SEO Effect Software

If you’re looking to drive more customers to your business, has created a Search engine optimization SEO software. SEO Effect draws enormous attention. You’ll attract more visitors, more interest, more conversion, more business, and more sales. If you can handle the attention than this is the script for you.

They offer a free trial, I signed up and created a free account. Their prices range from $69 to $269. In wanting to learn more about the program I signed up for, I went to load the free account section and found myself looking at a 404 page. The rest of their navigation seems to work but it would be nice to know what the free account looks like. I had a little bit of trouble navigating around their database. At this point I’m unsure if anything is actually being done with my site.

To get past all of that, however, I found myself looking at the SEO Glossary. They list a long page of commonly used words on the internet in regards to search engines and other programs that webmasters use on a regular basis. Another option that they want you to look into is handbook search engine optimization however, the site isn’t in English so I doubt it would be much help to anyone.

While the site is fairly easy on the eyes and the navigation is standard in one place, I’m not overly confident that this company could help me as far as marketing is concerned. I’m sure they have a great idea and maybe their clients have even had some success in the past but I don’t personally see the point in spending $269 a year promising me more ‘attention’ when they claim to be professionals at this and are only a PR5 themselves. I was already a PR5 before I changed my website title. Now I’m just waiting for things to push back up again. I don’t believe this company will do that for me but maybe someone else will have some luck.

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June 03, 2007





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