Slowly but surely…

I’ve gotten a few emails telling me that my last post was just, wrong. The thing no one seems to understand is that I’m not saying that no one else is entitled to be upset about Joe’s passing. I would never, ever, dare take that away from anyone. My issue is with those comparing my pain to theirs. Yes, you’re upset; you lost a great friend and I truly understand that. I lost him on a much different level. No, I’m not saying that I’m hurting more than you are but don’t tell me that you know exactly what I’m going through, when you really don’t. You don’t know my relationship with him, or even my connection to him so stop throwing shit in my face for things that you don’t understand, and aren’t of concern to you.

Right Arm 3/13/06 Stick Boy said I was crazy for even thinking about it but, I went out last night and got my second tattoo. The series is complete, so to speak. I designed both arms at the same time and figured they’d be spaced out a bit, but Joe’s dying has got me in the mind set that life on earth is just too short to wait for things that you really want. The Chinese symbol underneath is “Joe”, so even though he can’t be here with me in the physical sense, this is my way of keeping him by my side for the rest of my life, however long it may be.

However, dropping $400 in a week, on tattoo’s no less, wasn’t something I planned. So that really dipped into my laptop fund. That’s okay though, because this was something that I needed a lot more than having the mobile ability I want for work. I know the difference between want and need, and it’s been established that not many people around the ‘net really can grasp that concept. Sure, tattoos are somewhat material but they’re also memorials. I don’t have a large collection of photos of Joe. I have 6 years of memories, AIM conversations from the last couple of years (on this hard drive at least) and a sense of comfort knowing that he’s still with me (in one sense or another). I used to wonder why I stopped myself from deleting certain things, from certain people, off my computer. Joe was always the one who I looked past, knowing that I’d need to see those conversations again. I find myself reading through them on occasion. Just so I can get the same sense that he’s here, they’ve helped me a lot…that’s for sure.

I’m beginning to get back into the swing of things for work. I need to get my head out of the clouds for a little bit and buckle down. Although a lot of my future plans included Joe, I know he’d want me to move on and continue to reach my goals. I do still intend to be moved out of here by the end of the year. I intend to continue with school and pick up degrees in all the fields that interest me. I’m slowly finishing up on my English module (which showed up on Saturday). The multiple-choice is fine, I can knock that out in a few hours; it’s the essay that’s annoying. I knew I’d have to write one. I don’t think anyone can go through school without having to write up some kind of an essay at some point in time, no matter what the course. I just know that once I’m done with all of that I’ll graduate and can then move on to the next level. I gave myself the goal for April and I’ve stuck by it. I’m happy with that, I really am.

After I got my tattoo last night, I did some shopping. I’m not sure how I managed to do it but I dropped $160.00 at Wal-Mart. I got myself some much needed clothes though, so that counts for something; t-shirts, bras, underwear, etc. I’m addicted to “house wares” though; I went out and got a new toaster oven, because we haven’t had one in the longest time. I bought a lot of plates and cups for the BBQ this summer, which I do fully intend to have, there’s just obviously going to be one less person to invite. I even got myself a four pack of ash-trays because I really need one outside. Right now I’ve just got an old coffee can with a little bit of water in it (to avoid sparks). In the summer it REAKS, so the alternative is a good one. I’m back to throwing money into savings though. Although I went through almost half of the money that I had set aside for my laptop, with business going as well as it has been for the last couple of months I’ll have no trouble getting it all back.

My goal is to have it purchased by mid-April/early May; this way when it gets here I’ll be enjoying the sunlight and maybe even getting some kind of a tan. I enjoy being pale, I really do, I just need some ounce of color so I don’t look so sickly. I guess I’m just weak from everything going on this week but I just look so zombie-ish that it’s sparked a concern that I’ll address sooner than later.

Shaun said he’d come up and visit me soon. I haven’t seen him in three years but he knows how important Joe was to me, so he feels it’s only fair that he comes over and spends some time with me. Stick Boy said if he wasn’t working so much he’d truck it from North Carolina if I needed him. And Sean basically said the same thing, only from Delaware. For some reason, knowing that they’d do that for me just relaxes me…I’m not sure why.

In any event, I need to crack down on this homework and finish up on this client so I can finally lay down and just go back to sleep.

