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Still Searching

Friday, April 11th, 2008

Trusted ToursI’m still kind of set on getting myself out of the house for a real vacation. Yes, going up to New Jersey at the end of the month doesn’t look like a possibility right now but I do hope to be able to get up there the following month depending on what’s going on with work and what not. I have been surfing around one of my numerous bookmarks, mainly Trusted Tours because you can find everything you need from them. You can basically get information on just about any major city/town of interest. I have it bookmarked as Things to do in Boston for when I actually get the chance to get up there again but my main focus is finding things to do in Orlando. I know that there are major attractions down there but I can only take so much if Disney World and Universal Studios before I get bored. It’s a goal of mine to get to know every aspect of Orlando and I think a great place to go for that info is Trusted Tours. They can even give you a few tips on basic sightseeing tours as well. They have a newsletter too.

I’m to a point now where I’m just itching to get out of here, honestly. I know that there is a lot of work to do but my stress levels are through the roof right now. I need a change of scenery, and I also have this urge to visit family. I think if I’m unable to get up to Jersey at the end of the month I may try and persuade Sean into going up to New York for a couple of days. I’ll have to base it on how my work schedule is though, I know his is filling up quite a bit as well now that he’s working for three people instead of the original one he’s been with for the last couple of years now. Jackie took him on board as a programmer, and a larger site that created a social networking script has taken him on for plugins and upgrades. Everything is working out pretty well for him right now, it’s just a shame that I’m only getting started on things. It’ll all work out in the end, I just think I’m going to have to spend a little more time down at the beach to clear my head. Right now they’re swamped because it’s a pretty warm day and since it’s a weekend all of the tourists are coming back to open up their houses and relax on the beach. I’m going to make a trip up north in hopes to find another beach that the DE residents in Sussex are sent to because of the lack of ability to get anywhere near the beaches we live by year round. It sucks having to go up to Kent county but if traveling is the only way to get an ounce of privacy while still being able to enjoy the beach then I guess it’s worth it.

Trusted Tours

Internal Alarm…

Friday, April 11th, 2008

I’m really not sure why but my schedule is beyond screwed up right now. I’ve finally got some work to do thanks to a new contract position but for my initial project I stayed up until about 5am putting a lot of finishing touches on the photoshop aspect of things. I rolled into bed and then popped right up at exactly 10:32am. Now, the reason that number is so “hrm….” for me is based on the fact that my body has trained itself to wake up at the exact same time every day for the past week or so. I really don’t understand why, either. I know that yesterday the landscapers showed up around our house at the same time yesterday morning which then triggered Bella to sit in the window and bark her freaking head off. I’m seriously going to start going to bed with her sonic zapper because I can’t take waking up to a barking dog anymore. Today was no different. They’re showing the house next door and having people walk around is never a good thing when you have a bitchy dog to deal with. So of course she insisted on barking. Come to think of it, she’s been the reason I’ve popped up so frequently in the morning. I wish I could figure out why she’s the new resident alarm clock.

It’s taking it’s toll on me though. I’ve been up for an hour and a half and I’m already exhausted. I can’t continue on 5 hours of sleep but I really don’t want to go back to bed because I have so much to accomplish today. I have a couple of posts to do, a lot of emails to respond to, a PSD to convert to XHTML/CSS and then I think I just landed my first big project with this company of creating a template for a social networking site. I’ll base my template on the network site that Sean’s designing, and then add MySpace, Facebook and Vidilife to it. Why? Because I’ll do the complete and total polar opposite of all of them. I see no point in having them all look the same so I’m going to come up with something different. :hmph:

Guess I should get myself in gear. I think I’m going to need to put on a pot of coffee. If I don’t get some kind of energy boost I’m probably going to be asleep within the next half hour.

