I don’t think I’ve stopped in the last week. I’m doing really well with bringing in some new clients, and in return I’ve created a few sites that I’m very, very pleased with. Of course it also helps that the people I’ve been working for are sweet as pie and detail oriented. I couldn’t ask for anything better!
I’m taking ten minutes to throw an update on here just to show that I’m still alive and as active as possible. I haven’t yet been able to balance blogging and clients but I think that has a lot to do with my environment. Unfortunately I don’t have a proper work space at this moment in time. I’m working on a “Table Mate” in the corner of the living room until I can get a desk. Sean has kind of taken mine over with the Mac and the other PC we have (my old Windows desktop). As usual I’ve already designed an office in my head, everything from the desk to the color scheme (which closely resembles the current pink/grey/black/white template here heh. For now I’ve found that throwing on headphones to cut down on the background noise is helpful.
My sleep schedule is all kinds of fucked up. Now that I’m completely working from home I’m going to bed around 4am and waking up around noon. For me its like I’ve wasted the day considering I got so used to waking up early and finishing my workday at 6pm at the office. I’m working to get myself back on track but with everything required of me during the day its hard to get myself on track.
Right now I’m balancing three clients, I feel really bad because I haven’t been able to give everyone the full attention they deserve. I really don’t like not being able to start one job and finish it, now I’m doing two different accounts a day so its screwing with me big time. Either way I’ll work on getting things on track and should be able to then schedule the day accordingly. I know what needs to get done, and how it needs to get done. Its the matter of implementing it, and the sleep schedule plays a HUGE role in that.
In any event, time to get cracking in Photoshop.
i like your blog! keep on writing 😉
kind regards
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