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Sex Offender “Too Short” for Prison

Thursday, July 19th, 2007

I spend quite a bit of time watching the news. It’s mainly for the fact that I like to stay on top of current events but it’s also based on the fact that there’s nothing good on television anymore. I was watching CNN last night, maybe even MSNBC, because lord knows there’s enough news channels. I came across a story that not only disturbed me, but pissed me off to absolutely no end.

Judge rules sex offender is too short for prison
SIDNEY, Neb. – A judge said a 5-foot-1 man convicted of sexually assaulting a child was too small to survive in prison, and gave him 10 years of probation instead.

This man was charged on six documented counts of sexually assaulting a 13 year-old girl. He’s 52 years old and yes, 5 foot 1 inches tall. The judge then went on to state “I shudder to think of what would happen to you in prison”.

Uhm…HELLO!? He raped a 13 year-old girl, on multiple accounts and just because there are only 6 documented doesn’t mean there weren’t more behind it. I really could care less about how short he is, if you lack enough of a brain to drag your 52 year-old ass over to a 13 year-old girl then you deserve to be in jail with the rest of your kind – burdens on society.

His crimes deserved a long sentence, District Judge Kristine Cecava said, but she worried that Richard W. Thompson, 50, would be especially imperiled by prison dangers.

“You are a sex offender, and you did it to a child,” she said. “That doesn’t make you a hunter. You do not fit in that category.”

He’s not a hunter? He raped a fucking child and he’s not a hunter? Based on other reports that I’ve read, this girl is extremely messed up because of these acts. Knowing that this poor child is scarred for life, how does this not make him a damn hunter?

Another thing that burns me – because yes, this story continues.

Thompson will be electronically monitored the first four months of his probation, and he was told to never be alone with someone under age 18 or date or live with a woman whose children were under 18. Cecava also ordered Thompson to get rid of his pornography. He faces 30 days of jail each year of his probation unless he follows its conditions closely.

And the kicker:

“I want control of you until I know you have integrated change into your life,” the judge told Thompson. “I truly hope that my bet on you being OK out in society is not misplaced.”

You can easily have fucking control over a person if you put them in jail where they belong. Do the crime, pay the fucking time!

A live-vote on (where the bulk of this article came from) has a poll up with the question:

“Do you agree this man should be kept out of prison?”

There are currently 72,656 responses to this poll. 3% of them said “Yes, the judge still gave the defendant sufficient punishment”. The people with a brain – 97% – said that “No, being small does not make a person exempt from jail.”

How exactly is 10 years of probation considered a sufficient punishment? This judge is almost as fucking stupid as the one who keeps letting Paris out of jail. Oh sure, she’s on probation in a multi million dollar home with her fluffy pillows and maid service – I swear she’s really being punished!

Probation means shit, send him to jail to be raped the same way he took advantage of that girl.

What do you think? Should he be in jail or is probation enough?

I’m stuck.

Thursday, July 19th, 2007

I’m not sure why but for some reason I’m having trouble coding up one of the free templates. There’s a lot of functions options to play with for the widgets. I came across an article where you can use multiple widgets on the site and naturally I’m looking into them considering one of the themes has a hemmingway footer and instead of having the user install excess plugins, I’d rather do it through the new WordPress 2.0 setup with the widgets. I know the sidebar one works fine, it’s just creating the other ones for the footer that are growing to be a pain in the ass. I’ve been working on it for most of the day so I could have at least four solid templates to launch with in upcoming weeks.

Shauna, to answer your question, the downloads will be based on, but I’ll have them located on and even just to cross link everything.¬† Either way they’ll be easy to find, trust me.

Other than that, it’s been kind of a lazy day. There isn’t really anything interesting going on. A little bit of rain passed through here today but nothing major. There’s nothing on television and I got no cleaning done, other than a few things in the kitchen before I made dinner. I did a roasted chicken with potatoes and broccoli, turned out pretty good but the white meat was a little dry and that makes no sense to me considering I basted the thing about three times during it’s three hour cook time. There’s a lot of left overs, I had to take all of the meat off the bones to put in a bowl. It’s not worth keeping the bones when the important stuff can easily fit into a bowl for convenience. So Bella is covered on food for the next few days, no one really eats left overs. It’ll save me some money too considering her new love of canned chicken is costing me about $30 a week in dog food where regular dog food is only about $0.60 cents per can – she’d prefer human food.

She got sick this morning, she refuses to eat and then throws up and looks for sympathy. So Sean and I were both sitting on the floor kind of forcing a piece of cheese down her throat, It didn’t work and we just wound up going to bed. We woke up a few hours later and she went right for a piece of cheese. Too much of a brat for me, I swear.

