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My precious…

Sunday, July 15th, 2007

I have, what I personally consider, to be the cutest dog in the world. While I admit to the fact that she can be a royal pain in my behind, I also know that she’s my baby and I wouldn’t give her up if my life depended on it. She’s a Lhasa Apso, which may seem like a rare name for you but that’s because when some see her they think she’s either a ShihTzu or a Maltese. She’s actually in her own category and on many different levels at that!

Bella It’s been kind of a trip having her for the last 3 years. It’s also kind of strange as well. I got her not too long before I had to put Pretty Kitty down for kidney failure. She was there through the official divorce of my parents and while other factors of my personal life were effecting me on a regular basis. While I’m not going to say that she’s my ‘best friend’ I can say that she knows when someone is upset and will do everything in her power to comfort them. This is why part of me believes, based on research, that she could be my grandmother. Some books state that pets are really just members of your family whom have passed away to come back for you. Bella would be Nanna for me, and minus the fact that they’re both short and blond, they do share quite a few personality traits as well.

She wasn’t easy to train, and even to this day she still has her accidents in the house. I do have her on some what of a ‘short leash’ though. She doesn’t get away with much around me and while I do not believe in any form of animal cruelty, she has gotten a smack on the butt for doing something wrong a few times now. She still loves me, as I still love her. When she gets the tap on the ass she’ll crawl under my seat and stay there until I call her back out. She has her own way of ‘sitting in the corner’.

She’s been known to bury bones all over the house. For some reason she has an addiction to socks as well. She’s not like a normal dog who will just fling them around as though they were toys, no. She’ll play with the sock to the point that she’s turned it inside out. Part of me wondered if this was based on the fact that she watches me turn the socks inside out when I’m doing the laundry because she follows me everywhere I go so naturally she’ll pick up on a few things.

When you tell her to chew something well, she will. If I sit there and chew with her she’ll look right up and me and chew away until the food has basically dissolved in her mouth. She’s almost never choked on anything because of this. She knows “get down” and follows the rules every single time. When you say “pee pee” or “poo poo” she’ll sit at the door and wait for the leash to be put on her. She’s not misses wonderful all the time though, her temperament does get a bit annoying.

She is very intelligent, she knows what she wants and she’ll go out of her way to get her way. She’s extremely devoted to me but that is also to the level of clingy considering I really can’t leave the room without her on my “tail”, so to speak. She is a bit nippy around Princess but for some reason she’s protective of Candy when it comes to Princess. She hates being alone, if you lock her in the bedroom to bring in the groceries (she likes to run out) she’ll cry, bark and scratch at the door until someone comes for her and it’s a very loud bark at that. She’s very nosey and everyone in the house will vouch for this one, she’s very playful and by the end of the day she’s nothing more than a lap dog gone limp.

My only big problem with her is ‘maintenance’ so to speak. She requires a lot of grooming because she has hair, not fur. She’s a non-allergenic dog so she doesn’t shed her hair just continues to grow. Every few months she needs to be taken to the groomer and then after that she requires a bath almost every week because of how easily she gets into things. I naturally like to keep a clean house so the bath really isn’t such a big deal for me, it’s the blow drying and brushing afterwards that can be a bit of a nuisance. It’s worh it in the end though. She’s always rather adorable when she’s fluffy – heh.

Mommy Makeovers

Sunday, July 15th, 2007

For many years now, the influence of the media has really bothered me. I know that I’m not the only one who’s had these issues as well. Young girls see scantly clad ‘role models’ partying, drinking, acting foolish and being plastered all over magazines as though they’re worthy of being some sort of royalty. They’re all ‘too pretty’ with gorgeous figures and this is exactly why every plastic surgeon from here to California can make a killing off someone’s insecurities.

I’ve met a few women who believe in nothing more than vanity sizes. They literally want to be skin and bone and consider wearing a double zero to be an important and ‘healthy’ goal to have in life. One found natural curves to be so disgusting that she dropped a few thousand on beverly hills liposculpture to fix her problem.. I didn’t quite understand what liposculpture was, I’ve only ever heard of liposuction. Apparently it’s some special technique that a surgeon will use so that activates the skin to help tighten the area after liposuction, this way you don’t have the excess skin where the fat used to be. What’s wrong with these people just doing some damn sit-ups and stopping themselves from spending an excessive amount of money just to get the body they feel they deserve. What’s wrong with people working towards their goals in the exercise sense? Now people are just working in the financial sense to fix what’s wrong with them.

