It’s been a pretty hectic weekend, on top of the extra four house-guests, I’ve been ass-deep in trying to get a proper back-up of the servers so I can work on moving them to another company. The one I’m with isn’t cooperating, the second – I’m waiting on a few emails. I’ve also managed to go through all of the emails I’ve received based on the downtime, it’s not easy to say that the company you’ve put a lot of money, and trust in, is a complete piece of shit to those who are wondering about what’s going on behind the scenes.
We didn’t get the house, we put in our bid too late. Instead of a mortgage we’re just going to get a personal loan and then work on apartment living in Ohio. I also thought of it in regards to the fact that I’ve never been there before so putting so much effort into a mortgage while owning a house I’m unhappy in, really wouldn’t be worth it. We were looking into areas close to Sean’s brother, turns out that all of the apartments in his area, as well as many others, are turning into section 8, and knowing full well that I don’t want to be the only person in the building paying for something out of pocket, while the rest are living off the government, I figured we’d look into a few other options.
After talking to his brother, we found out that there is a place available in his complex. It wasn’t listed online because it’s a very family-oriented so word-of-mouth is the only option to getting into this place. An upside for us is the fact that his brother is in really good with the manager of the complex so that will more than likely help us out as far as getting in is concerned. Our big thing right now is how we’re going to actually GET there.
We were thinking uHaul and I just recently found out we can add a full dolly to the back of the uHaul so we can take his car with us, this is the $500 option if we’re going to get the 17′ truck. It supports 2-3 bedrooms worth of stuff, so I figure that since it’s the bedroom and the office – we should be ok.
The other option were PODS. We get a 16′ POD put at the front of the house, load it in and then have THEM ship it to Ohio for us. This way the only thing we have to do is drive our car out there and then wait for the POD to show up. This is the $1500 option.
I know that for most people this would be those, “Duh? Use the uHaul!” option, but Sean isn’t too comfortable driving a large truck to begin with, so adding the car behind it would just make things worse and it IS an 8 hour drive. We factored in that moving costs are going to be in the $1000 range, but $1500?
I’m sure we’ll figure something out. We’re going out there sometime within the next few weeks to look around. If we find that the one in his brothers complex is good enough for our needs, we’ll take it – come back here, and then figure out the actual truck/moving option sometime within the 8 hour drive.