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Antibiotics and strange dreams…

Friday, August 24th, 2007

I’ve been kind of out of it for the last couple of days. I’m not sure what’s going on with my mouth but I managed to chip a tooth somehow and it’s flared up a little. I’m taking antibiotics and popping aspirin as though it’s candy but the pain is growing to be nothing short of completely annoying. Based on knowing this kind of pain, I’m almost certain that one of the nerves are exposed OR it’s an infection considering I’ve had some pretty nasty headaches for a few days prior to this even blowing up the way it did.

And the antibiotics? Forget it, I’m having the strangest dreams that are beginning to freak me out. For some reason, one of my dreams was of Princess. She was walking up-right and actually holding a conversation with everyone in the room. Being as she’s a dachshund, she couldn’t see over the lower-counter in the kitchen but this didn’t stop her. I’m not even sure if I remember the other ones, I just woke up with a really strange feeling taking over me that I certainly didn’t appreciate.

I just hope that by the time this really starts getting to me, I’ll be off the meds and won’t have to worry about it. I’ve also noticed another abcess coming back which makes no sense to me considering the root canal I had on it not too long ago. I’m just going to need to find a dentist down here that doesn’t over-charge with a lack of insurance. The guy I was going to back in NY has been a family doctor for many years, actually I think it started with his Father so it may be even longer than I think. I know my aunts been going to the same place since she was a child. But for a full root canal and temp filling he only charged me $120. Even with insurance that would have easily cost me a few hundred so I was certainly very pleased, and pain free at that. Now the filling is acting up, as a temp filling would of course. I think I’m going to have to head back to NY and see if I can get two teeth taken care of at the same time.

I’m to a point now where I just want to rip them all out considering how much trouble I’ve had with most of them. The thing is, it’s a family trait (dad’s side). We all have very soft teeth that are easily damaged but biting into a burger or something. We never understood why, we just know it costs a lot of money to keep them from all chipping in half and eventually falling out of our mouths completely. But for months I wasn’t have any trouble, I chipped this one a few nights ago on a piece of broccoli and it’s been bothering the crap out of me ever since.

I’m just getting around to comments now, Shauna I’ll email you within the next half hour. I’ll return everyone else’s when I get the chance, which more than likely won’t be until after my face stops throbbing.

Eye of The Dolphin

Friday, August 24th, 2007

After I woke up this morning and went through my whole routine, Sean informed me of a new movie coming out called Eye of the Dolphin.

I’m not BIG on movies, not the way he is. He compared this new movie to Flipper which was a show that I adored for years when I was a child. To this day I’ve yet to see a Dolphin. I keep trying to get Sean to bring me up to Jersey for a day on the Ferry because the Dolphins supposedly swim around in the late summer / early Fall when the water warms up a little.

PPPThe story is the typical father daughter movie as some might say. A young girl is expelled from school and forced to live with her father in the Bahamas who really has no time for her. After their personalities clash she feels as though she’s a prisoner on the Island and then she forms a friendship with a Dolphin and the rest is kind of the typical chick flick I would assume. I’m not really sure if I’d actually go see it, it may be one of those random DVD rentals in the future for me – honestly. I mean, look at the water? Is that not absolutely gorgeous? The one thing I can say about images like these is for the most part, the photos aren’t doctored. The water there is crystal clear and should remain that way for as long as humanly possible.

In any event, I embedded the trailer. If you’re interested in the movie you can enter to win free movie tickets by going to Freebies are always fun, right?

Getting Late…

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2007

It’s a little after 1am and Sean has taken over my computer to fix a few things that, what’s looking to be, a horrible programmer setup for a site I worked on with Dick. So in order to shift the balance of the room completely, I’ve taken over Sean’s computer for a little while. It’s strange using a CRT again, I can’t believe that I used to use this damn monitor on such a regular basis, it’s HUGE in comparison to my LCD. It’s also slowly beginning to die, so now I understand why Sean typically sits on top of the thing while he’s working. It’s so damn dark, very hard to see anything going on in front of you. It’s also filthy but it’s his monitor now, he can clean it.

Once he finishes up with that task, I’m sure he’ll jump right back to this PC and get his own work done. I made him cookies tonight since there’s no real reason to pay someone you share finances with, you know? I could probably just turn around and play the Wii for a while since there’s really nothing I can do on this end anyway, there are so many windows open it’s like an instant headache. He knows exactly what he’s got going on in the clutter, someone who claims he hates it – yea right. There’s a difference between clutter and complete chaos, with how many tabs he’s got open in Firefox – he’s the latter – no question about it.