One procedure that I can kind of understand, but am still a little iffy on is the mommy makeover. I understand that after child birth the boobs and the stomach just aren’t what they used to be. Getting your breast lifted back to where it was pre-pregnancy and the stomach closer to where it was previous as well is fine and dandy but while they’re spending the money anyway, these women are throwing in nose jobs and implants that make them about as large as they were when they were breast feeding. I can say that breast feeding is more than likely the cheapest way to find out if you can handle having your tits that big but when you’re lugging around a child for 9 months and then having them latched onto you for up to a year (maybe more depending on the parent) after that your back is more than likely going to be shot and you aren’t going to even want the boobs anymore.

I find boobs to be a nuisance, Sean would disagree but that’s because men know nothing about what women really go through. Having a larger chest (over weight or not) means nothing but back and posture issues. It’s also difficult to find the right bra because real boobs weigh a lot more than implants ant Victoria’s Secret can’t keep the puppies where they’re supposed to be. So the next time someone who’s an A-C cup are interested in those double d’s, remember that those with natural double-d’s and up may easily be able to influence their man to do something, but it doesn’t mean they’re physically comfortable while doing it.

The DS Browser!

Saturday, July 14th, 2007

With being sick for the last week I was kind of itching to get out of the house. Last night I did some grocery shopping but tonight was more of the fun shopping kind of experience. I knew we were going up to Dover to pick up something ordered from Sears and then knowing that Sears is attached to the mall we also spent some time in there as well. I had about $60 worth of gift certificates for FYE.

I needed a new pair of head phones so naturally I picked that up first. I’ve been using the same pair for a while now and they just recently crapped out on me. However, this was only after I’d lent them to Sean when his messed up. He’s now got my headset with the mic attached so lets see how long those can last – heh. So that was $10 of the $60. I then dropped $30 on something that I thought was going to be the coolest thing since sliced bread – The DS Browser. Yep, I own it! I went to quite a few different websites and let me tell you folks – your sites look like complete shit on the DS browser! I’m one of them, my stylesheet isn’t even reading properly because the browser itself is based on an older version of Opera that doesn’t read CSS properly – at all.

Knowing that I recently installed the iPhone plugin for WordPress which can be customized but it removes all of your excess crap from the sidebars and just puts the blog entries on the website loaded through iPhone. It does not effect how your actual template looks for browser based viewers, that will still load your original template. The iPhone plugin basically just perks up your RSS template for iPhone only users and goes from there. At first I thought it was for any RSS reading device but the plugin was programmed to only read the iPhones operating system. Naturally, knowing there are a few sites that are PS3 compatible out there, I went in search for a DS based plugin.

The one I came across claims that it’s going to give you just a basic template but unfortunately after activating this plugin it managed to fuck up my entire website. I also attempted to load the site through my RSS Feeds but that didn’t work either because it’s telling me that my feeds don’t exist since that’s how Opera actually reads them. So either way I’m going to have to work on figuring something out. I’m sure that I could just create a plugin myself or I can start coming up with basic one column templates for a while, guess I’ll find out when I get there.

Other than the browser I managed to pick up Lego Star Wars. I know that sounds kind of strange but I’m slowly going to build up a nice database of DS games over time because I do literally play my DS on a daily basis. Up until a few weeks ago I was playing Mario non stop and then up until this afternoon I was playing Sonic Rush (highly recommended) now my newest addiction (if Sean ever gives back my DS) will more than likely be Lego Star Wars. I saw it on G4 a few days ago and thought it was the cutest thing ever, so naturally that’s the reason why I picked it up.

Our mission today was to find a Wii but naturally in a mall that’s close to impossible. We came up empty handed in that regard but at least we can now surf the internet without having to boot up a computer. If it didn’t take so long to type on the thing, I’d probably be using it to blog right now. But, I know that I’ve written over 600 words at this point and if I was writing this on the DS I’d be on sentence #2 and completion would be somewhere around 6am lol.

