, it’s just close to impossible and while I’ve never been there and have only seen images, movies and quick clips that are focused there, I have to say that I can completely agree with her.

So how’d you spend your July 4th? Are you in a heavily populated tourist area? How’d that work out for you?

I can tell you this though, I feel HORRIBLE for the residents in Ocean City right now. They’re even more packed than we are and there isn’t even standing room down on that boardwalk which is a mile long. Ocean City has a 5 mile long boardwalk that all overlooks the ocean where the fireworks are shooting off right now, those poor residents must be going through hell!

I could use a bit of help from you…

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007

For a few months now I’ve been spending a lot of time looking into different schools. I’m interested in getting my Bachelors (or even Masters if possible) for Web Design/Development. Up until recently I was seriously considering AIU Online. A commenter (Thank you Scott) noted that I should float around and search for AIU. I come to find out that there are 70 some-odd strikes against them, and these are only documented ones on this site. I now know there are lawsuits pending against this company for fraud and teachers that couldn’t give a damn about the students they’re supposed to be helping.

AIU, up until yesterday, was the #1 school on my possibilities list. Now, thanks to, I’ve come to find out that my top FIVE schools are literally nothing more THAN a Rip Off. So this is where my visitors come in.

I know, through your blogs, that many of you have a degree of some sort a few of you have gotten them from internet based schools, like I’m looking to do. I’ve done a search on Google for internet based schools that offer Web Design / Web Programming but unfortunately all of these schools are on with absolutely horrible reviews, most of which include money fraud. One of the schools I was interested in has even claimed that they never received a certified cashiers check that was CASHED by their administration office. So naturally I’m stuck.

If you, or anyone you know, is currently going to an accredited university online and can steer me in the right direction of a school that isn’t going to screw me over, it would be greatly appreciated!

I’d really love to get my degree, I honestly don’t know where to turn and the only colleges around me are community colleges that can only offer me an associates degree in a field that has to do with computers, but is no where near where I need to be.

Google doesn’t help me, Yahoo doesn’t either – what do I do?

Still adjusting to living in an actual house…

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007

PPPI’m still having trouble getting used to being in a larger home. I’ve grown up in a rather narrow apartment for nearly my entire life so finally being in an actual HOME is something that I’m still having trouble getting used to. When you walk into this house you’re greeted with a huge living room, open floor plan so you can basically see straight into the kitchen and down the rather long hallway you’re greeted by three gracious sized bedrooms that are all being under utilized, organizational wise.

The living room really doesn’t have much in it furniture wise, it’s just not setup in a way that I would personally do myself. If I owned this house, the first thing I’d drop money on is a sectional because there’s only one three seater and a lounge chair in the living room. It really does need some more seating and having huge sectional sofas in that room could easily seat 10 people very comfortably with plenty of room to spare. I’m also factoring in that we can have up to 4 house guests at a time here so having plenty of room for them to sleep without having to pull out large uncomfortable beds would be a rather productive way of spending some money.

Another room that is in dire need of an update is the new office. I know that I’ve recently purchased some new office furniture for myself but this room is kind of thrown around in a rather strange manor. Then again, this is coming from someone who sees the importance in everything being organized and matching. We’ve got two completely different desks, chairs, and even just setups in general and while it’s important to be unique it’s also smart to utilized the space you’re in properly or it’s just going to be complete chaos. Since Sean and I are in here on a 10+ hour daily basis, the clutter can be a bit overwhelming. In the future things will change around. I can tell you that for sure, I just need to get myself down to a furniture store.

Getting some much needed work accomplished

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007

I’ve decided to get my ass in gear on getting a new template setup on AGn Designs. I’ve been playing around with a few things for it over the course of the last few months, I’ve even got a blog thrown around in there somewhere amongst all of the craziness that is my coding. I’m just not too sure what color scheme I’m thinking of going with. I’ve had the green template up for quite some time now and I HAVE been considering going with bright blues and grey but this doesn’t mean that’s actually going to happen. I’m sure I’ll find some kind of a creative streak in the near future to keep my drive towards this template, but it doesn’t mean that I’m going to get it done anytime soon. The last time I updated the site it took me about 3 months of putting it off just to get things done, after that it was a mad-dash to the finish line to accomplish everything I could have done over the course of a week in only 10 hours time. It wasn’t easy, that’s for sure. I may be able to get it done though considering I’m more productive when I’m on my desktop than I am on my laptop. That seems a bit strange considering I can take my laptop with me but this doesn’t mean that it actually works out for me, either.