Taking a Break

Thursday, April 10th, 2008

Orlando, FL I’ve been working on saving up some money so Sean and I can go away at the end of the month. The hotel is complimentary, as is a lot of the amenities, it’s just the cost of gas and tolls to get up there, plus some minor spending on a slot machine or two if I actually choose to gamble. I can only do this if I can bring in another $800 in the next 10 days. Since I doubt (as of right now) that it’s actually going to happen I’ll just bank on the reservation until the end of next month and hopefully figure something out then.

It would be great if I could actually afford to look into Orlando Hotels. I’d love to get down to Florida. When you compare the weather to what we’ve been dealing with on the East Coast for the past week – it’d be nice to enjoy the warmth and sunshine for a few days – you know? Another section I’ve been looking into is Lake Buena Vista Hotels, at least it’s in Florida. It really doesn’t matter where I actually wind up going. I think it would just be nice to go on an official vacation sometime soon. Maybe one day we’ll be able to do it, for now it’s more like wishful thinking.

Orlando is the host of the 2008 American Urological Association Annual Meeting and staying at any of their gorgeous hotels will put you in the best location to attend this event. I’m sure anyone in the medical field could find it interesting. I’m not too sure if I’d go but who knows what the future holds. The Orlando Vista Hotel is located close to the entrance to the Downtown Disney Resort Area, it’s also just a half mile from Pleasure Island, and minutes to the Convention Center, SeaWorld, Universal Studios and the Florida Mall.

I’d love to go to SeaWorld, that’s a big trip for me. I’m really into anything Marine so I think that would be a great vacation spot for me. I’m a Dolphin fanatic, I’d love to swim with them one day. I just have to get rid of that severe Fish allergy of mine, even coming in contact with the water with a very small instance of Fish is enough to put me in the hospital. That wouldn’t make for such a great vacation.

Reorganized & Unhealthy

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

I know I haven’t updated in a while but it has a lot to do with how busy I’ve been for the past five/six days.  Karen and I were talking the other night in the kitchen, which is a typical thing for us, and the topic of clearing up her desk area (in the kitchen) came up.  When she moved in she kind of threw all of the bills and other desk related things on a couple of shelves and into the filing cabinet and that’s been her system for the past few years now.  Me, being an organizational freak, asked if she’d ever let me do something with it and then out of no where she runs to her bedroom and pulls out all kinds of storage and organizational solutions that I was surprised she’d even had, considering the state of the desk to begin with.

The next morning (Thursday) she left to meet up with her sister in Atlantic City.  I then took over the daunting task of finally organizing all of her paperwork to make her life much, much easier.  After doing a complete and total clean up of the kitchen, giving me ample counter space to spread out on,  I started with the filing cabinet and about 6 hours later I’d completed my sort through about 10 years worth of paperwork to put it all into proper labeled folders.  When the weight of completing that was lifted from my shoulders, I looked up to the shelves above me and I’ll admit, my head began to throb a little.  I pulled things down a few piles at a time and sorted through everything.  I then reorganized the items that were meant to stay out on that shelf and everything is now complete.  The project time took me about 10 hours in total, and that’s not counting the two breaks I took to put my eyes back in the sockets.  Damn did they need a rest!

The next morning I knew that there was a lot more to accomplish, it was great to walk into the kitchen and not see that mess around the computer but when I’d gotten a paper cut the evening before I attempted to find a band aid in the medicine cabinet but was unable to dig through everything to easily find one.  Expired medicine and prescription medication for her mother (whom died in 2005) was taking over ample space in this cabinet.  So I went through all of that as well, and it turned out pretty nicely.  There was even extra space available on the top shelf so I then had room to get everything off of the counters that was medicine related as well.

I floated around the house and sprinkled some carpet fresh and then vacuumed the entire house and managed to clean up the coffee table and any other surface that was covered in clutter.  The only spot that I couldn’t get to (because my back went out again thanks to over-working myself) was our “Junk” area in the kitchen.  It’s a pile of just about everything, that’s hidden when you first look at the kitchen (it’s under the bar – that no one uses because of the awkward height of the chairs for it).

