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BP Solar Decathlon

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007

PPPGetting involved in the environment isn’t exactly a new trend, but it’s been important for quite a few years now at the rate of global warming and many other environmental issues coming up. With this, there’s no surprise that the BP Solar Decathlon has sprouted up. BP has recently partnered with the U.S. Department of Energy and is sponsoring the Solar Decathlon. It’s an annual event where 20 university teams from around the world design, build and operate livable, every-efficient, and completely solar powered homes. It’s a week long competition in the National Mall, located in Washington DC. It’s from October 11th to October 19th.

They’re sponsoring this event as part of their commitment to discovering cost effective and clean energy solutions for everyday living. They’re currently one of the main corporate sponsors, and the only energy company to sponsor the 2007 Solar Decathlon. They’ve been involved since the first competition back in 2002. BP is investing $500 million into the Energy Biosciences Institute in which the company will partner with the University of California Berkeley, the University of Illinois and the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab to find bioscence solutions to reduce the impact of energy consumption on the environment.

Many people each year are spending quite a bit of money to upgrade their homes. Some of them put in new wiring, others install new piping for their main plumbing needs. What many people don’t do is consider looking into Solar Power. While it’s a bit pricey to install at first, its also more cost effective and you aren’t exhurting unnatural gasses back into the environment that could potentially harm you down the road. If you had an area of 200 square miles covered with solar panels, you could provide all the electricity that the world would ever need. BP’s jointly-owned Nerefco wind farm generates enough zero-carbon energy to power 13,000 average homes. wind can potentially provide around a 10th of the world’s power. That would then cut down dioxide emissions by a billion tons a year.

If you’re interested in learning more about this decathlon and are unable to make it to Washington D.C. then you can gladly check out their blog. BP has created this blog where all of the teams as well as on-site reporters will be posting throughout the competition.

BP Solar

Protected: It’s your own fucking fault!

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007

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Ear Infections

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

I’m going to have to bring Bella to the vet tomorrow.¬† She’s come down with an ear infection and I can honestly say that it’s strange to know she even has one.¬† I never had any allergy or daily health related issues with her in the past.¬† Karen told me that when she first moved down to Delaware, both of her dogs were pretty sick because of the allergies.¬† The local vet even confirmed it for her, allergies in DE for pets are so high it’s rediculous.¬† I’m not bringing her to the clinic, even if it’s going to be cheaper.¬† I’m already getting her taken care of in regards to finding a tick soaking up her blood, I refuse to bring her to a clinic where ants are crawling around the wall.¬† I know it’s mainly volunteer and it’s cheaper, but coming from New York a place like this would instantly be rejected.¬† They’re nice people and they do care about the animals but there’s a lack of air conditioning and minus the fact that the wipe the tables down with disinfectant, there are still bugs crawling around all over the place.¬† I’m not leaving there with her having another tick or fleas for that matter.¬† I don’t want to bomb the house, it’s hard to do when there are two other dogs in the house who refuse to leave the house and bombing this place would require at least an hour without anyone being in it, including them.


Paris Hotels

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

I’ve always loved the idea of hopping on a plane and traveling to some gorgeous location in Europe just to get away from it all. While I’m unsure of whether or not I’d actually step foot on a plane, this doesn’t mean that I’d actually stop myself from going out there one day. I’ve poked around for Hotels in Paris just to get a general idea on the pricing. I’d love to see the Eifle tower, I know it’s kind of a cliche landmark to look into but it’s the big one for me. I found quite a few Paris Hotels to be quite gorgeous. Everything from the scenery outside the window to the layout and bedding in the room itself are more than enough to make me drool on getting out there. There’s something so luxurious about H?¥tels en Paris. I’m just itching to get out there.