Speaking of brats, Princess loves to go through purses and managed to get into mine. All my gum is gone and all of my receipts are ripped to shreds. She did her damage then parked herself on the couch like she could do absolutely no wrong. She also almost took my finger off tonight going after a piece of food, teeth marks and blood to prove it. Vicious little brat, I swear to god.

New Resource: PowerOpt

Wednesday, July 18th, 2007

I’ve been involved in the stock market for many years, it’s mainly because family members have had stock built up over time that was left to me in a will or just my own investing in general. I don’t pay much attention to the stocks but I do know that one of them is housed with AT&T and since the iPod craze is hitting, I’m certain something has improved. I’ve looked into a few different options to keep myself up to date with things and I came across options trading by PowerOpt. It offers you the control of automatically sorting filtering and analyzing over 2,900+ optional stocks and 190,000+ options online to find investments to meet your profit goals. There’s a 14 day trial so I downloaded it to test it out, I’ll have more information about this program in the future. So far it seems pretty cool but I’d have to play around with it some more to really get a good feel of how it’s going to work out for me.

Finally accomplished something!

Wednesday, July 18th, 2007

I’ve been pretty busy for the last few days working on many different projects, and clients no less, but one thing that I’ve been able to finally accomplish is getting some templates together for the freebie sections on my other domains. As of right now they’re all coded for WordPress, I just need to set them up on the other sites. There will be other platforms available, I just need to work on them.

Some are primarily CSS based while others have some funky graphics that I thought would be rather cool for the web2.0 world that I’m slowly tapping into with my designs. I’m to a point now where I’m itching to play around with CSS3 on some of my templates but there are still browsers who can’t handle it so I guess I’m going to have to wait a while for that one.

I picked up a magazine today that features the top 50 web2.0 based websites on the internet, I think sometime tomorrow I’ll do a write-up of that list so I can get them out there. The bulk of them are pretty heavy with Ajax, something I’m itching to learn over time. I guess this just means I’ll be working harder than I currently am.

Either way it’s a little after 3:30 in the morning and I think it’s time to get some rest. I have some clothes to fold up before I can even get to my pillow but that shouldn’t take me very long at all, thankfully. It’s going to be a big cleaning day for me. I have my to-do list right in front of me in bold black text so I don’t forget about it. Gotta love dry-erase boards, they’re the best thing since pen and paper (for me at least).

Travel Plans: Australia

Wednesday, July 18th, 2007

In continuation of a previous entry I posted in regards to traveling, it was pretty strange to come across a new resource about Australia hotels. I know quite a few people who live in Australia, even some whom have just gone for a visit and every time I even mention traveling to another country they pounce on the fact that I need to get myself down there as soon as humanly possible. It connects back to a site I came across years ago too. A woman met the love of her life in Australia and while she lived in California, that didn’t stop them from making the relationship work. She packed up and moved away from everything she’d ever known and is now living with her husband and three children in Australia. I think it was a rather sweet story, I just wish I could remember the name of her site!

Moving right along…

Naturally when planning a trip the first thing you’re going to look for is pricing and coming across resources for hotels is always a great deal. Sure, there are sites out there that will tell you everything you need to know but sometimes you can get better deals when you go directly to the horses mouth, in this case I came across hotels in Cairns which is located on a site in dedication to Asia hotels. I did some poking around and found some rather interesting pricing, to the point that I almost found myself booking a room at the All Seasons Cairns Gateway Resort because I think for USD$88 staying in a resort that’s surrounded by crystal blue water and palm trees is a damn good deal.

The good thing about working for yourself, and online for that matter, is the ability to take work with you. I can honestly say that I’d leave the laptop at home for a trip to Australia, why spend time online checking email when you can be enjoying beautiful scenery?

Taking on the US by storm!

Wednesday, July 18th, 2007

When you’ve spent 22 years living in the same home you’re naturally itching to get out and travel a bit. Naturally when I met my fiance I found myself traveling up and down the eastern seaboard but I know for sure that I want something more. For many years now I’ve been itching to travel to another country, maybe even just get all 50 states under my belt as well. Finances have stopped me from doing this but I know that if I could get myself to the point of putting money into savings, here and there, specifically for traveling I’d make it a point to at least get all 50 states taken care of and then work on the other countries I’m interested in.