Note: If anyone comes across a plugin for WordPress that’s for the DS and actually WORKS please let me know!

Being an adult isn’t that hard, you know?

Saturday, July 14th, 2007

I know that many websites are based on the whole “If you don’t like what I have to say, click the X” mentality. Hell, I consider all of my domains to run by the same standard. It’s rare when I come across something that completely offends me and I receive a lot of spam email during the day in regards to either child porn, penis enlargement, random “you suck” comments left on my blog and other stupid things like that. I’ve naturally grown a sort of thick-skin to avoid really being effected by any of these statements being thrown at me.

I recently came across a website that offended me to no end, and this is a very rare occurrence. The owner of the site is a business man that is new in his field and more than likely just hasn’t worked out the kinks yet. He’s in the process of ridding someone who’s abusing his services and instead of dealing with it privately he’s gone on to not only publicly explain what she’s doing wrong but has also thrown random statements (that I doubt are even true) of drug usage and other aspects of her life that no one is really entitled to know. He was smart enough to not list her name for any of this but all the girl would have to do is find his website and look at the sidebar to know exactly who this man was talking about considering his pictures are plastered all over the place. I’m not quite sure how someone is able to get away with this when they’re supposed to be considered a professional.

I know, I’ve had my fair share of crap going on in the past but I would never take it as far as this person has with his client issues. I just hope that before he gets any further in his field he works on some kind of business etiquette for his future ventures or he’s not going to get very far in life at all.

Travel Plans: Alaska

Friday, July 13th, 2007

PPPWhen you’ve spent the last week being sick as a dog and just wanting to get out of the house; a high fever will sometimes cause you to drift off into many different worlds without even leaving the bed. For the last three days I’ve dreamed of being handed a lifetime supply of vouchers for plane tickets and from there I’ve had to decide just where I’d like to go.

Sure, I could hop on a plane and fix my cold by sitting on the beaches in Aruba but it’s also summer and I don’t like heat enough to be down there for that. With a fever it would just double my discomfort. I could always look into one of the northern most tips of Alaska because I know it can be pretty cold there year round, based on things that I’ve read at least. Considering I’ve been hanging out in the air conditioning for the last few days, this really wouldn’t be much different to me.

I’ve been watching that show Men in Tree’s a lot recently. I’m not sure exactly what it is about the show, other than the actual setting itself, but I’m drawn to Alaska, I always have been. This is because of my love for all things cold. I look at it this way, honestly. You can’t prepare for heat because there’s no possible way to take your skin off when you’re just too uncomfortable for words. You CAN prepare for cold because it’s always going to be easier to get warm than it would be to get cold. Because of this, when I happen to come into my millions over time, my house will be climate controlled and it will be 50-55¬?F on a year round basis.

Boy, that would be nice.

It’s not a spider, it’s unique!

Wednesday, July 11th, 2007

Quite a few people have told me that my unique hits throughout the day are nothing more than crawlers and spiders. I can honestly tell you that this is truly not the case at all. I have quite a few stat based programs setup on my domain and each program calculates the true statistics (ip address, referrals, etc) of every visitor that my domain receives. Only 8% of my daily visitors are crawler based. This means that 92% of my daily hits are, in fact, human. For every 100 visitors, 8 of them are bots; this goes on to mean that for every 1,000 visitors to my site (which is about half of my daily average) only 80 of them are bots.

So please, would you care to explain how advertisers and fellow bloggers alike can claim that true unique hits are nothing more than bots?

A business can rent too!

Wednesday, July 11th, 2007

Any successful business owner knows that, at some point, you’re going to have to tap into a computer rental or two depending on the needs of your company. A typically common one is a Mac Pro rental because so many companies are using Mac’s these days, it’s unreal. I’m not overly happy with Apple at the moment because they’ve decided to discontinue the iMac 17″ and redo the 20″ and 24″ with some kind of a brushed aluminum kind of setup. Why can’t they just leave well-enough alone, right?

Moving right along… is a great resource to keep around when you’re in desperate need for a computer. They’re currently the leading provider of short term computer and laptop rentals for businesses nationwide. They help companies at trade shows, ones who need temporary computers for short term projects and they’ll even equip offices with all of your computer needs after a disaster (hurricane, flood, tornado, earthquake, fire, etc.) They’ll supply you everything you need in order for you to get back up and running 100% until you can stand on your own two feet with out them. I’d recommend the MacBook Pro rental but that’s because I’m a sucker for anything Mac these days.

