Playing dirty…

Have you ever watched a game on TV (of any contact sport) and wanted to just hop through the screen onto the field and beat down someone on the opposing team because of either a useless call or someone just playing dirty? Well…someone actually turned that bad thought into reality.

Cory Petero, 36, of Riverbank, turned himself in to Stockton police Saturday night following what witnesses described as a late hit that turned into a brawl, with parents and children from both teams fighting on the field.

You can find the entire article on AOL Sports News

I’m normally a confrontational person and yes, I have my moments of rage where I’ll throw up and hit someone, this is just how I am. I will never bring myself to this point unless someone has completely crossed the line. But, no matter who it is, I would never lay my hands on a child in a manor of causing severe harm. Especially if it’s based on something as stupid as a football mishap. Sure, there have been kids that I’ve looked at and wondered why their parents never cracked them on the ass, but to intentionally go out of my way to bruise a child’s stomach and jaw is beyond absurd.

Based on reports, there were no major injuries suffered by anyone. But…am I wrong for thinking that this 36 year-old man should be beaten senseless? Am I wrong to think that someone should just sneak up on this guy and beat the living hell out of him? I truly believe that the only reason the injuries were minor was based entirely on the fact that this child was wearing a good 20lbs of football equipment when it happened. How much damage could this guy have done if it were a soccer game and the only ‘protection’ this child was wearing was a jockstrap/cup?

There are plenty of other ways to get rid of rage, even if it’s based on a child playing dirty. I’ve seen dedicated coaches before but this man truly crossed the line the minute he laid his hands on this boy. I’m sure I would feel differently if they were closer to the same age but there is a good 23 year age difference between these parties, that instantly brings up a red-flag for me. Whether the child was covered in protective gear or not, it still doesn’t make a difference.

I’d personally shoot the bastard for this, but that’s because of my own pent up rage. I know too many people who were abused by parents either sexually or just being smacked around in general and if I had a bullet for each one of them, I’d use it. This guy would definitely be included. Part of me wonders if he could do this to someone elses child, what has he done to his own son for doing something wrong?

So my question to you is this:

If you were witness to this, what would YOU do?

2 Responses to “Playing dirty…”

  1. Sean says:

    Considering that the guy was the team’s coach and it was his kid that got the late hit, if I was the kid’s parent I would have been on him like white on rice.

  2. Bronnie says:

    Geeez.. what a sad individual! The poor lil’ kid.
    He definitely deserves an ass-kicking, show him how it feels.


September 06, 2006





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