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Ehh…screw it

Monday, October 29th, 2007

The last time we needed to get the attention of Sean’s brother, we wound up sending him a funny letter with our phone number.¬† Why?¬† Because his brother has the habit of getting his phone turned off based on the fact that he must love having to memorize new phone numbers every few months.¬† His in-laws don’t have a phone and were using his line to get the “important calls” and then it got to the point of just being bill collectors so naturally changing the phone number was the only way to get rid of them.¬† I don’t blame him, and I’d be very annoyed with my in-laws if they did that to me – but it won’t so I’m not concerned about it.

Anyway, we still haven’t heard from him – even with an in-law going over to the house for us to relay the message.¬† So we’re to a point now where we’re going to send another letter.¬† I figure tomorrow we’ll just ship one out and hopefully hear from him before the weekend and then take the drive up almost two weeks after we originally scheduled.¬† It’s annoying but I guess we have no choice in the matter.

I headed across the street to Kmart today.¬† I picked up a few needed items for the house, as well as some things that are coming with me to Ohio (if we ever hear from his brother).¬† Right now there are King Down Alternative Comforters on sale for $39.¬† I didn’t want it in white but as long as there’s some bleach in the house I’m not too concerned about that.¬† I almost picked up a new sheet set but there really is no point when I already have a good set on the bed at the moment.¬† I also didn’t feel like spending $80 on the King sheet set that I really wanted considering it only came with two pillow cases.¬† We have four pillows on the bed and this particular set doesn’t have alternate pieces that could be added to it.¬† I don’t like mixing and matching.

I picked up what I thought was a Razr, but it’s actually a KRAZR.¬† Close enough, $40 prepaid – I don’t need a plan right now there’s no point.¬† I only use a cell phone for emergencies anyway.¬† I don’t know how anyone could be on the phone for more than 10 minutes but that may be based on the fact that I’m not exactly a chatterbox either.

I picked up a cheapy lava-lamp but that’s because I thought it would be larger than it actually is.¬† It’s been “warming up” for a while and now it’s finally moving the way that they’re supposed to.¬† I’ve always wanted a large floor lava lamp but spending $200 on something that unimportant would just be reckless spending on my part.

The clock in the living room decided to change itself a week early, so it’s only 12:30 in there, but every other clock in the house is telling me 1:30, probably should have checked on that before I sat down for the night.¬† I’m too tired to really accomplish anything and now that I know that I’m an hour behind on just about everything that just adds to my “ehh screw it” mood.

Little Bump

Friday, October 26th, 2007

As of 2am last night, the money was cleared to the bank account.¬† Our problem for the last few days is getting in touch with Sean’s brother though.¬† He’s got the key to get into the house and for some reason his cell just isn’t working.¬† There’s no house line but there was really no point in having one when both his brother and the wife have cellphones anyway.

So Sean’s been doing some poking around on Myspace in search for at least ONE of his brothers wifes 11 siblings.¬† Yes, she’s one of 12 – I don’t know how her mother managed to handle all of that, but more power to her.¬† So we found one sister but she hasn’t really been around to respond to anything, today we found another sister who said that she was on her way in that direction anyway so she’d swing by the house and let his wife know what’s going on.

We know that his cell is still active, but he’s the ONLY cell user that I know who doesn’t have voice mail.¬† But at the same time, we know that he was in Florida last week when all of the horrible storms ripped through Northern Florida (where his father now lives) so we’re unsure if they’ve even made it back to Ohio for one reason or another.¬† It could either be the storm or the deteriorating condition of his father at the moment.¬† We both hope that it isn’t the case and he’s back safe and sound in Ohio with his phone off.¬† I guess we’ll find out within the next few hours.

We think that some “outside forces” have something to do with this though.¬† There’s a big sale going on at Kmart this weekend that doesn’t start until Sunday.¬† We were planning on leaving here on Sunday so we obviously need to be around for it.¬† The phone I’ve wanted for 3+ years now is on sale for like $40, and the alternative down comforter that I was going to pick up in Target for $60 is $40 in Kmart.

So we’re going to hope that we hear something soon and we’ll be making the trip out there on Monday.¬† I just hope we can leave early enough so that we can get to the hotel in time for check in.¬† Supposedly you need to check in by 2 at the “Quality Inn” but I’m sure a phone call stating that it’s an 8 hour drive between here and the hotel out there makes it impossible for us to show up at 2 unless we happen to leave at 530am – this just isn’t happening.

