Have you ever hung out around the house with your buddies and wound up getting into a random home game packages that allowed any given game of cards? I can remember spending quite some time in my friends dining room in high school. We would pull out the snacks, cards and poker chips and start playing Texas Hold’em and standard 3 Card Poker. Two were always into Blackjack but unfortunately I wasn’t a huge fan of it.
Moving ahead a few years, your friends have long since moved on with their own lives. You no longer have any idea on what’s going on with them because, while the memory is still there, you no longer speak to each other. It was always comforting to know that Wednesday was “Our Night”. Even if we weren’t playing poker we weren’t far from having fun. There were always other card games, board games and stupid games that we made up that made no sense at all. Everyone remembers playing Quarters, we put a different twist on it for the “least amount of damage”. This was important though, one was a guitar player who needed his hands…the other a football star that did enough damage in practice. We never drank, we never ‘smoked up’, we prided ourselves on this. The guitar player is traveling the US, the football star is playing at Notre Dam and you’re three states away with no connection to your past other than the memories that randomly haunt you enough to put you into a random funk because you spend too much time thinking about it.
You’re never going to be playing Texas Hold’em with these people again. You’re never going to watch from the sidelines while they go nuts during Blackjack. The memories will always be there but you know that since things will never be the same, the best thing to do will be to move on with your life and close the chapter. No more games, no more new memories to be made. Just closing the book and working on a new one.