Tonight’s Breakdown

I have a whole list of things that I need to get done before my head hits the pillow tonight. I’m four hours away from doing my 24 hour run and while blogging has cut down because of the fact that the Tuesday prize has already been given away – I’m still working on everything I possibly can to get everything in order. I admit that I’ve been slacking on getting the template for Ranee coded, but I can say I’ll have that done tonight, I’m going to start coding everything over to WordPress as soon as I’m done posting.

I won a bid on GAF a few moments ago so that’s another thing I’m going to have to get started on afterwards. I’m converting a site over from PHP to HTML which to me makes no sense but it’s easier for the client to edit everything so that’s the route to take. I’m waiting on a write-up from another client and then hopefully after all has been said and done, I can get myself to sleep by midnight – 2am at the absolute latest.

Baby fell asleep a little while ago, he’s battling an ear infection at the moment so he’s hasn’t been in the most chipper of moods. This afternoon I took a break after I last posted to do some things around the house. I wound up taking a walk to the mailbox with Bella so she could get out and enjoy the sunlight.

It’s beautiful outside during the day here. There’s so many birds chirping and flowers blooming that sitting inside is starting to get to me. The problem is that Baby can only really concentrate at night when he’s working so it’s hard to get on a balanced schedule for him, he just winds up sleeping during the day. I’d like to be outside more during the day, it just sucks doing it alone when you want to spend time with him, you know? Maybe by the time things take off with him we’ll be able to sync up again. Something to look forward to.

Okay, so I’m going to get my ass in gear on everything I have to do. This way I can do my two-miles before I go to sleep. Bella seems to enjoy it, she marks her territory every 10 feet it seems, it’s kind of funny heh.

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May 01, 2007


Bella, Boyfriend, Work



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