I’m done getting through all of my email, I do still have one more person to contact in regards to Hosting/Design stuff and I PROMISE I’ll get to her within the next couple of hours, depending on how long he’s working on that thing on my PC. I’m almost done with recoding the template for AGn Designs so I can at least get that up and running before the weekend. I kind of over-killed with too many widgets and WordPress add-ons so naturally I screwed myself in the launch time. I was looking at this past weekend but then I got click happy on a plugins site, and the rest is history.

I think I’ll go down my Do Follow list and see what fellow posters are up to.


Tuesday, August 21st, 2007

The following is a writeup for

I’ve been talking about drug treatment for quite some time considering how many friends I’ve lost to drugs, but literally and emotionally. I can’t tell you how many people I know who are now dealing with the legal system on top of their drug abuse because they just didn’t know when to quit. is a treatment referral service where specialists connect you to the right drug/alcohol treatment centers based on your needs. Choosing a drug rehabilitation and treatment program is difficult for everyone involved. At no cost to you, they offer treatment program information for treatment and recovery of drug and alcohol addictions. If you know someone who truly needs to be provided with these services, then I would strongly suggest pointing them here.

Out of it…

Tuesday, August 21st, 2007

I’m hanging out in the bedrooom today. I’m too tired to look for my laptop so I’m slowly posting from the DS while I go through my email. I guess this wasn’t such a bad purchase afterall.

I know there’s a lot of things that I need to accomplish today, but I figured I’d put it on hold until later. A few accounts, a couple templates and finally finishing up the new theme on AGn Designs. It should only take me about two hours, I just don’t have the drive to do it.

I guess I should get back to my mail.

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Monday Madness – Week #5

Monday, August 20th, 2007

Time for another weekly installment of Monday Madness!

1. How many desktop computers in your home? Three that are used on a regular basis, two that are being worked on for future servers.

2. How many laptops? Two, hardly ever used but two.

3. What kind of internet service do you have? (i.e. phone modem, dsl, etc.) Comcast Cable, they suck!

4. Do you tend to use more than one email account regularly? I have a business account and a personal one. The rest just kind of collect spam…and dust.

5. Do you use email as a main source for communicating to your family and friends? AIM when I’m in the mood, the rest of the time is usually messages back and forth through either myspace or email.

6. What kind of computer monitor do you own (flatscreen, or other)? LCD, I’m getting a second one in upcoming weeks so I can utilize my dual-monitor graphics card.

Resources: Mac Pokerstars

Monday, August 20th, 2007

The following write up is for Mac Pokerstars.

Being as I’m in the process of purchasing my iMac, quite a bit sooner than anticipated, I’ve been keeping a very long list of bookmarks for websites that I’ll be visiting on a regular basis. This means for either software and product downloads or even just sites that seem to work the best on Safari based browsers. Being a PC member for so long, Mac is almost like an elite club that I’ve been lingering around and never actually applied for – you know?

I’m someone who will take some time here and there and load up a few game websites just to break up the monotony of reading line after line of code on a regular basis. Sure, I can code up a template faster than anyone I know but the photoshop end of things take a lot out of me. I find myself playing Poker quite a bit so I’ve floated around websites like and other sites where I’m looking for tips and tricks while I’m playing for free over on Yahoo.

The thing is, I’m a gambler so finding out that PokerStars is working on new software for Mac users has got me intrigued. A fellow webmaster located on has been keeping track of this new development since 2006 (based on how his archives go back). He gives you a full break down of everything you can expect from this new software. He also explains many aspects of the site as it is right now for the PC based users and the limited group of Intel based Mac running boot camp or parallels.

The thing I like about PokerStars is they really do come across like an actual Casino. As a Total Rewards member with Harrah’s (Ceasers, Showboat, Bally’s…etc) you’re given points for all the money you earn, or even just showing up at the casino. These points turn to cash and then you can use the points to buy products. With PokerStars, you can use your points to buy everything from iPods to Plasma TVs, even a car. It’s pretty darn cool. I probably wouldn’t have ever known this if I didn’t come across though, while I do read the sites I don’t typically look into the benefits considering I’m not financially sound at the moment to actually sign up and throw some money onto this site, you know?