Sean and I have spoken, numerous times, about taking on the US territory by renting (or buying depending on finances) an RV. We could very easily take two months (maybe summer) and hit up all 48 states that you’re able to drive to, naturally. Then maybe sometime down the road we’ll work our way through Canada so we can get up to Alaska. I think the ultimate last place to travel to would be Hawaii, that would kind of be a gift in itself. I think that would be a pretty decent way to end a journey, don’t you?

If you had enough money to travel anywhere in the world – where would you go?

Staying above water.

Wednesday, July 18th, 2007

For business I like to keep in touch with everything going on. A lot of people who run their own business have a business based credit card just so they can insure that they can get the supplies they need, as they need them. There are many options for business based cards but it’s hard to come across one that will actually give you everything you’re looking for. A big thing for me is cash back credit cards because I do spend a lot on servers, computers and other aspects of the internet and technology related world just so I can make sure that I never have any kind of downtime. I went through a time when I literally had no money for a computer and mine was on the verge of dying, I went on a search to pick up a card that would give me everything I needed and now I’m lucky enough to own an American Express business card where I’m given cash back and points towards the items that I buy most frequently. It’s just good to have things like that around.

The price isn’t right.

Wednesday, July 18th, 2007

I’ve been doing pretty well in regards to saving money for the last few days. Sean and I added some numbers together and realized that in the last month the two of us have spent over $1,000 going out to dinner. This isn’t cheapy McDonalds kind of purchases, we’re talking $60 a pop kind of meals on a regular basis. So we decided to tighten the purse strings and start eating home more.

I was doing pretty well. I went out the other night with Karen and we both did our grocery shopping for the week. I did have to make a quick run out tonight for items to have with dinner tomorrow night (roasted chicken) but I wound up spending over $70, not quite sure where it all went either. I know that about $12 went to cigarettes so I’m not counting that towards the purchase but it’s hard to believe that milk, butter and some small inexpensive things can all add up to about $60. I think the 4 for $11 on my soda didn’t go through the way it was supposed to, even with the membership card :hrm:

Real Estate Newbies – Listen up!

Tuesday, July 17th, 2007

Are you in the real estate industry and wondering just how to go about making the absolute most money out of your investment? Did you know that rental properties, to some degree, make more money over time than someone purchasing a home from you directly? Using resources like to list your building can bring in quite a bit of cash for you. Most homes, especially in NY, can be rented for up to $5,000 per month. Yes, people would rather spend $5,000 a month on renting a house than $1,500 per month on a mortgage but hey, whatever floats their boat – right?

If you know exactly what resources to tap into then life naturally is going to be pretty sweet for you. Lots of people can flip a house but it takes a true business man to get a monthly cash-flow from that investment. They’ll double to even triple the price of the monthly mortgage just to make some cash and they’re making pretty good money in the process. Listing your rental on sites like can make it easy for you to find a renter who’s looking for a home, or even an apartment, to match YOUR price range.

Figure you have a 4 bedroom 2 bathroom home located in the middle of a gated community. Instead of selling it off for maybe $150,000, you can rent it out for $5,000 a month. Figure the person lives there for five years, if they’ve done well in maintaining their $5,000 a month, you’ve just made $300,000. (add up the numbers, I’ll wait.)

Bottom line, don’t flip the house – rent it out!


Where does it all come from?

Tuesday, July 17th, 2007

A few people have asked me how I manage to maintain three blogs and never run out of anything to say. The real trick is that one, I have a creative streak going that never seems to end and two, I use not only my own resources (old entries to work off of, book topics, book ideas, music, etc) but I read other peoples blogs as well. I run a business and technology based blog on With all of the hype surrounding new technology these days it’s hard to run out of things to say there. I run my weight-loss blog over on, I’m spending every single day working on my diet from portion control to exercise so naturally I’m going to have a constant flow of topics there. Then there’s, it’s kind of my all-in-one blog. I blog about business, life, dieting, relationships and more.

If you just have one topic in your head then you can flow with it in so many different directions it’s unreal. I’m not the type of person that when something happens my first instict is to blog about it. While it may seem like it, I really don’t sit at my computer all day long, I just type very fast so it’s easy for me to get everything from my head to wordpress without wasting much time at all.

I’m still working on getting up and running, Sean has been slacking on programming the administration panel for me but he’s also working on his own stuff at the moment. I can’t interrupt his job just for a project site – you know? But the site is going to have everything from topic ideas to blog templates and even tips and tricks that have brought me to earn over $20,000 from my blog in the last year.

