I’m still working my butt off to get this client finished up. I don’t know why it’s taking me so long to configure a blog template, I know these things like the back of my hand. I think I’m just having trouble concentrating…obviously considering I’m posting.
I guess I’m just nervous, I don’t know. Baby and I are taking a small weekend trip in May and I honestly have no idea if I’ll even be able to afford to go. Any and all money that I make from this point on will basically be thrown into my savings account and will remain untouched unless I absolutely have to use it. It’s my goal to save up about $1,200. So far I guess I’m doing okay considering there are domain payments and other things coming in. The problem is I’m unsure if I’ll actually MAKE it to where I need to be. I could sit here and push AGn Solutions, but that really wouldn’t matter unless people were buying up the Professional Yearly plan. I could also sit here and push AGn Designs but I don’t know anyone looking for a blog template at the moment other than the ones I’m bidding on (and losing). It’s really freaking annoying.
The strange thing is…Baby told me that I was like this at the same time last year. I don’t know what it is about April but I always seem to be running out of money by the end of March. I don’t really do anything different than the rest of the year so why the hell is March such a bitch for me? I can’t blame it on Joe because I had the problem the year before he passed away so it has nothing to do with shitty luck…I just don’t get it.
You’ll notice A LOT more paid posts on my site. It’s my goal to do at least 3 a day so I can bring in some solid money for a while. I’m not asking you to buy anything from me, contrary to a very childish comment left by someone yesterday. I’m pushing advertising for other sites, if you don’t like it – don’t read it…simple as that. Go bother someone else or get offline, it’s warm out – can’t hurt to get some sun.
In any event, I’m going to get back to work and then head to bed. It’s getting pretty late and I think the boyfriend is finally ready to come out of his office and spend some time with me before I knock out for the night.
Later all.