Time Management

I’ve never done this before, figured I’d give it a shot: Five on Friday

1. Do you wear a watch? No, they’re a nuisance.

2. How often do you look at the time, either on a watch or some other timepiece? Every few hours, depending on what’s going on.

3. Would you say you have a good sense of time? In other words, how good are you at estimating how much time has passed? Fairly decent I’d think. I know it’s taken me about 20 minutes to complete everything I was just working on and that was without even looking at the clock.

4. Are you early, punctual, or perpetually late? I’m typically not late for anything and if I was, it’s usually someone else’s fault.

5. Do you ever wish your time management skills were different? How? No, I’m pretty good at managing my time.

One Response to “Time Management”

  1. Dirk says:

    good point 🙂


August 10, 2007





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