Nothings up…

OK… so it’s been a really long time since I’ve been able to sit down and actually act as though I own this website.  There’s no content updates, there’s no real major changes going on in my life that are worth posting about and everything as of right now is pretty mellow.  I’m still living in NY, I’m still working at the same appraisal company and we’re still bouncing between two different systems.  I have no real drive for anything internet related, hardly check my email half the time now that I think about it.  I would like to get back into the blogging world for the random days of venting but when you’re working 10 hours a day you tend to not want to focus on any of that by the time you get home. 

Sean’s working for a few different people right now, and making some decent money.  We’re working on getting another car and getting numerous bills paid off.  I’m also hoping to get down to Atlantic City before the year ends so that’ll certainly be a nice change of scenery for me.  We were down in Jersey last weekend cause his mother was going in for surgery and as far as everything outside of the hospital is concerned … it was a shitty freaking weekend.  I’m really not a big fan of NJ… that’s just about how I’m going to put that summary together heh.

I’m hoping to be able to get something accomplished here considering it’s been well over a year since I’ve really done anything.  Hopefully that’ll change but we’ll see what happens.

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September 17, 2009




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