While I still don’t feel as though I accomplished anything today, I did manage to get through everything on my to do list – so I guess that counts for something. There’s still a long list of things to get done before Saturday but a deadline is a deadline and I like to meet and/or exceed them as much as possible. It keeps me on my toes, and typically the client is happy as well.
FedEX finally updated their tracking system and I’ve learned that my monitor is coming out of Exton, PA. I know that this is only about 2 hours away from me so I’ll be happy to see it when I wake up in the morning. This, of course, depends on whether or not I can get myself back on track.
I know that you’re supposed to take antibiotics for exactly how many days your doctor prescribed but when the infection seems to have cleared up two days prior to the bottle being empty, do you really have to? I know, “Krissy, you’re being stupid!” but I just don’t like having to sleep things off, I need to be productive damn it!
Labor Day weekend is coming up and the locals are anticipating the return to normalcy the moment the weekend is over. Tourists will go back home, the boardwalk will be cleaner, and we don’t have to worry about the crazies that seem to only come out of the woodwork when the heat shows up. THANK GOD!
In other news, we have a new pet. I went outside tonight to find a chubby little Frog hanging out by the front door. Knowing that I’ve seen a few of them hopping around before, I left it alone and walked right past it. Sean tried to help it out by putting it back on the grass but the frog has very obviously refused and is now back on the porch keeping an eye on the door for us. Bella treated it as a new toy, but knowing full well that this one doesn’t squeak we pulled her away from it instantly. He hopped inside when Sean brought Bella in from her walk but he quickly pushed him back out the door. I’m not sure why but this one seems like a special little buddy and something tells me he’ll be around for a while. Guess I should name him, huh? Any recommendations? Maybe tomorrow I’ll snap a picture of him or something, I’m sure he’ll still be on the porch hiding in the corner.
A theory I have is the bug zapper, maybe he’s picked up on the fact that anything that’s killed on the zapper is usually kicked back out (depending on what size it is) and the reason it’s so fat is based on the fact that it’s just eating very well. Either way I’ll consider him my new buddy and move on from there.
It’s almost 4am, guess I should start getting ready for bed. Whether I actually fall asleep is a completely different story.