Ceiling Fans

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

Sean and I know from the get go that the place we’re looking to purchase doesn’t have central air conditioning. With this we’re looking into a few different cooling options that will work for us year round, without us having an air conditioner in the window. So we’ve been looking around the Internet for different things and I personally think that installing a few ceiling fans would be a great route to take. I’ve always liked Craftmade ceiling fans, but I found a few Monte Carlo ceiling fans that sparked my interest. The one I like the most is the Mach Two. It comes with a lighting kit and even a remote control. I know that’s a little two high-tech for a fan but for $250 it really isn’t half bad. The one I originally looked into was like $450 which really isn’t even worth it to me, so settling for something in the $250 range wouldn’t be a bad idea in comparison. I figure it’ll be in the right spot to cover the living room and office areas. I’ll have a vent in the kitchen to at least suck the air out in there. I don’t plan on spending too much time in there, other then when I’m cooking, so the flow of air from the living room will be more than enough for me. I have seen quite a few (beautiful) kitchens that have fans over the dining table but that doesn’t mean I’d actually put one in there. If you’re working on an electric stove then that’s one thing, but it’s really more of a fire hazard than anything when you’re working on a gas stove – you know? The flame goes out with any kind of a strong breeze and having the gas on after the flame goes out is pure stupidity. But hopefully anyone would know that.

Always in Excess

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

I know it may seem strange but I can tell that the season is about to change, even before the cold front comes through here.¬† I wash my hands about 20 times a day.¬† It’s based on how often I smoke and just my OCD in general.¬† During the summer I don’t really have that many problems in regards to dry hands. However, in the fall and winter months, my hands crack like no tomorrow due to the lack of humidity in the air and just the chilled air in general.¬† Today I noticed that my knuckle was bleeding.¬† Even with lotion on my hands I tend to have these problems on a yearly basis.¬† I probably should be using some kind of a prescription grade lotion but I figure the one I use has both Aloe and Intense Moisturizers so that would do the trick.¬† Something tells me I’m going to have to see a dermatologist sometime in the near future.¬† I know I could just cut back on washing my hands so often but when you’re cleaning up the house all day, picking up wee-wee pads and other lovely things that the dogs leave on the floor, you kind of need to remove the bacteria somehow.¬† Products like purelle hold too much alcohol so that’d really be worse for me.

I just know that my hands are killing me and I hate it.

Time Stands Still

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

I’m waiting rather patiently for the mail to show up. I hope to see a letter from HSBC in regards to the loan. We’ll have to take the car in to get fixed and then we’re heading up to New York for a few days so I can collect on the loan and visit family. I know my grandparents aren’t doing very well and I just recently found out that my father is having some heart and liver issues that have given me some cause for concern.

I didn’t want to take the route of loans in regards to us moving but sometimes you really have no choice in the matter. It’s a personal loan, because the place kind of is a junker that requires quite a bit of fixing up but this is going to be our starter home so finding cheap loans was just a requirement for us, looking into mortgages wasn’t really even worth it for us. I’m scared, I’ll admit that. I’ll be very far away from family and we’ll really be on our own. We won’t have the outside influence of his mother or my father when it comes to how we do things, or where we happen to do it. It’s going to be our place, our bills, our lives. I know that I can emotionally and financially handle it, it’s just a big step in our relationship.

Tuesday Twosome

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

Another installment of Tuesday Twosome

1. Two fruits and/or vegetables that you identify with fall: Apples and Pumpkins
2. Two colors that you identify with fall: Orange and Red
3. Two events that you identify with fall: Football and Hay Rides
4. Two adjective that describe fall: Cool and Playful
5. Two favorite things/activities that you identify with fall: Pumpkin Picking and Trick-or-Treating

I guess Orange is a pretty prominant color for me, eh? heh

Where does the time go?