Closer and Closer

Thursday, October 25th, 2007

PPPBy this time tomorrow there’s a chance that Sean and I will be preparing for the very long drive to get to Ohio.¬† We’re unsure if we’re taking the route of going through Maryland over the Bay Bridge or if we’re just going to head up to Philadelphia and hook a left.¬† Either way there’s going to be approximately 8 hours spent in the car that neither of us is really looking forward to.¬† We’re having some trouble getting a hold of his brother.¬† As of right now we’re unsure if he’s even back in Ohio or if he’s still in Florida.¬† He’s the only person we know that has a cellphone and NO VOICEMAIL.¬† I don’t see how that’s possible, but I think that says something about the state we’re moving to at this point.

I’m already looking forward to the modifications we’re going to be doing.¬† Right now Sean and I don’t really spend much time together during the day because he’s in the office and I’m usually working at the other end of the house.¬† Since the second bedroom is kind of small and shares a wall with the living room we’ll be knocking out the wall and making one large room, we may not be that much closer together but we’ll be in the same room at least.

The thing I’m dreading is the bathroom though, there’s a lot of work that’s going to need to be accomplished.¬† I’m almost certain that there’s going to be a lot of work around the shower area.¬† I’m dreading the sight of rust and whatever else could possibly live in this place.¬† Up until this point we’ve been doing a lot of talking about the rest of the house, something tells me that the bulk of our budget is going to just make sure the toilet doesn’t fall through the floor in the bathroom.¬† With fixing comes upgrades so I’m sure there will be enough energy going into new tile, new bath faucets, possibly a new vanity and almost definitely a new toilet.

This should just be heaps of fun.

Back, but not quite home.

Wednesday, October 24th, 2007

We left NY at about 9:30 last night and by 2:30am we were back here.¬† I did wind up falling asleep in the car for the last hour of the trip but that’s out of character for me, so it caught me off guard.¬† I don’t typically fall asleep in cars but I guess with Bella all cozy on my lap so she could look out the window, plus the both of us being wrapped up in my jacket just to get warm – it was bound to happen at some point.

The trip up was OK, we walked into an uncomfortable situation between my father and sister that I’d rather not get into.¬† Sunday was a “down” day, I headed over to my aunts to spend some time with her and on Monday my father and I headed to the bank so I could collect the loan.¬† Seeing a check with that many zero’s was definitely a nice birthday gift.¬† With the interest rate I’m going to pay back about $4,000 on top of the loan itself but since the course of the loan is 60 months, that really won’t matter too much.

So once that was taken care of we headed back to the house and relaxed until about 7 when my aunt called us and we all headed out to dinner at Bertucci’s for my birthday, Sean treated everyone to dinner which looked like a big selling point to my father, so I have to say that worked out nicely.¬† I didn’t “clean up” the way I have in the past but more than enough money to get us back home and me to purchase a few things from the salon my grandmother owns.¬† I also picked up a new purse, Gucci has that kind of a hold on me.¬† And the Dolce & Gabbana sun glasses to replace my now defunct Chanels make me more than content.

We came back here to find house guests, and since it’s raining we’ve still got our suitcases in the car.¬† Sean should be getting in touch with his brother soon about this upcoming weekend.¬† Hopefully once things calm down a bit they’ll be easier to deal with when we’re settled into our new place.¬† I really don’t care much about anything anymore, so being in this funk my only real concern is moving out and just starting a new life.¬† Work means crap to me, people have always meant shit to me, and getting out of a very uncomfortable living situation is a big goal for me right now.

Laundry = DONE

Saturday, October 20th, 2007

It took a lot longer than anticipated but my laundry is finally complete and at almost 2:30 in the morning I can now start packing so I can get to bed and hopefully wake up refreshed enough to hop in the car and get up to New York without falling asleep.¬† I already know that Bella is going to insist on being in my lap for the entire trip up.¬† On top of that I’m going to have to force some food down her throat before we even leave the house so that her stomach isn’t overturning itself in the car.¬† Oh this is going to be SO much fun.

Saturday, October 20th, 2007

In search of “free” advertising, I came across¬† They offer the ability to get everything from custom banners to car magnets and real estate signs.¬† Sean and I have been thinking about investing in some bumper stickers to get some free advertising out there for the business so handing out a magnet to random people wouldn’t be such a bad idea.¬† I’m sure that there’s someone out there that needs a programmer or a web designer to take on one of their projects.¬† We should have thought of it sooner though, with all of the businesses down here and the HORRIBLE sites that most of them have, we could have made a killing.