I processed a few touches here and there on AGn Solutions as well. I kept overlooking a flaw in the template that shouldn’t have been there. I also redid the template for the suspended accounts so it’s just targeted back to the main page instead of going through a seperate folder that’s kind of useless. At least everything is now in the ‘all-in-one’ stages.

Travel Plans: Las Vegas!

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007

Spending as much time as I have in Atlantic City I’m lucky enough to have numerous offers to head over to Las Vegas. The cool thing about the casino that I frequent is that I can literally book a flight for free that only holds 50 passengers at most and then the rooms for a 2-4 night stay at the casino in Vegas is completely free for me, you spend enough and you certainly get enough in return.

I’ve always kind of been interested in Las Vegas night clubs, honestly. You hear so much about them on TV and while I naturally wouldn’t want to go and deal with all of the trash that graces the precious television screen, I would love to see what these Vegas nightspots are like from the inside. Another cool thing about my comps is I’m able to get into these nightclubs for free as well, the ones affiliated with that casino chain at least.

I’m actually looking at one of the comps right now, flight for two out of a DE airport, limo service to and from air port in both DE and Vegas. King suites, food comps and much more. Gotta love having everything handed over to you when it comes to casinos, they really know how to treat their members – that’s for damn sure!

Tuesday Twosome: Week #1

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007

It’s now time for the weekly installment of the Tuesday Twosome.

1. First two things you see when you wake up: Typically the clock and then somehow Bella always seems to pounce on me so all I ever see is a wagging tail and fluffy little face coming right at me.

2. First two things you touch when you wake up: I’ll pet Bella and then attempt to make my hair look somewhat presentable

3. First two things you do when get out of bed: I pee and then I smoke.

4. First two things you eat in the morning: I rarely eat in the morning, but I’m kind of the coffee and snack on things person.

5. First two places you ride/drive/walk/bike to in the morning: I walk down the stairs so Bella can pee and then I walk back up to the porch to have my cig – see how easy my mornings are?

Moving is tricky

Monday, July 2nd, 2007

Sean and I are still rather unsettled on the topic of where we’d like to move. Naturally price is a factor but location is also kind of a big deal for me. I’m currently 5 hours away from everything I’ve ever known and now he wants to go all the way to Ohio because he says he loves it out there. I’ve never been there before, but I also know that it’s even further away from Long Island than I am now. I’m sure at some point in time I’ll be traveling out there considering it’s where his brother currently lives but that doesn’t mean I know off the bat that I’m going to love it there enough to want to live there. Yes, for $5,000 we can get a trailer and spend $200 on lot rent. Financially that’s safe but I want something that’s mine, I don’t want lot rent I want a mortgage on land that I OWN so I can do with it what I please. I want a pool, I want a big fenced in back yard and I’d love to have a huge patio just to relax on without a care in the world. I don’t want to live in the middle of some redneck trailer park where everyone has two first names and even less teeth in their mouth.

Another big factor to moving is whether or not we’ll need to go through moving companies or if we’re going to truck everything there ourselves, maybe even just renting a uhaul but then we’d need some kind of auto transport just to get the car(s) out there if we’re driving the uHaul. We could get away with just a hitch with the uHaul but I’m sure we’d need a bit more room than we’re thinking now considering how much stuff the two of us have accumulated. I’ve downgraded a lot with the move, I threw out a lot more than I’d thought before moving down here. There would also just be a lot of crap to buy as well with furniture that we currently don’t have due to a lack of space, it’s just a whole big chunk of things to go through that I don’t, at this time, have the energy for.

I guess the only upside, at this point, would be the fact that I don’t have to worry about international shipping. Though, Canada does look fairly good to me considering I’d have to continue dealing with the bone head that’s running America.

Satellite TV Deals

Monday, July 2nd, 2007

I don’t remember a time when I didn’t have cable television. I was with Optimum/Cablevision for many years and then they decided to change their service around so I lost HBO, I know how the Soprano’s completely ended but I would like to know what happened up until that point, I guess I’ll have to wait until I can get every single season on DVD, yes – that’s a goal.

Moving down here I’ve stepped into the wonderful world of Comcast. I still don’t have HBO but I also have a few more channels like Discovery Health and Style Network – two channels that are basically programmed into my brain considering how frequently I watch them. I’m still on Long Island time so naturally I confuse my channels quite a bit. FX has always been channel 40 for me, now it’s 37 and while that’s not a major difference, I also like my TNT and that’s been changed around to a completely different channel than the 37 I’m used to it being.