Did anyone actually get Windows based Safari working for them? Maybe I’ll rent from them just so I can actually get my hands on a mac long enough to know if I want to drop $1500 on a 20″ iMac in the future.

I’m doing the best I can!

Wednesday, July 11th, 2007

I’m still not feeling very well but I’ve managed to catch up on all of the sleep that I’ve lost over the last couple of weeks. I’ve slept over 24 hours in the last two days and while that’s nothing I’m really proud of, I still at least am sleeping off the bacteria that’s infesting my once healthy body at the moment. Based on my inbox I really do have a lot of work to get around to. I’m working on making up a list for tomorrows things-to-do and I’ll hopefully be able to accomplish something on it. At this point it really depends on whether or not I have the ability to get out of bed tomorrow. I really hope I’m able to though, the house needs some cleaning up and I really need to disinfect the sheets in the bedroom so I can slowly start moving this bacteria out of the house before it hurts us all.

In order to avoid getting everyone else in the house sick, I’ve spent more time in the bedroom than any person should, sleeping or not. Sean, unfortunately, is starting to cough a little but I’ve made it a point to stay clear away from Karen because she has to work and I know she has an interview tomorrow as well. The last thing I need is for her to get sick when she’s in the market for a new job, you know?

I took Bella for a walk tonight. The poor thing didn’t get to go last night because of that stupid animal and tonight, I couldn’t take it anymore. Even being a dizzy girl I’m a stubborn one. I stayed on the main strip and made it a point to walk rather quickly. She did her business a few times and then we high-tailed it back to the house with the ‘quickness’, as my sister would say. At least she was able to take care of business and you can tell by her current temperament that she’s pretty darn happy at the moment. She went like six times, but two days of backed up food will do that to you. At least she’s done, that’s all that matters.

I am still behind on email, and more than likely will be for a few days. I know that there are about 3 of the $30 Deals waiting for me, two potential clients from AGn Designs and some advertiser looking into me for another one of my domains. I’ll get back to everyone as soon as I can, I promise.

Business Credit Cards

Tuesday, July 10th, 2007

What I’m typically not too open about is the fact that I do own a credit card for business based purchases. I was lucky enough to come across one on that gave me basically everything I’d ever need without any major interest rates that I couldn’t afford. I’m also lucky enough to have a high enough credit score that it helped the high interest rate as well. I use it to make a few purchases here in there, mainly bulk ordering when it comes to domains and other hosting related supplies. Three of five servers are being paid for through the card as well. It’s a rather nifty little thing to have, honestly. I don’t want to have a personal credit card but I can understand where having one, from a business stand point, is rather important.

TMI Tuesday – Week #1

Tuesday, July 10th, 2007

I haven’t done this here before, I figured I’d give it a shot. This is my first weekly installment of TMI Tuesday.

1. Who was your childhood hero? I can honestly say that I didn’t have one.

2. Have you ever had sex with someone who has a myspace page? Yes, but in my defense I didn’t MEET him off myspace!

3. What fantasies have you openly told your partner about? I don’t have any.

4. Have you ever said you love someone but didn’t mean it? No, I haven’t.

5. Have you ever woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you? Yes but it was more the drunken “What’s your name again?” kind of a thing. No sex happened at all, I didn’t know half the people on that porch. Parties+Alcohol+Kids=Strangeness.

Mesosilver is TRUE Colloidal Silver

Tuesday, July 10th, 2007

Important Note: When being asked to review a website, paid or not, I treat it as though I’ve just come across the site on Google and then give my opinion from there. Price tags do not, by any means, sway my opinion on a sponsored entry. This is something I would like for the sponsor to keep in mind. Through me, you will receive my 100% honest opinion on your product and I remind you that this is what you’ve asked for.

This review is for a website in dedication to colloidal silver.