My back is still very sore, I have good days and bad days.  Unfortunately the really nasty weather isn’t helping very much either.  It’s got everyone in a funk and the cold weather isn’t doing anything good for my back these days.  I have the windows open during the day, even though it’s chilly, to air out the stale smoke smell in the house.  Karen went back to smoking when she put Candy down and she’s just now getting back on her Nicorette.  Unfortunately when she smokes in the house, my twinge for it kicks in and I started doing it as well.  I’ve always gone outside, probably why I was always able to tan so well considering I’d be outside all day long in the summer with my laptop and a cig.  But a few bad weeks and now I’m back on track with things.  I’ve also added filters to my cigs, even though I smoke Ultra-Lights I’m still injesting a lot of TAR, and now I’ve gotten myself tarless filters to help me cut down on that intake.  Eventually I’ll be completely done with it.  I’ve purchased my last carton and by this time next week (at the rate that I smoke) I’ll be “cold turkey” and able to get around without getting winded.  It’s a 10 year addiction that’s being thrown away in one night – hopefully my PMDD doesn’t kick in cause Sean won’t know what hit him.

I’m patiently waiting on call-backs from a few companies.  I’m still hoping to land the job for that interview I went on a few weeks ago.  I’m also waiting on some kind of an email from a company I was just accepted to as a contractor.  I sent in all of the paperwork last week, EIN# and everything else included.  I’m just not in their system yet so I can’t start floating through the LEADS to start working.

In any event, I need to find something to do.  There’s nothing really going on online and I don’t have any work waiting for me.  I think I’m going to straighten up the kitchen and make some lunch for Bella and I.  She isn’t feeling too well but that has a lot to do with the rain, we haven’t been able to bring her out as often as she’s used to so I think she’s feeling withdrawn as well.

Smells Clean!

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

Renuzit TriScents The other day I was doing some of my regular shopping and went to pick up some refills for my Fabreeze Dual-Scent Plugin. They didn’t have the scents that I was looking for and I wound up picking up one of the new Renuzit Tri-Scents thanks to my trusty starter-kit coupon and I have to say that it was the best thing I’ve ever done. Thank you to Wal-mart for not properly stocking your shelves!

The scent combinations have kept my room smelling fresh and clean, even with Bella’s stinky dog-bones on the floor. I picked up the Morning Meadow combination. It’s got three different scents – Waterfall Mist, After the Rain & Pure Breeze. The cool thing about the tri-scent is you have the ability to set the intensity of your scents. I happen to like Pure Breeze the most so that one will more than likely empty sooner than the other two. I don’t have everything set to maximum though, it’s a small 10×10 room so I really don’t have to set the dial to too high for the entire flow. I leave the window open about 99% of the time (except in the summer) so of course there’s no point in it being on all day long because the smell would just float out the window. So I turn it on a few moments before I’m about to get into bed for the night and then I come back in the room after getting ready for bed and just enjoy the relaxing scents that actually help me fall asleep pretty quick. It’s also a way for me to mask the smell of smoke that filters itself into the bedroom. I do have a sheet up over the door but if there aren’t any windows out in the living room for it to escape then it looks for the available wind-source (which happens to be my bedroom and the office.

BedroomSo in wanting to learn more about the TriScents I headed over to to learn about the new product. Right now they’re running a really cool contest where you can enter to win a $20,000 home makeover. If you’re interested in entering the contest you can check out the official rules and sign up with your entry. It sounds really cool, I’d love to see what I can accomplish in a few rooms with someone else’s money heh. I’d have the office reorganized so that Sean and I have more room to move around. I’d definitely get something done in the bedroom because there isn’t enough color in there. I’d have Karen’s armoire replaced with a new one that isn’t about to fall over and I think I’d talk her into getting some new book cases and a real entertainment unit in the living room so that everything can match up nicely. Storage is also a great thing so I’d love for them to make some modifications in the kitchen as well. It’s a huge kitchen but even with all of the cabinets and drawers that are in there, it’s really hard to put something away – there has to be a way to organize all of that and I’d love to have someone come in and help me with it!

