I’m still kind of set on getting myself out of the house for a real vacation. Yes, going up to New Jersey at the end of the month doesn’t look like a possibility right now but I do hope to be able to get up there the following month depending on what’s going on with work and what not. I have been surfing around one of my numerous bookmarks, mainly Trusted Tours because you can find everything you need from them. You can basically get information on just about any major city/town of interest. I have it bookmarked as Things to do in Boston for when I actually get the chance to get up there again but my main focus is finding things to do in Orlando. I know that there are major attractions down there but I can only take so much if Disney World and Universal Studios before I get bored. It’s a goal of mine to get to know every aspect of Orlando and I think a great place to go for that info is Trusted Tours. They can even give you a few tips on basic sightseeing tours as well. They have a newsletter too.
I’m to a point now where I’m just itching to get out of here, honestly. I know that there is a lot of work to do but my stress levels are through the roof right now. I need a change of scenery, and I also have this urge to visit family. I think if I’m unable to get up to Jersey at the end of the month I may try and persuade Sean into going up to New York for a couple of days. I’ll have to base it on how my work schedule is though, I know his is filling up quite a bit as well now that he’s working for three people instead of the original one he’s been with for the last couple of years now. Jackie took him on board as a programmer, and a larger site that created a social networking script has taken him on for plugins and upgrades. Everything is working out pretty well for him right now, it’s just a shame that I’m only getting started on things. It’ll all work out in the end, I just think I’m going to have to spend a little more time down at the beach to clear my head. Right now they’re swamped because it’s a pretty warm day and since it’s a weekend all of the tourists are coming back to open up their houses and relax on the beach. I’m going to make a trip up north in hopes to find another beach that the DE residents in Sussex are sent to because of the lack of ability to get anywhere near the beaches we live by year round. It sucks having to go up to Kent county but if traveling is the only way to get an ounce of privacy while still being able to enjoy the beach then I guess it’s worth it.