Drop the burger and pick up a knife?

Growing up, I was always considered “the fat girl”. While the 80-pounders all also considered themselves to be over weight, some have even gone as far as having liposuction in order to make their stomachs and thighs look thinner. Now, I do not condone any kind of plastic surgery based on vanity and self-hate issues. If someone has recently gone through a major change, say 100lb weight loss, naturally they deserve to have things done the easy way to finalize their new bodies because they worked so hard to earn it. Not everyone shares this mentality though, hence the reason why the business of plastic surgery is a billion dollar business.

It’s not rare to hear about cosmetic surgery. There are three states where you hear the most about popular procedures. Typically people go to either New York, Florida or California. For those on the eastern sea-board, however, Beverly Hills liposuction is just a hot item to come across, and California liposuction‘s as a whole is just a booming business. Most of the time no one is willing to do the work for themselves, so they rely on doctors to do it for them.

Rodeo Drive LiposuctionSo where is this coming from, exactly? Recently I came across a Rodeo Drive cosmetic surgeon named Lloyd M. Krieger. He did his undergraduate studies at Stanford and then went to medical school in Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine. He noticed that medical groups weren’t managed efficiently and took the time to go to the school of business so he could one day run an office to the best of his abilities. This is probably why his offices are so highly regarded in Rodeo Drive – he hit the jackpot just based on location, this isn’t even based on his skills. I will say it’s a fairly pretty office though, you can see the waiting room to your left.

So I did some poking around his photo galleries and while I admit that he’s done a beautiful job on the men and women he’s worked on, I also have to wonder why these people couldn’t put the cheeseburger down and walk around the block a little. That’s just my take on it, however. He houses some fairly short-and-simple testimonials on his website. If I’m going to have my body placed in someone else’s hands, I’d prefer a little bit more detail on the subject. But either way the man seems to know what he’s doing and since I can’t recommend someone I’ve never used, I will say that I’m sure you could find his site to be rather resourceful for you if you’re considering any kind of surgery in the future – rodeodriveliposuction.com.

One Response to “Drop the burger and pick up a knife?”

  1. If you have the money to pay a surgeon who will suck all the accumulated fats in your body, go ahead, buy the operation. It’s a free world, right?


June 18, 2007





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