OOh! It works!

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

I’m finally back in the office, my back is feeling up to sitting in this god awful chair. I’m playing around with Leopard, and Parallels Desktop because Sean was lucky enough to figure out what was going wrong with the routes we were taking. It required a lot of Linux editing and that’s not really in my field of expertise. He figured it out, the whole computer acted up for a little while and then he figured out how to fix that. Now everything seems to be running pretty smoothly. The major draw-back was my lack of ability to access my external hard drive. It turns on and the red light informs me that it’s “running” but then when it changes back to blue it doesn’t show the drive on either Leopard or XP and then if it does begin to view it on XP it says that I don’t have the proper permissions to get into the drive. With a major thanks to Jackie (my Mac guru) I was able to fix everything and now everything is up and running just fine.

On another bright note, Sean and I are going on vacation at the end of the month. We set a few financial goals for ourselves and if we can accomplish them by the 23rd then we’re going to keep our reservations for Harrah’s at the end of the month. If we’re unable to reach the goal then we’ll cancel the reservation and hang on until next month. The actual drive up there is the only thing that’s really going to cost us any money, it’s the cost of gas and a few tolls to pay. It’s still cheaper than taking the Ferry because even with the $37 Ferry ride we’re going to have to drive North for about an hour or so. It’s easier just to put gas in the car and get the hell out of here. The room itself is complimentary, and we’re lucky enough to have the new luxury suite available for two nights – absolutely free. Brand new hardwood floors, jacuzzi tubs and plasma TV’s – it’ll be a nice little get-away. After that there’s the pool to hang out in, no children permitted (they have to go to the teen pool) so I figure since we’re going mid-week there’s really going to be no one there so it’ll be possible to lay down and relax without dealing with screaming children or unruly drunks for that matter. I also have about $300 in cash that I can print out at the Kiosk and then of course there’s the food comps so we’re really not spending any of our personal money at all. Of course we’re going to want to Gamble but with all of the amenities that are available – I doubt I’ll be on the Casino floor very often. We need to get away to clear our heads, no dogs, no parents, just us. It’ll be pretty nice.

Just itching to go…

Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

Travel Tours While I know money isn’t that great right now, I really hope to be able to get up to New York soon. I called my father last night and while things seem to be going OK there’s still that wish for me to be up there. My father’s birthday is coming up, he’s going to be 60 this year. Yea, he was 36 when I was born but that’s OK – he did a damn good job. My sister’s birthday is three days later, she’ll be 22 this year. You kind of wonder where all of the time went in the last 20-something years, you know?

Anyway, it’s my goal to get enough cash together in the next couple of weeks so we can take the trip up there at the end of June. Maybe I’ll get lucky enough and one of my various interviews will come through, I don’t know. It’s just important to me that I actually get up there. Things with the family are “OK”, I found out that my mother thought she had a stroke but it’s actually Bells Palsy. My sister didn’t even find out until like three days after it happened, but my family just seems to like keeping secrets. How could you not tell someone’s daughter that their mother is in the hospital? I could understand if my sister was like 10 years old or something, but she’s 21 – I think avoiding telling her is absolutely uncalled for.

So yea, there are a few different reasons for me to get up there. It’s not like I’m looking for things to do in New York that are out of the norm for me, like going to the Metropolitan Museum of Art or something. I’ve been there before, I’m going to New York for family, not even a vacation at this point. My idea of a vacation is floating around in the Casino’s of Atlantic City (Harrah’s being my favorite – of course). But this is a family thing, that’s the most important right now.

If you want to find something to do in New York you can poke around Trusted Tours & Attractions. They have a free e-newsletter, and give you family vacation ideas as well.

