
I’m someone who’s pretty big on the environment so when I come across anything that’s going to disrupt it in any way shape or form I tend to pay close attention. Today I came across an article on the Chicago Tribune stating that BP oil refinery in Whiting Indiana is planning to dump significantly more ammonia and industrial sludge into Lake Michigan. This, in turn, would counter act the years of effort it’s taken to clean up the Great Lakes.

Now, there are a few articles in regards to this and BP is claiming that the public is being misinformed in this article. If you do some searching you’ll find a few other articles on the internet, one of which BP claims is a fair and factual article which I assume is based off BP Whiting Refinery Fact Sheet.

No matter what article you happen to read, however, you’re still being told that this company will be dumping chemicals of some form into the lake and there has been quite the uproar about it. I don’t limit myself to just a few articles, I walk around to other ones as well and the two I found on Google, one of which was a direct blog entry, went on to say that there’s no reason to dump anything into the lake and this company should consider taking their waste and using it for other things. Why make anyone surrounding this lake suffer because of their irresponsibility.

I say that this guy has a good point, but at the same time the actual news articles have their good points as well. BP claims that they’re well within legal limits, no harm is being caused to people or the environment, there will be more feul for the Midwest and jobs both now and in the future. So basically speaking, they’re going to need someone to dump these chemicals and they’ll pay you to do it. Sorry but that’s just how it sounds to me.

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July 23, 2007





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