They’re starting to move in…

Memorial Day is fast approaching and since I live in a resort town, there’s quite a few people floating around the complex looking for vacation rentals. There are people coming in from all over but the ones making their presence known, and not in a good way, are the Pennsylvanians. I’m not dissing the entire state, but the ones who travel down here are very cocky people and even meaner drivers. Kay was almost run over recently because some ass got too impatient at a light and basically said “Screw the pedestrians” and barreled his way through.

Since everyone is coming down here to go to the beach and do some shopping, part of me wants to get the heck out of here and find some where that isn’t going to be over loaded with people. I thought about heading north back to New York but I’m sure I could find something even further north. I’m considering Maine, I’ve wanted to go up there for quite some time and it seems like such a ‘far away’ state I wouldn’t really expect it to be a huge tourist attraction.

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May 23, 2007


Annoyed, PPP



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