Trusted Tours

Not so Great…

Sunday, March 30th, 2008

I’m unsure as to how it happened but I’ve managed to throw my back out.  For the past couple of weeks it’s been increasingly sore.  Yesterday it felt worse than usual and after laying down for a little while my back completely locked up and won’t unlock no matter what I do.  It’s still bothering the hell out of me today, but that’s more mental than pain.  Yes, I’m in a hell of a lot of pain but I also have a lot of things to accomplish that I don’t see myself getting around to anytime soon.

I have to clean the bedroom, it’s been a week since it was last dusted and when you’ve got black furniture – dust is very noticeable.  I need to do my laundry but that can wait until tomorrow, Sunday is typically Karen’s laundry day.  The kitchen is a wreck, I’d like to do something about that but even standing takes a lot out of me right now.  I’ve got myself propped up in the living room at the moment, I can’t stay in bed – it’s too soft and offering no kind of support right now.

I’m itching to get into the office but with absolutely no chance of lumbar support with my office chair – there’s no way in hell I could sit there long enough to accomplish what I need to do.

This really sucks.

Time for a change…

Friday, March 28th, 2008

Since I spent so much time trying to get back up and running, I decided that a little theme alteration was needed here. As far as I’m concerned, March is over. There are only a few days left and I already show my Irish pride with a tattoo so having the theme up for as long as I did, just proved I’m not into it anymore. I was also getting sick of the green. It reminds me of something I don’t have, money.

Today I was accepted for a contract/freelance position and once I can get all of the paperwork sent back, I hope to be able to get the ball rolling. I’m also still patiently waiting to hear something from the Interview last week. I assume it’s going to take a few weeks and that’s fine, it’s more the waiting that’s getting to me than the actual choice they make. I just want to know – you know?

I’ve been up since about 7am, so I’m basically vegging out on the couch at the moment. I’m too tired to move and hope to be able to crawl into bed soon. There are a few more things that I’m going to need to accomplish before that happens but it shouldn’t take me a lot of time.

The weather today was absolutely gorgeous! Sean and I spent some time down on the beach enjoying the 77°F (25°C) temperature.  While it was a pretty windy day, there was still an over-abundance of sunshine keeping us nice and toasty.  It took a while to get down there though, with such a hot day the beach was absolutely swamped.  I had to go over a few blocks to park because my usual side-street was packed to the max.  I was close to pulling into someone’s drive-way but I wasn’t going to take that route, I finally did get myself into a spot so that was good enough for me.

For a while I convinced myself that I’d be spending a lot of time at the beach this summer.  However, considering the way it was loaded today, and it’s not even summer yet, I think I’m going to setup a nice set of chairs in the backyard and tan that way.  It’s my hope to be working through the summer, so my weekends will be filled with downtime in the yard, that’s not such a bad plan as long as I maintain my regular weekend schedule, right?

Another goal for the summer is to pack enough cash away so I can get myself into school this Fall.  I know I’ve said this a lot but it’s a big goal of mine and at this point, nothing is going to stand in my way.  Maybe I’ll get lucky and I’ll get back to my $5k a month income and be able to accomplish it a lot sooner than I’d originally planned.  I can handle two full-time jobs, I have a laptop for the at-home stuff so that can come out to the yard with me!

Moving along…. After the beach we made a quick run to the grocery store, we were close to completely being out of food so we picked up the essentials and they’re going to have to last for a while.  I’m breaking my diet and going to live on pasta for the next couple of days, only because that’s all we can afford right now.  I don’t like being in a hole, but if $1200 a month wasn’t going out to bills it would be easier to maintain things.

In any event, it’s knocking on 11pm and my eyes are close to almost completely closed, time for bed!

Don’t answer the phone!

Friday, March 28th, 2008

For the past few hours a few different phone numbers have been calling the house. Originally I thought it was merely a prank but supposedly I’m not the only one receiving these phone calls. If you see any of the following numbers show up on your caller ID, please be sure to avoid answering the phone.