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

I know it seems like I’ve been slacking a little bit here. I haven’t blogged as much as I used to in the past, and I didn’t even bother putting up a new template for October, but I do have a reason. I haven’t really had the time to do much lately. I’ve been going through emails, sending out bills, designing sites and I just recently won a bid on GAF for website optimization. I’m doing everything from bulking up keywords to code validation to help on the actual loading time of the page. The site now is coded without any kind of doctype and they’re looking for a new template, and I’ll also be submitting to lord knows how many other directories and paid-blogging sites so that they can get some more incoming links to help with Google rankings. I recommended that they setup some kind of a free directory so that users can submit links to their site and in turn get free backlinks to their own site because of this service. Minus all of the drama over on AGn before I moved to this domain, the PR5 still stands thanks to the backlinks for the directory and any other project I’ve done there over the years. I really do need to get my booty in gear on getting myself up to date on that stuff too. I’m sure there are a lot of pending members for all of the fanlistings but that doesn’t mean that I’ll have enough time to get through them with this upcoming move. There aren’t enough hours in the day anymore.

Ten on Tuesday

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

While this weeks listing isn’t posted yet by the owner of the site, the topic has already been noted so naturally I’ll jump on board.

This is my first installment of Ten on Tuesday.

10 Things That Worry You

  1. Getting old
  2. Going broke
  3. Forgetting who I am
  4. Forgetting where I came from
  5. Family Health (a few of them aren’t doing very well)
  6. Losing Bella
  7. How I’m going to be as a parent, if I ever allow it to happen
  8. Will I ever just be comfortable.
  9. If I’ll ever kick my OCD habits
  10. Will I ever be able to kick back and relax while someone else maintains the house?

Not the best of lists, but it’s also almost 2am.

Big Bad Biker

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

PPPWhen you read the headline “Bored with the same old natural bath and body products?”, and you’re anything like me, you’re kind of drawn in to find out more information. So you continue to read and then you see “Looking for a little humor in your daily routine?” followed by “Trying to find the perfect gift for the biker-wanna-be?” you’re sucked in and basically can’t leave. There’s a site online that sells many different biker related health products. If you’re at all interested in the ability to Get in touch with your “Inner Biker” at Big Bad Mama Biker Body Works, then heading over to would be a great resource for you to bookmark. They have everything from Biker Body Wash to Biker Mojo Mist. There are even fragrances that are named “Beer”, “Herb”, “Weed” and “Born2BWild”.

BikerBodyWorksI looked into the Biker Groove Lube Lotion because that kind of stood out for me. It’s made with rich organic macadamia nut oil, shea butter, extra virgin olive oil and other exotic ingredients. The cool thing about all of their products is it comes in a beer bottle with “Mama” designed on the cover in a tattoo fashion. The flavor that I thought was the most interesting to me was “JailBait”. It’s a wild cherry scent. The description is : “JAILBAIT” – wild cherry, of course. Bail, Bond, and Attorney not included.

Having road hogs in the family, I’ve always been drawn to the biker lifestyle. Now, I’m not sure if I’d ever trust myself to actually own a Harley but I’d like to think I already started most of the lifestyle with the fact that I’m a cigarette smoker who’s filled with tattoos. I’m not going to say that you should go out and invest in a Harley, a good one will run you quite a bit of money, but at least you know you can smell like one by using these products – heh.

Doot, doot, doot?

Monday, October 8th, 2007

Okay, so I’m running out of titles – sue me.

This weekend was pretty uneventful. I didn’t go up to New York because the paperwork still hasn’t shown up so there was really no point in my going up there. Hopefully it’ll be here this week and then I can start getting things in order. So instead of enjoying 10 hours in a car (back and forth) I used my time wisely. I did a lot of cleaning, quite a bit of cooking and Bella got a bath. I found a few ticks on her, not sure why they were there considering she gets her monthly strips of Frontline so I gave her a bath and killed what I could. I saw no need in bombing the house because they were ticks and not fleas. I reloaded on the Frontline for next month and I invested in a Flea/Tick shampoo that supposedly lasts for 10 days. Knowing that she gets a bath once a week – I figure she’ll be covered. I never had this problem before I came down here, and it sucks but it’s taken care of, so I guess that’s all that matters.

