Uninstalling, Reinstalling, and still not getting anywhere.

I’m not too sure what’s going on with email at the moment. Anything going through the server doesn’t seem to make it to the recipient and on top of that, anything going through Gmail doesn’t seem to do it either. At this point, knowing full well that Gmail isn’t that faulty, I think I’m having some trouble with Thunderbird because that seems to be the only option at the moment. I’m going to just log directly into the send mail and see if things work from there, if they do then I may have to reinstall Thunderbird because that’s the only option at this point. I’ve been looking into new a new Mailing Lists Company as well, the mailing list I’m working with now isn’t working out that great for me either. It’s like some outside force doesn’t want me doing anything. I know that I need a vacation but being unable to contact people just adds more stress to the situation.

One Response to “Uninstalling, Reinstalling, and still not getting anywhere.”

  1. fruityoaty says:

    Actually, in my case… I need a long vacation from e-mail. At work, I process about 60 long e-mails in a day. To top that off, the other e-mails I get from my blog, etc.


August 29, 2007


BLTV, Work



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