I just came across something pretty cool. Have any of you ever taken a time capsule and buried something in the back yard? I remember doing it at my grandmothers house when I was about 8 years old. I think there’s a doll and some random little toys in there that I felt I could do without. Knowing that my grandmothers house is going to be in the family for many decades, I figure it’s still save to have it back there. My sister and I both wrote little letters explaining where we’re going to be when we finally open it up. It was a big project that my grandmother did with us. She knew that she’d be passing away soon so having some place in the back yard that was just between the three of us was important to her. We didn’t understand it back then but now I can truly say that I understand why she had us do that. Based on a conversation I’ve had with family, my aunt has informed me that when she passes away I’m considered next of kin and will be almost an instant owner of the house. So while this may be a certain number of years down the road, I’m honestly happy that I’m going to have real estate on Long Island that will be more valuable to me then any amount of money could buy. How could you not love having a 1800 sqft home on an acre of property? Seriously now. So I know that I can take my kids and dig it up in the future, then replant our own. I think that’s something I would seriously turn into a family tradition, I know that for sure.
Today I came across something pretty interesting as well. It’s called the Virtual Time Capsule. You can take photos, videos and even text to have them stored on a password protected website where the creators promise to keep the site up for the next hundred years or so. It seems like a pretty cool idea, and even after that it proves how technology has really come a long way. The thing for me, even if I do have another 60 years left in me, by this time next year I’ll have forgotten that I even HAVE the site, lol. But, if you are interested, head on over to http://www.the100yearwebsite.com/, maybe you have a better memory than I do.