Sean and I just got back from the store a little while ago. I found myself kind of floating around the housewares isle in Walmart making a mental list of everything I didn’t add to my Bookmarks list. I did find something on HSN last night that I fully intend to purchase though. Knowing that we’ll be living in a storm heavy zone, having the proper supplies is a big deal for me. I was flipping through channels and came across the Hunter LampLighter™ Auxiliary Light 2-pack. You take the light bulb out of a side lamp in whatever room you figure you’ll frequently be in, screw this thing into the slot for the bulb, and then put the light bulb back on the track, there are even holes on the side where you can get the lampshade clasp back on. It charges the AAA batteries and if your power goes out, within 3 seconds this thing kicks in and you have like 6 LCD lights along the rim that instantly turn themselves on. You can chose how many lights you want to run though. If you leave only two lights in there you get 16 hours of light (which can be turned on and off whenever you please) but if you keep in all six you get like 8 hours. I figure this, plus a first aid kit, canned goods and the battery-less flashlights would be a damn good safety plan heh.

Sean got lost in the electronics section but that’s really no surprise. He found a TV that he’d like to own and I found a cheapy computer that will more than likely be put in the kitchen – depending on whether or not there’s any room for it. I know you’re thinking “WTF Do you need one for?” but when you’ve got a 17″ LCD monitor and a massive archive of recipes and other things, it’s kind of worth it. I doubt I’ll buy it but the $400 price tag was pretty decent. Maybe I’ll get it as a gift for someone around Christmas, I know my fathers computer is on the verge of death and he’s been using a CRT for as long as I can remember. Upgrades are nice – eh?

I changed the color scheme a bit but the house itself is going to be mint-chocolate, so to speak. Minty to pale greens on the walls, tan tones for the furniture and dark wood floors when we get around to replacing them. We also intend to build a deck on the side of the house because there’s just a stoop that leads to the grass, kind of pointless. So I figure a nice screened-in area will be enough to keep me happy. Sean’s going to have his office, the rest if the house is kind of “ours” and this will be my area to just kick back and relax. I figure something that’s maybe 10×10 would be more than large enough to put a little bistro set and a nice lounger on to keep me happy. A potted plant in the corner just for kicks, and indoor/outdoor carpet so I’m not standing on wood and then I’m basically covered.

I just hope we’ll be able to accomplish everything before Christmas, Spring at the absolute latest.

Shopping Spree

Thursday, October 4th, 2007

My “to buy” list is gradually getting longer.¬† I’m not buying a lot of big things that there isn’t going to be any room for.¬† I’m looking more into household items that one would really need.¬† Organization is a big thing for me, so I’m looking into a lot of different shelving units and boxes that will help us to utilize 8-foot ceilings with ease.¬† That seems kind of small, I know, but when you’re building up – instead of out – you’re really saving on floor space.

In my mind I have everything worked out.¬† I know how the kitchen is going to look when I’m done with it, same goes for the bedroom, office, living room and bathroom.¬† I know my color scheme, and even poked around for a few different pallet ideas.¬† I came across this one, which is kind of close to what I’m looking to do.¬† But instead of the white shades, I may take the more pale-tan route.¬† I’m going with very neutral colors.¬† Being as this place is going to be a little bit on the small side, I don’t want dark colors on the wall that are going to make me feel as though I’m living in a cage.¬† Very light and airy with plenty of comfortable furniture is going to be more than enough to make me a happy person – especially when you can find a couch high enough off the ground to be used for extra storage underneath.

I’m loading up on the under-the-bed storage solutions.¬† Limited closet space isn’t going to stop me, that’s for sure.¬† A few of them will be used in the living room to go under the couch so I have storage for books and what not.¬† The office, that closet will more than likely be used for more office-storage solutions than anything.¬† We do have a lot of things in the office and even though a few things aren’t coming with us – there’s a lot of containers that could really be stacked up and organized in the closet.