  • Quebec (514) 555-5555
  • Florida (727) 585-4752
  • Florida (727) 683-0725
  • California (408) 731-7348

These numbers have been widely known for calling up to 15 times per day, and based on a few of the threads I’ve found in regards to it, a lot of people are effected by it. I’m going to log into Comcast in a few moments and block these numbers from calling. If you’re looking for more information, please head over to and read a bit more about it. They never say why they’re calling, you’re lucky if someone even responds to your saying “Hello?”. Just make it a point to block these numbers before they even start calling you.

On my ID the first number didn’t show up as Quebec, it showed up as “Purdy, D”. I have yet to get any calls from the other numbers, but that really doesn’t matter too much right now. I have to say that I can blame Vonage for this because they tend to allow you to have a phone number anywhere you please as long as you pay them, all VoIP phones tend to let you choose what area code you prefer. For all I know these calls could actually be coming from a man up the block.

Either way it’s a good idea to block the numbers, if you have the ability. Get in touch with your telephone provider before it gets to the point of being utterly annoying.

And with that said, guess who’s phone is freaking ringing again?! UGH!

Jobs and Upgrades

Friday, March 28th, 2008

It’s been a pretty hectic week.  I’m still waiting on word from my Interview last Friday.  I called on Monday and was told that they’re still conducting interviews so I should try back in a few days, I just called back about 20 minutes ago and they’re still doing interviews.  I’m a very patient person so maybe if I just wait it out maybe something good will come of it.

Sunday went well, dinner turned out OK.  By Monday evening Karen’s sister had come back from her Easter trip to Atlantic City.  Minus getting lost in the casino, and having her two younger kids with her bothering just about everyone, she did at least enjoy herself.  Her and Karen are going back up there on the 3rd, just an overnight.  Sean and I would also like to go this month because I have the entire month comped but I’m not going to stress about it.  My father is supposedly going up at the end of the month when he’s done with radiation theropy, I’d like to meet up with him but I’m going up to NY in June for his 60th birthday anyway – I don’t know if I’ll be able to make those two trips with the way finances are looking right now.

The rest of the week I’ve just been putting in resumes, contacting a few leads and then going from there.  I did spend a lot of time with the Mac in the last few days.  On Monday Sean asked me if I had any kind of attachment to the keyboard that came with my iMac, I personally prefer using everything that comes standard but that’s based completely on my being anal retentive about organization and matchy-matchy things.  However, I also know he uses the Mac quite a bit now that he’s working on Flash related things so for his comfort I went to hook up my old Logitech Multimedia Keyboard.  It hasn’t been touched in about six months so it was looking pretty disgusting.  So I decided to pop out the screws, pop off all of the keys and then clean it.  I had a whole system going, all of the keys were soaking in warm water to melt off any of the caked-on dirt.  It was primarily lotion and then on top of that it was dust so they just didn’t look good.  Upon taking off the face-plate I saw more dust and grime than I’d ever had in any keyboard before – that’s what I get for leaving it under the desk for so long.  So I took about two hours to clean it out, during that process (where it now looks brand new) I upgraded from Tiger to Leopard.  The iMac came with Tiger but it had the upgrade DVD so I made it a point to process that.

My goal after I completed the upgrade was to install Parallels Desktop 3 so I can also run Windows on it.  I didn’t get that accomplished until yesterday, I was having a lot of trouble getting it moving because there’s a hack that you have to run in order for it to properly work on Leopard that they haven’t worked into the program yet.  So I gave up and Sean went ahead and did it for me when things finally worked the way they were supposed to.  I thought he crashed the Mac at some point considering it kept booting in excess for about an hour.  I wound up falling asleep in the bedroom for a few hours, well the whole night really.  He managed to get everything in working order, including the installation of Windows XP.  I then slept the rest of the night and as of 7am, I’ve been wide awake.

