Can’t quite get there…

I’m lagging at the moment and I have no idea why. There’s a huge list of things to do sitting right in front of me and I’m having trouble starting anything. My eyes are wigging out, I should probably be sleeping at the moment. I’m still waiting on an email from a new guy that I’m going to start work for soon. He told me I’d have something by Monday night but now we’re going on really early Wednesday morning and still nothing. I want to assume it’s just an email issue at the moment, hopefully it’s resolved. I know that he sent me an email in the past with a test attachment but the attachment wasn’t there. I’ve had issues like this with Gmail in the past, it’s the same on the server based email as well considering there’s a file-size limit so lord knows what’s going on. I’m sure everything will be taken care of.

For some reason I’m starving at the moment, I’m going to raid the fridge and see what’s available, maybe I can get Bella to eat something too considering she was uninterested in touching the chicken I put down for her earlier. I really wish I knew what to do…ugh.

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June 13, 2007


Bella, Work



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