I figure down the road these containers are going to help us out as well.¬† Having everything already “packed up” so to speak, will benefit us when we’re looking to move into something larger once the budget allows.¬† I’m sure you’re thinking “What’s the point of buying the first place if you’re already planning to move?”¬† We’re buying this place knowing that it’s going to be a temporary solution.¬† We never planned on being there for more than 2 years, which is why we’re not going crazy with a lot of modifications and just rebuilding the place in general.¬† We’re going to make due with what we have and then work on getting our “dream home” later on down the road.¬† This second move down the road will be our permanent residence, not just the one getting us out of Delaware for the least amount of money possible.

Where the heck is it?

Thursday, October 4th, 2007

PPPSean took a walk down to the mailbox a few moments ago and the entire time that he was gone I was waiting very patiently for him to get back. It has nothing to do with an attachment issue so scratch that right out of your head. I was hoping to hear from HSBC and there are only a few days left before we go up to New York and I absolutely need that paperwork to show up as soon as possible. If it isn’t here by Friday then, minus visiting family, there really is no reason for me to head up there because my main purpose was for the loan.

If this doesn’t come through in time, I may wind up taking the route of payday loans because there’s not really any other option if we’re going to get on track with fixing his car, as well as getting up to New York after the paperwork shows up. So we’re paying back about $1000 either way, it’d just be on a different loan.

During my budget planning I was also looking into Mortgage Loans because there’s a few homes for sale in the area that are brand new manufactured homes in the $30,000 range. They haven’t even been lived in, they’re still actually moving in a lot of the siding and what not. We saw a few pictures, and they really are pretty sweet looking. My only issue is that they’re Ritz-Craft and I’ve heard nothing but horror stories about them. However, the one I found was about 2,000 sqft and I think that’s more than enough to keep myself active. Sean can be locked away in his 20×15 office and I can scatter around the rest of the house going full speed ahead with decorating and painting heh. Besides, later on down the road if we happen to run into a snag we can always Refinance and go from there – right?

I just hope that the mailman has a special letter for me this afternoon. :waits patiently:

I think I made my decision.

Thursday, October 4th, 2007

I’m still a little iffy on it but I narrowed it down to an iMac and a Mac Mini.¬† If I happen to choose the 20″ iMac then Sean is going to have a brand new second monitor, unless there’s more than enough space on my desk of course.¬† If I go with the Mac Mini then I’ll be using my second monitor as the main monitor for the new computer.

Price wise, the Mac Mini is the more financially sound route, but this doesn’t mean I’m discounting the $1200 price tag attached to the iMac.

Having another laptop would be great, but I honestly love mine too much to give it up.

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Morpheus Photo Morphing Software

Thursday, October 4th, 2007

PPPFor the digital scrapbook lovers, I came across a new program called Morpheus Photo-Morpher.  Using a point system you can morph images together and basically do with it what you please.  None of my images looked that great so taking their professional way of doing things, I published the example templates just so you can get an idea of exactly what this particular program does.

Morpheus Photo Morphing SoftwareIt’s pretty easy to use, and there are step by step directions included for the first-timers.¬† I figured this could be a good resource for digital scrap bookers because there are so many things that you can accomplish and it’ll really make your scrap booking images come to life.¬†¬† I found a digital scrapbook site the other day that was completely flash based, and using this program you can save the morphed image in many different formats – including flash.¬† So yea, if you already know how to do these things in flash this particular program may not spark your interest.¬† But for those of us without that savvy flash ability, this is definitely the route to take.

You aren’t limited to morphing personal images together, by any means.¬† I was thinking of it in regards to template creation for future clients.¬† You can take the images you’ve created and add some funky morphing effects to them so if you want something to morph from say gray to blue and then add some funky text effects without having to boot Animation Shop (for example) then this may be the easy route for you.¬† With the Animation Shop method you have to manually make each frame change.¬† With this program you can morph a certain section to do whatever you please, and that’s just nifty to me heh.