The thing I like about them is the customization process.¬† I could design something in Photoshop and send it over to them, no need to use their existing templates at all.¬† I’m sure I could if I really wanted to but custom is always the way to go, heh.

The Saturday 8, well – last weeks

Saturday, October 20th, 2007

I’ve never done the Saturday 8 before; so I figured I’d give it a shot. It’s kind of early in the morning so this weeks questions aren’t up yet, I’ll just do last weeks.¬† I’m sure the owner wouldn’t mind too much.

do you have any of the following gadgets, and what kind? when did you get them?

1. cellphone? A very cheap nokia that came with the plan.

2. digital camera? Olympus SP-350, got it free ::hugs

3. video camera? Olympus SP-350 – has a movie option 🙂

4. video game console? I think I have all my bases covered.¬† XBox360, Wii, DS, PS2, Game Cube, XBox.¬† Now if only I could get my hands on the PSP that’s possibly lost in this house somewhere, I’d be a happy girl haha.¬† I refuse to buy a PS3, I’ll tell you that much.

5. TiVo/DVR? No, but we’ll have a DVR with the move. You get one free from the cable company. Oh the joy!

6. mp3 player/iPod? iPod ::hugs haha

7. laptop computer? Yea, I got it almost two years ago HP DV5000. Unfortunately the power chord just blew out on me yesterday so hopefully I can get a replacement before we move. :ugh:

8. any widget or app on your phone or computer to makes your life easier (commute time calculator, on-time flight alert, zocdoc, etc.)? I think that my excellently coded spreadsheets makes life easy, but the Active Desktop Calendar certainly keeps me on track.

New Business Ventures

Saturday, October 20th, 2007

PPPI’m behind on a lot of things, mainly email but that’s because I’ve had to slack off today in preparation for a few things. I did manage to get through the important ones this evening, but the ones that really don’t require an immediate response were put on hold, I’ll get around to them after I’ve been able to sit back and relax for a little while, hopefully that’ll be after I get my laundry done and finish packing.¬† We’re leaving pretty early (I hope) so who knows how much time I’ll have on the PC tomorrow once I get up to NY.¬† Family is a little more important to me at the moment anyway.

I’ve been helping my friend get her new business ventures off the ground.¬† She’s with a new advertising agency and they’re looking to expand, so she’s asked for my help in both the design and hosting fields – she’s an amazing graphics artist but unsure of everything code based.¬† She also didn’t know where to go when it came to hosting her domain, she knows that she doesn’t want a dedicated server, so I pointed her in the direction of VPS Hosting.¬† She needs ample space and a fairly decent amount of bandwidth, spending the money on a shared account isn’t really worth it to her boss at the moment.¬† I’ve heard some good reviews on NetworkSolutions so I pointed her over to them.¬† I hope she’s able to get everything she’s looking for.

Network Solutions

Packing up, heading out.

Saturday, October 20th, 2007

I’m waiting on my clothes to finish drying so I can start packing.¬† Sean and I are leaving tomorrow afternoon and it’s already about 2am as is so who knows how much longer I’ll be awake.¬† I’m kind of antsy, I get to see a lot of family members over the course of the weekend.¬† Monday is my birthday so we’re all going out to dinner, Bertucci’s YUM.¬† My aunt is coming with us, it’ll be nice to see her as well.¬† On Tuesday I’m getting my hair done, then that afternoon we’re heading back down here to start the moving process.¬† We may start packing up a few things and bring them out with us just so we’re prepared, but for the most part we’re just concerned with getting out there and buying the property anyway.¬† Lets just hope this goes smoothly.

Saturday, October 20th, 2007

PPPWhile I’m not exactly vocal about it, something not many people know about me is that I’m into the stock market. When my grandmother passed away she left me with quite a bit of her stock in AT&T and a few other companies. The money has fallen and ballooned over the past 10 years and while the number is great, I don’t plan on selling or cashing out anytime soon. I want to say this is the case for all of the shares that I own, but the smaller unknown stocks really didn’t do very well at all, thank god for the iPhone, right?

