Doot, doot, doot?

Okay, so I’m running out of titles – sue me.

This weekend was pretty uneventful. I didn’t go up to New York because the paperwork still hasn’t shown up so there was really no point in my going up there. Hopefully it’ll be here this week and then I can start getting things in order. So instead of enjoying 10 hours in a car (back and forth) I used my time wisely. I did a lot of cleaning, quite a bit of cooking and Bella got a bath. I found a few ticks on her, not sure why they were there considering she gets her monthly strips of Frontline so I gave her a bath and killed what I could. I saw no need in bombing the house because they were ticks and not fleas. I reloaded on the Frontline for next month and I invested in a Flea/Tick shampoo that supposedly lasts for 10 days. Knowing that she gets a bath once a week – I figure she’ll be covered. I never had this problem before I came down here, and it sucks but it’s taken care of, so I guess that’s all that matters.

Sean and I just got back from the store a little while ago. I found myself kind of floating around the housewares isle in Walmart making a mental list of everything I didn’t add to my Bookmarks list. I did find something on HSN last night that I fully intend to purchase though. Knowing that we’ll be living in a storm heavy zone, having the proper supplies is a big deal for me. I was flipping through channels and came across the Hunter LampLighter™ Auxiliary Light 2-pack. You take the light bulb out of a side lamp in whatever room you figure you’ll frequently be in, screw this thing into the slot for the bulb, and then put the light bulb back on the track, there are even holes on the side where you can get the lampshade clasp back on. It charges the AAA batteries and if your power goes out, within 3 seconds this thing kicks in and you have like 6 LCD lights along the rim that instantly turn themselves on. You can chose how many lights you want to run though. If you leave only two lights in there you get 16 hours of light (which can be turned on and off whenever you please) but if you keep in all six you get like 8 hours. I figure this, plus a first aid kit, canned goods and the battery-less flashlights would be a damn good safety plan heh.

Sean got lost in the electronics section but that’s really no surprise. He found a TV that he’d like to own and I found a cheapy computer that will more than likely be put in the kitchen – depending on whether or not there’s any room for it. I know you’re thinking “WTF Do you need one for?” but when you’ve got a 17″ LCD monitor and a massive archive of recipes and other things, it’s kind of worth it. I doubt I’ll buy it but the $400 price tag was pretty decent. Maybe I’ll get it as a gift for someone around Christmas, I know my fathers computer is on the verge of death and he’s been using a CRT for as long as I can remember. Upgrades are nice – eh?

I changed the color scheme a bit but the house itself is going to be mint-chocolate, so to speak. Minty to pale greens on the walls, tan tones for the furniture and dark wood floors when we get around to replacing them. We also intend to build a deck on the side of the house because there’s just a stoop that leads to the grass, kind of pointless. So I figure a nice screened-in area will be enough to keep me happy. Sean’s going to have his office, the rest if the house is kind of “ours” and this will be my area to just kick back and relax. I figure something that’s maybe 10×10 would be more than large enough to put a little bistro set and a nice lounger on to keep me happy. A potted plant in the corner just for kicks, and indoor/outdoor carpet so I’m not standing on wood and then I’m basically covered.

I just hope we’ll be able to accomplish everything before Christmas, Spring at the absolute latest.

One Response to “Doot, doot, doot?”

  1. Bronnie says:

    Aaw poor Bella, at least you’ve got it under control!

    I love the idea of a computer in the kitchen with all your recipes on it, sounds awesome!

    Building a deck!? did you guys buy a house?
    I love the mint & tan colours idea.. they’ll be nice together!


October 08, 2007


Bella, Boyfriend, Gadgets, Home Ownership



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