I haven’t gotten in there to play around yet, I’m on the laptop in the living room at the moment.  My back isn’t feeling to great so sitting in that god awful chair just isn’t a possibility at this point in time.  I’ll go in there later after I’ve had some time to stretch it out, there are quite a few programs that I’m looking to get back and you can only use them on Windows, hence the dual setup.  The thing I like about this one is the fact that it’s not a dual-boot option, I can run Windows inside of OS X by just having it boot to it’s own little window.  So basically I’m using a browser with Windows inside of it, I like that idea.  In the future I’ll install Vista, I have the serial from the other desktop in the house, I do like the fact that I can have many instances of the Parallel setup so I can run as many different operating systems as the Mac will handle.  I’m going to stop at Vista though, I see no point in running anything else.  I’m even considering setting up a second monitor so I can run Windows on one side and Mac on the other, I think that’ll work out pretty well for me.

For now I’ve got a few emails to send out and a few leads to check on.  Guess I should get my ass in gear.

Happy Easter!

Sunday, March 23rd, 2008

It’s Easter Sunday and while I haven’t really done anything yet, I have accomplished quite a bit over the past weekend so I can sit back and relax for a while until I start all of the cooking for dinner tonight.  I’m not going too crazy with dinner.  I’m throwing a ham in the oven, and making up a few sides to have with it and that’s about it.  Yea, there’s going to be like five sides and some rolls or something.  While that may seem like a lot, I’m Italian – I’m used to large meals for a small number of people.

I’m still waiting on news about the job interview on Friday.  I assume that since they’re a Monday – Friday service that I’ll hear something tomorrow, or at least I hope.  I’m really anxious about it.  With the way money is going right now I could really use this job.  The interview itself went pretty well, at least I personally thought it did.  I like the environment, and those whom I spoke to seem pretty nice.  The drive wasn’t that bad, I’ll have to factor in summer travel in a few weeks but that just means I’d have to leave around 7am as opposed to 730ish to make it there by 8.  I figure a 20 minute drive will take about 45 minutes when it comes to the summer traffic down here.  That’s what you get living in a tourist town though.  Either way it’d be a Monday to Friday 8-5 position.  I’d get home around 6pm on the summer nights and since it’s year round I really think I could do well there.

As far as my own stuff is concerned, I managed to get the new template up on, something I’m very happy about.  I really like the way things turned out.  There was a template just like it for sale for about $90 but I was able to recreate it with no real trouble.  The spacing is off on a few things depending on the browser you use but it really isn’t anything that major so it doesn’t matter too much to me.  I’m working on getting a few more link options in order there, hopefully I’ll be able to get some of my lost traffic back.  It’ll take some time but I do have a few tricks up my sleeve, you can only depend on SEO for so long before you have to get back into gear on commenting on things.

In any event, it’s now about 2:15pm and I’m hoping to relax for a few hours before I have to get in gear on the kitchen.  So a quick straighten-up around the kitchen so I have some surface area to work with and the rest is cake…literally – I think I’ll make cup-cakes to have as an after dinner treat.  We’ll see how I feel though, my stomach is already bothering me from too much coffee today anyway –  heh.

So, Happy Easter to everyone, hope you have a nice relaxing day with family and friends.  If you celebrate of course.

Little too early…

Friday, March 21st, 2008

It’s 7am, I’ve been up for about 15 minutes.  My first interview of the day is at 9am for the full-time IT position.  I’m hoping it goes well and I get a decent hourly wage to be able to make up for the loss with the paid blogging and lack of business-based design work right now.  I’m still working on personal and weblog templates but I heavily depended upon corporate/small-business work to get the bills paid.  Let’s just hope that $2200 a month slack is able to be picked up with this position.  I’m hoping for $12-$15 an hour, based on the companies standing and the items that they sell I hope that happens on the higher end, either way I’ll take what I can get.