In any event, today I came across, it’s a social networking site for those interested in investing. You can learn about investing, trade ideas with other members, and trade virtual money with real stocks as well. I like this idea based on the fact that there are many people out there who don’t quite understand the process, so by investing fake money into a stock that you follow for your own enjoyment, you can learn about how things rise and fall at any given time. If you then grow confident enough to the point that you’d put in your own money then that’s exactly what this site is for. Helping you during every step of the way. Through this site you’re given the ability to get in touch with numerous members both in stocks and learning through trial and error themselves. You can get financial decisions, with a focus on stock picks to help you. You just create a profile, like you would on many other social networking sites and then go from there.

Starting off…bad.

Thursday, October 18th, 2007

It’s been a pretty bad day so far.¬† Now, nothing has really personally effected me but there’s a lot going on around the world that has me concerned, annoyed, and heart-broken for someone else.

A Tornado has touched down in Florida, thousands of people are without power at the moment.¬† My reason for being concerned is not only are there homes a wreck, Sean’s brother is currently in the area but Sean (with his fabulous memory) has no idea where exactly his brother is at the moment.¬† So the logical thing to do would be to CALL his brothers cell but I guess that’s because I actually think about things, unlike my significant other at the moment.¬† I’m also a worry wort about things like this.

I received an email this morning from an old high school friend informing me that a mutual acquaintance of ours has passed away due to a drug overdose.¬† Now, I didn’t know this person very well, we only passed paths in the hallway or randomly at lunch depending on whether this person was sober or not to even realize where she was.¬† It’s unfortunate to hear that she’s passed away but based on how heavily she was into drugs in high school, it really was only a matter of time after school let out that someone would hear of this news.¬† My heart goes out to her family, I know how hard it was for her mother.¬† There are just some people in the world that you really can’t get through to.¬† No amount of therapy or detox did any good for this girl, and trust me – she was in a lot of it.

As for the annoyed, there’s just a series of things going on that are getting to me.¬† It’s nothing overly important, mainly work related, but the stress doesn’t help my stomach right now.¬† There aren’t enough tums in the world to calm it down.¬† I swear there’s an ulcer coming on.

Housewares: Baking Needs

Wednesday, October 17th, 2007

PPP For the past few weeks, I’ve been putting together a pretty large list of bookmarks for household items that I want and need for the new place. Everything from pots and pans to small appliances, this list is beyond full at this point. With all of the baking that I do, having the proper mixing equipment is important to me as well. I’ve found a few that interest me. The Eclectrics¬Æ Mixer comes in numerous color and is just about large enough to handle everything I need to do. Heck, this thing can handle up to 9-dozen cookies which would make my Christmas baking an absolute breeze. I’ve always been a big fan of the Hamilton Beach¬Æ Mixer. I know that my aunt has been through a few of the in the past 10 years or so. She’s got two of them in her kitchen, but she also does a lot of baking. My grandmother is the women to go to for dinner, my aunt is the one to go to for all kinds of baking – including Theme Cakes – she’s famous for those. So when I happened to come across the Hamilton Beach¬Æ Stand Mixer I knew that it had to go on my list. I think I’m going to get the Black one so it matches the theme of the kitchen, but in that regard the Apple one would work just fine as well considering the theme of the house itself is going to be in the Mint Chocolate category.

More shopping to do!


Vacations, Model Homes, Mortgages OH MY!

Wednesday, October 17th, 2007

The ManhattanKaren is going away on Friday night to head up to Pennsylvania with her sister. Her sister is in the process of moving down here and she’s already chosen the chunk of land that she’s interested in but now she needs to pick out a model home to put on it. She’s going through Ritz-Craft, I’ve heard some mixed reviews on them though. I personally find Palm Harbor homes to be the most appealing. However, Ritz-Craft has a model called “Manhattan” that’s 3547 square feet and absolutely GORGEOUS.¬† I uploaded it because it’s worth sharing.¬† This is the computer generated version, after getting in touch with Ritz-Craft I found out that this model is in the $150,000 range.¬† Which isn’t bad, but you’re better off owning you’re own land in order to purchase it so now we’re looking at another estimated $20,000.¬† I would personally put the house up in Ohio considering I’ve found some decent land out there, but who knows if I could get a mortgage on it.¬† Wishful thinking, that’s for sure.

So she’s leaving on Friday, we’ll be graced with Princess for about 13 hours or so and then we’re heading up to New York on Saturday.¬† So I’ll throw down some extra wee-wee pads and a big bowl of food, keep the fan on with the TV and the rest is cake.¬† She’s fine being left alone over night, Karen should be back within 24 hours of us leaving anyway so it’s not like the dog is going to starve to death.¬† She never plays with toys, she tends to sleep all day so she’ll probably have no idea as to what’s going on anyway.¬† In many ways, Princess is like having a cat.¬† Put the food down and leave her alone until she’s showing some kind of signs towards wanting affection.