The one thing I keep seeing on television are commercials for DirectTVHD. I’m confused as far as commercials go though, do the networks pay for the commercials or does the cable provider? And if that’s the case – why is Comcast advertising Satellite TV Deals, wouldn’t that mean getting rid of a customer? Seems kind of strange to me.

The one commercial that I’ve been seeing the most of is Pam Anderson oiling herself up on the towers of Baywatch. I never really liked the show. I have noticed Sean start to drool when she takes of running though, most men typically do. It’s not like there was any actual storyline behind the show. Beach babes running around in uniforms that are no where near the standard issue lifeguard gear and if they aren’t even remotely attractive they more than likely wouldn’t be cast on the show. Granted, this sounds like every other show you could ever watch on TV but since it’s based on the beach with the infamous too much of a hassle “hoff”, I guess it was worth the watch for some…certainly wasn’t for me!

Monday’s a BITCH! Week #3

Monday, July 2nd, 2007

It’s now time for the weekly installment of Monday’s a Bitch, brought to you by those nifty girls over at livejournal.

1. Have you ever been to a Pride Parade? No, but I do live in the middle of homosexual center. And with all of the drag queens walking around as well…every day down here is a pride parade.

2. What’s your favorite Skittles flavor? I didn’t think there was any flavors considering they all kind of taste the same to me. I like red though, does that count?

3. Did you ever watch “Rainbow Brite”? If so, who was your favourite Color Kid? It was so many years ago that I literally have no idea who any of the characters even are anymore.

4. Have you ever seen “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat”? No, but it sounds colorful.

5. What’s at the end of your rainbow? (Assume a pot of gold is already taken because that’s just not creative). Well, considering I’m marrying the leprakhaun, I know for sure that I’ll have some kind of gold in the future…or just a lot of little green-coat-wearing children – lol.

Weightloss Resources:

Monday, July 2nd, 2007

I’ve been doing rather well with sticking to my diet thanks to my trusty calorie counter. I mentioned a few times that I was looking for a good one and I’m rather happy that I was able to come across one that works really well for me. I can just punch in all of the numbers I need in order to keep track of everything I’ve been doing. With the ability to keep track of calories, carbs and many other aspects of your diet, this free service gives you an idiot proof way of successfully losing weight and keeping it off. I’d kept food journals for years but none of them really ever worked for me until I joined up on

The site is not only easy to use, but it’s fast. They believe that the easier it is to track your diet, the more likely you are to stick to it. They can work with any diet you happen to be on from Atkins to South Beach, even The Zone and many others. They have free message boards to provide you with motivation and 24/7 support. You aren’t the only one on a diet, everyone in the world has been on a diet during some point in time or they’re still on it today. Talk to the people who understand what you’re going through, that’s what they’re here for.

Another thing that I absolutely love about this site is they are completely free. They’ll never ask you for a credit card, a check, a money order, or even a Paypal agreement. You will never pay a dime and you’ll still be tapped into resources that many sites require that you pay for. Why should you spend more anymore money on dieting than you already have? Go with something that will benefit you and any other person who signs up to it. You truly won’t regret it.

Monday Madness – Week #3

Monday, July 2nd, 2007

It’s time for this week’s installment of Monday Madness.

1. Do you do your own laundry or do you send it out? I do my own laundry, I have been for years.

2. Do you laundry at your home or a laundromat? I’m lucky enough to have had an in-house laundry machine available to me for many years.

3. Are there certain articles of clothing that you need to have dry-cleaned on a regular basis? No, I’m known to many friends as the cotton queen. If it can’t be put in the washing machine than typically I won’t even buy it – no matter how cute it is.

4. How often do you do laundry? Is there a certain day of the week that you consider “laundry day?” Up until recently it was once a week. I would have Monday’s, my father did his on Sunday and my sister kind of just threw it all in the machine whenever she ran out of jeans. Lately, however, I haven’t been doing it quite as often because I’m not changing more than once a day anymore now that I’m perminantly working from home.

5. Do you iron your clothes as you pull them out of the dryer or do you wait until just before you wear the clothing to iron? Again, I’m the cotton queen, but when it comes to shirts that do require being pressed, I like to get to them just as they come out of the dryer.

6. Do you hang your clothes outside to dry or do you dry them in a dryer? The dryer, unfortunately these days there are so many harmful chemicals in the air that having it mixed with sunlight can do some serious damage to your delicates. I would also like to note that I understand old school ways but could you people please stop hanging your huge white granny-panties out on the line? It’s kind of icky. Dryers are only about $200 and if you have the room for a huge washing machine than trust me – you can squeeze in a dryer.