Resource: Newest Weather Site

Tuesday, July 17th, 2007

PPP I spend quite a bit of time searching and even just to get the info on what’s heading my way. Unfortunately the sites are annoying to navigate and you never really can get any kind of up-to-date weather related statistics so today I came across a site named FastWx Weather Forecasts. It’s the newest way of checking the weather without having to go through excess pages in order to get to what you’re looking for. If you’re looking for something quick and painless than head on over to

TMI Tuesday: Week #2

Tuesday, July 17th, 2007

Time for another weekly installment of TMI Tuesday!

1. What’s the sexiest type of underwear? I find boxers sexy, thongs are cute and all but unless you’re the right body type to wear one it’s really not worth it.

2. Would you/have you ever paid money for sex? I barely give it up for free, why would I want cash for it?

3. Is facial/body hair sexy or no? (Moustache, chest, etc. for men, and underarms/legs for women.) Or do you frankly not care? It depends on just how much hair you’re dealing with. I like the mustache/goatee combo but clean everywhere else (face wise). I find hair on women to be disgusting but that’s because I spend a lot of time keeping myself smooth and trimmed.

4. What is the strangest thing you’ve ever seen featured in pornography? I saw some chick take a 2 liter soda bottle right up the booty. Scarred me for life!

5. What’s worse, not enough sex or too much? Is there such a thing as “too much”? I find too much to be annoying, but then again that’s just how I roll.

Buying my first baby

Tuesday, July 17th, 2007

For quite some time now I’ve been looking into used cars because purchasing a brand new one is not only financially stupid but with my comfort level in regards to driving, I’d feel more comfortable in an older car because I’ll more than likely ding something up. Now, I’m typically very careful with everything I do, especially driving, but I also know it’s important to know your boundaries. Going out and purchasing a new car just because you think you need it is beyond absurd. I’ve seen people who just bought a new one maybe a year ago and now they’re already upgrading to something newer. If you’ve got the money for it, great, but don’t force it down peoples throats that you think you’re better than them either, you know?

I’ve been looking through quite a few used cars based websites and I’ve decided to take the route of a Honda – surprise, surprise – but everyone in my family has owned a Honda at some point in time and I know for sure that they can hold up for quite a long time. My aunt drove her 85 civic for 20 years and that thing never once died on her. And in 20 years she only managed to put about 120k miles on it, which is hard to believe but when you work in town it’s hard to put too many miles on something it’s still about 6,000 miles a year, when you think about it.

So considering I learned on a Baretta (original ‘template’ for what’s now known as the Cavalier) I know that I’d be more comfortable in a smaller car like a Civic. I have considered going a little larger with the CR-V but that’s only because I absolutely love the car. I found one for about $15,000 that’s a 2002 and it’s in Black which is fine for me considering that’s the color I was originally looking into for any car I get but it also didn’t matter much either as long as I had a car – you know? So yea, either way I’m shopping in the $10k to $15k range because that’s what savings will permit me to purchase at the moment.

If you were shopping around with up to $15k for a ‘used’ or older model, what would you get?

Cleaning + Stormy Weather + Work = GREAT DAY!

Tuesday, July 17th, 2007

I woke up with a mission and the concentration that I needed for the past few days. The kitchen was cleaned up, the coffee table is now cleared off and even the dining room received the touch-up it needed. Tomorrow, or maybe even before I go to sleep, I’ll wind up getting all of my laundry taken care of and I think I’ll float around the house with the vacuum as well considering it’s been a while since that was done.

A rather nasty storm rolled through here this afternoon and I’m happy I’d woken up just in time to be outside for the start of it. Nasty thunder and lightening for a few hours and two very scared puppies because of all the ‘boom booms’ as we call them. I had princess curled up on one leg and Bella basically trying to crawl behind me just for safety. For dogs with such big personalities when someone rings the door bell (bark central!) they’re kitty cats when it comes to thunder – go figure.

Minus the cleaning I had a fairly good day as far as business is concerned. I’m waiting on a few payments from clients but I count that as income for the 16th considering that’s when projects were completed. Now I just have to decide if I’m going to get Sean a Wii or a monitor for our anniversary. He told me he doesn’t want anything but you can’t NOT get someone something – you know?

Talk about BORING

Monday, July 16th, 2007

Today was kind of sluggish for me, not sure if it was based on the fact that it’s a Sunday or what, but either way I really didn’t accomplish very much. I did get some work done for a few clients. I also managed to get some posting done for advertisers on other domains. I’m working on rebuilding a few things that I’ve kind of left behind in the past. I setup a few banners for advertisers and that’s basically the bulk of my day.