Later all

10 Responses to “Slowly but surely…”

  1. Sean says:

    Hey girl fuck the people who don’t understand, maybe one day they will, but for now fuck them. I meant what I said Krissy. I’m sure your other friends did too. I like the tattoos, even though one is crusting. LOL.

  2. Tareena says:

    very nice tattoo, like i said before that is a very kind gesture and Joe is close to you no matter where you are. Take care of your self and hang in there.

  3. Steppy Lynn says:

    Hey Krissy…I normally don’t visit your site because, well, you asked me not to but I had a feeling earlier that I should and saw the entries about Joe. You’re right, I don’t know your pain and I never will, because losing a father is different…but I do understand that you’re hurting and I am here for you if you need or want me. This is something that you shouldn’t go through alone and won’t…you have so many friends that care about you and so many people that have been in your life. I remember when you used to talk to me about Joe and not once did it ever cross my mind that he would pass away a few years later.

    Anyway, Krissy, you will get through this…I know you know that. The dreams, the pain, everything…it dulls a little, eventually, and shifts to a different kind…but I won’t lie, it is still so so so painful…

    You may have spent $400 on tattoos, but if that is what helps you and what is important to you, don’t feel you have to defend yourself, because that’s what it seems like you’re doing. You know?

    Actually, my comment is probably unwelcome and if that’s the case, I completely understand if you delete it…I would have emailed you instead but I wasn’t sure if the address I have is still active, so…yeah. I just wanted to let you know that I’m here for you, and that I care. I hate that you’re in pain…if there is anything I can do Krissy, let me know.

    *huge hugs*

  4. Miranda says:

    Gah. I understood what you meant – I thought it was pretty clear. People… grrr. Ya know, even if you had meant what they thought it still seems like something people should have just left alone… and you’d have every right to feel that way, too, since it’s *your* feelings and your blog… that makes me mad. Anyway, the new tattoo looks very awesome. WalMart is great, I love it, and it’s scary how quickly money goes in there. Your laptop fund might have been dipped into but it was all for good reasons and you’ll get it back soon enough. I think their saying that they’d come to see you is showing that they care (even if you knew it already, knowing they’d come to see you is great!) so that’s a happy thing, right? Maybe that’s why it calms you some. If it were at all possible I’d drive up to see ya too. ♥ *hug*

  5. Grace says:

    That is an awesome tattoo!

  6. Chenoa says:

    I believe it is very important to move on and continue to reach your goals. However, don’t completely ignore the way you are feeling. If you need a break or a minute to step back and breathe- take it.

    I?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢m addicted to housewares section of Walmart as well. They always seem to have the newest little gadgets that you absolutely HAVE to have, even though you don’t cook/eat/make _____ .

    Your tatoo looks amazing 🙂

    If you need anything Krissy, feel free to call/text/email me.
    If nothing else, I’m a great listener.

  7. Mila says:

    Nice tattoo! 🙂
    I am sorry to hear about your friend, but I am not going to say that I know how you feel or what you’re going through.
    I’m glad to hear that things are getting close to normal for you. It must hurt like hell, but as your title says, “slowly but surely”.
    I sound like a lame psychiatrist. 😛
    Talking about shopping, I should get my lazy butt up aswell.
    Take care, girl.

  8. Jen says:

    Hi, was just wondering if you got my email at AGn-Solutions? I think the money order should be in next week sometime 🙂

    Krissy: Yes, your email was received. Tony should have responded and I apologize that he didn’t. You’ll know the moment the money order is received and processed.

  9. stacee says:

    i’m sorry for your loss. i’ve had to deal with deaths, but i’m not going to say that i know what you’re feeling because i don’t. each time someone close to me died, i’ve felt different about it. it hurts, but it’s not the same each time. all i can say is that i’m sorry. i really like that you got the tattoo done, and what you said about it being your way of keeping him by your side always.

    the walmart part of your post reminds me of something i heard on the radio a while ago. it was about their being more brand-name type clothing at walmart, and how they’re becoming more fashion-concious and how it was an oxymoron that people were shopping at walmart now to be trrendy while still saving money.


March 14, 2006


Daily, Soul Mate



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