I’ve been involved in the stock market for many years, it’s mainly because family members have had stock built up over time that was left to me in a will or just my own investing in general. I don’t pay much attention to the stocks but I do know that one of them is housed with AT&T and since the iPod craze is hitting, I’m certain something has improved. I’ve looked into a few different options to keep myself up to date with things and I came across options trading by PowerOpt. It offers you the control of automatically sorting filtering and analyzing over 2,900+ optional stocks and 190,000+ options online to find investments to meet your profit goals. There’s a 14 day trial so I downloaded it to test it out, I’ll have more information about this program in the future. So far it seems pretty cool but I’d have to play around with it some more to really get a good feel of how it’s going to work out for me.
I’ve often thought about getting into stocks myself. I’ve decided to wait a while though until I’m completely financially secure. I’m glad you’ve decided to keep up with yours. You never know what kind of serious money you may run into in dealing with them.