Sleep Sucks!

I’ve been taking antibiotics for a few days now, so it’s no surprise that I’ve been sleeping for more than 12 hours a night. This is something that I absolutely HATE considering I like doing 16 hours of work then 8 hours of sleep. So cutting my work-day down by four hours has me feeling as though I’m missing out on a lot of shit with ‘rush jobs’. I should be resting, I’m aware of this. I just can’t sit and do nothing because it drives me crazy to just lay down and let hours pass where absolutely nothing is being accomplished.

I woke up today to find out that there’s the chance of having company on Tuesday. So I instantly looked around the house thinking “rut roh” it’s like a bomb hit it so I went through my morning ‘boot’ so to speak (cig, coffee, fed Bella – etc) then started on the kitchen. I’ve got the main counters cleaned off, the cabinet under the sink is straightened up and then I’ll get cracking on the island later this evening after I get some work done. The bathroom needs to be cleaned up and I’ve been trying to straighten up our bedroom for the last few days but everytime I go in there, all I want to do is lay down and go to sleep. It sucks!

I don’t like that FedEX doesn’t update their systems on the weekend. I’m trying to find out where my monitor is but since the tracking number I have isn’t even registering in the system, and knowing they more than likely ship out of Ohio,¬† it’ll probably be here tomorrow afternoon. Which would be great, I just have to spend some time tonight reorganizing my desk to be able to handle the second monitor and not look so cluttered. I’m not sure how I’m going to put them on the desk but I do know that everything that I have shifted to the one corner. I’ve got my lamp, pens, pencils, markers, koosh balls, rubics cube,¬† and other toys to fiddle with when I’m thinking and my hands won’t stop freaking moving. There’s even a glass Buddah over here but I stole that from Sean because he had the larger one and at the time my desk was A LOT smaller.

Either way it’s a lot of shit to accomplish on top of working and there just aren’t enough hours in the day thanks to these stupid meds. My tooth still hurts so I have no idea if they’re even working. I can say that my headaches have gone away, or just aren’t as heavy as they were over the past week. So maybe SOMETHINGS working, doesn’t mean I want to be sleeping during it though!

2 Responses to “Sleep Sucks!”

  1. Been there. One year I got Bronchitis and had to fly to California. Nothing like being sick on a commercial flight with your head feeling like a stuffed pillow and your breathing like you just ran five miles.

  2. the frogster says:

    I hear you about sleep, but I sometimes go go go on like four hours per night and then I get sick or get psychotic or something. Two monitors- coooool.


August 26, 2007


AGn Designs, Bella, Boyfriend, Daily, Work



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