Maybe when they come out for the Mac I’ll go poke around as an actual member, who knows – I may do pretty well and could wind up owning that house afterall.


Monday, August 20th, 2007

I’m way behind on many things. I just now got to the mound of email that was piling up over the last two days. I’ve been really busy getting loan based things in order but after thinking about it, while I do want to have a place of our own, we may wind up taking out a personal loan (instead of a home loan) and then going to rent an apartment. We really only need 1000sqft at the absolute largest. Naturally I want an actual HOUSE that I can call my own but at this point it’s safer to take the route we know we can afford instead of the route that throws a 30 year mortgage on our heads.

So I’m going down my check-list, making sure I know exactly where to start on things. I have a few things to process in Paypal and then I’ll get back to work on other accounts. I know Dick has been looking for me, I just responded to his email. It’s just been a difficult weekend, I don’t like dropping off the face of the earth but I’ve been working non-stop on multiple accounts for the last few months and I really just needed a break. I spent quite a bit of time sleeping this weekend. My schedule has gone back to waking up around 1pm which isn’t that great but I’m sure tonight that will change. I’ll get myself back in bed by Midnight and then get back on track. It shouldn’t be too hard for me, right?

I’m noticing quite a bit of trouble keeping on track with the software I’ve been using to organize myself. I wanted to get away from a pen and paper so for quite some time I’ve been using Active Desktop and it’s to a point now where I absolutely can not stand it. I found another alarm clock software download that I thought was pretty cool. It’s called Say the Time, and it’s a personal time management utility for Windows. It’s for those in the home computing market, mainly. It allows users to create multiple customizable alarms and reminders. You can hear the time spoken aloud, you can create a virtual sticky note and even customize the look of the task bar clock. Naturally the only option I’m really going to use is the sticky notes but that beats having them all over my monitor, you know? I’m playing around with the 30 day trial, it’s only like $25 so I may consider buying it. As of right now I’m content with it, I’ll have to use it for a little bit longer before I make that leap.

Time to get back to work.

It’s Saturday…

Saturday, August 18th, 2007

I woke up about an hour ago and I’m dreading even looking over my email at the moment. I have quite a bit of tasks to accomplish today work-wise, but I also need to get quite a few things done around the house as well. A quick shower and a trip to the vet will keep my afternoon busy. Then this evening I have a lot of cleaning to do, including giving Bella a bath. It’s been a week and since she’s been such a picky eater lately, she threw up last night due to the lack of food in her stomach. So I’ve been putting down a few different plates here and there so she can decide just what she’s going to be interested in. Unfortunately that isn’t working either, so I really don’t know what to do.

I can tell that it’s shaping up to be a really nice day though. There isn’t a cloud in the sky and it’s so much cooler today than it’s been this past week, I love it. For some reason the weather has been gorgeous on the weekends, which is typically when I spend the most time outside. Yay for days off – right? It’s going to be a half-day for me, little odds and ends then I’m off the computer until tomorrow morning. I don’t take multiple days off, never have. I’m not a workaholic but I’m the kind of person that needs to keep myself busy or I go crazy.

Yesterday things were slow so I wound up cleaning the office, it smells great in here thanks to my new Glade carpet fresh powder. I wound up vacuuming twice. Once with the shop vac to get the larger pieces up and most of the hair. Then I came back through with the Dyson to fluff up the rug without having to clear any of my hair out of the brushes, it takes a little longer to clean things but at the same time it takes much less time than stopping every 10 minutes to pull the hair out of the bottom of the Dyson – you know?

In any event, guess I should get to that email. I think I’m going to need some more coffee for this.

The Daily Do

Wednesday, August 15th, 2007

A little while ago, Sean and I went out to do some shopping. We headed over to Dollar Tree to look for baskets because no one can beat $1. We then stopped in EBGames and I picked up a new game for the Wii and I bought him a docking system for his xbox360 controller. Turns out, it was the wrong one so we wound up taking it back and exchanging it. Either way he’s happy. A quick trip to AC Moore to look for other odds and ends, then wondering around Walmart for a little bit so I can look in the vitamins section and now we’re home.