The one thing I was unable to accomplish – at all – was anything home based. I set out to clean up the kitchen, dining room, bedroom, bathroom and a much needed cleaning of the coffee table in the living room. I didn’t get around to doing any of it which is kind of annoying considering in a few moments Sean and I are going to retire to the living room for a little while and watch a movie. It’s hard to relax when theirs chaos going on around me. I may wind up starting on that clean up after I’m done posting here just so I can go in there and lay down to watch a movie without feeling over whelmed.

Mozilla Thunderbird I keep getting strange spam email to my account, I may wind up moving things around there or just getting rid of the address in general considering everything is basically redirected to gmail anyway. I don’t even bother to log into websites for email anymore, I’ve got thunderbird housing about 8 email addresses at the moment – god I love this thing. Anything Mozilla touches upon is gold – I swear. I know it seems stupid to put up a screen shot but for those of you not using thunderbird, just the side panel alone can basically show you the perks of the program. Running multiple email addresses under one main login makes life very easy, especially when I’m working with clients on 3 different email addresses depending on where they came from. The cool thing about thunderbird is it’s networking capabilities. I’m running everything off of my external hard drive which can be accessed through my laptop as well, I don’t have to worry about just using one computer for email anymore, the way I used to with Outlook because it never updated the paths properly – fucking useless program!

In any event, I’m going to start on some cleaning and then hopefully get myself to bed.

Review: Lhasa Apso resource

Sunday, July 15th, 2007

If you’re looking for a small-breed dog with a lot of attitude then you’re more than likely in the market for a Lhasa Apso. This breed of dog is also known as “The Lion Dog of Tibet” as well as “Abso Seng Kye”. In my eyes, owning a Lhasa has been the best experience in the world. I have a female who weighs approximately 18 pounds but she also eats very well, how could you not in an Italian household? Most Lhasa’s range from 12-15 pounds depending on the sex.

Lhasa Apso A Lhasa Apso is a small, long haired breed that’s friendly but assertive, lively and intelligent. My Lhasa, for some strange reason, has been a high energy furball since the first day I got her but she’s also been a lazy lap dog as well. I’ve done a lot of research on Lhasa Apso’s and while I feel that websites like are great for pet owners, picking up books from the store are great as well. The information that I found on their Lhasa Apso page was accurate but they also didn’t list quite a bit of important information about the breed. I know that while they were used as a defense against intruders, I also know that they were used as space heaters as well. This may sound strange but I’ve read stories about how holy men and nobles alike would keep multiple Lhasa Apso’s around them while they sleep to act as a heat resource. I can vouch for the fact that my Lhasa retains an awful lot of heat considering if she’s close to you at night you wind up getting very warm, very quickly.

There’s a long time-line associated with this breed, they’ve been around for over two thousand years but only made their way out of Tibet in the 1920’s, at least that’s what resources claim. The Lhasa arrived in Britain in the 1920s and then they were introduced to America in the 1930’s by Suydam Cutting. They were a member of the Terrier group in 1935 but were then reclassified in 1959 to the Non-Sporting Group.

I find my Lhasa to be very affectionate and high energy. While some resources claim that they have low trainability, mine is trained so well to the point that if she had thumbs she could put the leash on herself. It’s great when sites can give you a lot of information but unfortunately the ones I’ve come across are only giving you an average number of what all Lhasa’s can do. My Lhasa interacts well with all animals, resources claim that the breed typically doesn’t. Yes, she is a bit timid around strangers but she also came from a puppy mill so it’s hard for her to trust people, something everyone understands. She can handle cold weather, and if she can’t I do throw a coat on her from time to time, she can also handle heat pretty well but I say if it’s too warm for me to sit comfortably outside, it’s just too warm for her.

Bella A typical Lhasa has long hair, but these are mainly show dogs. I do not know one Lhasa owner that has used their dog for some kind of financial gain so naturally they aren’t going to keep a lot of hair on their dog. Lhasa’s have very thick hair, not fur, so instead of shedding they can easily be matted down and I believe that’s nothing more than cruel, and you can only brush an active dog so often before you decide to take care of them once and for all and shave them down to a more manageable length. I personally puppy-cut my Lhasa every few months so in the long run she’s a short haired dog for me, but that’s based on convenience as well.

Bottom line, if you’re interested in a new pet you should consider looking into all of the different breeds available to you. Resources like are great because they give you a simple breakdown of every aspect of the dog so you can search through the database and find the breed that’s right for you. Since they do give you such a simple break down I can recommend that after using their site, if you find the breed you like, head down to the library or even move the mouse up to your google toolbar and look up some more information on the breed. A quick break down is great but a decision such as brining a new dog into the home does require you to do quite a bit of research first.