7. Do you own things that need to be hand-washed or do you try to avoid buying things that you can’t wash in the washing machine? Again I’ll note the “Cotton Queen” statement. I have hand-washed clothing before, however. Sometimes one stain isn’t worth doing an entire load for and wasting water. Then hanging it up in the tub to air-dry or directly in the dryer is a very easy thing to do.

So there you have it, I hung out my dirty laundry.


Monday, July 2nd, 2007

Important Note: When being asked to review a website, paid or not, I treat it as though I’ve just come across the site on Google and then give my opinion from there. Price tags do not, by any means, sway my opinion on a sponsored entry. This is something I would like for the sponsor to keep in mind. Through me, you will receive my 100% honest opinion on your product and I remind you that this is what you’ve asked for.

This review is for They are a provider of information in regards to hotels in India.

When I think of a site that I can use to learn about hotels, I’d typically travel to the more well known ones because they tend to cover everything. It IS nice to come across a site that will give you nothing more than hotels in the country you specify. I do believe, however, that those traveling around that area aren’t going to be able to come across this site very easily from Google. I ran a search for it with simple keywords looking exactly for hotels in India. and the site didn’t even show up in the search results. I understand that by having bloggers write about it you may be able to get your name out there a bit more but I do suggest doing a serious SEO overhaul of your template so it’s keyword heavy for search engines. I easily found over 100 other sites in dedication to India based hotels but this won’t help your cause later on down the road if you want to be as easily remembered as sites like,, and even as well.

The template itself is a little bland, this is coming from a design stand point, simplicity is great but if you wish to stand out amongst the rest, you need to make the needle stand out from the haystack, so to speak. While you offer India specific hotels for users to search through, you don’t give me anything different than sites that cover hotels all over the world. You need to visually hold someone’s attention there for more than just the search. The more return visits you have to your site obviously means better business, better business is more money/fame and it builds up from there.

I did a quick search with the default queries that you provide on the site, I personally know nothing about India so I wouldn’t even know where to begin looking for a hotel room. I will say that I find it rather interesting that room rates start in the US$9.00 range per night. I live in a heavy tourist area and even during off season a lot of the rooms are in the US$50.00 range, which is relatively cheap but these same hotels are in the US$150.00 per night range now. I do like the display you have for the database itself, this is the color I was looking for on what I consider to be a somewhat bland site. I also like how you note if you’re affiliated with the hotel or not through red or green icons. I’m on a 1024×768 browser, however, and I have a scroll bar along the bottom of the page. I would personally say you should change the size of the frame everything is loading in to not be as wide as it is, but again this is strictly from a designers stand point.

As far as working with newer web technology is concerned, the ajax features on the site are very interesting to see on a hotel based website, note that this isn’t a bad thing it’s just something I haven’t seen before. Naturally this would be one thing closer to you standing out amongst the rest, I just think having something that advanced throughout the rest of the site would benefit your site.

I do have a question for you, if you’d like to email to answer it for me that would be great. You note that you have 35,000 hotel rooms at amazing rates ranging from US$5 to US$10,000. Should I assume that the $5 per night rooms are in a relatively, bad, area? Again, I know little to nothing about India, but I do know there is quite a bit of poverty there. The US$5.00 per night rooms, wouldn’t it be kind of “bad business” to book a penny-pincher (so to speak) in a run-down, potentially dangerous, area?

All in all, you’ve got a good thing going here, I just think little improvements here and there could really help your site go the extra mile it needs to get into the main stream of hotel related websites. I hope this review did not offend, hurt or bother you in any way because again, you requested honesty. I hope these suggestions can help you to improve. I will say this though, if more than one person has given any of the suggestions I’ve listed above, regular visitors who aren’t being asked to review your website will more than likely have the same opinion.

Do-Follow = GO AWAY!

Monday, July 2nd, 2007

While I still have absolutely no inspiration for anything, I’ve gone ahead and put the final touches on the July template. I wanted to just do a simple CSS template that wasn’t going to be much of a hassle and then I realized, my templates include about 15-20 template files based on all of the formatting I’ve done to specific pages. That’s all fine and dandy because for the most part, they’re already coded and I just have to change around some style tags here and there. I wasn’t, however, expecting the template itself to need 4 stylesheet files just so it wasn’t a 2,000 line long stylesheet. I don’t really like breaking things up like that but I guess my idea of simple is basically turning everything into complete and total chaos.

