Twitching over new toys

Sean and I took a trip up to Best Buy in Dover today because he found a decent deal on a monitor and wanted to look at it in person before he went ahead and purchased it. A quick $180 on a 20″ Widescreen, and we were then homeward bound. He’s got it setup but his computer is acting funny so he hasn’t been able to enjoy it yet. Either way he actually has a desk again thanks to the loss of a massive CRT and that’s just gravy.

As for me, my left eye has been twitching all freaking day long and the superstitious end of me knows that it either means a streak of luck is coming or something horrible is coming. An actual eye resource, and not some hippy tree-hugging website that claims to have the answer to everything notes that it’s based on fatigue/stress. It only started about an hour ago but my eye randomly focusing in and out isn’t helping me concentration, that’s for sure.

One Response to “Twitching over new toys”

  1. Shauna says:

    I hate it when my eye(s) twitch. I always get one of them doing it when I’m trying to write an essay or prepare for an exam. Heh, maybe it is stress that causes it. But damn it’s annoying.


September 04, 2007


Boyfriend, Daily



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