Moving on OUT

After going back and forth on a few emails with Surpass Hosting, I think I’m going to wind up making the switch. Hopefully this resolves all of the downtime issues that all servers have been experiencing. At first I thought my router was on the fritz but when every other website loaded except for those located on host6 and host9, I decided that it’s time to move on. I’m still working out all of the details but I do plan on making the switch by the end of the month (maybe sooner depending on whether or not I wish to even bother making the payment to the existing hosting company).

I’ll be saving money in the end, I’ll be able to downgrade a few things and I’m also gaining over a terabyte of bandwidth in the process. Right now I’ve got say 80gb space and 500gb bandwidth available to me, with Surprass I’ll have about 120gb and 2tb with the switch. It’s not even space I’m concerned with at the moment, it’s the bandwidth. As far as clients are concerned only about 20gb-30gb of disk space is even being used on each server, but the reason for needing 3 accounts is the 1tb of bandwidth (total) that’s being used. Since that has doubled I can downgrade to just the one server and thats excellent news for my wallet. Over $800 a month in hosting fees is being downsized to about $200. Savings, savings, savings!

I just wish it didn’t have to come down to this, but at this point I really have no choice. For the past three days I’m getting downtime after downtime and to top that off, posts through paid advertisers are being rejected left and right because my site isn’t accessible. I find it completely absurd and can’t wait until this is all resolved.

Part of me wishes that Rik would get back into hosting so I can go back to him. I don’t think I was EVER unhappy with his services once. For the past two months, I’ve absolutely hated where I am now. Sorry Tony but you seriously don’t help me out as much as you claim and I’m just completely done with you and the data center.

2 Responses to “Moving on OUT”

  1. Timika says:

    I’ve been with Hostgator for about 2 years now, they’re pretty good.

  2. Jenny says:

    I’m sorry you’re having problems. I hope you get everything worked out soon. 🙂


September 06, 2007


AGn Designs, Sitely



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