I found it rather hard to figure out just what to write on this review of colloidal silver. I’ve also found it rather hard to figure out what IS colloidal silver exactly. The website gives you a break down, yes, but unless you’re really into medicines, it’s kind of hard to piece it all together. All I could really get from it is that it’s a natural mineral supplement and it’s a non-toxic substance that does not interact or interfere with any other medications. It also goes on to say that it will not cause argyria, which is a discoloration of the skin caused by other forms of silver. It’s a completely tasteless liquid, kind of like water, and it has an infinite shelf life.

All of that information aside, what does this stuff really do for you? Based on an outside source I’ve come to find out that colloid silver has antimicrobial properties and was, in the past, used on external wounds and burns to prevent infection. Some alternative-health practitioners claim that it is a beneficial nutritional supplement. Others claim that it is a powerful antibiotic as well.

Further information has shown me that the FDA has banned over-the-counter sales in the US of any product claiming to have therapeutic value, health benefits or making any medical claims, unless it is a drug. Despite colloidal silvers earlier history as a drug, the product now has the status of a dietary supplement in the US and can not claim to cure diseases only that they support healthy functioning.

I’m not sure I would recommend this product unless someone knew exactly what they were getting out of it.

I need a clone…

Tuesday, July 10th, 2007

I still feel like complete crap but I did manage to start making a dent in all of my email. Hopefully I’ll be able to process some more of it before the meds kick in and I wind up falling back asleep. I do have some small jobs to accomplish but I highly doubt that I’ll be able to get them done today. I wish I could afford to have an assistant or something, I would just need one that doesn’t ask questions every twenty minutes and knows how to do things the same way I do. I think this is more or less the reason I’d clone myself.

Alcohol Rehabilitation

Tuesday, July 10th, 2007

What some of you may or may not remember about me is that up until September of last year, I had the luxury of living with an alcoholic who knew nothing more than random excuses to come up with in order to keep herself out of Alcohol Rehab.

She was a difficult person to get along with. I haven’t spoken to her in almost a year and I’m unsure if she’s even still alive at this point considering the drugs she was taking as well. I never liked any of her friends because they all came across as boozers as well. I try, very hard, to give people the benefit of the doubt but when you’re a vicious person who is beyond help – it’s hard to get to that point of understanding.

Many people can be effected by just one person in their lives being an alcoholic, I felt horrible for her children because they were the ones who had to grow up sooner than they should have. Her teenage daughter was more responsible than her and she was cut absolutely no slack in the process. She was going through AA meetings but hitting up a bar afterwards kind of made no sense to anyone.

I came across but unfortunately it was just too late for me. It’s a blog site that shares stories, experiences and knowledge on alcohol addiction. I would have loved to get her to this website but when you’re too far gone for change, I guess there’s no need to help.

I’m sure you’re sitting there thinking that I’m heartless, that’s really not the case. I spent years attempting to help her but none of my efforts, no matter how hard I pushed, really did any good. You can only help someone who’s willing to meet you half way – she wasn’t one to meet you anywhere, unfortunately.

New toys, very sick, rabid animals and more!

Tuesday, July 10th, 2007

I’m fully aware of all of the email building up in my inbox but as of right now I just can’t get to it. I’m running a high fever, I can barely breath from being so congested, I’m cramping quite a bit due to an extremely heavy period – I’m just NOT having a good couple of days. If you’re a current client or even a potential one, please just be patient with me. There’s only so much I can do when it takes me a half hour to stand up without collapsing from the fact that I’m extremely dizzy at the moment. I’ll be in touch with everyone as soon as possible, I promise. Tony is handling hosting orders at the moment, I’ll get to the design aspect of things when I can.

Sean bought me a graphics card for our anniversary, we’re also going out to dinner next weekend as well. The card showed up today, he installed it after he got some of his own work done and I personally hadn’t been at the computer in the last 12 hours to see how things look. The clarity on the card is amazing and I’m back up to having my gig of installed ram being used on everything else, not being shared with a graphics card. He got me a 512 card, and it has the option for dual monitors as well – something I’ll more than likely have in the near future anyway. Everything does look great though, I really like it so far.

There is an animal running loose in the complex that’s more than likely rabid. Sean spoke to someone last night who said that some large grey cat attacked their pit bull. I saw this animal last night – foam dripping off his mouth. We called the police who wound up transferring us to a different county, explained the situation and an HOUR later animal control zipped through here quick and left. I saw it again tonight, we wrote a letter to the main office and hopefully home owners in the complex will be notified as soon as possible considering almost every other house has a dog in this place, it would be horrible if another one were attacked.