I still do have a lot of things to get done today but I would like to make a note to those whom are participants of this bull shit “Click & Comment Monday” crap. Please do not even bother to comment on my site unless you actually have something relevant to the entry to comment on. The bulk of you are coming from the do-follow blog roll and I have spoken to Tricia in the past and she does not appreciate those abusing the blogroll. I completely agree with her. The reason for the blog roll was so that do-follow bloggers can join together and read new and interesting sites. It doesn’t mean contribute a whole day to going down the list and posting the same bull shit comment on every site you visit just so you can gain hits to your site that basically has NOTHING interesting on it. I understand the point of PR, but don’t abuse it, you look like a fool.

If you’re a Click & Comment Monday visitor – don’t even bother clicking ‘Post a Response’, I’m banning every name, ip address, email address and website from here on in that comments having nothing to do with the entry itself.

Some of you may be wondering why this is such a big deal it’s ‘comments on your site‘, that’s not the case here. All comments are moderated due to idiots that just don’t seem to go away. So I have to moderate through 100+ comments every Monday from people going down the blogrolls. If I removed the moderation option than I would literally be plugging the people who know nothing more than the obnoxious and extremely rude way of getting back links. It’s not just the do-follow roll, it’s also the PPP Postie roll as well – and I’m not holding the owners of either one of these blog rolls responsible because they did not create the blog roll with the intent of having users be bombarded with spam comments.

I give up…

Sunday, July 1st, 2007

Nothing happened between my last post and now to give me any kind of inspiration for a July theme, as far as I’m concerned (at this point in time) there won’t be a change. Maybe something will trigger me in upcoming days, I know there’s a holiday around the corner, but I’m heavily doubting it at this point.

I have emails up the wazoo with bitchy people asking stupid questions. I’m not sure how but WordPress was bombed with spam that took me about a half hour of going through PHPmyADMIN just to delete and I’m craving coffee right now to keep me awake even though it’s after 3am and I should just go curl up with Sean and crash for the night, he’s been knocked out since 11:30 this evening!

I was going to barbecue tonight because I had a craving for smoked sausage and rice with basil but since I’m the only one in the house who eats rice, I was going to make baked potatoes for everyone else. The potatoes we have are not only too small to make a REAL baked potato,¬† but they’d also been on the counter for almost two weeks and were starting to root themselves to the bag. Needless to say, I needed to go to the store to pick up some more potatoes. After I’d told Sean about this he offered to just go pick up something for dinner and we wound up at Bona Pizza, he loves them – I hate them. So instead of eating nasty pizza, I had a calzone. Now, in NY calzones don’t come in two freaking sizes so I should have known right then and there that this was going to be interesting. I figured okay, the large so I’ll have something to eat tomorrow night. Little did I know they make their calzones almost the same way one would make a stromboli. Fold a pizza in half and throw some extra cheese in. So now I’m sitting there with my LARGE pie folded in half that’s overstuffed with cheese and sausage. This is not a calzone. Calzones have mozzarella cheese, ricotta cheese, ham, salami, pepperoni and sausage – unless you ask for straight cheese naturally. So I was a bit disappointed with dinner considering it had little chunks of sausage and about 10lbs of HORRIBLE cheese thrown in. It didn’t SUCK but even eating about a 1/4 of the thing – I can tell my stomach is going to be screaming at me for the rest of the week while I finish the fucker off. Any true Italian will know, food does NOT go to waste.

I have a taste for things, I grew up in New York so someone telling me that Grotto’s is the absolute best place in the world – I’ll naturally like to beat them senseless with a large trout. A good place in town is Louis, their pizza tastes the most like New York pizza minus the fact that yes, the crust is kind of thin. Sean likes more of a sweet sauce – he grew up in Jersey I wouldn’t expect any less – but he considers himself to be the master of Pizza…when you’re going to marry a New Yorker, your state of mind WILL change. He likes Bona because he basis the good stuff on the crust and theirs, yes, is thicker. It also tastes like straight flower – and not even semolina – what you’re SUPPOSED to cook with. The only place that I can say I enjoy the most, in this entire freaking state, is up in Georgetown they have a place called Bella Capri and when they say Calzone – you get a freaking calzone. Filled with the right stuff, the right AMOUNT of stuff and while their sauce is very bland (straight out of the can kind of bland) they include seasoning on the table so I can adjust it.

Either way, back to my original point; my mind sucks for not having any inspirational thoughts, my computer sucks for not finding me anything good, Google should die, no one in Delaware knows anything about good Italian food, tourists need to be shot considering Karen’s boy-toy was almost run over tonight, Bella and I almost got skunked on her walk tonight, spammers need to get off my back, and I’m freaking exhausted.