I’ve been poking around the natural health stuff for a while now. I’ve been taking supplements with my diet that are working out pretty well for me. My energy levels are through the roof these days, which is more than likely the reason behind my accomplishing so much in the past few days. I’m right on track with all of my monthly goals, I’m at the 50% mark for my financial goals which works out great for me considering it’s literally the half way point of the month. I like when things balance out really well and I think the MSM Supreme is doing the trick. It’s a dietary supplement but I’ve been using it for pain management considering how bad my back has been these days. It’s working out really well for me so I’m not complaining, and I’m also not spending a butt-load of money on pain killers that my addictive personality would pounce on. Another one I’m taking is Lithium Orotate, it helps my frequent migraines but based on research it also helps those with depression and bi-polar disorders. Asprin wasn’t helping me anymore, not even Aleve and I was popping at least 6 of those a day just to concentrate.

Anyhoo, I’m about a half hour behind on some work that needs to be completed by midnight. I need to get my booty in gear on that.

The Daily Randomage

Tuesday, August 14th, 2007

It’s starting to warm back up here in Rehoboth. For the past few days there’s been some pretty nice weather. Saturday only made it to the mid 70’s and there was such a nice breeze that having the windows open for the day was an absolute must. It was graciously welcomed after the humidity that couldn’t even be cut with a knife last week.

I managed to get Bella into the tub on Saturday afternoon. Karen was giving Candy a bath because she has a nasty skin infection and requires the medicated shampoo twice a week to help sooth her skin. Bella, being convinced that Candy is her mother (they do kind of look alike even though they aren’t the same breed), decided that she was going to do everything she could to hop up onto the counter and get in the sink with her. Being as she’s so small, that just didn’t happen but since she made it a point to try so hard to get in there, once Karen took Candy out I wound up throwing Bella right in. So now she’s fresh and clean and thankfully I was able to accomplish that on a day that wasn’t so humid because I hate having to give her a bath on such a nasty day.

Tonight Karen has a date with someone she met last weekend, hopefully that works out well for her. They’re going up to Adriatico (sp?) which I hear is a pretty nice Italian restaurant. Sean and I are going to take our own Italian route and more than likely order a pizza so we can just relax and watch a movie tonight. I’m in no mood to do any cooking but I know that I have to throw some meatballs in the crock pot sooner or later to get the dogs taken care of.

Karen and I both get a lot of flack for feeding our dogs home-cooked food but there’s a matter of safety involved that most people don’t understand. On top of small-breed dogs being very picky eaters – with all of the recalls on pet food and human food in general it’s good to know that what I’m feeding my dog can’t potentially cause her any harm. So if I have to spend extra money on chicken and beef in order to get her to eat without having to worry about kidney failure then naturally that’s the route I’m going to have to take.

I look at it this way – how much money was spent on vet bills based on the recalls this past year? I didn’t have to shell out a dime because my dog never touched any of that food. Trust me, I’m not saying that feeding your dog REAL dog food is wrong. Some people are lucky enough to have dogs that aren’t such finicky eaters. This doesn’t work for me though, Bella won’t touch anything that’s come out of a can unless it’s canned chicken which runs for about $2 each. $0.70 dog food is great, but she doesn’t see it that way. Spending the extra money to insure that she doesn’t die of starvation (or stubbornness in her case) is the only route I can really take.

In other news, PayPerPost is back to running their $1K Tuesday. I saw the opportunity as soon as it was posted but thanks to their new capatcha system and my inability to quickly read morphed text, someone managed to get it before me. Highly unfair but congradulations to them! Their name hasn’t shown up on today’s Top Earners yet though, it was listed as a $50 post. Even if I didn’t get the $1k I’d take the $50…heh.

In any event, my lunch break is officially over. Time to get back to work!

What’s going on?

Monday, August 13th, 2007

I’m up even earlier today than I was yesterday. For some reason I crashed around 8pm last night and woke up about 4:30-5:00 this morning. It’s now about 6:30 and I’ve already accomplished all of my morning routine. I’m now getting back to work on everything I couldn’t complete yesterday.

There’s one major template to be formatted and another one that I’m still having trouble creating. I don’t know what’s bringing on this normal schedule and a lack of creativity but it’s starting to wear me out.

My eyes still haven’t adjusted though, not quite sure why either. I’ve been up more than long enough for them to work for me but even they are working against me at the moment. Not enough time, a lack of creativity, malicious cramping due to my second period this month and eyes that suck – this is going to be a great day, I can tell already.

It’s a little too early.