Go figure, I thought skunks were a big deal around here!

Review: Canadian Web Hosting

Monday, July 9th, 2007

Important Note: When being asked to review a website, paid or not, I treat it as though I’ve just come across the site on Google and then give my opinion from there. Price tags do not, by any means, sway my opinion on a sponsored entry. This is something I would like for the sponsor to keep in mind. Through me, you will receive my 100% honest opinion on your product and I remind you that this is what you’ve asked for.

This review is for Canadian Web Hosting Services.

I know it seems a bit strange that I’m writing a review for a web hosting company but this is only because I don’t have a bias opinion when it comes to the web hosting world. When, these days, it seems that everyone and their mother has a website, you’re going to need numerous companies out there housing all of these websites and there’s no possible way of getting around that.

When I first loaded the site I did notice a little bit of a lag but I want to assume this was Firefox and not them considering the main header on the site is flash based. I think that’s pretty typical for any hosting company so as of right now they don’t stand out very much for me at all. I do feel that for the services they’re offering, they’re a bit under priced to the point of what I’d believe to be overselling. For less than CAD$9.00 a month they’re offering a terabyte of transfer with 125gb of storage. All this triggers for me is a massive amount of overselling their servers. For CAD$16.00 a month you get 3 terabytes of bandwidth and a 300gb hard drive, that’s a dedicated server – basically – and there’s no possible way they can afford to run multiple servers with those kind of resources when they’re only earning $16 per month on that particular account! Doing further information you find out that it is only in the $16 per month range if you happen to purchase a yearly based account, the monthly price for this account is more in the $20 range if you choose to pay on a month-to-month basis. I personally would choose to pay CAD$20 for the first month and then decide from there if I’d like to stay with their services. You would have to pay them approximately $200 in order to go with the $16 per month plan. I think the $20 is the better route to take, honestly.

When it comes to standard web hosting, you’re rarely going to find companies that can do it 100% correctly. There is absolutely no need for someone to search around and get the most bang for their buck when it comes to web hosting. Do not put yourself on a server where you’re given 3 terabytes of bandwidth and an 80 gig hard drive to over load with stuff that you don’t need. I’ve noticed a trend in many people looking for high-bandwidth accounts in the $5-$7 a month range. Unless you average over 10,000 hits per day on your personal blog that your friends from school visit on a regular basis, you do not need anything more than 8 to 10 gigs at most of bandwidth. Yes, having some extra is nice depending on how many sites you happen to be direct linking off of but there’s no way that you will ever blow through 3+ terabytes of bandwidth in one month unless you’re doing something illegal or just running some kind of an adult site, if that’s the case you aren’t on a shared server that’s for sure.

Another thing that doesn’t quite sit right with me is how oddly priced their services are. They’ll give you over 3 terabytes of transfer for an account that can only host up to 10 add-on domains but a reseller account with 10 cPanel domains only has the option of 500GB of transfer even on a plan that costs $300 per month to run. For $150 you can rent a dedicated server and load it with as many clients as disk-space will allow and also giving you about 2-4 terabytes of transfer in the process. Half the price and four times the resources, that’s more than likely the company anyone who properly shops around would choose. If you’re someone spending $300 a month on literally no resources, please email me so I can point you in the right direction.

I’m not too sure if I would recommend this company to someone looking for web hosting. I will say that I would greatly appreciate anyone who is currently hosted with this company, and not an owner/support member, to give me their opinion on their services. What do you think of their company? How is their support staff? How much of the resources that you’re paying for do you actually USE during the month? I’d love to hear it.

This was a sponsored post.


Sunday, July 8th, 2007

There’s a new product out called Bowtrol out on the market. It can be found on basically any health forum but there is a lot of hype about it as being one of the best natural colon cleansing products out there. It’s important for someone to clear their system from time to time. It helps with weight loss, it gets rid of all of the bad toxins in your body and I’m sure there are many other benefits of colon cleansing that can be found by looking around as well. You should consider checking them out if you’re always looking for new and interesting products to better your daily life.