I didn’t get much sleep last night, I officially went to bed around midnight  but since I’d woken up so late on Thursday I had a lot of trouble falling asleep.  I also couldn’t shut my mind up for a few hours either.  I alternated between watching TV and tossing and turning.  Counting sheep doesn’t work for me, and no matter what animal I tried to substitute things with I still just couldn’t crash.  I finally fell asleep around 3:30 and hopefully the three hours of sleep I got will be more than enough to keep me awake while driving.  I’m scared about going out on such little sleep but I’ll just make sure to have the window wide open (it’s a chilly morning) and a cup of coffee in the cup holder and a focus to keep my eyes open during the interview as well.  Heavy make-up will have to hide the dark circles, that’s the only option right now.

If all goes well I’ll be home in time to make a phone call before I miss my second interview.  I don’t think I’ll be able to handle 60 hours a week from the get-go, I do still have a business to run.  I think if I get lucky enough to make enough money with the IT position, I won’t have to take the part-time position down on the boardwalk.  I’ll base my afternoon on what happens this morning.

I have to be out of here in an hour and a half so I guess I should get my butt in gear.  Time to cake on the excess layers of make-up and re-iron my hair because it’s doing a weird crinkle thing from the angle I slept last night.

Oh boy…

Wednesday, March 19th, 2008

Last night it finally hit me that there’s a stack of unpaid bills and recurring payments coming out of my bank account towards the loan and the credit cards.  I quickly got my butt in gear and sent off so many resumes I don’t even remember half of the companies I’d applied to.  The ones that I did remember, however, have already gotten back to me.  I have an interview at 9am on Friday with a Marina looking for a full time web developer and I also have a 1pm appointment at a build-a-bear kind of factory in town as well.

I’m thinking if I can actually handle it, doing full time with one company and part time with another would give me everything I need in order to get back on track with things.  I hope to not exceed 55 hours a week but we’ll see what happens.  I really wouldn’t mind doing weekdays as a web developer and spending my weekends with all the kids down by the beach, I think it will give me the relaxation that I need – that’s for sure.

I’ll keep my fingers crossed and see what sticks and what doesn’t.

Going Home

Tuesday, March 18th, 2008

TravelIt’s my hope that sometime over the course of the next two months, I’m able to hop in the car and take a trip up to New York to visit family. With cancer spreading like wildfire, and the Christening of my cousin – the trip would definitely be worth it. My issue right now is money, I don’t even think I’d be able to afford the $120 round-trip, let alone just being up there in general. From gas to tolls it’s not a cheap trip to take. I know it’s not like I’m going to be in Key West Snorkeling or anything, but it’s still damn expensive to travel through two and a half states. For those who don’t live in the Tri-state area, you probably wouldn’t understand. Unfortunately anyone coming into or out of New Jersey or New York has to pay some kind of a toll. I think it’s stupid considering I can travel the entire length of Delaware for $3, and that’s only if I stay on Route-1 the entire time. Either way I just know that I have important things to do in New York and I don’t know if I’ll be able to get up there. It’s really depressing. I just need at least ONE damn store to call me back and say “Come in for an Interview!”


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Stupid CSS Attributes

Saturday, March 15th, 2008

I’m still not done with the template I started a few days ago.  It’s not that I’m slacking off or anything , it’s just that I haven’t been able to get some key CSS aspects working.  There’s something with “the loop” in WordPress that’s stopping me from getting everything to properly load on the main page.  The post-image has been easily worked in, I just have everything setup with certain sizes and you really have to play around with it in order to get the spacing just right.  There’s a height issue with the outer divs, an overlapping issue with the inner divs.  It’s all just one big annoying mess that I hope to be able to figure out sometime soon.  It’s my goal to get all of my post-work done within the next half hour and then I can hopefully return to the bedroom so I can sit in silence and get everything else to work properly for me with this template so I can finish it as soon as possible.

: crosses fingers :

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