I’m bringing Bella up to NY with me.¬† I figure that since we’ll be in Ohio for five days or so without her, leaving her two weekends in a row really isn’t a great idea.¬† Besides, knowing that Karen is going away the same weekend I don’t want her to be in the house alone either.¬† So on Friday, Sean and I are going to make a quick Walmart run and I’ll load up on food and what not for her to get through the weekend.¬† Then next week we’ll make another trip before we leave to load up on some things for while we’re gone.

Wednesday, October 17th, 2007

PPPPPPMillions of people have made some kind of money by selling products on the Internet. Whether it be selling off a few house-hold items on eBay to pick up extra cash, or designing bracelets that you sell in bulk off your own site. The possibilities of making some money online are borderline endless. Just recently I came across With this site you can run your own personalized eCommerce store online. It’s also easy to use. You get some of your content together, design your website, publish your products and then the rest kind of does itself. There’s no guarantee that you’ll be making millions of dollars but that also depends on what kind of products you’re selling as well.¬† If you’re looking to start up your own eCommerce business, then this may be the route for you to take.

I don’t get it.

Wednesday, October 17th, 2007

The universe really does have an interesting way of balancing itself.¬† For me, things are going pretty good minus a toothache that sprung up last night.¬† We’ll have the loan on Monday, we’re just waiting very patiently for Saturday to come around.¬† It’s only Wednesday so naturally I’m getting pretty antsy.¬† Minus the loan, financially things are good this month.¬† I’m a few hundred ahead of where I should be so that’s always a good thing, at least I know that I’ll have more than enough to get this house taken care of when we get out there.

The downside is that things aren’t doing so well for many people around me.¬† Friends family members are sick, someone I have a soft-spot in my heart for is having some trouble with her newborn.¬† And many other things that could effect someones daily life in such a horrible way.¬† My heart goes out to them, but I think that’s just about all I can do at this moment.

It’s kind of strange though.¬† I was in a funk for a few weeks when we were rejected for the first loan.¬† Everyone around me was happy and went about their daily lives without any major issues.¬† Now that the rolls have reversed, I wonder why things happen this way.¬† I guess that’s my way of wondering why everyone just can’t be happy all the time no matter what the cost.¬† Everyone is entitled to a bad day, but when you’re going on bad weeks and months, why keep yourself in the situation?

Wow Factor

Tuesday, October 16th, 2007

Now that everything is falling into place, I’m starting to get a little nervous.¬† Yes, impatience was getting the best of me but now it’s the whole “wow” factor of finally being a home owner and knowing that everything that could possibly happen is just going to be from us and without any major outside influence the way it’s been.

I’m already writing up a list in regards to things we’re going to have to purchase once we get out there.¬† I know we’re going to need cleaning supplies, I believe the first room that’s really going to get any attention is the bathroom.¬† Having toilet paper and shower supplies is a big first priority for us.¬† We also figure that since we’ll be doing modifications around the house that we’ll rent the rug doctor the day before we’re coming back to Delaware to get our stuff.¬† This way, if we keep the carpet, we can get rid of the dust and anything else that was on it before we move our things in there.¬† It’ll be easier to do when we know that there isn’t going to be any furniture in the house.

Another purchase is going to be the living room items.¬† We’ll obviously need a couch, possibly a recliner for Sean, and definitely some end tables and lighting just to pull the room together.¬† Then it’s odds and ends everywhere else, especially the kitchen.¬† For me, getting the bathroom done first is the priority, after that it’s just filling in the gaps.

I’m just hoping that our bed fits in the bedroom with enough room to spare.¬† I think it’s only 13×10.¬† Granted, right now we have it in a 10×10 room so hopefully there will be some ounce of improvement.¬† That is probably going to be one of the more “simple” rooms of the house.¬† There’s no point in overloading the room with things that we really don’t need.¬† So we’ll fit what we can in the closet and then we’ll see if there’s enough floor space left for a dresser.¬† I’d personally prefer having some kind of a platform bed so that we can use the storage underneath but I’m a storage and space-saving fanatic so I like to keep things as simple as possible.¬† Nothing wrong with that, right?