Sunday, August 12th, 2007

My schedule has completely changed and I’m still making an attempt at getting used to it. For the last two days I’ve been up between 7:30 and 8am It’s a lot quieter in the morning than I remember but it’s also a weekend when no one is waking up early in the morning to get themselves to work.

My only company at the moment is Princess, she likes to wonder out of the room around 7am or so, so I’ve got her setup next to me. I picked up all of Bella’s things off the floor so she couldn’t eat them, typically that’s the reason we keep a gate in front of the door when it’s open. Princess has this thing where she’ll eat any and everything, food or no food so picking up the kibble and a few bones – not a big deal.

I have a big day of work to get done today, I don’t have much going on other than that. I hit the $1800 for the month and it’s only the 12th so it’s safe to say I’ll reach my $3k goal and even exceed it at this point. That shiny new iMac and the nifty new bed will really come in handy.

Time Management

Friday, August 10th, 2007

I’ve never done this before, figured I’d give it a shot: Five on Friday

1. Do you wear a watch? No, they’re a nuisance.

2. How often do you look at the time, either on a watch or some other timepiece? Every few hours, depending on what’s going on.

3. Would you say you have a good sense of time? In other words, how good are you at estimating how much time has passed? Fairly decent I’d think. I know it’s taken me about 20 minutes to complete everything I was just working on and that was without even looking at the clock.

4. Are you early, punctual, or perpetually late? I’m typically not late for anything and if I was, it’s usually someone else’s fault.

5. Do you ever wish your time management skills were different? How? No, I’m pretty good at managing my time.

Commercials and what not.

Friday, August 10th, 2007

I don’t spend a lot of time watching television but when I do get around to it you’re typically drawn to commercials considering the TV shows themselves aren’t always that great. In most commercials there are celebrities doing the voice overs so when you hear someone that’s voice isn’t very well known you kind of wonder how/why they were the ones chosen for the role.

I know that there are try-outs for just about everything. I don’t personally consider someone walking around in the background on some TV show to be an actor but that’s because I figure an actor is supposed to act, not just wonder around aimlessly – you know? I don’t really consider those doing the voice overs to be actors either, there are plenty of people that I personally know and can name off the top of my head with unique enough voices to make a commercial either very amusing or even very serious. I didn’t think that there were people who actually ran voice over talent agencies on top of that.

Kind of makes me wonder if I should call up Katie and tell her to get involved. She has a very nasal Fran Drescher kind of a voice and the second you hear her speak, even if you aren’t facing her, you instantly know it’s her and some of the stuff that comes out of her mouth is just too amusing for words.

I looked into this a bit further though and was brought to, they’re a talent agency I assume. I listened to a few of the demos and it’s radio quality stuff but at least it’s professional. I’ve listened to some of the local radio stations (online and off) and they all suck with their ‘commercials’ they should call up this guy and get a real voice over artist to do the work for them. I think my favorite voice over guy is the one who does the movie introductions but there’s actually a comedian that sounds just like him that’s always fascinated me, I’m unsure of what his name is though. I’m sure I’ll figure it out sooner or later.

Lounging around…

Friday, August 10th, 2007

It’s Friday night and while most people are heading out, I’m doing everything I can to just stay in. Sean is already asleep but he has to be up at like 3:30am or something like that. There’s some server things going on with his job that he needs to be awake for. I think it’s converting thumbnails or something like that, I don’t know. He told me but again – I’ve been out of it so it hasn’t really stuck for me. I think he found a way to get Image Magik to work with converting .GIF thumbnails without making them a static/still image. So I assume he has to take care of the rest of the thumbnails his boss has uploaded. Who knows.

I plan on getting to bed soon but for now I’m just kind of surfing around the web. I came across a site that gives you the ability to receive either an SMS or email alert about freebies being given away in your area. I thought it was pretty interesting. They’re called FreeAlert and it’s not just US based, it’s supposedly worldwide. I don’t have text messaging for my phone, I find it to be a completely useless feature. It’s cheaper to have a two minute conversation than it is to send the 20+IM’s to get your thoughts out – you know? I considered signing up for the email portion of it but have to look into it a little bit further.

The site itself is charity based, the items you receive can be redistributed to the disabled, orphans, widows, refugees or other needy people in your community. Around here there aren’t many needy people so I doubt I could be of much help to anyone but I’m sure those living in larger cities can find some kind of value through FreeAlert, who knows.