I’m having trouble waiting for this one…

It’s been a pretty long day.¬† I woke up a lot later than I intended to but I’ve managed to put in a solid six hours of work so far, so I assume that counts for something.¬† Monthly earnings, thus far, have me in the $300 range so if I can keep up with it I’ll have another $3,000 month – before any design work kicks in for me.¬† I’ve been putting in some bids on GAF to make up for the slack of last month.¬† I went through a few weeks where I just wasn’t doing too well so hopefully this will resolve itself, financially, over the course of the next few days.¬† I’m still not feeling very well but I want to assume this is due to the weather change.¬† I don’t feel a cold coming on, but my body kind of feels as though it’s eventually going to crap out on me.¬† I have antibiotics and aspirin on hand in case something big blows up.¬† Stress may be the cause of it, lord knows how bad my back has been acting up because of it.

We’re leaving for New York on Friday around 6.¬† If we can avoid any major traffic we should be there by 11 (midnight at the latest) so I can take a much needed nap and then head out to the bank on Saturday morning with my father.¬† I’m have to call him tomorrow to verify plans, I’m just patiently waiting for the HSBC letter to show up for me.¬† If it’s not here by Friday – I don’t know what I’m going to do.¬† 7-10 days takes a lot longer when you’re anticipating something so heavily.

I figure on Sunday I’ll go to Breakfast with my father since we’re leaving on Sunday night.¬† Originally we were going to go to dinner but we have to get back down here before Monday morning so there really isn’t much of a choice there.

I’ll be booking the room for A.C. on Saturday as well.¬† I figure if I’m up there the same weekend as my father we can at least have dinner together there.¬† I have a few comps for buffets in almost all of the hotels so I’m sure something will work out.¬† Sean has one, I have one and my father has one but each comp covers two people.¬† So whoever winds up tagging along is covered – basically.

In any event, I could put in another four hours – maybe it’ll keep my mind off things.

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October 03, 2007


Boyfriend, Family, New York, Stressed, Work



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